askani's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

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[ calendar | livejournal calendar ] the process of going... [08 Aug 2005|03:42pm]

if you would like to be added to my friends list, please, leave me a comment. you may or may not be added. but more likely than not you will be.
Comments: 123 comments|Crawl With Me.

...waves... [12 Feb 2005|04:21pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | atreyu ]

i went a little delete happy just now. :)

im tired of trying to keep up with my friends list. most of the people i deleted didnt post often and i didnt read their posts very much. if you want to be added back on, let me know and ill think about it.

i really wish that those people with older journals would take me off their friends lists. :)

back to the nothing now...

Comments: 8 comments|Crawl With Me.

...friends cut... [16 Jan 2005|07:41pm]
i went thru a friends cut again. mostly just removing double journals that arent used anymore. if the owners could perhaps remove me from their lists that would be super.

i also removed ljs that havent posted in a long time. so if the owners of those ever do come back to lj, please just leave me a comment and ill re-add ya.

Comments: 1 comment|Crawl With Me.

...and so, the removing has begun... [03 Oct 2004|12:30pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Skinny Puppy - Pro-test ]

alright, im getting tired of having to scroll thru my friends list 20 times a day just so i can read everything. so i decided i need to delete some people. so the following people have been removed from my friends list [because they never post, comment to me, or they just dont use their journal anymore] :


EDIT: [also, these ones]


if you want to be re-added, leave me a comment letting me know. k, thanks.

Comments: 16 comments|Crawl With Me.

...the vandals pictures... [30 Aug 2004|09:45pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Spineshank - Violent Moodswings ]

these ones arent as good because my batteries were dying...

the vandals & amy )

amy )

Comments: 7 comments|Crawl With Me.

...brazil & coheed pictures... [30 Aug 2004|09:45pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Spineshank - Slavery ]


+3 Brazil )

+3 Coheed )

next is...the vandals. yep.

Comments: Crawl With Me.

...sugarcult pictures... [30 Aug 2004|09:45pm]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | Spineshank - New Disease ]

yay! more pictures. also, happy birthday to [info]somethingbeasty

some of the pictures are good, some arent so great, but, whatever.

+16 )

Comments: 1 comment|Crawl With Me.

...a7x pictures... [17 Aug 2004|06:10pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | donkey kong ]

yeah, heres the pictures i got around to fixing up. yay.

+19 more )

and that is all. yay. other band pictures coming soon.

Comments: 8 comments|Crawl With Me.

...the musings of one... [13 Feb 2004|07:37pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

this is a public entry for one reason, i want to make some things clear here.

apparently there are some rumors about me going around. petty really.

unless you hear something from me, about me, one should never assume that it is true. gossip whores are rather annoying and should be shot in the head. repeatedly.

i also love when people post things that are not true in their livejournals. gotta love being told one thing and yet reading another. bugging, eh? i think not.

another cleaning of the friends list will take place soon. i already know who will be removed.

and hating me and not having a reason, besides the fact that your friend hates me is rather stupid, really. lets pull our brains out here people. put on the thinking cap.

if you have a problem with me, tell me to my face and actually have a reason why you hate me, not just that you hate me. alrighty.

movie tonight. shall be fun. [info]immorak is here. fun stuff, that. heh.

Comments: 5 comments|Crawl With Me.

...bye bye... [12 Feb 2004|09:43pm]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | Trapt - Headstrong ]

ive decided its past time i did a cleaning of my friends list.

so, the following people are now removed from my friends list, dont take it harshly, its just that i dont read your entries i dont usually comment to you and you dont comment to me. if you were deleted and youd like to remain on my friends list, leave me a comment to this post.


theres more i wanted to delete, but i couldnt bring myself to do it. perhaps at a later time.

Comments: 13 comments|Crawl With Me.

[07 Nov 2003|11:52pm]
pork and cheese.

Comments: 2 comments|Crawl With Me.

[05 Aug 2003|10:31pm]
this is what happens when [info]askani stays signed in. hahaha to you all, etc. you are all massive, purely unadulterated poopy heads of the highest order.

next time, she should sign out.

Comments: 8 comments|Crawl With Me.

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