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Current Music:"every you every me" placebo
Current Mood:[mood icon] uncomfortable
Subject:St. Valentines
Time:12:48 pm
Valentines Day started in ancient Rome and was originally a celebration to Juno, the goddess of women and marriage. The following day would be the feast of Lupercalia. The night before this festival the boys and girls would write each others names on pieces or paper and place them in jars and draw names out for partners. They would keep their partners for the feast and sometimes the paring would last a year. Oftentimes they fell in love and eventually married.

During the rule of Calidius the Cruel, men wouldn't join his army to go and fight. He thought it was because they didn't want to leave their lovers or families and thus cancelled all of the engagements and marriages in Rome. One of the priests, Saint Valentine secretly married couples and helped the Christian martyrs. As a result, he was brought to the Prefect of Rome and sentenced to be beaten to death and to have his head cut off, this occurred on February 14th, 270AD.

Still celebrating the Feast of Luperica in the month of February, to continue tradition, pastors did away with the choosing of names of women and used the names of saints instead for patrons for the year.

Also, in the Middle Ages, young men and women chose names out of bowls and would wear the name on their sleeve. Hence, the phrase, "wearing your heart on your sleeve."


Well, Happy Valentines Day my friends!
But seriously, who needs it?

"all alone in space and time
there's nothing here but what here's mine
something borrowed, something blue
every you every me"
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Current Music:"Tango Roxanne" Moulin Rouge
Current Mood:[mood icon] productive
Subject:oh the woes of yogurt
Time:07:22 pm
Funny story. As everyone well knows I work at the front desk of my resident hall, McNulty. People are constantly coming in and out of it during the day, going and coming from class, not to mention we have over 500 residents in our hall. So, this guy, I forget his name but I see him all the time, comes in and stands looking around the lobby, looks at me with a serious expression and says, "Hey, did you see a guy come through with a packpack?" I just look at him and couldn't help but burst into laughter. Liz and Caitlin, who were on the other side of the desk were like, "what did you say?" Then realizing how stupid he was, says, somberly, "that was the stupidest thing I ever said." and he walks off. We still laugh about it. I mean, how many people are coming in and out with backpacks? LOLOL


Took my Sanitation Certification Exam today. It was pretty easy, considering I studied pretty much all day yesterday. Today was a very productive day. Even though I was really tired I got a lot done.

Watched Ever After on tele last night, one of my favs, and they cut so much shite out. I was so pissed off. Just so they could make two hours. They had so many fricken commercials too. Stupid TBS. If they can't afford to put in the whole movie then they need to just not to it.

Jenna (roommate) is coming home to mi casa for spring break. Well, until that friday. Going to be fun. Hopefully get to intoduce her to some of you people. heh heh Meeting Whitney and possibly Chris to go into the city. They've never been so I'll give them the "tour." They want to spend the night in the city, so we're getting a hotel room. Really wasn't going to but it'll cut down the costs and it could be fun. Possibly seeing "naked boys singing." lol I know but it'll be an adventure. Maybe the Met will have some good expedition. Been thinking about that. I haven't been this year.

Did you know that a penny saved is worth two in the bush?

Finished my stuff, feel ahead of myself. It's nice. Had a weird dream last night. Mar came to Providence. There were weird men. I don't remember all of it though. I also miss Shannon's post. ::sniffles::

"we could be heroes forever and ever. we could be heroes just for one day."
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Current Mood:[mood icon] thoughtful
Subject:The sound is no longer with me...
Time:11:16 pm
Beneath the waters, there is silence.
Beneath the waters, I call you.
There is no company with me.

Beneath the waters, silent forever.
Beneath the waters, I call you.
The sound is no longer with me.

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Current Music:"adiemus" enya
Current Mood:[mood icon] okay
Subject:How do you like them apples?
Time:10:15 am
It's Thursday! And this week it means nothing! Whoohoo!

Yesterday was a crazy day. Went to work, then went to take my performance trasncript test, then I went straight to the Financial Services office to bitch them out for not returning my phone calls and ignoring me for the past several months. Making a long story short, Andy (the one I keep leaving messages for) wasn't there so I demanded to speak with someone, as well as getting Andy's hours. The woman was so incredibly rude to me and I told her that this was not my fault and that JWU was the one who needed to take care of my father's loan being completed. I want to explain the whole story but really, it's long. They're bastards. I was fuming after I left that office. FUMING.

Finished my school stuff and I went to a scavenger hunt for Maureen's program. It was fun. Ran around McNulty knocking on doors asking for random things. We didn't win, we got second place. Hung out on the third floor lounge for a bit and then watched American Idol. Scooter girl got sent home. =-(

Talked for awhile on the phone with dad. Discussing Vietnam and shite. It was interesting.

Going to Pizzaria Unos tonight for a fundraiser and then going grocery shopping with Whitney. Have to scope out all different forms of ingredients for the recipes I as assigned for my foods project. Picking up a few things while there.

Interview tomorrow! eek. A bit nervous.

Well, off to go shower and finish my coffee.
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Current Music:"Jets" Blur
Current Mood:[mood icon] jubilant
Time:07:26 pm
Guess who's classes got cancelled tomorrow? Guess who's not going to work?

Happiness. Although insomnia seems to be slowly taking over lately. And it's not pleasant.

More later. Must celebrate.
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Current Music:"The perfect drug" NIN
Current Mood:[mood icon] numb
Subject:Feel like exploding.
Time:07:28 pm
Head fucking killing me.

Unfortunatley, due to the immaturity of some, this journal is going to be a friends only journal from now on. If you've been reading my journal and not on my friends list I'm sorry but some people can't see this as my personal journal and don't realize that I have the right to say whatever the fuck I want and have the right to my own fucking opinion and should be able to say it here without getting shit for it. So, I close this journal now to those who are on my friends list only, which is sad.

This day just keeps getting better and better.
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Current Music:"12 Days of Christmas" The muppets
Current Mood:[mood icon] good
Subject:Booya Grandma!
Time:10:32 am
Dude, this man in Syracuse, NY turned 113 today! Holy Shite. The oldest man. The oldest woman is 114. Dude...that's...criminal.

Well, my new classes started yesterday. I like them a lot but I liked getting classes over with. I got out of class and it was DARK! My math teacher is ok. I think he's the one that will piss me off. Honors Comp. teacher is adorable. She's this litte old lady. She's probably not as old as she looks though. My Foods I class is awesome but will probably be my challenge. I am sooo happy bc I have Professor Bowman again. She's the best! So, only have math and english today. Still haven't gone to Sanitation Management bc I only have it Mondays. I'll meet him Friday bc we have monday's classes on Friday. Werd.

Had majour computer problems last night. Damn trojan virus! How did it get past my system. PC-Cillin, Ad Aware, and Zone Alarm. Bloody hell!

My hair is really wet.

It snowed yesterday and was very very cold. Well, I am off.
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Current Music:end of scent of a woman
Current Mood:[mood icon] indescribable
Subject:omg...much pain
Time:07:11 pm
Watching Scent of a Woman. It's the end...and I'm scared.

My tummy hurts. I wish I had a long break like everyone else.


Maybe I'll try and eat some soup.
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Current Music:"Little Wonder" David Bowie
Current Mood:[mood icon] grumpy
Subject:Tu es una bruja!
Time:11:22 am
I had the craziest dream last night. A lot of things were going on but the thing that sticks out most in my mind is that I was getting married to Keaneu Reeves. It was very realistic too! Apparently Jon Voight was my father in the dream because he was walking me down the isle. hmmmm... It was a good dream. The other parts didn't make any sense whatsoever so I won't talk about them. I just like the fact that I was getting married to Keaneu.

Saw The Missing last night. It was pretty good. Tommy Lee Jones makes an adorable indian. lol Yeah, you should never leave your hairbrush behind. Especially when an indian brujo is after you. Bad things will happen.

Mum probably not able to bring me to school monday as planned so just asked me if I can leave tomorrow. I don't want to leave tomorrow though! Yes, I am whining.

Maybe I'll just have to take my car with me and get it fixed Christmas break. Damnit. Fuck-ass. I am feeling bitter now. ::thinking of keanue dream:: Must try and stay cheerful. grr.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] thankful
Subject:Thankful for much
Time:12:56 pm
Well, happy belated Thanksgiving. Mine was um...interesting.

Got into a "car accident" the day before thanksgiving on my way to grams' house. Yesterday mum spent four hours with the kids and a cat at the emergency vet while grams and I pulled together the dinner. On a minor note, burned my finger by pouring boiling water on my hand, now blistered. Mum calls from the emergency vet saying, "The cat is now going into surgery. They gave him a seditive and an IV. Also, I think you may have to come get your brother. He's very pale, fingers and legs going numb. He's having a reaction to the dogs here....OMG...he's now throwing up." Grams yelling in the background, "Don't leave me with the food!"

After dinner, which was much later than a usual thanksgiving feast, we put the apple pie in the oven and sit down. I hear water running and get up to find that our toilet, which is from the 60's and should be replaced, is leaking all over our bathroom and now we have a flood.

I don't feel like going back to school Monday. I wish I had a month off when everyone else does.

Oh, Harry and the Hendersons was on TV this AM. I used to watch that movie all the time when I was little Much reminiscing.
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Current Music:"Light my candle" Rent
Current Mood:[mood icon] silly
Subject:Dueling Banjos...
Time:11:20 am
Werd. If I hear a banjo while in Appalachia this "spring break" I am so running far far away. Hillbillies are the freakiest things ever. I can't believe Chrissy and I pretended to be them, it's so...so...MORBID!

We watched Deliverance last night.

Yeah, picked Shan up at New Paltz with the Mar. Went to Blockbuster. My house with sexy cat. Unfotunatley Murph wasn't able to come. Thinking about doing something with people on Friday though. hmmm...

Going to Grams' house in a bit. Think I'll go to the bank while I'm there. Bringing Grams back here. Not going to the city today or tomorrow. Mum didn't feel like going bc there would be a ton of people there this year, at her office that his. I'm not going to argue. heh

SNEEZE. Allergy meds break.

Werd. Call my cell if you wanna hang or such! 845-216-9448
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Current Music:"I want to be a producer" Mathew Broderick
Current Mood:[mood icon] relaxed
Subject:Home sweet Home
Time:09:26 am
So, I'm home! yay! Marian's school adventure was a lot of fun. Saw Revolutions for the 2nd time. I hadn't seen Marian since August! ah!


My allergies are killing me! They don't bother me at Providence but now that I am here, I'm fricken dying. Eh. Cleaned my room yesterday when I got home. Made it look homey again. It looked very...um...bare.

"I wanna be a producer, with a hit show on broadway."

Well, I guess I am going to go shower and stuff. Actually, I'm not. I don't have to get dressed. I don't have anywhere to be. Wow. Amazing!

Oklahoma! was on PBS last night. The one that was done in London with Hugh Jackman. It was damn good. I lke the play version better than the movie. I still love the movie though. The girl who played Laurie sucked though. Did not like her one bit. The guy who played Jud was way scary. Will is supposed to be hot. He wasn't. But I still enjoyed it, despite the flaws. LOL Picky me.

Time for more coffee.
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Current Music:"The Freshman" The Verve Pipe
Current Mood:[mood icon] content
Time:04:34 pm
I'm home! Tomorrow I'm going to Oneonta. My kitten is adorable. And...there are no leaves on the trees. heh


Now, anyone wanna hang this week!?
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Current Music:"No Woman No Cry" Bob Marley
Current Mood:[mood icon] quixotic
Subject:whose line is it anyway...best show ever. really cheery
Time:10:29 pm
Crazy crazy party tonight. So tired. SO much fun. Games, kareoke, and dildos. lol We tried to do kareoke to Bob Marely. We were barely jammin.

Leaving tomorrow...yay. werd.

Get to see my kitten! I miss cuddeling with my sexy cat.

LOL I love Whose Line is it Anyway?! It's the best. Drew Carey has such a hearty and cute laugh.

eh. werd. I have nothing to say.
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Current Music:MST3K
Current Mood:[mood icon] mischievous
Subject:"Captain Kirk!! It's time to shag the aliens girlfriend!"
Time:10:14 am
That taken from Coupling, the British version. Jeff is the best.

Well, yesterday was weird. Don't usually have Friday classes but we did because of some inexplicable reason. Only had to go to my 8:00, accounting because we were actually learning something new. In the other ones, we were just watching films because all was covered. So, went to acctg. then came back and slept till 11. mm

Tiffani randomly Imed me and told me she wants to transfer at the end of the year because it's not home to her here. well...duh. And, so much for our "really strong" friendship. ehem. Hung out with Maureen though, one of the RA's. Watched Boondocks, went to dinner, it was cool. Was going to watch Rocky Horror with her and some people on 3rd floor lounge but decided I wanted to study. So, they didn't do it anyway. I didn't study much.

These guys stopped by. It was pretty funny.

(I open door to see a bunch of guys dressed funnily)
Guy: Wanna come to a free party?
Me: Uh, no thanks. ::smiles::
Guy: It's free.
Me: ::blinks:: Yeah. You said. No thanks.
(they all just stand there)
Me: Ok...so...bye then?
Guy: yeah. Bye.

I was almost tempted to go. Almost. ^.^

Watched American History X. That was great movie. Damnit. Why did I even think it would have a good ending though. Fucking great movie though. Stayed up till about 2AM.

Almost ODed on tylenol. I took the doses too close together. I was scared. oops.

So, waiting for Christy to come. Watching MST3K. Not one of the better ones though.
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Current Music:"Ordinary World" Duran Duran
Current Mood:[mood icon] indifferent
Time:12:12 pm
Robert Heinlein
Robert Heinlein wrote you - your stranger in a
strange land, you.

Which Author's Fiction are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Cool. Very cool.

My two hour 8AM Accounting class was cancelled. grr. I went out in the cold and walked all the way to Johnson Hall. Then, I saw the sign on the door and stood there for a moment staring. Then...I shook my head.

Keaneu Reeves was totally on top of me this AM. (my matrix poster above the head of my bed fell down overnight. I woke up with the huge ass theater poster on top of me.) Heh heh
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Current Music:"Santeria" Sublime
Current Mood:[mood icon] lonely
Time:01:18 pm
I miss my friends.
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Current Music:"Pour some sugar on me" Def Leppard
Current Mood:[mood icon] bored
Subject:I can't think of a title
Time:10:24 am
This weekend has not been extremely exciting. Kinda boring.

The other day when we went to see Elf, there was still Matrix Mania going on, I forgot to mention this. There was a woman (not particularly thin) dressed as Trinity. The hair, glasses, one piece leather suit, and the long leather shiny trench coat. But...the best part was this: First of all, they have a candy stand that sells candy and shit for really cheap that you can buy before you go into the theater (and then hide it in your bag or coat) It's at the bottom between the up and down escalators that take you to the theaters. We were buying candy and I was waiting for the people I was with to finish paying when this guy on line yells up to some people on the escalator, something like, "Yeah! Matrix rocks dude! Awesome!" I look at the guy yelling and then I look behind me and up at the guys on the escalator...and....they were dressed as AGENTS! Best idea ever! I go to the people I was with..."Oh my God! They're Agents!" And I then walk over to the bottom of the escalator to see them. They then joked about how I "chased down" the agents.

Best idea ever. I should've dressed as a female agent. hmmmmm
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Current Music:news
Current Mood:[mood icon] satisfied
Subject:Cookies need love too
Time:07:30 am
Well, my network at the whole builing has been down for like two days.

I saw Revolutions last night, alone, but I don't care. There were all these film nuts there and stuff.

It was better than the 2nd. Smith was fucking awesome. Does anyone else think he was awesome?? Yes, the script could've been better but Smith had the best lines. Most definitely.

I don't care what people say, I thought it was great.

I still am not sure whether or not I like the ending. I was expecting something different. Not that it was bad, just weird. Best parts according to me was the Smith/Neo fight, Oracle/Smith part, and battle with the machines.

There were four theaters, the big ones, for the Matrix. Lot's of Brown Univ. students too. There wasa British girl. People dressed up as Neo, and yes, this guy was doing the Morpheous walk...which was a lackage (?) in this one. It was a good audience anyway. Quite the experience.

Ah! I saw Revolutions, and it's over now...
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Current Music:NOTHING
Current Mood:[mood icon] sore
Subject:I guess he's not THAT strong...
Time:12:06 pm
Well, if I am not better by then end of the week I'm going to have to go get a blood test at the hospital. damn. fuck-ass.

Well, watched The Matrix last night. Did I mention that no one here likes The Matrix? Well they don't. Whenever I ask they're all like, "I'm not into that sort of thing..." And they stress "thing" like it's some...I dunno, weird cult or something. ::shrugs:: Cait doesn't really like the matrix, she doesn't understand it. Whatever...she thought the real world was underwater...

But, when I got Reloaded, we watched it and she fricken made fun of it the whole time! Jokes are fun but whatever. Even when we were watching it last night she's like, "well that's stupid" to everything. She's coming with me to see Revolutions tomorrow but if she says anything I swear I'm gonna be pissed. I don't make fun of her shit.

I'm not bitter, don't worry. Just whole body aches and am incredibly tired.

Revolutions is tomorrow. Watching Reloaded tonight. heh heh

My grandma is angry at me. For NO reason.

Anyway, I am going to go find something to do. Maybe I'll nap some more before my 1:50 class. hmmmmm.....

I won a free massage! I think I may remember filling something out but not sure. My name was drawn from hundreds of JWU students. Got an email from this girl who works at the Womans Center. Heh heh Professional Massage...mad cool. Gotta pick up my certificate thingy. Maybe that'll make me feel better, huh?

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