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Aaron B. Russell

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Yay for being happy [Nov. 29th, 2004|03:38 am]
[Current Mood | happy]
[Current Music |Ralph Fridge - Angel]

Wow, I've not heard this song in ages. I'd totally forgotten about it. Something about the vocals being quite chilling. Hmm.

Just bought [info]deadstar_1 a 12 month paid account.

And now iTunes is playing Placebo's Bulletproof Cupid, which I love. :)

I'm in such a happy mood and I don't know why. Weird.

Offtopic thought: I need my mum's HD back from work, real soon, or else I'll be in for hassle when I get home.

It's weird seeing my userpic in this random photo of [info]xb95's...

Also, just realised I don't need to hand in study skills stuff until next Monday, not 10am this morning. I feel some Halo 2 is in order, as a celebration. :p

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MusicBrainz [Nov. 29th, 2004|12:37 am]
[Current Mood | impressed]

MusicBrainz is damn cool. It fills out the ID3 tags in MP3/AAC files by calculating the acoustic signature of each file (the audio content, not the actual entire file -- effectively LISTENING to the music within those files). It's not amazingly fast (7 seconds per song * 2279 songs = 4hrs 30mins roughly, were I to run it on my entire library), but it's very very cool, nonetheless.

Windows/Mac OS X only at the moment, but as I keep all my music on my PowerBook, I'm not complaining.

Props to [info]brad for pointing this out.

PS. This reminds me a lot of Shazam.

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TV Licensing [Nov. 25th, 2004|08:38 pm]
[Current Mood | annoyed]

Fucking TV Licensing people won't leave me alone, despite the fact that I. DO. NOT. HAVE. A. TV.

Yes, I know I don't have a license. Why? I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING TV, MORONS.

Yes, I know that if you caught me with TV reception equipment I'd face prosecution. Want to know why that doesn't bother me? I DON'T FUCKING HAVE A TV!

You "unfortunately missed [me] today, but will call again in a few days", so that you can catch me using a TV that I DON'T HAVE?

TV Licensing wastes so much taxpayers' money it's not true.


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[Nov. 25th, 2004|04:52 pm]

Bad, bad server Bad, bad server

No donut for you...

(click image to enlarge)

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[info]kuzanagi_ and [info]peterb are at it again... [Nov. 24th, 2004|05:00 pm]
It all started with this image:

And so the argument continue...
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[Nov. 23rd, 2004|06:21 pm]
[Current Mood | amused]

Anime vs Windows Anime vs Windows

Well... um... okay.
(click to enlarge)

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Mmm, tactful... [Nov. 22nd, 2004|08:36 am]
[Current Mood | amused]

"Lee Harvey Oswald-wannabes will be able to simulate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy when Traffic Games releases the $9.99 JFK Reloaded on Monday to coincide with the 41st anniversary of Kennedy's murder in Dallas. 'It is despicable,' said a spokesman for Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy, the late president's brother."


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And then there were three... [Nov. 22nd, 2004|08:00 am]
[Current Mood |accomplished]
[Current Music |Depeche Mode - Clean (Colder Remix)]

Yay. 8am. Finished all three assignments at last!

32 pages, including cover sheets (!!!)

I think I earned myself a fryup.

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Oh My God It Burns! [Nov. 20th, 2004|01:42 pm]
[Current Mood | amused]

How to make cheap nasty vodka taste better than Ketel One with a Brita water filter:


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This is awful, I know... [Nov. 19th, 2004|06:01 pm]
[Current Music |Muse - Sing For Absolution]

What's the difference between Superman and the guy in the Fatboy Slim Weapon of Choice video?

One's Christopher Walken.

(I'm sorry.)

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Best Strongbad Email Ever! [Nov. 16th, 2004|10:44 pm]
[Current Mood | amused]

"What is this? Did the quadratic foruma explode? I see a 'Strong Ba', but it's getting eaten... by some linux ... or something..."
"Look Strong Bad; my mouth was a broken JPEG! I had no choice!"

(click to see what i'm on about)

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Paul cracks me up... [Nov. 14th, 2004|10:51 pm]
[Current Mood | posh, what what *snort*]

'twas, my good man - i wish i had dined with her ladyship and your good self for a spot of indian cuisine, at that quaint little bistro, j.d. wetherspoons

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[Nov. 10th, 2004|10:42 am]
[Current Mood | remembering Mayday]
[Current Music |Radiohead - Just]


I leave my flatmates alone for ONE evening... :p

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Firefox 1.0 is released tomorrow! [Nov. 8th, 2004|11:53 am]
[Current Mood | productive]
[Current Music |Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong]

Firefox 1.0 comes out tomorrow!

Come back tomorrow and click this:
Get Firefox!


In other news, last week was weird. But this week seems to have started quite positively.

I really should finish sorting these notes out. And laundry, cos I need clean clothes or else I'm screwed for tomorrow.
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[Nov. 8th, 2004|03:40 am]
[Current Mood | creative]
[Current Music |Linkin Park - Lying From You]


Weird but arty and cool photo of me with the sun behind me. Taken on my T610(!)

(For some reason this reminds me of some of [info]jackola's stuff. And somehow, I think I look like him in this photo? Iuno...)
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Enjoy The Silence [Nov. 5th, 2004|01:00 pm]
[Current Mood | happy]
[Current Music |Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (Reinterpreted)]

I love this song.

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Heads up, courtesy of [info]jackola [Oct. 31st, 2004|01:27 am]
[Current Mood | unsurprised]

"Here's an important heads up ...

Yesterday a friend voted early at a polling location in Austin. She voted straight Democratic. When she did the final check, lo and behold every vote was for the Democratic candidates except that it showed she had voted for Bush/Cheney for president/vice pres.

She immediately got a poll official. On her vote, it was corrected.

She called the Travis County Democratic headquarters. They took all her information, and told her that she wasn't the first to report a similar incident and that they are looking into it. So check before you leave the polling booth, and if anything is wrong, get it corrected immediately. Report any irregularities to your local Democratic headquarters. Make sure you pass this along to your friends ... hopefully this is all over the airwaves by tomorrow ...

The Texas voting fraud is for real. I called the Austin office (Dem. Nat. Comm.) 512-637-1737 and they said that it has been happening a lot. They don't know why but the machines seem more "sensitive" this year and that every voter MUST check their summary as the presidential choice often rolls over to the republican choice if you vote straight democrat."

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Lame update alert! [Oct. 31st, 2004|01:18 am]
[Current Mood | tired]
[Current Music |Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (Mike Shinoda Mix)]

I was bored.


A new incarnation of Unadopted's eternal "there's nothing here" page.

I really should do something with that site.

Having said that, that page is cool.

Ugh, tired. And people are noisy outside.

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[Oct. 27th, 2004|02:23 am]
[Current Mood | amused]

Santa Please Stop!
Santa Please Stop!

Um... this is just scary.

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[Oct. 25th, 2004|10:29 pm]
[Current Mood | nostalgic]
[Current Music |Feeder - Buck Rogers]

Whoa. Nostalgia.

Old dcginternet website incarnations:

(only the ones with stars next to them are interesting)

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