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User:fierceblue (31017) Paid User fierceblue
You messed with the wrong girl / She's small but fierce
Name:Small But Fierce
Location:Brooklyn, New York, United States
Bio:Fierceblue is a One Drink Wonder. Archivist/production assistant by day, cabaret singer/go-go dancer by night, she naps occasionally in between.
Memories:28 entries
Interests:110: angst, anima sola, answer me, archives, bad art, beelzebabe-a-go-go, bjork, bob dobbs, bones, brooklyn, burlesque, cabaret, chaos magick, coil, coney island, contempt, darkwave, david bowie, dead things, decorating, discordianism, dph, duran duran, edna st. vincent millay, einsturzende neubauten, elvis, elvis presley, eris, ewige blumenkraft, fetish, fiestaware, flannery o'connor, forensics, freaks, gary numan, geek love, gershwin, ghost stories, glam, gloomy sunday, gregory crewdson, hakim bey, hollywood babylon, illuminati, industrial, jan saudek, jane's addiction, jeffrey dahmer, jim goad, joel peter witkin, john waters, john wayne gacy, johnny cash, kander & ebb, kenneth anger, kermit the frog, kitsch, klaus nomi, kurt weill, las vegas, librarians, library science, lotte lenya, louise brooks, lucky 13 saloon, lynda barry, mannequins, marchesa casati, marlene dietrich, mute, neko case, new wave, new york city, nick cave, nyc, peter carroll, peter murphy, phil hine, pierre et gilles, pinup girls, pixies, pola negri, principia discordia, randy newman, robert anton wilson, sarcasm, self-loathing, serial killers, show tunes, singing, siouxsie and the banshees, snowglobes, spam, starwood, subgenius, ted bundy, the bad seeds, the black dahlia, the cramps, the pixies, the smiths, tom waits, true crime, urban legends, vegas, velvet elvis, velvet underground, vintage lingerie, wierdness, wolfsheim. [Modify yours]
Stalking:127: amberray, anathemadevice, angryblue, aniline, archiedavis, archivists, artifx, auditorium, badsmurf, banshee, beelzebabe, bitchgoddessdm, bitogoth, bkwyrm, bluesiren, bluevelvet, bones870, brooklyngirl, burlesque_today, buscemi, cantwork, champignon, chisaiboo, coney_freaks, crooklynyanx, cxc, darenzia, darkhorse, delilahdewylde, devilettenyc, dorkontheloose, doublescorpio, dratomic, drfardook, duckydoo, eliane, emrecom, erzulie_eardrum, ethernautrix, fierceblue, general_jinjur, george500, girldenied, girlthatthinks, goreygalx, hunterxtc, indiefilmpage, infrazone, inkandpaint, jackgriffin, jetgirl23, jillyfishie, jourdannex, julicide, junglemasterg, just_a_chick_03, karenzky, karmakazesal, labrysinthe, ladyangel, lasagna, lbabybrie, libertina, librarian_mods, libraries, library_grrls, look, lorigami, lulu_girl, lupa, maddiecat, madteds, middyblue, momus, morsobscena, mrmustard, mrrant, naughtykitty, nickcavesseeds, orobouros, outofbubblegum, ozmaofoz, phillip_marlowe, pinkbean, pivovision, prettyoctopussy, princessvamp, quietjenn, rabidsnypr, razorart, renegade_lib, retroliving, reverendgraves, roybatty, rubylou, saintwhocares, sevensomething, sexylibrarians, sheenabizarre, sheepzeit, shefreak, sisterammo, somniloquent, spitkitten, st_theodora, stmarys, stoopidfresh, stripey_girl, suburbangothic, subvert_nyc, sulla, tattoo_tear, tattooedsteve, the_rants, themadgrebo, theolive, theonebob, threne, torchsoul, twinstar, vincere, vintagoth, wimetorker, xxjenxx, zauberwuerzli, zeppo, zerro
Account type:Paid Account

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