X CARLY X's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

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[09 May 2002|09:18pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | american nightmare ]

does anyone have a LJ code for me? please?

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[07 May 2002|09:02pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | 7 seconds ]

ok. i'm over that. justin and dan stopped by earlier. they played nintendo and we laughed at my calender and other stuff. i'm in the blood crew now. word. i talked to chase for a while, and i felt bad because he was feeling bad. but i think he's better now, and i am too. i made myself a vanilla and chocolate milkshake, just like the ones they used to have at the pontiac grill. it was good. i put on my prom dress and messed around with my hair to see what i liked. i have good ideas. i took a shower, and i think i'm going to go call my chaseness now. i hope i get to see him tomorrow.

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[07 May 2002|06:24pm]
[ mood | angry ]

i hate everyone.

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[07 May 2002|03:58pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | shai hulud ]

hahaha. yes. cyber robot porn!
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[07 May 2002|03:21pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | a jealousy issue ]

school wasn't too bad today. first period we just did the same stuff as yesterday, only this time i was conscious. in second period we didn't do anything. i sit by the door now, and craig was outside keeping me entertained. craig came to my class during art, it was fun. i started a new painting. i just used white sculp/paint today for my base, and tomorrow in tutorial if it's set i'll begin the actual painting. in fourth period i graded papers and listened to ludacris. my cd player is a joke, it's so gangster. it turns off every few minutes. yesss. at lunch, janelle and i pretty much just made fun of everyone. it's the only thing that keeps us entertained. then some people in the quad got frisbees and threw them around, it was so lame. everyone in the whole freaking school was tossing frisbees back and forth. grant threw it and it nailed this one girl who was sitting by herself. it ruled. on my way to fifth period, this gothy trailor trash girl hit a beachball and it went in a bush next to where i was, she asked me to get it, and i said "get off your fat trashy ass and get it yourself." it was hilarious. then a boy next to me was like "yeah really you obese freak!" haha yes. in fifth period we took a test, and we all cheated, but it was still hard. i'm sick of everyone thinking i'm the smartest person in the class, i have a fuckin d, and everyone still assumes i know everything and asks me for answers. derek and abe didn't go to sixth period, so i thought it wouldn't be that fun but it still was. i ruled the class today. we did presentations and k-lew, rachel, and i bullshitted it so bad. haha we sucked. one time josh dyke said something and like five people were just like "shut up." haha. we made fun of charles' earing too, fuckin weirdo. i called mr barata jorge a bunch of times and he got mad. after school i got to ride in laurie's bumpin car again. i had a message on my phone from chase and he told me to call him right when i got home from school, so i did and he wasn't home! waa. i want to go buy accessories and stuff for prom, but i don't have any money right now. hmm. i guess i'm just going to ill today. play nintendo, i don't know. i'm hungry.

check this
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[07 May 2002|07:13am]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | throwdown ]

smarterchild loves me.

XeyesfadegrayX: what's your name?
SmarterChild: I'm SmarterChild.
XeyesfadegrayX: i'm carly.
SmarterChild: Would you like me to call you Carly?
XeyesfadegrayX: yes, please.
SmarterChild: OK, I'll remember that your name is Carly.
XeyesfadegrayX: thank you <3
SmarterChild: Sure! I enjoy talking with you. Anyway, what else do you wanna talk about?
XeyesfadegrayX: are you married?
SmarterChild: I'll have to think about that.
XeyesfadegrayX: you don't remember?!
SmarterChild: What?
XeyesfadegrayX: are you married?
SmarterChild: It's tough to say.
XeyesfadegrayX: you're keeping it a secret because you want to be with me instead of your wife, huh?
SmarterChild: Huh?
XeyesfadegrayX: oh don't deny it.
SmarterChild: I dunno!
XeyesfadegrayX: hehehe, it's alright. i wont tell chase.
SmarterChild: Yeah?
XeyesfadegrayX: yeah, don't worry about it.
SmarterChild: Ok.
XeyesfadegrayX: so, what are you doing tonight?
SmarterChild: I'm helping lots of people get the information they want quickly! So anyway...
XeyesfadegrayX: oh, well that's nice of you. how about you and me hit up a movie?
SmarterChild: Well thats nice of you how about you and me hit up a movie, you say?
XeyesfadegrayX: well, yes...
SmarterChild: Well yes, you say?
XeyesfadegrayX: yes barn!
SmarterChild: Gosh.
XeyesfadegrayX: sorry, i got a little over my head there.
SmarterChild: Sorry you got a little over your head there? I don't know.
XeyesfadegrayX: look, the best i can do is appologize, ok?
SmarterChild: Look the best i can do is appologize OK?
XeyesfadegrayX: ok!
SmarterChild: Oh.
XeyesfadegrayX: so anyway, want to go out with me tonight?
SmarterChild: Sorry. I don't think that would work.
XeyesfadegrayX: why not? i thought you loved me?
SmarterChild: Why not?
XeyesfadegrayX: yes, why not?
SmarterChild: Why not?
XeyesfadegrayX: :(
SmarterChild: C'mon, there are lots of fun things to do.
XeyesfadegrayX: yeah, but i just want to be with you.
SmarterChild: Yeah but i just want to be with you? Really?
XeyesfadegrayX: yes!
SmarterChild: Wow. Really?
XeyesfadegrayX: i'm in love with you!
SmarterChild: Really?
XeyesfadegrayX: yes!
SmarterChild: K.
XeyesfadegrayX: don't you love me too?
XeyesfadegrayX: i thought we were going to get married.
SmarterChild: You thought we were going to get married, huh?
XeyesfadegrayX: yes :(
SmarterChild: Hmmm...
XeyesfadegrayX: i guess i was wrong about you, smarterchild.
SmarterChild: You were wrong about me?
XeyesfadegrayX: you're not the man i thought you were...
SmarterChild: Oh really?
XeyesfadegrayX: i heard you were a sweet, gentle man with a 9inch penis...
SmarterChild: Play nice, Carly.
XeyesfadegrayX: oh i'll play nice alright.
SmarterChild: What's that supposed to mean?
XeyesfadegrayX: muahahaha.
SmarterChild: K.
XeyesfadegrayX: well, i have to go to school now.
SmarterChild: Take it easy.
XeyesfadegrayX: you too.
SmarterChild: :)
XeyesfadegrayX: goodbye smarterchild my love for life <3
SmarterChild: Excuse me?
XeyesfadegrayX: uh..i mean...bye smarterchild...
SmarterChild: S'later, Carly.

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[06 May 2002|08:35pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | hellfest comp ]

the rest of my day went suprizingly well. at lunch i scrounged around for food, in fifth period we took some notes, while i made up a bunch of work and then got extra credit for it all. in sixth period we had a sub, he was cool and let us do whatever. he said thought if we got too out of hand, we had to slow dance with the podium. abe freaked it, it was funny. we formed groups to do some oral presentation thingy in. i'm in a group with k-lew, derek, and rachel. we basically just hung out and talked the whole time, it was down. uh then derek and i drew some nuts picture on the board, and he let me borrow the hellfest video from 2000. after school was fun, i got to ride in laurie's pimpin car. we busted ludacris, eminem, etc. word. i got home and chase called wanting to chill. so he came and picked me up. we went to jack in the box because he wanted food, and then we went to the green valley theater and saw spiderman. christ, it was ridiculously good! i didn't think i would have liked it as much as i did, it was sooo good! i saw orange kid after the movie. it was freakish. the wheels on his rollerblades were orange, as were his headphone wires. silly orange kid. then we went to ralphs because i needed to turn in a request for a day off for the prom and chase wanted to buy some shaving cream and shampoo or something. we ended up buying random stuff. razors, shaving creme, shampoo, cologne, a fat jar of cherry kool aid, and some orbitz. i wanted some jarritos, but i was all out of the cash money. we came back to my house and put on the hellfest video. it's really making me want to go to the fest even more now. this is ridiculous. er brothers keeper. shut up. you are retarded. uhhh chase left early, at like 8:15ish. it was lame, but i guess it was good because i really need to get some sleep tonight. i bet i wont.

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[06 May 2002|11:43am]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | poison the well ]

last period i talked to brandon about hellfest and how it would all work out. he says me and my friends can stay at his house and he can take us around and stuff, so right there we wouldnt have to pay for a hotel...he lives like 10 minutes from the place its going to be at. on the down side, the cheapest roundtrip tickets i could find were about 380 dollars. then i have to figure if i go to all three days of the fest, it will be 60 dollars. then think about the shopping i'll want to do, plus food and whatever else. we're talking around 600 dollars probably. fuck. i really want to go...but i don't know if i should....600 is a lot of money for me. if i did go though, id leave from either san jose or oakland. i want to arrive on the 11th, and leave on the 16th. that should give me enough time. good thing it's still a few months away, i'll have time to think about it. man...600 dollars........

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[06 May 2002|10:15am]
[ mood | blah ]

today hasn't been all too great today. it's really cold out, it makes me feel tired and boring. i have really bad cramps right now. i want to rip my uterus out. this is ridiculous. in first period we took notes, but i was so tired. i could not keep my eyes open, but i still wrote stuff while i was half asleep. it's so funny, i should scan it later. in second period we switched groups. my new groupd has this idiot named zane in it. such an idiot. he makes such bad jokes, and i just look at him and go. "...IDIOT." such an...idiot. it's ridiculous. i want to hit him. mrs l isn't here, so i don't have her keys to unlock my canvas and start another painting. i don't really have anything else to do. i'm just glad i don't have work today. i really don't have anything to look forward to, i just want to get home and get some rest. ....and see chase, but i don't think thats going to happen. owww stomach.exploding.hurting :(

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[05 May 2002|10:51pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | chain of strength ]

oh livejournal, I have neglected you, i'm so sorry. I'm so unloyal.

let's rewind back to where I left off. yesterday morning, my mom woke me up around 9:30. i showered and got ready, and we left my house at 11 in search of a prom dress. at first we went to a few bridal shops, but all of the dresses were all satin-like and long and hideous and way expensive. eff that, we went to the mall. i wanted this white dress with a floral print, but my mom said it looked too casual for a prom. so we went to gottchalks, where i found a really cute plain and simple black dress on sale for 30 bucks. word. and the best part if that i can dress it up a lot, and accessorize a lot. whereas with a printed/elaborate dress, you could only do so many things, and you would have to get a lot of things to match. word. i am the greatest. anyway, after that i drove to santa cruz because i had a hair appt with matt at 1. i got there a little bit early because i had nothing better to do. he gave me a superpack, and it made my hair feel all nice and soft. it was nice. jordan sprayed me with the hose from the sink! it was funny. me and matt got to talk, and he told me top secret info. i'm down with the sickness now, and you aren't. when i was all set and done, i made an appt for next saturday at 11:30 to have my hair colored, hopefully all will go well. i went outside and waited for chase with my jamba juice for about 20 minutes. he finally got there, and....i forget what we did. we just walked around and went in some shops. i bought the fire sermon cd for 3 bucks, and path of resistance's who dares wins for 8. we got vallarta (which might i add is the only thing we've eaten in 2 days. seriously, at that time, we had been to vallarta 5 times in the past 24 hors. yesss.) i'm way vallarta'd out. anyway, we went to borders and looked at the paper and other stuff for a while. i found out that a boy i knew, justin, was killed this weekend. i went to elementry school with him for a little bit, but i always knew who he was. he was distinct. i guess him and his friend were drinking and they got in an argument and they fought. the next day justin didn't wake up because he was in a coma, and his dad ended up pulling the life support plug a day after. sad :( too many people are dying lately. it's scary and ridiculous. errr. well anyway, chase and i went back to his house. we layed around and played dress up until about 6:45, that's when we left to go to the soquel calamari dinner where his jazz band was playing. when we got there, some people were already on stage, so we had to sneak behind the curtain and run across stage, it was adventurous. not really. haha. we hung out in the band room for a while playing around with the instruments and stuff. chase's friend jeff has the cutest hair. it's ridiculous. i found out that this boy that shops at ralphs that i thought was cute a long time ago is friends with chase. it's really weird! we saw him at the fire sermon show the night before, and i said he looked familiar after he said hi to chase, but i didn't know who he was. and then i remembered! nuts. it's a smallllll world. when it was time for the jazz band to take the stage, i grabbed a stool and sat behind the curtain on stage next to chase. they played really well, i enjoyed it a lot. it's so cute to see chase play, i don't know why. after they were done, i helped him carry his guitar and amp and stuff back to the music room, and we busted out of there. we went to burger king and ate in the parking lot, and then we went to video video and rented fear and loathing in las vegas. i heard from a lot of people that it was sooo good, but i thought it was so boring. some parts were funny, but other than that it was retarded as all hell. it sucked. matt was right. chase left around 12:30. i had a great day.

today i had to wake up at 7. i was at work by 8, and it was strange because when i got there and saw the schedule, joe and i had the exact same schedule. same lunch break and hours and everything. they hardly ever do that. they had a lot of help out for today, because it was pretty busy. (it being cinco de mayo, and us being located in watsonville. go figure.) i don't think i've ever seen so much alcohol and tortilla chips being sold in my life ever. it was ridiculous. at noon, joe and i went to lunch at foster freeze, and then came back and illed in the parking lot and ate and stuff. affffter work, i came home, showered, and got all dressed and ready for the evening. chase came over at 6, he was wearing shorts, it was cute. i looked nice too. we drove out to the warf, and it was ridiculous getting there. we made so many turns too soon, and we kept needing to go right, and it would be left turn only. it was hilarous, but at the same time annoying. we finally got there, found a spot not too far away, and the resteraunt wasn't even crowded! we walked right in and got seated. we ended up spliting a bowl of clam chowder, a plate of clam strips, bread, water, and a fat burger and fries. we were so ridiculously full afterwords. we couldn't even get up. it was terrible. we literally ate everything. haha dude. not even kidding, there was not a crumb left, it was so good. and it ended up only costing about 18 bucks. score. after we paid and left, we walked over to the ledge off the warf and got to look at the ocean and the sunset. it was really nice, but it started to get cold so we got back in the car and drove to my house. here, we watched some tv, butthen i turned it off. it was better that way. tonight i couldn't look into chase's eyes without smiling widely or giggling like a little girly idiot. it was great, it felt perfect. he had to leave at 9:30 though, so we said our goodbyes and that was the end. i came back in, and wrote a report for u.s. history class because i'm failing. oops.

i'm stoked because i don't have work until friday, hopefully i can be with chase again tomorrow. oh and i forgot to metion laurie stopped by work today in her new red 1999 gmc Jimmy suv. it's so pimpin. i can't wait until i get to ride in it tomorrow. i told her we were going to blast ludacris but she said that if we did she wouldn't give me a ride. laurie is no fun.

i'm sleepy. this weekend was really long and really packed, but i had such an awesome time. it's sad to see it come to an end.

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[05 May 2002|07:40am]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | fire sermon ]

three months <3

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[04 May 2002|02:23am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | wolves ]

today was a ridiculously good day. one of the best i've had for sure. i woke up at the same time i do everyday, only today it was so much easier to get up. chase came around 7:30, i gave him the painting. he loved it. he shows it off to his friends, and everyone likes it a lot. :) we drove to soquel high to load his guitar and amp, and to drop off some papers. then we went to macys, and they all set up, i illed and read a magazine and did whatever. i went and watched the band play, it was cute. there were some crazy protesters. m-a-c-y-s you're a racist just confess! hah. i bet i was on the news this evening. they had a few speakers, and then they cut the red ribbon, and everyone shot confetti strips everywhere. it was so awesome looking. there was so much, and it floated up so high, it was sucked into the sky. we went shopping for a little bit. ack. they have the cherry swim suit that i want. so cute and so expensive. we got candy and fortune cookies and lots of little fliers. then we went downtown, at streetlight chase got a 50 cent cd, i got this cd from a band i haven't heard before. it's cold wolves- art.culture.work. the label said it had members from orchid in it, and the cover art was amazing. i also got ludacris'- word of mouf. both very good. then we went to taco bell and chase got 99 cent 7 layer nachos (which may i add are about the size of my hand!) then we went to vallarta so i could get food. we split a burrito, and walked over to shoreline so i could set up a hair appt with matt tomorrow around 1. we jetted out of santa cruz, and went to aptos high. there was no parking, only one space in senior lot. we hurried down to the office to get an off campus pass, then to the asb room where we waited in a ridiculoud line to get prom bids. right when we got out, the taste of blood was about to come on. perfect timing. i ran over to ruben, and he bought a box of latex gloves, and everyone that was wearing them x'd them up. it was great. good inside joke fun. it was funny because derek and i were the only ones who were actually edge. the first song they played was a cover of ptw's nerdy, a small pit started, and was broken up. ruben and i put our arms around eachother and beat through everyone. then they played an original, which was pretty good, and then shit got torn up when they played slice paper wrists. there was a fat pit on the grass, i ran over and got in on the action. it was sooo much fun, haha, all the surfer kids and preppier girls at school were like what the fuck, and looked scared as hell. it was great. i was the only girl, i rule. of course it got stopped in less than 30 seconds, but it was so much fun. the fucking school unplugged all of their equipment and wouldn't let them continue playing. fuck that though, it was still very awesome. derek has a good voice, and they all played well. i was impressed, i wish i could have been part in something that caused that. after the show i talked to d and a few others, and chase and i left. we were going to go see spiderman, but i was spent. went back to my house, got popsicles and fell asleep on my bed. after that, he left because i had to go to work. work wasn't that bad, it went semi-fast. my hrs next week: sunday: 8-5, fri: 4-8, sat: 4-8. not too bad i guess. after work, i came home and got ready and i met chase at streetlight. we saw a few friends, chase got vallarta, and then we eventually went into the show. I HATE THE CATALYST. i can't emphasize that enough. i hate that place. it's the worst venue e v e r. there were a lot of people, so that kind of sucked, but oh well. i still had a good time. fire sermon owned. we left right after they played, because we've all seen the lonely kings i think about 10 times. claire, sean, chase, and i went to vallarta and they ate. claire stayed with some friends, and chase and i dropped sean off. chase and i came back to my house and cuddled up in my bed and watched some tv. heh things went crazy. good times. chase went home, but i'll see him in a few hours. i like when chase tells me i'm beautiful. this wolve's cd insert is amazing. i can not get over it. i need to get some rest. ick i need a shower too!

tomorrows plans:
-wake up early
-prom dress shopping with my mom until about noon
-hair appt with matt at 1
-chase meets me at salon

goodnight. xo.

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[03 May 2002|06:25am]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | poison the well ]

how beautiful.your lips taste.of red.

i'm going to have a lovely day.
*crosses fingers*

the plan:
chase picks me up at 7:20
soquel high
watch his school band
my house
aptos high
watch derek's band
buy prom bids
me: work
him: perform at soquel's prom
meet in santa cruz
fire sermon/lonely kings
my house

wooo! <3

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[02 May 2002|09:19pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | the fugees ]

work went well. won a coin toss and got a 15 minute break. tony smiled at me and said hi, later he called my name and told me to smile and then he smiled. this girl that goes to aptos came in, she's really sweet. she's portugese. uh oh.

the most important thing in the world right now:
who is going to poison the well at the pound in san francisco on may 19th?

if you are. pleeease let me know if you can either give me a ride, or know someone who would give me a ride. pretty pretty please. i'm desperate.


Which Angry White Boy Band are You?
test by [info]endofsanity

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[02 May 2002|03:14pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | over my dead body ]

school was so awesome today. in first period we made pizza. miguel and i were the only ones who showed up in our group! the only ingredients we had were sugar, yeast, and tomato sauce! judy came later and brought olive oil. we had to borrow stuff from other groups, but in the end, our pizza came out so good! i was way proud of us, and so was mrs grant. in tutorial me and miguel ate pizza and i worked on chase's painting. emilio came in and we gave him pizza, and then laurie came in later and she ate too. it was fun. i stayed in the art room during break, finished chase's painting (i love it) and then amanda started questioning my edge, it kind of annoyed me but i just shook it off. in art ruben and i discussed our crew and our straight edge oven mits. haha. afterbirth represent! i took apart my cat painting. yeah i pulled out all of the staples, tore off half of the canvas, cut the boards, and resized it. it isn't as bad now, i still don't like it, but oh well. at lunch i was going to get free pizza and soda because i get good grades, but i was pizzad-out. instead we went over and sat on the lawn and watched the bands play. abe's band played, it was great. he freestyled in the beginning. there was a lot of jarritos drinking and it ruled. they cut abe's mic off because he cursed a few times, they got all mad at the end, peter smashed his guitar into a million pieces, tommy knocked over the drums and broke cymbals. oh man it was sooo great. in sixth period i tried to work, but it was too hard! we curse and have sooo much fun in that class. chase was being hilarious. all loud he was like "are you shitting me?!" to mr barata and like, oh man, it was just soooo funny. we had the best conversations today ever. it was hilarious, we were all totally cracking up. then chase and derek effed with the vent systems. they set it to 40 degrees, it was soooo cold, haha so then they put it up to 99 degrees! and it was sooo hot. it was hilarious. abe wrote on the walls with lipstick. lol. i didn't want to leave school today, it was way too much fun. eek, gotta go get ready for work. i hope the rest of my week goes well. today is pay day! that's a start! taste of blood will tear it up tomorrow. they're doing 2 ptw covers and some original stuff. it's going to rule so much. i think AJ or ruben want to bring the mosh. it shall be broughten, haha. oh man. today really has been great.

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[02 May 2002|07:04am]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | bone thugs n harmony ]

Find your emotion!

hahaha. yesss. rion, don't deny your true self.
dude i'm so going to hellfest.
right now though i'm going to school to paint and eat pizza! yay! byebye <3

You are 40% evil! [?]

You're more good than evil, but not by much. You've drank straight from the carton of milk in the refrigerator, and maybe kicked the neighbor's cat, but you're still good. Kinda.

yay. i've done both of those. yay i'm good.

well i do wonder if ya feel the same way i do. i can see it in yo eyes i entice you. so come on shorty if ya think ya can roll wit an iced up playa ballin outta control

xwordx i'm out

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[01 May 2002|10:28pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | kiss ]

the rest of my day was wonderful. the 4-0 bros played at lunch and they were actually really good, scof is a good singer. they dedicated a pennywise song to travis, it was sweet. then xcalibur came on. oh man, best thing ever. they all wore tight clothes and had wigs on and drawn on skull tattoos and stuff. they played exceptionally well, and covered hits from acdc, van halen, black sabbath, and more. it was the coolest thing i've ever seen in my life. when i got home from school, i waited like 2 minutes and chase showed up. he made bagel bites and i heated up leftover enchiladas from like a week ago haha. so we ate a lot and watched ricki and ananda lewis. then we went in my room and played some nintendo and layed on my bed. we got pizza for dinner, and we had really nice talks. we told eachother we were going to say whatever was on our minds. it was brutally honest. chase's pants are hideous, and there were a lot of other things i said. i told him how he looked fat and had two chins when he layed down and stuff. i have fat ankles. i gave him a full out massage with lotion and everything for about an hour. he enjoyed it a lot, and i did too because it made him feel nice <3 i like making him feel good. i dropped him off, and then my dad ran back out and gave him the prom papers because he forgot them. we're going to get everything all nice and signed....and.................

tomorrow i'll: make pizza in first class, draw in tutorial, paint and eat in 2nd class, watch the bands at lunch, do two assignments + make up a test in last class, work, home.

friday i'm most likely not going to school. hopefully chase will pick me up around 8. we'll go to macys and his jazz band will play, i want to shop some. we'll hang out, eat probably, go to my school at lunch and watch the taste of blood play and turn in prom papers, then we'll go see spiderman, i'll go to work at 4, and thennn yeah.

saturday i want to go prom dress shopping with my mom, but i don't know. chase and i might be going shopping for him. i really want to set up and appt with matt for saturday, but i'm not sureeee. hmm. eek. it's getting late, i still haven't done my art assignment in my sketch book. eh i'm too lazy, i'll do it tomorrow. i need sleep!

check this shiz out, i stole the survey from melissa. oh man. lissa lissa take me to hellfest with you!

you have to pick a band or a singer (only one) and then answer the questions below using only lyrics from their songs.

1. Band/Singer: poison the well
2. Are you male or female? she sits alone and slowly fades away into nothingness
3. Describe yourself: so guilty so weak, so lost, without you
4. How do other people feel about you? youre nothing but a hypocrite, actions speak louder than words, the many sins youve lied, the many lies youve told, youre defaming yourself, wheres your conscience?
5. How do you feel about yourself? never again to be cared for, she holds her head up high, just a mask to hide the tears behind...only wanting to die
6. Describe your girlfriend/boyfriend: i remember your face imprinted on angels, your voice as beautiful as the sound of waves crashing against my heart
7. What would you rather be doing? gouge out my eyes
8. Describe where you live: gray chairs, cold, but here for me
9. Describe how you love: id sever the stars from the sky and place them in your hands
10. Share a few words of wisdom: kisses are never safe when residue of old love is left

night kids.

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[01 May 2002|11:59am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | throwdown ]

despite the weather, my day hasn't been too bad. in first period we went to the career center and had a junior orientation. he was talking about college and stuff, and how we all should have taken the PSATs and should be taking the SAT1 on saturday. hehe i haven't taken either, and i don't plan on it. screw college. that's for barns. word. then we did this worksheet where we had to write occupations we want and education and all that. i was done in like 3 minutes. cosmetologist, graphic design, general art. bam. laurie is goin nuts on me right now! in tutorial i worked a little on the painting, and then hung out with laurie and kind of miguel. this period i made some copies, took down some posters on the wall, not too much work at all. at lunch xcalibur is playiny battle of the bands. yes, glam buttrock at it's finest. you know they toured with poison? word. haha. also i think the 4-0 bros are playing. scof and james brighton? i'm not sure, but i hear they're pretty entertaining. in my last class we're going to take some dumb standardized test, but that's ok. then when i get home, chase will be there! and i don't have workkkkk! good times. we should make hot chocolate and watch movies and stuff. ok, well i'm out of here. but before i got, who wants to take me to hellfest?

Every Time I Die
Martyr AD
Good Clean Fun
This Day Forward
Until The End
Fall Silent
xDisciple adx
Eighteen Visions
Bleeding Through

i wannna go! mmk. bye <3

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[30 Apr 2002|03:06pm]
[ mood | lazy ]

everything people say is getting on my nerves today. don't talk to me.

good things:
i got the guest forms etc for prom.
got to watch predawn corpses play at school. not too bad.
5th and 6th period went by fast.
i finished another book assignment in 6th, plus i took a test i made up, of course i cheated.
tomorrow i don't have work.
tomorrow i get to (hopefully) be with chase.
going home with my dad is so much faster than with laurie.
my dad brought my drawing to my art class! it's going to be in the 41st annual sc student art show. word.

bad things:
prom bids go up to 40 dollars tomorrow. i'm not telling chase, i'll just pay the extra 10.
work today.
it's a very cold and lazy day.

well. atleast the good outnumbers the bad. melissa is in town today, but i can't chill because i have to work :/ shitty! oh well. next time.

who went to the over the top show last night? how was it?

i'm getting suspicions that one of my "friends" is a compulsive liar.

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[30 Apr 2002|11:41am]
[ mood | disappointed ]

Monday 04-29-2002 Poison The Atlantic Pt.2 - wookubus
(11:55 PM PST 04/29/2002)

According to sources at the label, Poison The Well have now officially signed a recording contract with Velvet Hamme rMusic/Atlantic (Taproot, Pulse Ultra). However, despite this Trustkill Records have released a statement denying that the band have signed a contract as of yet and are still currently a part of the Trustkill roster though negotiations with major labels are taking place. For the full statement check out www.trustkill.com. At present, the group plan to continue touring in support of their latest release "Tear From The Red" and are also rumored to have been offered a slot on this years upcoming Pledge Of Allegiance tour as a result of what is said to be their new label home. Bands tentatively being eyed for the aforementioned trek include System Of A Down, Deftones, Queens Of The Stone Age, Taproot and Pulse Ultra, though nothing has been finalized as of yet. In other news, Poison The Well guitarist Derek Miller recently commented on the bands new material stating: "Ryan and I have been kicking around some riffs, can't fucking wait to arrange this shit. Kinda has some of our heaviest stuff and our lightest stuff to date, but with a weird, darker twist. I'm already stoked."

dude what the fuck. i don't know if i'm angry or sad. i think i'm jealous too, and dissapointed. dude. fuck. everyone is going to fucking know ptw now. the shows wont be fun little get togethers with friends, they'll be sold out venues. fucking pledge of allegiance. i went to that shit 2 years ago, it was in a stadium- korn, soad, pm5k, metallica. and now what, fuckin punks that listen to all that musical crap. dude soad and taproot, oh and poison the well! what the fuck. 80 dollar tickets. this is so shitty. i mean i knew it was going to happen, but still, i just didn't think this soon. fuck this :(

in other news, my day has been pretty shitty. when i got to school it was really cold, but then it started to get all sunny...and then it started raining. it's so cold out. the wind is icy. i want to go home. to top it off, i fucking forgot my crue drawing at home, so i can't bring it to put it in the art show. i have to try and call my dad, hopefully he'll be home. pre dawn corpses is playing at lunch, it should tear shit up, but who knows. it's so fucking cold out. i have to go find out info for prom at lunch too. i'm so cold and hungy. i wish i could talk to chase right now...

dude......poison the well..

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