Seeing as I desperately need a break from studying for the Japanese final I'm afraid is going to annihilate me, I've decided to put myself in a better frame of mind by presenting, for the enjoyment of all, five of my favorite festive holiday songs.. Little Drummer Boy - David Bowie & Bing Crosby: If you've never listened to this song or don't already have it on your hard drive, I *highly* suggest downloading it the second you're finished reading this sentence. After all, its only the greatest Christmas duet ever, from the adorable banter in the beginning to way in which the voices of these two men just mesh perfectly in song. Snowball Song - Greg the Bunny: Though not exactly a Christmas song, it is a cute little ditty about snow sung by a very adorable rabbit. The scene it's from also happens to be one of the best parts about the very short lived but very hysterical series Greg the Bunny. Besides Seth Green, of course. What's This - Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack: Without a doubt, my favorite song from the film. Hearing it never ceases to put me in a fantastic mood, mostly because the second it comes on I always find myself prancing and singing right along with Jack XD Kidnap the Sandy Claws - Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack: For I love things fluffy as much as I love things dark, this very well might be my second favorite song on the soundtrack. However, I'm not completely decided for, well, anyone who has the movie knows how amazing all the music is. Christmas Is All Around - Love Actually Soundtrack: The moment I heard this song in the movie, I knew I had to download it. Of course, the fact that I ended up adoring the character of Billy Mack, as well as his voice, did help add to my liking of it. Now, while I've hopefully brightened up everyone's evening, its back to the compulsive cramming for I only have until Wednesday to learn all I need to know to pass what will definitely be my hardest final of the semester.. ^^; current mood: busy | |
(4 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. ) |
click to leave your address if you'd like one... As it stands, I've decided to make my own for, since vanquishing my very last essay for the semester, I have become reacquainted with that lovely concept known as free time. I do still have finals to fret over but I've saving those concerns for this weekend... So, considering how shiny, unique, and all around spectacular these cards will be, I know that, deep down, you want all one. Right now, there are quite a few individuals who I want to send these suckers to but whose addresses I either don’t have here at school or never did know in the first place. Which means I will be forced to take precious time away from my studies in order to stalk you folks down if you don’t just give in and leave a comment ^~ So, really, everyone, resistence is futile, seeing as I want to send you a card and you secretly want to open your mailbox to find some Hokuto brand seasonal greetings inside. current mood: okay current music: Law & Order: SVU | |
(4 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. ) |
HIATUS If I am to have any chance of completing all the work I have due, I will have to avoid Live Journal at all costs until December 10th at the earliest. There's a possibility that I won't have a free moment to post until I'm officially done for the semester on the 17th but I'm sincerely hoping it does not come to that, considering how I'm already beginning to crack under the strain.. So, try not to miss me too much during this short break. I know I already hate not being able to read your posts for awhile <3Christmas Cards To end this last entry for who knows how long on a more positive note, I hope to send out Christmas cards this year. However, before I begin fretting over details such as how many to buy, I'd like to see how many people would be interested in one. So, if you would like a card, do leave your address within this post. Even if you've already given it to me before, please pop it into a comment since my address book is conveniently in my desk at home. Don't worry, this post is screened for your protection. current mood: busy | |
( God? God is love .. I don't love you.. ) |
Whether or not you celebrate the holiday, I do hope this day treats you all well. <3 Personally, I have plans to gorge myself silly on turkey, home fries and biscuits before trying to muster enough oomph to actually begin work on one of two essays due on Tuesday. I highly doubt my ability to get anything productive done today but, seeing as one of the assignments must revolve around the sociological aspects of a film, it might be fitting to simply curl up in bed, pop Fight Club in my laptop and thank the world for Brad Pitt...while, you know, writing down notes for that essay. current mood: cheerful current music: Mad TV Repeats | |
(2 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. ) |
( An Alexander Related Thought...Beware, a Mild Spoiler & Slashy Remarks Ahead.. ) Days like today make me wish it were Christmas Break already. I'm sick of angsting over essays and slaving over homework -- I want nothing more than to be able to hang out with my two best friends as I did today. I miss hanging out with them on a regular basis for they turn even the most simple of activities into memories worth cherishing. The sentiment is sappy, I know, but it’s the truth. And with Thanksgiving almost upon me, I can't help but be grateful for moments like today, spent with friends like them. current mood: happy | |
(4 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. ) |
( Okay, maybe *one* bunny gives her a run for her money )
current mood: weird current music: "Make Me Bad" + Korn | |
(19 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. ) |
Although essays galore shall require my attention over Thanksgiving Break, I suppose that is a small price to pay for finally being able to hang out with my friends from home once again. I'll worry about those assorted papers sometime over the weekend, when I can properly write them in frantic last minute fashion, but right now I'm too excited to see the likes of Kayo and Vector-chan to extend a single care towards silly schoolwork. All I have to do is make it through Contemporary Issues & Literature later this afternoon without dying of boredom and I'm home free. Perhaps, if I'm lucky, the good fortune I already experienced today in acing my latest Elementary Japanese exam will carry over to that class and my professor will push the ten page paper that is due back a day or so. I highly doubt it, considering his nature, but a girl can hope that perhaps the thought of turkey could put a normally strict man into a particularly giving mood. Still, even if I'm stuck penning that essay over break, life has been going too well since Friday for me to be bothered. Besides allowing me to have my lovely moment of Batman Returns nostalgia, this past weekend also gifted me with a visit from my old suitemates, Carly and Gloria. Words can't even begin to describe how great it was to see the two of them again, especially considering how they quite literally kept me sane my first semester at New Paltz. Otherwise, my time was pretty much spent chilling with Liz, which was perfectly fine by me, particularly as it gave me the chance to make her the fifth person in which I've instilled appreciation for The Boondock Saints. Its beyond refreshing to have a roommate that I not only get along with but that I can suck into fandoms such as Lost and BDS. In fact, as excited as I am for Thanksgiving break, I already know that come Wednesday its not going to feel right watching Lost and South Park without her, especially seeing how she cutely dubbed the former as being "our show." current mood: chipper current music: "Imagine" + a Perfect Circle | |
(1 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. ) |
Selena Kyle - You're Fired: Cinematic Proof that Donald Trump has secretly been talking cues from Christopher Walken. Now, if only he'd also try to emulate the man's lovely hair..Although Christian Bale's turn as the Caped Crusader could very well earn Batman Begins the distinction of being my all-time favorite Batman film, he'll still find himself hard pressed to compete with my first place choice since childhood.. After all, as I was reminded this very afternoon, simply curling up in bed as Catwoman, a villainous Walken and an army of missile packing penguins scamper about on one's television is an unbeatable experience. Granted, Batman Returns is lacking the slew of lovely European men that make up the latest movie's cast but, never the less, it does feature my favorite comic book feline of all time as well as my favorite fowl, adorably toting explosives that look like candy canes before participating in a poignant "burial at sea" that still chokes my sorry self up. So, Christian, as much as I adore you, I wish your film the best of luck in winning my favor over Batman Returns. You're going to need it. Don't worry though, you're still guaranteed to be the prettiest dark knight of them all.. current mood: silly | |
(6 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. ) |