Sat - December 4, 2004

The Shortage in Several Things

Although the military clashes resumed in Mosul again last Friday 3rd of December, there is another more important matter to write in this opportunity while I could not have an earlier chance to do it.

The shortage in Mosul and maybe in Iraq generally at this time is in the electricity power. The power problem in Iraq has existed since 1991, when the coalition forces in Gulf war bombed most the Iraqi power stations, then after that when Saddam was the leader of Iraq, he did not worked seriously to improve or repair the power as well as most the other infrastructure.

Since that time and we have a problem with electrical power. Sometimes it is good and sometimes bad, depending on several matters like the diversity in the load during the year, and the difficulties in the work. However, before the war, the situation was stable where we were getting about 50% of the power required, meaning we were getting 12 hours per day power on and 12 hours power off. That was in my city, while Saddam used difference measures to treat the Iraqis, for example the power was never stop in his home city of Tikrit. Power control was used as a kind of punishment to those cities which made troubles in Saddam's era.

After the war and when the new government started to work, the power started to improve. We've tasted this improvement in the first months after the liberation. The reason of that is the new government has been serious to improve not only the power but most other infrastructure. But other problem have started to appear.

The problem this time is that some power stations have been affected by sabotage operations from some groups which do not want this country to be improved. In addition to that, there was a large increasing in the power demand in the country because of the increasing in the appliances for each family. For example, I am sure that each family which has one TV before, now have at least two. In my estimation, I would say that the increasing in family requirement is about 25 to 50% of electrical power, in addition to the increasing in the industrial and commercial demands.

So, now we need more power than what we had used before the war. During that time there was still sabotage operations in the power stations and its accessories. The result was that we get more shortage in the power. The power provided to the consumers never increased from 50% of daily hours since more than one year ago, while sometime decrease in a high level. For example, since about three weeks we are getting less than 25% power on, which mean we just get power for less than 6 hours per day. But sometimes we get power for only 3 hours. One day we get no power for a whole day.

Power is very necessary for life, that everyone knows, but here in Iraq it is more necessary especially in winter because there is a shortage in other heating materials like gas, LPG and oil. The prices of all these have increased more than 1000% that its historic levels. But even it is not available in some places. I called one friend in Baghdad who said that he and his family of 6 persons are with only one heater since one week because he can not provide the requirements for all the 5 heaters he need to heat his house well.

What made the problem bigger is that this winter is the coldest one in several years in Iraq. Usually the cold in Iraq start in December while this winter the cold start in first week of November. This also increased the suffering of Iraqis (as if they have no other suffering!!!!). The problem of shortage of heating oil is that it is exposes to sabotage operations.

I think here in my city, the people were getting the heating oil requirements more than other cities, so, we have some stored matter which maybe enough for about one month or less. Also about the power, my city, Mosul, and some other few cities in Iraq has a good ersatz system for power which is the private generator, For some people who provide power to others for money. Usually each generator provide power for about 50 to 100 houses or shops. This is a good system to be instead of the main power, but is also not efficient because it is work for limited hours per day and also some other problems. However, the situation maybe will improve in the next weeks or maybe go for worse, but who know? The future will tell us this.

Posted at 06:35 PM     |

Sat - November 27, 2004

Mayor of Mosul

Each Thursday the Mayor of Mosul and his assistants have a press conference. Mostly journalists ask them about interior matters. the last conference, which was on Thursday the 25th of this month, the Mayor talked about the events which happened in Mosul since the 10th of this month.

The mayor whose name is Duraid Kashmola is a cousin of the last Mayor who killed last summer by the unknown gunmen. That Mayor was a very honest man to his city and he was working seriously to improve it. In contrast to the first one who came to his position in May 2003 in the first simple election and his name was Ghanim Al-Baso, that one banished by the American civilian ruler "Paul Briemer" in January 2004 when Iraq was still under the Coalition Provisional Authority "CPA".

So, this mayor is the third one to take this position since Mosul was liberated from Saddam in April 2003. This city was in it's best situation during the second mayor who was the cousin of the present one. But unfortunately, the bad men did not allow him to stay in his position more than a few months and they killed him while he was going to Baghdad for an official mission. The current mayor is good too, but the gunmen have increased in the city. He is working well since he took this position. He was clear in this last crisis when he said that the problem was from the police system. I agree with him in this matter because the Director of police was the first one who ran quickly followed by others. Also, from what I noticed from some policemen whom I talked with, it is that they worked in this field just because they get a good salaries. This is the problem in my opinion. I think that a policeman and any other worker must like his work first of all. Otherwise the result will be what happened. However, in such a system like our police system, it is necessary to choose those who are support the new changes in Iraq, because unfortunately there are many of those who do not support this operation in this city and other Sunii cities.

It was no surprise that the mayor blamed the police director as he did that since first days of the crisis. I even wrote about that in an earlier article. But the news in his press conference was that he also blames some of the religious men in some mosques who were calling for "Jihad" during the last crisis. In our situation, a Jihad means in Arabic to fight the Americans in our condition because they are the occupation forces in our country. It also means to fight the police and the Iraqi army because they are supporting the Americans in their mission. The mayor said that it is not Jihad to kill the civilian people. He was surprise to see those religious men to support the gunmen who are beheading the innocent people in a very savage way as we have seen in media.

In fact what made me to write about this matter is that it is not easy for a mayor to blame religious men, especially in this city where most people are religious. Mosul is called the city of prophets because of the several prophets in it. So, this step from the mayor to blame the religious men will maybe annoy those religious men. Then if that will happen that means there will be a conflict between the local government and the religious men. In fact, I do not know if the religious men will make a hard reaction for what the mayor said last Thursday or not. Here in the city, and even in Iraq generally, many people follow what the religious men say. I hope that this will pass safely and with no hard reactions. However, we need to wait the next few days to see if there will be any reaction for the mayor's blaming the religious men.

After the mayor finished his conference in Mosul's TV, the Major General Khalil Al-Ubaedi (who is the commander of the Iraqi Nation Guard ING for the northern Area which Mosul is the main city) he spoke of some other problems, and blamed the religious men too for same reasons.

The two also men said that there will also come new troops to Mosul city and that the security will recover again to this city after the situation became very bad in the last few months. The Mayor said that the cleaning operation of Mosul had not yet started and there will be an operation to clean this city of all the gunmen most of whom are foreigners. General Al-Ubaedi said also the same thing and he said that his troops had just come to Mosul as this last crisis started two weeks ago. So the situation will go for better as more troops will arrive in Mosul.

The mayor also asked the people of the city for more assistant with the local government by providing any information about the gunmen. He said, as we all know, that those gunmen even though they came from outside the city, they could not have done their operations without help of the local people. He blamed the people whom the mayor said did make any effort to help those innocent persons being killed, even though it happened right in front of them. The mayor said that if a normal person sees someone kill even a woman or child then he never care of that or even give attention. However, what the mayor said is true. The people in Mosul generally have their own common words which we say "it is not my matter". The mayor at last blamed the educated person who must guide the other people for the truth about what is good and what is bad for this city. He was surprise why most people are silent for what is happening in this city while many other cities in Iraq are preparing for the next election in 30th of January. He said "I trust that our people in the city are not looking for this election while then they will say why we margined in the election?".

Other news from the city is that the gunmen are still attacking here and there from time to time. The last uprising for the situation is that the gunmen threated all the shopowners in the western part of the city to close their shops and bureaus. That was last Wednesday. As a result, there was really very few shops opened for a very few hours then all closed about 12:00 midday. Most of the crowded areas in Mosul looked like a forlorn area. The situation was same on Thursday. So, we can say that the effect of the gunmen in the Mosul life is still exist and maybe we need more time to see the effect of the coming troops of the ING and even the American troops which is exist in Mosul since more than 19 months.

Posted at 09:14 AM     |

Tue - November 23, 2004

Stabilization in Mosul

Ten days passed since the hard events started in Mosul. Three full days of the curfew were applied in the city, while all the next days and still to this day the partial curfew is still applying. The curfew is now applying from 5 pm to 6 am everyday where before it was from 4 pm to 6 am.

All normal life were stopped since the events started on Wednesday 10th of this month, except some moving around activities. Perhaps since the Moslems holy celebration occurred at same days this has been possible. So most people kept in their home and not go out for any function. Even the celebrations were limited as if they were canceled this year. Who would celebrate under these hard events? Maybe just the kids who still do know what is the matter? Except for the hard bombing and explosion voices which was not new for them, it was harder at these events.

When the ceremony ended on Wednesday 17th of this month, few were seen out. While most of the people stayed home for the longer holiday. We could say that it is a holiday while it was the partial curfew which limited most of the activities of the people. What made the matter more difficult is that the local government closed the crossing of the five bridges which join between the two parts of the city over the Tigris.

Last Friday, the Mayor of the city commanded all the employers who work in the public works to go to their assigned work locations and that the bridges would be open along with the curfew hours. So, the activities became somewhat normal since yesterday Saturday 20th of November. Most activities were working people and people running errands since Saturday. Only some schools and also the university of Mosul which is the only one university in the city opened and maybe that is because many students came from out of the city.

Other problem which was appeared in the city during the last events was a fuel shortage. The problem did not happened because of an actual shortage in fuel, but because all fuel stations were closed due to lack of security. This problem solved was completely at same time when other sectors started to work since Saturday. And that was the most significant factor which helped to stabilized the situation in the city.

However, as the curfew is still applying in Mosul, from 5 pm to 6 am, that means that everyone must be at home before 5 pm, in fact the people start to back home starting at about 3:30 pm. Today when I stayed until 4:00 pm away from the house, I observed that most streets were semi-empty from people and vehicles.

Moreover, what is more important, is that there was no explosions today even though there was some yesterday. With the small clashes between the gunmen and the Iraqi forces supported by the American forces. The Iraqi National Guard put several check points in the streets which is a sign that they are now in control, at least in the places where they put the check points. So, we can say that most parts of the city is under the control of the Iraqi forces supported by the American forces.

Of course the situation is still not like before 10th of November when the events started. Even, before that date everything was not perfect with the kidnapping, assassinate, threats and killing.

What happened was just a sample of what will happen if the events continued for much longer time. I hope and pray that this will not go for any longer as had happened before.

In other separated matters, the Christian women who were submitted to obligated dressing Hijab, started to appear in public places without Hijab as the Holy Month of Moslems ended. One of the gunmen group threated the Christian women to kill them if they did not dress Hijab during Ramadan. Some Christian were afraid that this will continue even after Ramadan.

Posted at 07:14 AM     |

Sat - November 20, 2004

Mosul Update

Sorry for delay in posting a update. Thank to all email for your concern.

As a result of Fallujah assault the situation in Mosul became hard. That started in Wednesday 10th of November and was more complex on the following day when six of the police station became in the control of the gunmen. But the situation was relative quiet on the next two days before more difficulty until this day the Wednesday 17th of November.

What happened exactly was that the gunmen assaulted several places in the city especially the police stations and also the police academy which it fired and then looted. The assault included some of the Kurds parties offices. The result was the police station became out of control and generally Mosul was out of control especially on Thursday 11th of November. As the Mayor of Mosul said that the police director run away since the operation started and no one know where he is now. But that was one of the reason and the other is that the police men generally were absent that day and they did not do their work. According to my friend who was eye witness of one of the police stations which assaulted, he say that the gunmen just shoot few pilots shots by their pistol and then all of them run away. He said that not one police fought to secure their station.

Another friend told me about one police man who resisted the gunmen in another police station and the result was that they killed the police man and one friend who knew him was beheaded. That police man was the sole supporter of a family.

Other eyes witnesses said that the gunmen whom they saw were members of the degraded Baath party which is the party of Saddam. Others said that they are Iraqis and look like Mosuli people. And no one refer that they are foreigners.

From what happened in those days, I can say that Mosul operation was not like that one in Fallujah. Mosul is a very big city comparing to Fallujah. It is difficult for the gunmen to control the city for a long time as what happened in Fallujah. Sure the gunmen could control the city for two days last week during especially at 10 and 11th of this month, but that happened because of the shortening in the policemen work. And just few days and the local government could re-control the city even a partial control and also even not in all places. So, the best way for the gunmen is not to do what they did in Fallujah when they controlled all the city for long time. Mosul would not happen this. Because since the military operation started in Mosul and it go with one style which is the local operations in here and there. Also what was recognized in Mosul more that any other city is the killing and assassination of important persons.

That is what has happened in the previous days in Mosul which was during the Moslems holy celebration (14th to 16th of November) and still until today is going for the same style. The gunmen started to attack here and there in several places of the city.

What happened during the Moslems holy ceremony was that the American jets started to bomb the gunmen positions and that is for the first time since the war ended in April 2003. Maybe that show that this last operation is the hardest one since the war ended. In fact Mosul changed generally since August or September. Since that time, I said to everyone I meet that Mosul will be the second Fallujah, but with different style. That was clear especially since Ramadan started in the middle of last October first when some of the military groups could force the people to do some commands like obligate the Christian women to dress Hijab, close all the restaurant in the city including that ones which were allowed by the local government, obligating the barbers to stop some kind of western styles of hair cutting, and at last stopped the music bands to work in the city.

All these commands which could run by these military groups while the government could not stop them, made me worry about the situation in the city, and of course the other people became more worried that they left the city even to go out of the country and most moved to Syria the closest country to Mosul. But what was the problem? What made the situation reach to this point while Mosul was the quieter city after the war ended? Of course the only one answer to this questions is that those gunmen came from other places outside the city, with support by some of the local people who were willing to join with them in doing these operations.

From all above we can see that the situation in Mosul need to be treated before it will became a big problem like Fallujah. Even now it is a real problem, but still not a big one. What happened last week was an evidence of that there is a real problem in Mosul and the matter was not just a small operation.

However, the life in Mosul is still unstable but it is better than last week. After the Moslem holy ceremony ended two days ago, the life in the eastern part of the city was semi-normal in some areas especially the public ones. While the western part of the city is still hard and more assaults are there. Today there was bombing from both sides during the midday time. The bombing was included rockets from the American jets and from gunmen. Also there was attacks to the government building. The Mayor office said that the rockets are attacking from a residence areas and the office asked the people to stop those gunmen to attack from there otherwise they will attack the source of these bombs and then there will be more civilian victims. And this point is a bad one because the civilian people are really between two fires, the gunmen and the government forces supported by the American forces.

What will really happened in the next days? That is what we will see, but what we will live it. My prayers to God continue.

Posted at 11:43 AM     |

Sat - November 13, 2004

Police Director

I did not be surprise when I heard yesterday, Friday the 12th that the Director of Police in Mosul city had run away. Since the first I heard this man speaking I did not feel comfortable about him. He was speaking just like Saddam's followers and that alone made raised concern with him.

What happened in Mosul last Wednesday and Thursday was that Mosul became out of control like what I wrote in my last article. But the situation in just the next day (Friday) and today (Saturday) is more stable and no more fighting is occurring in the city.

However, the situation is still as unstable even though there is no fights like last Thursday. Friday was a somewhat quiet day, while today Saturday we had some attacks and we were hearing the sounds of explosions here and there.

What happened especially on Thursday is that the police director ran away and left the city. Yesterday I heard in news that Interior Minister chucked the police director of Mosul and today, the mayor of Mosul said that the police director had run away just when the last events started. That caused many policemen to leave their stations and the city to become without police in many places. We said that the city became out of control. The Mayor said also that "no one knows where the police director is now and we are seeking for him." The Mayor blamed the Director and the police system for all of what has happened in the last two days. But he said that "we got some forces from Baghdad to keep the security and that we will get more this day so we will keep security better from tomorrow."

The most good news from the Mayor was that he presented a panegyric to the Iraqi National Guard (ING) which had just stayed fighting alone. The ING gave several martyrs during the two days. As I see the ING in the streets I can say that they are really better than policemen.

The police system in my city is really not good in my opinion. And here I wish to give one basic sample of who comprised the police system. The new government allowed many of Saddam's former systems to join in the police system and this became a very big problem in my opinion. I can not understand why they accepted some of those who were members in Fidaeen which were the most Saddam's honest to join in police. I know many of those who were in Fidaeen and then after the liberation they joined to the police system. Maybe some said that it was a human case, but I never think so. I know that now if the local government will chuck all those policemen who left their position in the last events, then most of them will join in the resistance. but I still think that it is better than to accept them in police system.

Here I wish to say also that Mosul was the city in Iraq where most of the killing of important persons occurred. And I blame the police system for this matter. One responsible man told me that in one week we got 40 cases of killing for several kinds of people like doctors, professors, politicians, merchants and most the other important persons in our social structure.

The American Army also refutes the news of the withdrawal from some positions. The American Army was really not seen during the fighting on Wednesday and Thursday but the American jets were seen in the skies over Mosul.

The curfew is still in effect in the city but with limited hours from 4:00 pm to 6:00 am. The crossing between the two parts of the city is also unlimited. also the coming to the city is limited and sometimes do not allow to anyone to enter the city.

So the situation is still unstable in the city, and maybe after the Falluja operation will finish then Mosul will be the next target. While I was writing this, I heard from the Iraqi Security Secretary that the main operation in Fallujah had been achieved. So, Mosul will sure take care of the responsibles in the Iraqi government to look after what happened in last month which was the worst month in the city since the war started in March 2003.

Posted at 08:37 PM     |

Mosul out of Control

While most the world was just interested in the death of Arafat the Palestinian leader and also the assault in Falluja, today Thursday the 11th of November was a general curfew in my city of Mosul.

The reason of the curfew which announced by the local government yesterday was to control the city, but that did not stop gunmen to control more than 60% of the city. They have control of 6 police stations and fired upon some of them. The gunmen appeared in the public street and took control, stopping anyone they chose. While the local government was nowhere in sight in most parts of the city.

The fights started yesterday (Wednesday) and increased through today. The sounds of light weaponry as well as the mortars and RPG's could be heard all around. The voice of explosions was heard continuously most hours of this day except about two or three hours in the afternoon and it is still happening as I type this story.

While it was curfew today, I stayed indoors but some people went out even though there was no guarantee for their safety. One of the my neighbors went out and back after he saw that there was very limited motion in the city. That was in the first hours of the day before the fighting started. The man said that only one bridge of the five which join the two parts of the city was open and it was allowed only for people to walk cross while no vehicles allowed. The man did not see any fights in the streets. But one of my friends who works in the police station said that while he was in work today early some gunmen occupied his station allowing them to leave the station safely. He added that the gunmen did not kill us while they could have.

After midday the official local TV channel stopped broadcasting and we still did not know why, maybe it became under control? But we can not verify this.

During that some of my neighbors said that a limited looting operation occurred in the city, but no one else could confirm this, however, the Imam of mosques in some areas of the city were calling out using the loudspeakers of the mosques to stop those who were looting and to stay awake all the nights and that is what has happened in some areas.

Generally, we can say that Mosul is out of control now, and both Iraqi forces and American troops are nowhere in sight, but for only the American jets that are flying in the sky. I heard in the news that they bombed some areas in the city when the gunmen appeared.

For me, I have worried for this day, it reminds me of the days of war. I never have felt anguish like today since the war ended in April 2003. My family was upset too and we thought of leaving the city like most of my neighbors. We expect that there will be an American operation in Mosul like that one in Fallujah, but perhaps that will happen after the last one has finished.

In fact, what we worry the most is that the gunmen will use the people to hide when the Americans fight them is this has happened before as Saddam was doing when he was in control and during the war with Americans in both the two wars, in 1991 and 2003.

The next night will be such a bad one and it brings to my mind the war's nights. However, I will go to sleep this night and think about what will happened in next days? I pray that tomorrow will be a safer one than this.

Posted at 06:12 AM     |

Wed - November 10, 2004

Reactions of Fallujah Assault

The reactions of Fallujah assault just reached to my city today the third day of this assault. After two very quiet days. But the reaction was difficult in that the local government decided to implement a general curfew in the city which had not happened in the city even when the city fell in April 2003.

While all the world in interesting in what is happening in Fallujah, I will write about what is happening in my city, because I think few will cover about the situation in my city. Also, it is more close to me to write about this than I might write about Fallujah operation itself.

Fights broke out this morning of Wednesday in our local time and gunmen appeared in the public streets in the East half of the city which is divided by the Tigris River in to two parts. The East bank which is the most hot military operations since the city faell in April 2003 while the West bank is much quieter.

But while the fighting was happening at the Northern part of the city, I was in the city centre in the most crowded markets of the city. The people there were not interested in what is going maybe because the news had not reached yet. That was at about 11:00 am in our local time. The people were shopping for the coming Eaid which is followed by Ramadan the Holy month for Moslems. This Eaid which is the happy occasion for everyone, but it is clear that there will not be a happiness in this Eaid.

However, the markets were full of people who do not know still what is waiting for them, so they were buying new clothes and the gifts maybe more than any other previous year especially after the Iraqis income doubled several times compared to what it was under Saddam's time.

Because the city is too big and it is the second largest city in the country after Baghdad the capital, it was difficult to hear the voice of attacks and fights in other areas of the city. But we just heard about that by some people coming from there, and because this is not first time which happened therefore no one interested in this matter and everyone continued with what they were doing.

At 4:00 pm, the local government decided a general curfew in the city from today starting at 4:00 pm until an unknown date. That means that everyone will keep in the house for maybe few days.

The decision was very wise and righteous so it will help to keep the security. I think that this is very necessary at this critical time even it will cease the public life in the city, but it is better than to bring more fights.

However, this decision did not stop the fighting and the voice of targets was heard continuously from sunset in the city until now while I am write these words. It is about 8:00 pm in the local time. Of course I have no information about what is happening exactly because I am keeping in my house but one of my friends saw this morning when the fighting started that the gunmen killed one child less than 10 years old, that he was just appeared in the area while no one was passing there just the gunmen while my friend saw the American troops with their armor-clad vehicles were in the other bank of the city. My friend left the area because it was very dangerous. During that and since yesterday night there was flying of American fighter aircrafts, but I do not think that Americans or the Iraqi government are preparing for any assault in this city as they are busy in Fallujah now.

Some of the reactions of Iraqis about the last operation, that some people here really think that the American forces supported by the Iraqi forces will never be able to win this operation. When asked, they said that because God is with us. Then I told them does God say to kill that young child under 10 years old? Or to kill the Iraqis innocents?

While others were happy that the American and Iraqi forces did not yet succeed until now. However, there are those who are support this operation although they are sorry for the victims. They are happy that Falluja will be liberated from those bad people. I hope that this operation will finish soon and do not take too long because the long time will bring more victims.

Well, that is what happened today, but what will happen tomorrow and the next days? I hope it will be safe for everyone. I pray for all.

Posted at 10:07 PM     |

Mon - November 8, 2004

Falluja Operation Started

The big expectant operation in Falluja started this afternoon according to our local time in Iraq, and I think that the most question which most of the readers ask me as I am an Iraqi is what is the reaction of Iraqis about this operation?

In fact, the operation started at a time that I could not notice any reaction. The operation had not started when the working day finished and everyone had returned back to his home. Especially since it is Ramadan in Iraq most people close early and go back to home early.

So, while I was in the street today there was no notice that the operation in Falluja had started. But in fact it is not too difficult to expect what will be the reaction of Iraqi people about this operation, first because of that it was clear for a long time that this operation would happen either now or later and this was one of the submitted subjects in the streets to discuss, we were talking about this since several weeks. Second, this matter is not new for us to find difficulty to know the Iraqis reaction. There was several similar operations in recent months, which I think that the reactions of Iraqis will not change. However, because of that this is very important and urgent matter, I can write now about this expected reaction and then tomorrow will write about what will really happen and what I will see it on location. But I will start with the most important question in my opinion which is: Is this operation is necessary or not? )

Of course there will be two different answers to the above question which is either yes or no, so why yes and why no, and who will say yes and who will say no. Officially both the Sunii Moslems committee and Al-Sadr stream condemned this operation. And in my opinion most Iraqi Sunii Moslems people will do same and condemn this operation. I expected that maybe they will not stop at this. Sure they will claim to go and help the Fallujian people and fight with them. That is what I expected it surely from most Sunii Moslems but of course not all. But the majority will do.

The Shiee Moslems will have quieter reaction. Both of the two reaction will depend on the answer to the above question which was about the necessity of this operation or not.

As my city is a Sunii majority, the most will be with the answer that this operation is another artifice from the Americans to control Iraq and to affront Iraqi people. I am sure that this will happen in my city and other Sunii cities in Iraq.

However, there is another opinion which say that NO this operation is very necessary to stop those terrorists who have come from outside my country and that they are doing all these bad operations of killing Iraqi civilians and other terrorists operation in the country.

In fact no one will change his interceptor about the general Iraqi issue. As I said always that who is with the Iraqi general change to democracy will stay advocate to this change and will say that this operation is very necessary but some like me say that it came very late and it should have been done several months ago. Others who are against the Iraqi general change will say (NO) for this operation in Falluja.

That is the expected reactions of the Iraqis about the Falluja operation. For me, I am sure that there will be many of the innocent civilian Iraqi will be killed, but still think that this operation is necessary. Because, there are many Iraqi innocent civilians who killing everyday with or without this operation, and one of the reason of those civilians are killing is the terrorists operations which are happening. So, it is better to remove those who were the reason.

Here, I still remember how we were liveing during the first six months after the liberation or what others call "The Occupation". We were safe and without worry from anything. But we started to be worry since the Resistance Operation started. It has became unsafe to walk in the public streets as we do not know when a car bombed will explode. So, I support this operation to liberate Falluja, but I think that the Americans were late to do that like they were late to remove Saddam who should have been removed since 1991.

But my greatest fear is that not in Falluja itself, because the American Army supported with the Iraqi Forces will resolve this. I am afraid that the people in the other cities will increase their military operations but maybe more than that with unexpected matter. But what will be this? I do not know.

Posted at 11:26 PM     |

Sat - November 6, 2004

Bush's Win

It was very necessary to share my thoughts about the American elections 2004 which have just finished with Mr. George W. Bush winning another four years.

I think that it was significantly important that I wrote before the voting, but some technical problem did not allow me a chance for that. I think that it was important for the American to hear what an Iraqi person thinks about this election and whom the Iraqi person preferred to be a president of the United States.

However, about 50% of Iraqis said that we do not care about whom will be the president. But the others 50% were really interested in this election. The first 50% of Iraqis are either do not like Americans and they say that if either Bush or Kerry will win will not change the situation in Iraq, or they are really indifferent who will win. While the second half who are most interested to know from the Americans, and I think that maybe about 60% of those Iraqis support Bush to win. This group generally felt that the Iraqi operation was started by Bush so he must complete it, better than Kerry who would have to start this matter from the beginning.

For me, I supported Bush, not only for the reason above, but also because I noticed that Kerry was unclear by his opinions. Unlike Bush who was very clear in his opinion. Kerry changed his opinions especially about the war in Iraq and this is the most important point for me as I am Iraqi. Of course, I noticed that maybe Kerry was more interested in the interior of the United State than Bush, but that does not mean that I did not care about the American matters. But, I think that both the interior and foreigner matter should be considered and maybe that was other reason for why Kerry lost.

In fact, there is another very important matter about the relation between Iraqi matters and the elections of the United States, which is Saddam's captured by the American Army.

Before the 1992 United States election between Bush Senior and Bill Clinton, I said "only one of the two would stay on the leadership, either Saddam or Bush Senior. So, if Bush will remove Saddam then he would win in the election, if Saddam will stay in power so Bush will lose". And that is what happened. Again in the last war, I said the same. Before the American Army captured Saddam, I said the same that either Bush or Saddam would stay. But here I was unhappy that Saddam stayed free. So, on the 13th of December 2003, when American Army captured Saddam, I said that GW Bush won the election. Not that he will win, but I said that GW Bush had won. And I really was sure that GW Bush would win because he had captured Saddam. And I am sure and most Americans will agree that if the American Army could not capture Saddam until this time, that it would be impossible for GW Bush to be reelected in this last election.

This the last opinion I would like to share with my readers before the election, but some technical problems happened with me which did not allow me to write any article in the last week before the election. You see, here in Iraq, our electrical power is not very consistent. So it is a challenge somtimes to get my computer on.

I know that there is another man wanted in the United States. That man is, of course, Osama Bin Laden. Bush did a good job when he captured Saddam and that allowed him to get more than 50% of votes, but if he would captured Bin Laden, he would get more than 70% or even 80% of the votes. But that did not happened yet because Bin Laden is still free and that is what made Kerry get more votes.

Well, now after Bush has been reelected, the Iraqis who supported Bush are happy for that and they are looking that he will complete his mission in Iraq. I also thought in that matter and hope that he will do this in a short time, because our problem here in Iraq is that the Iraqis cant stay waiting for longer time. Iraqis are very hasty to get what they want, freedom and liberty. Maybe that is because of the many years of suffering but also because most Iraqis now are not believing the promises which they are hearing from both the Americans and the new Iraqi government.

So, what will the next future will bring to us? That is what we are all here in Iraq waiting to see. We pray that the security which is at it's lowest in Iraq will be immediately restored. There is no time (again no time) to wait and I think that Americans and I mean Bush specifically that if he wanted to win the Iraqis support and maybe even Iraqis love, he should bring security for the Iraqi people.

Yes, we get some advantages from the freedom operation, but we lost our feeling of security and that is the most important thing.

For me, I think that Iraqis should have their duties in this matter too, and that is what is happening but very slowly. The Iraqi forces, even though they are still weak, improve slowly. I think that now while we are at about 19 months of liberation we should have seen more progress in this field. I hope that this will happen more quickly at the next days (and not weeks) especially that our elections is at our front door and we have less that 80 days to go. Our prayers continue.

Posted at 07:51 AM     |

Thu - November 4, 2004

Answers to my Readers' Questions

Today I wish to answer the most important emails I received from my readers. But, first I wish to thank everyone who wrote to me for either to encourage me or write his/her comments. Also, I am sorry for the delay to reply, in fact as I am not a writer I did not plan for this topic, but recently I saw that I must do a regular response to my readers, and I think that would once every week or two weeks.

I am really happy that I could focus about the important points which are happening in my country, even I focus about my city where I can say what I am seeing but I hope that I can give a view for what is happening in this country and in the same time I wish to say that the security situation now in my country is not the same in all cities as it is in my city. I wrote before that my city is becoming more violent while most other cities are more quiet and peaceful. The more violent cities are those in the area which is now called the Sunii Triangle and this term is correct as I can see that only the Sunii are more eager to fight the Americans while the Sheaa are more quiet.

Now, I have two months of my own blog (as most people seem to call this kind of thing) and I hope that I succeed in this job, but I am feeling sorry that I could not start this website earlier. However, thanks to God that I could do this at this time. I hope that I could do at least the minimum of what is necessary to write in such website and again I am ready to hear from anyone who wish to suggest any matter or have any comment or questions about the situation here or any question related to our topics. My email is listed below and wait your emails.

One nice email came from Mrs. Deneane who said that American government made a big mistake in calculating the cost of the war to both the American side and the Iraqi people. She also shared nice feelings for our people.

Well, I wish to write here about my experience with this point. All that has happened up to the 9th of April, was expected, even before the war started. That included the end of Saddam within a short time unless he has a WMD. But I never expected most of what happened after that quick falling. That started with the looting operations and then the other operations of the military resistance and also the Iraqis treating for the American Forces. I expected that at least Iraqis will thank the Americans for helping to remove Saddam from the control.

But, what happened was that the resistance was very tough in several regions in the country. But what about the American political leadership? As I am looking now to what happened after the 9th of April, I see that the Americans really made a mistake in calculations of what would happen after the war. Here I remember that the total number of Soldiers in first Gulf War in 1991 was about (500,000) soldiers while at this war was about (250,000) soldiers. In addition, this second war is larger and bigger than the first one because the first was just to liberate Kuwait from the Tyrant Saddam while this one is to fall a country then reestablish it from zero point.

I think that the problem is the difference between the two cultures of Iraqis and Americans which resulted that the Americans did not know what the simple Iraqi person want or what look. They expected that Iraqis would not fight for Saddam, and that happened but what happened after Saddam's falling, I do not yet understand.

In any case what happened here was not easy. A whole country destroyed (to be honest) then to reestablish from zero point. However, even if the Americans made a mistake, but what I feel sad is that the Iraqis also did some mistakes.

However, I see that we must support the new Iraqi government because it is walking in the correct way. While some Iraqis, and very few at that, do not support this new government (which is really better than any other Arabian government in my opinion). This matter has made me sad. By this I mean that the Iraqis are not supporting the new government. I hope that the Iraqis will know the truth about this government and support it for rebuilding our country and establishing the new generation after Saddam destroyed our generation. Its effects are still visible until this day and will be for the next several years.

On other hand, we can not say that the situation is very bad in Iraq generally. Basically because the problems are mostly in just the area of the Sunii Triangle, while other places are better situation than before the war. Even in the other troubled cities, there are also some advantages in addition to the disadvantages of this war. I wrote a special article about this matter and I show that the advantages are more than disadvantages.

Another reader writes: from Mrs. Suzanna who asked "is Iraq today how do you view it and what society will develop?"

Well that is a very good question, and I see that Iraq needs several years to change the habits of the people. Unfortunately, Saddam destroyed the Iraqi person before he destroyed Iraq itself.

I think that the Iraqi society will develop when the Iraqis will see some improvements in their situation. Iraqis suffered too much in their life. So, when the American forces came to Iraq in April 2003, most were happy and they expected to get the changes just in a short time, that it would not be more than a few months (two or three months at the most). Then after a few months passed without any visible changes in their life, most Iraqis started to feel pessimistic about these recent changes. In addition to that, some fighters started to change Iraq to a battleground against Americans including some from other countries who wanted to fight Americans in Iraqi land. All that made the Iraqis feel that they will continue to suffer more and more. This made them perceive peace, security and stability as a more unattainable goal.

However, if we look to the far future, after the situation will stabilize, I see that there will be two main societies in Iraq. The first is the Islamic group which call to make the country an Islamic country like Saudi Arabia or Iran, while the other group is the non-religious which is not dissimilar to Western style of life but with some eastern traditions which mean by other words a mix between the western and eastern styles.

I hope that the Iraqi society will change for better in the near future after the all the military operations will stop, but as these have not stopped the Iraqi society will remain unstable and Iraqis will continue to feel that they are moving from bad to worse.

Good suggestion from Theresa that she suggested to write about the positive aspects that American soldiers are doing to combat the evil that intends to destroy the future democracy of Iraq. I will do that in a future article.

This was what I wanted to share this day. I will answer the many other questions in the nearest chance and sorry for the delay to all who write to me.

Posted at 09:51 PM     |

Sat - October 23, 2004

Arabic Media and Some News

Since Ramadan – the holy month of Moslems – started eight days ago, the number of military operation and the explosions and cars bombed increased in a very tangible figure. That was expected as I wrote in my article dated the 15th of this month. I wrote in that article "Ramadan was the starting point of what was later called the Iraqi Resistance. That because a part of this resistance is an Islamic picture. So, those part of resistance increased their operations during Ramadan as a part of their religious duty of Ramadan requirements".

In these nine days of this Ramadan's age, there was much of violence in my city. There are several events (military operations, cars bombed, mortar rocket attacks and etc.), every day in all the past days of Ramadan except the first day of Ramadan. Most of those events are not covered by the media, maybe because those events have become a normal news item which do not deserve coverage by the media. But in each one of those events some or several of Iraqis were killed or wounded and maybe some American soldiers as well. But today two Turkish truck drivers were killed and three to five trucks were attacked which may lead to a crisis in bringing the goods or fuel from Turkey.

The most important matter which I want to write in this article is what happened yesterday in the Thi Al-Noreen Mosque when the Iraqi force and American Army tried to storm the mosque. Today I met a friend who told me what his friend saw while he was praying at that mosque while the operation happened.

The man said: "we were inside the mosque and the two members of the Iraqi National Guard came to the Imam of the mosque and told him that there are two persons in the mosque they had come to arrest. The Imam said that they could not take the suspects from the mosque and he would give them the address of the men they sought but that under no circumstances were soldiers to be allowed inside the mosque. During that time, the American Army was there outside the mosque". During this time the man continue to say: "one man in the mosque called somewhere by his phone and several groups of the fighters came from inside this mosque and maybe from another mosque" as the man said. "the fighter groups were carrying with them several kinds of light weaponry, then both the ING and American Army withdraw from the area just after they shouted at a few pilots in the air outside the mosque."

The man said that the Americans had never entered the mosque while I heard in the Arabian news media that the Americans had entered the mosque and they contravened the holiness of the mosque. I also heard in the same media that there was hard fighting between the fighters and the American Army in the mosque area and that the Americans tried to capture some worshipers from there.

That just shows how the Arabic media interprets the news. This is not the only sample, but most news which appear in most of the Arabian media are malformed and all news are shown as a fabrication and not shown the real truth.

I never trust the Arabian TV channels. These channels are the most famous in Iraq and we have no other choice to see in our TV as we can not get the European or American channels. Also most Iraqis can't understand English well enough to get the news in English.

Iraqi Media was absent, we got the first formal channel which was managed by the CPA (Coalition Provisory Authority) and then the Iraqi government. Now we have five Iraqi private channels which is a high percentage among the other Arabian countries although the hard situation in Iraq.

The good news is that only one of these Iraqi channels is very honest to give the true news. Its name is Al-Faihaa and it has become the favorite channel for most Iraqis who do not like the violence and the fighting even against the Americans. Since this channel started operation, most watchers share their happiness that they finally have a news channel that agrees with their mind, and with their suffering. Many of the viewers have voiced their resentment from all the Arabian news channels. They are happy too for they have found at last a honest channel while recent history has shown these bad channels were standing with Saddam and even that they were getting payola from him.

I am happy too that I can watch a nice channel and hope that those bad channels will stop their animosity towards the Iraqi people. One of those channels is forbidden to work in Iraq by a resolution from the Iraqi government since about two month ago, because of what this channel had broadcast in the news. This channel was an Al-Jazeera channel which is famous throughout the world.

I hope again that those bad channels will change their policy and stop broadcasting the news which incite the people to violence and at least which do not give the news as it is.

Posted at 07:26 PM     |

Solving the Fuel Problem

Few days ago, I wrote about one of the problem in Iraqis' life, that is the fuel shortage. This problem was solved just three days ago amazingly after only four days of the problem's discovery. Now everyone can get vehicle fuel waiting less than 15 minutes in a line. And this is nothing considering what was the situation in the previous days. Also the prices of the fuel reduced and I think everything will back to a stable condition in the days ahead.

The solution of this problem was by contracting with the Turkish companies which provide the fuel to bring the fuel into a safe area which is the Kurdistan area, then other Iraqi trucks carry the fuel from them to the Iraqi fuel store. While the problem was solved totally, some distrusting people are trying to store fuel.

What also happened last week, and due to the fuel shortage, is that some of the criminal element looted five of the fuel stations in the city. This is because, I suppose, of the problem of fuel, but I think that it was just a chance for those bad people to do what they what they do naturally.

However, the good news in this matter is that the problem has resolved, and in very short order before the problem expanded and uncontrollable. This shows to us how much the new government is working to provide the life sustaining requirements to the Iraqi people while some people do not support this government and instead apply blame for our challenging life. This is the opposite of what had been the experience in Saddam's era when the government did not care about the people requirements and, strangely, not one of the people took to blame that government.

As I mentioned in my article about the fuel shortage that this was not the first time we saw this problem, almost one or two times per year this problem had occured since 1991 when American bombers attacked most the fuel facilities in the first Gulf War in 1991. also from the bad treatment of Saddam himself. That lead the people to take their preparation for any expected crisis in the fuel by storing as much as they can of fuel. Some of the drivers store it in a safe way while others do not. The fuel of cars is very dangerous and fast to burn. And the sad thing is that several cases happened that the drivers or their houses burned because of unsafe storing conditions. The losses can vary from a car to a house burning, or in the worst cases, human losses.

In this most recent crisis, I did not hear about any incident of home fuel storage fires of this type, but this has definitely occurred in the happened in the past. In Saddam's time we had several calamities of this nature and when we had a human losses we would say that these are another kind of Saddam's victims because these things were happening because of ill treatment. But after the war, or after the liberation from Saddam, we only saw three crisis of fuel. First was just when the American forces entered to the country and second was in last November and the third was just a few days ago. This last one was very short, but I remember the second one was for more than one month and same for the first.

That was one of the problems facing the Iraqi people, but I think it is an easier one to deal with. We still have other types of challenges that continue to test our security which has been poor over the last several months, but the electrical power which has been bad since 1991 (which affect how often I can write these articles). But that, is a topic for another article to come.

My fellow countrymen, since a few days ago have been quite happy that the problem of fuel was solved, but now look toward solving the other issues soon. When that will happen? We pray that will be soon.

Posted at 08:43 AM     |

Thu - October 21, 2004

Reaction of Iraqi Christian Women

Six days since Ramadan started. This Ramadan (the holy month for Moslems) which was very different than all the past ones for the Iraqi Christian women, because the commands of the Ansar Al-Sunna resistance army (an Islamic movement) which is a more effective authority than the government in this city at present time.

These days no one obeys the government and this is a visible fact more clearly than the sun in the sky at midday. No one listened to the commands of the government concerning the Ramadan, while the commands of the Ansar Al-Sunna Army were more adhered to from the people, not because they respect them, but because most people are afraid from them. In other more clear words, it's because of the horror in the people's hearts.

This horror is in everyone's heart in this city while they are seeing almost everyday at least one beheading or slaughtering of those who do not obey the commands of what is being termed "the Iraqi Resistance". Just this morning I started my day hearing from my friend that they found a man beheaded near their house at 7:00 am. The reason given as always: "working with Americans". This is leading more people to obey the Ansar Al-Sunna Resistance Army more then the local government.

Several flyers were posted everywhere in the city a few days before Ramadan. One of them was that all women must dress in the Islamic legal clothes or what we call the Al-Hijab. This means that even Christian women must obey this. I wrote about this point one day before Ramadan started and I was waiting to see if this would be obeyed or not.

Last Saturday which was the first day of working days in Ramadan, I was interested to see the reaction of the Iraqi Christian women about the command of the dressing Al-Hijab. Before that, woman spoke of a different matter, but what I saw in the last six days was that there are about 50% of the Christian women obeying this command and dressing in the Al-Hijab. 20% of the Christian women are defying this command and they appear without the Al-Hijab in the public places, while about 30% of them obviated to appear in public places even though they have an important things to do. Even many of the university students are not attending their study these past few days since Ramadan began. There are many Christian students who did not go to the class because of this command and they said that they will never go to the university in all the month of Ramadan.

So, that was the result, 50% obeyed, 30% obviated and 20% confronted. I have no comments about these results, but I think it is expected. But this is not my primary interest. The most important matter is why the government is silent against these "resistance" groups who control the situation in this city? Most people here are saying that there is no government in this city since about two months ago.

However, to cover our title address concerning the Christian women, I think that we must confront this commands, not because as some are saying that it is easy command and not a problem for one month, but for the reason that this is the first step and that it will followed by others until our situation will be similar to life under the Taliban. That is what these groups want even if they would not admit this now, but every big matter start with simple things. I think that if the situation will continue in this way then we will reach a situation similar to that of the Taliban when they were controlling Afghanistan.

But I do not think so, I trust that the American and the Iraqi forces will take action at a time which I hope will be soon to control the situation, otherwise the results will be catastrophic. In any case, there will be many victims and as the military operation is yet to materialize, I think that these groups will kill or behead one woman at least because of insolence. I hope that I am wrong in this, but my experience tells me otherwise. I pray that I will be fault in my opinion. Still, I pray.

Posted at 10:51 PM     |

Sun - October 17, 2004

Fuel Shortage

Just yesterday I wrote about one of the problems in the country which is the difficulty of getting a passport, but today I will write about most critical problem which is the vehicles fuel shortage.

This is not the first time a shortage happened with the vehicles fuel, and not the only shortage in Iraq. In fact, all our life was like a shortage since 1991, but since Saddam came to the leadership in Iraq in 1979, we were just starting a new shortage after we disposal of the other.

In each period we had a kind of shortage, for example, sometimes a shortage of food, or a shortage of fuel, other of kerosene, and so on.

The fuel shortage dominates the shortages in Iraq, even though our country is an oil rich country. But this has happened several times in this country since 1991.

After the last war, this shortage happened three times. First one was just after the American Army entered to Baghdad, in April 2003. In that period, the fuel was unavailable in all the country, because of the destruction in the oil refineries across the country and looting operations. That shortage was solved by the American Army who was controlling the country at that time by contracting with some Turkish companies to import vehicle fuel to Iraq.

These day we have other shortage of vehicles fuel and the reason at this time is that the truck’s drivers stopped bringing the fuel to the country because they are threaten by the Iraqi Resistance or what it called by the people here as a (Jihadests or Mojahideen). Those Jihadests threaten the drivers that they will kill them. The Jihadests have killed and kidnapped several of the Turkish drivers.

The crisis started two days ago when all the drivers stopped bringing the fuel here, and the government had no way to resolve. And since yesterday (Saturday the 16th of October) the shortage increased and it has become a big problem for lack of fuel. The first result of this was that the cost of transportation increased 100%. And we got a shortage in the transport because no drivers were being allowed passage. Also, some people stopped going to their work because of the transport problem. The only real advantage from this problem is that the crowd in the streets has reduced.

What is interesting in this matter and what I see is that the people here are not blaming the Jihadests who were the reason of this shortage, usually the Iraqis do not stop blaming others about any problem they have especially after the war. For example they never stop blaming the Americans for any case or problem we have even if it is a normal result of the occupation status which was in the country. But now, because of the horror of the Jihadests, no one is blaming anyone. Maybe another reason is that there are also many people who are really supporting the Jihadests and do not want to blame them.

Today which is the second day of the fuel problem, the price of one liter of fuel has increased to 1000% of its origin price. And this price will increase in the next day if the problem will not resolve.

After the fuel stopped coming from Turkey there is only one source of fuel which is the local oil refinery and these can only provide about 10% or at most 20% (according to my estimations) of the current requirements, because of the terrorists operations and also due to the 100% increase in the number of cars after the war.

So, what has happened is what always happen in a similar situation which is that the fuel station work only for 6 hours or less per day, and only about 50% of stations are working while all others are totally closed since the problem started two days ago.

To get fuel, you must take a turn in a long line and wait several hours where you have a 75% chance to get fuel otherwise, you can stay in the line until the second day (that include to sleep in the car in the line) then you will be in the forward of the line and then you will get the fuel 100% in the second day. While you are waiting in the line, you will see some of the tougher men who come directly to the fuel station and threat the others that they must get the fuel otherwise they will make troubles. Yesterday, I saw four strong men come to one fuel station and they take the fuel to themselves and give to everyone they want while the owner of station could watch in dismay.

In the middle of all this, the policemen are absent. While in one station the policemen came to solve the problem, the result was that the anarchic people there killed one of the officers.

While I was watching to these views, I hoped that I have a camera to get a picture or some pictures of this dramatic situation to show it in this site because I think that these views are deserve to record in pictures.
This is the view of our life here in this country, it is not new, but we have seen much like this over the last several years, the story of yesterday with passport issue is other sample for this. I do not know if anyone interested in such kind of this life, but still, I pray.

Posted at 11:37 PM     |

Sat - October 16, 2004

Passport – a Necessary Document in IRAQ

Today Saturday the 16th of October I went to the passport office, because today is the date to give the new documents which lead to get the new passport for everyone who wishes one. We were awaiting this day since more than 45 days. That because to get a passport at these time is not easy, maybe similar to Saddam's time, but it looks now more difficult because most people can now travel while before, many of Iraqis were not allowed to travel. In fact I have a passport, but that one maybe will not be allowable because it was issued at Saddam's time. So, I wish to get the new one. This is the same what most people thought, so every one is need a passport, even if he/she has. Because we do not trust about what will happen, the past experience has taught us to have more than one choice. Therefore, this matter caused to make more crowd as all people now want to get a passport. By the way, the issuing of Iraqi passport just started two months ago, it was stopped since March, 2003 when the war started.

I reached to the passport office and found a large crowd of people there. Many many people who wish to get passport were there. Because of the number of people, the police officers could not do anything. The people were so crazy that they were ready to fight to get a passport. So, I left the place because I found that it is impossible for me to get a passport, also I am not eager to get the passport.

While I was there, I met my close friend Nabeel who also wants to get a passport. But he felt like I did and we left the area. My friend wants a passport as many Iraqis do. His desire to have a passport is with the expectation that he be ready to leave the country whenever life here will become unendurable. In fact our situation is still unstable since the war started on March 2003, but the people were somewhat quiet over last two months when the situation became very bad after the great increase kidnapping and killing. All that lead to most people here thinking about travel and leaving the country until the life is a little more stable.

But, still we are able to endure this as we learned during Saddam's time to do that. But it is very necessary at this situation to have a valid passport which is very useful if any emergency cases. That is what most people are thinking these days. Maybe some people like me and my friend Nabeel will try to get the passport by this long way, but some other people have already traveled, as they were able to get a passport much easier without any trouble, but that cost them to pay $100US-$150US as a bribe, then it will be easy to get a passport. In fact the amount of 100 Dollars is a high amount in Iraq, so this everyone realizes how difficult it is to get a passport in Iraq.

Anyone who wishes to get a passport in Iraq nowadays has two choices, either to pay a bribe of $100US-$150US, or to join in a crowd which may end by fighting like what happened today. Yes, that's what happened after we left the area, I met another person who was there and he told me that the crowd ended by a fight with knives and brute force. However, the employers who work in the office, when they saw the commotion, reached to this dramatic end, they stopped their work and closed their office, and do not know what they will do later.

With these dramatic situation, maybe it is better to pay the $100US bribe. But if only a person would have this amount. Otherwise he must be patient for several months to get a passport. Still, I pray.

Posted at 10:09 PM     |
