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Good reading [Dec. 9th, 2004|03:49 pm]
[soundtrack |Red Vines]

My most drunken-haze-inducing cohort from my time in Amsterdam, [info]darylmann has posted a couple of interesting things to his blog lately (RSS feed at the username previously mentioned.) He's a super cool guy, has good stuff to say most of the time.

The Corporate Fallout Detector

The Canadian Supreme Courts Same Sex Marriage Ruling

LinkBe Adventurous!

Lost and Found [Nov. 30th, 2004|12:51 am]
[soundtrack |Baby, Now That I've Found You]

It feels now like I've been meaning to write for weeks. Months, almost. But no, really, it's been days. I've only now been home for a week- not even, we didn't get in until later then this last Monday. But it feels like forever. The last 12 days should have been weeks or months. My life is irreversibly changed.

Facts first, then feelings. Well, that's the plan anyway- we'll see how that goes.

If you'd rather not be included on my processing posts, for whatever reason, please let me know. I have no desire to be triggering people, and can easily filter.
cut for those who would simply rather not. )

Link27 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Happy Thanksgiving! [Nov. 25th, 2004|01:18 pm]
[soundtrack |Little Mountain Church House]

I hope everyone has a wonderful day today, doing whatever you do. I'm heading out to [info]princeofwands parents house with him and [info]karenbynight.

I made pie. Will make and eat green bean casserole too, as tribute.

Link9 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Voting [Nov. 2nd, 2004|03:05 pm]
[inner guide says |paranoid]
[soundtrack |Raise Your Voice - Bad Religion]

I voted... )

Link6 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Stuff 'n stuff [Oct. 29th, 2004|06:42 pm]
[soundtrack |If It Makes You Happy]

Not much to update, life is. :)

Want to wish by lil' brother, [info]windexnostreaks the happiest of birthdays. 17 man.. you're getting old. ;)

Also, good luck to my seester, [info]mollyhuffy as her soccer team goes to the state finals. Y'all rock.

LinkBe Adventurous!

*sigh* [Oct. 18th, 2004|08:34 pm]
Wasn't the election process supposed to *improve* after last time.

This is just one of the stories I've seen that illustrates that no, it hasn't. The comments tell even more.

Link7 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

And another year.. [Oct. 13th, 2004|06:24 pm]
[soundtrack |Queen of quiet]

and I said to it, "success, I didn't recognize you at first,"
and I said to it, "success, you don't look the way,
you don't look the way I have dreamed of you, dreamed of you."
"well, not strange," said Success, "to find me here tonight.
not strange," said Success, "to find me here tonight.
what say you to a bargain twixt you and I, Success and Life?"

-Erin McKeown, Fast As I Can

Yesterday was my birthday. A lot of you knew that and either have or will help me celebrate the fact. Yay! I've been around and surviving and even thriving for 24 years now.

Am I where I thought I'd be? Haha. I said to [info]broyd yesterday that " I'm not sure I could have thought up my life now at age 12." He agreed that I'd have blown a gasket. Go figure. Life isn't what I thought it'd be, I'm not who I thought I'd be. Yay! for that.

Breszny said to me this week: "Each of us has a name given by God and given by our parents," writes the Israeli poet Zelda Mishkovsky. "Each of us has a name given by our sins and by our longing. Each of us has a name given by our enemies and by our love. Each of us has a name given by our celebrations and by our work. Each of us has a name given by the sea and by the stars." Your homework for the coming week, Libra, is to figure out all ten names that Mishkovsky says you have. Your identity is ripe for expansion; your sense of self is ready to bloom.

Seems like a good assignment to me. And I'm curious- what do you think my ten names are? Do you know what your ten names are? Names hold a lot of meaning to me, and those meanings change as who holds those names in my life changes.

My names.. I'll have to think about. I'm not sure I can share them since, as with most of my thoughts, they don't yet exist in words. They're only concepts.

Link11 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Oil... [Oct. 7th, 2004|01:27 am]
[inner guide says |sigh]
[soundtrack |How Death Comes]

My friend and former cohort at GP, Daryl, has posted a well written bit on oil, and why it's something we need to look at sooner rather then later.

Find it here.

Link6 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Actual Travel Stuff... for once ;) [Sep. 24th, 2004|05:30 am]
[soundtrack |neverending story theme]

I've said I'd tell actual travel stories one of these days, and while this won't get uploaded until I get home, it seems like it should be written in Spain. On with the stories!

There is No N-V! or An Unexpected Tour of Madrid )

Welcome to Lovely Nerva and Rio Tinto )

Don't Kick the Roman Amphorae! )

This Whole Plan Seems a Bit on the Insane Side )

Ooh! Let's Add Another Country to the Trip! or This Looks a Lot Like Bavaria Without the Lederhosen. )

They're All Pirates, We Should Be Too! )

You Can't Get There From Here )

That's What We Call Feature Creep )

How *NOT* to Plan Travel for Others )

Lovely Things and Other Impressions )

Ok, enough of that. It didn't get finished *in Spain*, but I have yet to hit the US. I'm going to nap now, so that maybe I can stay up till a reasonable hour upon getting home. Whee..

Link16 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Mas Jamon! [Sep. 17th, 2004|07:12 pm]
[inner guide says | drained]

Yesterday, while driving from Madrid to RioTinto we passed through a town with a monestary. Nothing unusual there, at least around here. But this monistary, it makes Jamon. Apparently really fanstatic jamon. I mean, this town has a whole celebration- the 15 days of Jamon. Or maybe it's the 15th day of Jamon. Still- I wonder what the nuns make?

Yeah, I've been rather punchy for days. Just a little. Easier to laugh then scream.

I appear to have passed on my mantra to the rest of the group- "nobody's dead or in jail. It's all ok" - pretty entertaining.

Yesterday we got to seek a non-existant power supply, deliver and configure a router, take a scenic tour of Madrid unintentionally and drive 450km to RioTinto. Whee! Actually, the drive was lovely.

No idea what to say. Science stuff seems cool. I've been working in a folding chair in the hallway all day. No table. Not the best spot- if that doesn't improve (it should, tables are on the way), I may work from the hotel. I've got wireless setup for most of the museum (try that with 2ft thick stone walls!), though that's off when the museum is closed - d'oh.

Supposed to go to Morocco tomorrow. Half tempted to skip it and sleep, but that wouldn't be nice- there are reservations and stuff. And really- how many chances do I get to see a new place? (Well, ok, lots, but not if I don't take them!)

Link17 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Zoom! Zoom, I say! [Sep. 15th, 2004|04:06 pm]
[inner guide says |busy]
[soundtrack |Anywhere You Go - Shawn Colvin]

Madness. No, really. I'm in spain, but it's only noticable because I use my spanish more then I normally do in San Francisco. Well, and the food is different... assuming you avoid the very american fast food.

So, the shipment of equipment didn't turn up. Still hasn't turned up. For that matter, the secondary shipment of backup equipment hasn't turned up either- what a mess. We're managing. I'm managing quite well, being unused to having things like piles of cisco routers anyway. This is the sort of challange I thrive on, in general- the "this is what you have, this is what we need, make it so!" type. Mmm.

It's also been lovely for proving that my skills are reall and transferrable- at least in some contexts- to me. I'd been mildly concerned about that. Getting better at believing in myself, but still have issues sometimes. Silly, that.

The high point of the last few days has been going to the mall for lunch and wandering around a bit after eating. We didn't do that today, though, being crunched for time. Oh well. Maybe I'll get to see more of Nerva and Rio Tinto. We've discussed going into Madrid for tapas tonight, but with the amount of work I'm supposed to get done today and how tired I am, I may beg off. I would like to hit the mall on the way home and pick up some stockings though- very cute stuff there. The things that make me question my decision to not move to Europe. Oh well.

Tomorrow we leave for Rio Tinto, a few hundred miles south of here. I think we go through Sevilla, but I'm not sure. There are plans for a day trip to Morocco on Saturday or Sunday. Yay! Adding a new continent to my list, and a fun and interesting trip to boot.

Now, it's time for the call-in meeting, so we're all trying to finish stuff up and be ready for that.. I'd best post.

Link1 risk taker|Be Adventurous!

Welcome to España [Sep. 13th, 2004|05:10 am]
[inner guide says | bouncy]
[soundtrack |sounds of sleeping, and elevator music in the hall.]

12-Sept 0920

On the ground now. Find [info]patgreene, make it through immigration, eventually get all of our bags and even get money changed. Wander through customs and we're met by [info]brian1789 and [info]dawnd. Coffee and a snack (allow me pause to happily sigh over tasty coffee and tortilla, found even in an airport cafe). Minor car fuss and we're on our way to the hotel!

Staying in the small suburb of Torrejón de Ardoz because it's near the Centro Astrobiologia, where [info]brian1789 and I will be working this week. Nice hotel, hopefully they'll find room for me for the rest of the week.

After changing clothes, we wander into Madrid. Our (perhaps overly) fearless driver found parking after a whirlwind tour and we decided it was time for lunch. We'd spotted the Museo del Jamon on our tour, and [info]dawnd and I thought it had to be visited. Indeed, it did- a worthwhile experience. Quote of the meal - "It is rather like being in a porcine cemetary" -[info]brian1789.

We then wandered on to the Prado, which was lovely. Someday I hope to have most of a day to spend there- though that might not be enough time either. It was wonderful to see so many paintings I 'knew' in person. Giggling over [info]dawnd's response to Durer's self portrait ("If that's accurate, I'd do him!"). And spending some length of time staring at all of the paintings by El Bosco. Freaky stuff that- made me wonder if I'd actually left Burning Man at all, at one point. I bought postcards to bring home. :)

At that point, however, we three new arrivals were crashing. A visit to the museum doctor confirmed that it was time to head back to the hotel. Upon arriving, I connected my laptop, read e-mail, and passed out around 1900. Bringing me to now, awake and trying to be quiet while [info]dawnd sleeps. I think she got up for dinner. Kinda wish I had- I'm quite hungry. Time to grab a protein bar, I think. Only two and a half hours till my breakfast meeting.. :)

Link2 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Question... [Aug. 25th, 2004|09:19 am]
Does anyone have a hand-crank (non-electric) ice cream maker that they'd be willing to loan (or maybe sell) to me?

I have this evil plot, you see.... ;)
Link8 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Wh00t! [Aug. 19th, 2004|07:47 pm]
[inner guide says | bouncy]

Yay! I have an interview scheduled!

Wednesday morning, with CGNET. They look nifty, and very non-evil.

I got referred to them by the new boss of my former team at Greenpeace- the world, it's a crazy place.

Aside from that, I can't believe I've not yet been home for a week. It's been lovely, slackful, and cuddly. I needed that. I've greatly enjoyed all of the hugs I've been getting- yay! It's lovely to feel so welcomed home. Apologies for not being up for much story-telling or quite so much large-group time. That's always an issue when I get home, but it'll improve quickly.

Saw Shrek2 last night, and wow, *I* want mutant baby dragon-donkeys... *firebreathing* baby dragon-donkeys. SO cute.

And, yeah, I'll get back to squeeing about the interview. Anyone know anything about this place I should be aware of? Interview tips? Thoughts on what to wear? (I think all of my business casual stuff is not only in storage, but about 2-3 sizes too big at this point. Eep.)

Link8 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Stuff of possible interest to folks [Aug. 16th, 2004|11:35 pm]
I've been noting things popping up on my radar of late that may be of interest to folks around here. I may or may not attend either of these, but figured they were worth noting:

HardlyStrictly Bluegrass - Free bluegrass festival in golden gate park on 2 and 3 October.

BloggerCon III - Pointed out to me on a non-profit techie list I'm on, this is a free con about blogging, scheduled for the first saturday after the upcoming election in Stanford.

So, what events will I not have heard about? Do tell!
Link4 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Home! [Aug. 14th, 2004|08:50 pm]
I'm home!

Alive, and all that.

I don't have a phone- need to figure that out shortly. The number has been released so I can get it, but, well, yeah. Some time soon, I'll handle that. Probably next week, when I get some money.

Anyway. Home. I'm currently at the observatory, slacking. Yay! slack!

Very weird, all this. land, and stuff.
Link26 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Welcome to a Culinary Tour of Southeast Alaska [Jul. 18th, 2004|11:24 pm]
Such has been my last week. No, really. Ever buy (then cook and clean) 41
crabs? For all of $70, no less. Yum. We still have a meal worth of crab
left. A freezer of halibut. Venison that needs cooked tomorrow. We've
feasted on salmon (so fresh I used some for sashimi), shrimp, smoked
clams, and more. I've discovered the tricks to cooking sea asparagus
enough to make it eatable. And the wonders of salmonberry jam.


Otherwise, it's been lovely. I believe that when I last updated, we'd been
greeted by the Haida, and were at anchor off Long Island waiting to go to
Hydaburg. Since then, we've spent days in Hydaburg, visiting with locals,
being fed and feeding them, having community meetings, going to weddings.
Also, I've visited Craig, been to a local bar and bookstore and attended a
community meeting there. The things I can't list are the moments of
communicating with locals, being told stories, drinking in the place, the

As I said to Greg and Hannah this afternoon, sitting on the helideck in
the sun, chatting, "I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be then here!"

We had been in transit for a couple of hours, were passing through
narrows, coming to open ocean (where we are now). It's so stunning, I
can't explain. Glacier blue water, islands of thick forest, bald eagles
lazily drafting. Sunsets that go on for hours. And here goes my home,
moving through all of it.

This whole sailing thing, it suits me. People have been expressing
surprise that this is my first time sailing. This whole floating home that
goes to cool places- I like this. And I like the work, and the community.
I can't, at this point, imagine enjoying a cruise for reasons other then
the people I went with- too weird. But this- this is fun.

I seem (knock on wood) to have kicked the seasickness too. No patch this
time, and I'm still standing- and managing to work on text without feeling
awful. Yay!

Got to help replace some equipment on the bridge yesterday. Fun stuff,
that. I could get into this. But will I? I donno. Lots of questions, but
the addiction may take root and answer them for me. Not sure though. Many
things to think about, deal with, consider. Training is good- nothing
wrong with that.

How are all of you? I don't hear much- haven't had 'net since Ketchikan
and only enough there to catch up on the few nearest and dearest, and
badly there. So it goes. We're about to do a send- a long one, photos must
get to the web team. So, at that, I should go. Love y'all.
Link6 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Sunset and Salmon [Jul. 15th, 2004|01:59 am]
[inner guide says |tired]

I spent my wednesday evening watching the sun set over the hills of Long
Island (AK), as a Haida canoe came in to welcome us. A whole crew of Haida
from Hydaburg came over to greet us here (a sacred spot for them) before
we head there to do community meetings and an open boat. It was lovely.
Singing and drumming and one of the loveliest sunsets yet. Mmm. No port,
but the salmon's still tasty.

Today's been crazy- we're full, so keeping up with 28 people plus
whoever's around during meals, their dietary needs... ugh. It's pretty
fussy. But, 'sok. Works out in the end. I've spent most of my day in the
galley though, which kinda sucks.

Ooh, we did see a school of humpbacks though- oh my. Smooth ocean and 4-5
of them surfacing.. we think they were eating. Lovely.

It is, however, entertaining to be with all these GP folks- "Save the
Whales!" -and find that nobody's quite able to identify the whales. ;)

Anyway, sleep now. We almost hit the lunch or e-mail decision I thought
might come up today. Not quite, but y'know, I don't care so much. I can
live on PB&J; ;).

Link4 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Keeping up to date [Jul. 12th, 2004|05:48 pm]
[inner guide says |happy]
[soundtrack |Jeremy chattering with the press]

In Transit, Alert Bay, BC to Ketchikan, AK

We've spent today doing an action with a group
of local tribes and organizations around fish farming- nasty stuff going
on here, on tribal land. A flotilla of fishing boats joined us for the
action- amazing local support (which we don't always have). It's been a
great feeling. And an incredibly busy day- my head cook ended up being one
of the swimmers, so I got to manage lunch for 60 on my own. I had help for
dinner though, and it was for less people. Thank goodness. The pictures
from the action are great though- probably can be found on the gp-canada

1423 Alaska Time
Arriving @ Ketchikan, AK

I skipped yesterday- it was mostly a day off. Everyone slacked and slept,
other then essential duties.

Today's also been fairly quiet, though we've been preparing to get into
Ketchikan. Not sure what to expect from locals or from Gov't agencies.
It'll be interesting.

Tomorrow we're doing an open boat, and having local supporters onboard.
Should all be fun.

The surroundings though, just lovely. It's warm and sunny, and we're in
passages between these lovely green wooded islands. Yum. This morning it
was very foggy, we couldn't see anything at all.

Gah. I find myself without much to say. Need to start taking notes
throughout the day or something. I miss y'all. What e-mail I'm getting is
lovely, and I am trying to respond to all of it fairly quickly. Hopefully
I'll get a chance to check out my comments while in Ketchikan. No promises

LinkBe Adventurous!

D'oh, that was silly. [Jul. 9th, 2004|10:09 pm]
[inner guide says |happy]
[soundtrack |Shawn Colvin - The Truth about Jimmy]

Alert Bay, Inner Passage, BC, Canada
2145 PDT

Apparently my posts weren't getting through. I apologize for the huge
number of them all at once. (It will be all at once, too, cause of the
Sat-connect). Much sillyness, mostly on my part for not thinking of things
before I left the net connection.

So, ah, where did I last update. *wandering off to look*.

I see. I left off about 3 hours before things went wonky. So, we got into
Victoria harbour, and anchored. Then we were boarded by Canadian Customs,
Immigration and RCMP (Mounties). Normal stuff, right? Well, maybe not so
much. Beyond searching the ship with dogs (without any of us present- not
so cool), and photographing all of us, apparently it's gotten more
difficult to enter Canada. Enough so that 1/3 of our crew were deported.
Convictions, of all sorts of types- even 20 years old in some cases, will
cause you to not be allowed into the country.

One of those folks was the temp-head-cook. The good news is that we were
getting another cook the next day anyway. Who was allowed into Canada. So,
I'm still in the kitchens, for now. Should be done there and into the
radio room sometime in the next week. If not, well, that's how life goes.

So, right, after that we were all *very* tired. But, also ready to set
sail, having picked up some new crew and campaigners along the way. And,
off we went- up here to Alert Bay, where we've been anchored since midday.
Every time I step out on deck I'm floored- this is all *so* pretty.
Unbelievable. Right now it's raining a bit, foggy, cloudy.. and in these
forested islands, that's just about right.

We were met by a group of the local First Nations tribe in their warrior
canoe, who took the Captain off to do some ceremony. The rest of us headed
ashore around 1600, with veggie friendly food for the potluck in tow. We
met up at the Big House and ate tons (no, really) of fresh seafood of
various types. I enjoyed myself (and ate far too much)! Then there were
speeches from the local Chief's and dancing. Lots of fun.

Tomorrow will be interesting. More to be said about that when it's over,
and really, I will. For now, time for me to wander off any spend time with
these nifty people, or maybe sleep. Haha, the quad-espresso I just drank
laughs at that. Bless the stovetop espresso maker, in all it's glory.

Link2 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Sailing for Adventure - No, REALLY! [Jul. 9th, 2004|10:09 pm]
[inner guide says |excited]
[soundtrack |Muppet Treasure Island - Sailing For Adventure]

Columbia River, 2040
Enroute Portland, OR to Victoria, BC

After more hefting boxes, washing dishes and cooking (already endless, it
seems) meals, we've cast off! Dinner was cooked and served while sailing
down the Willamette and Columbia rivers. We're currently still on the
Columbia, ETA Astoria 2130.

It's a strange feeling, this whole motion on water thing. Enhanced, I'm
sure, by the level of excitement. Reduced, however, by the Drammamine.
Nasty stuff that, I've been feeling like I've been awake for 72 hours for
most of the day now. I think I'll chance seasickness for a bit after this
wears off.

Missing home, a bit. Not much time for that. More wishing that I could be
sharing this adventure with some of y'all. (All y'all wouldn't fit on the

Enough for now- I'm tired and want to go chill for a while.

Pacific Ocean, 2228

Wow. So, *that's* what waves feel like. Crazy, that. And I'm told these
aren't the 'major swells'- those are coming soon. Right now, it's like
being rocked to sleep. I'm sipping at ginger tea (made a huge huge pot of
it earlier- seemed a good plan), and should probably stop typing for a
bit- I'm told that if anything causes seasickness, it's focusing on fonts
while moving. That whole reading in the car thing. Sadly, I want to read.
Hmm. Perhaps. Or sleep. Sleep would be good- it's been a very long today.
Tomorrow will be long too.

Going to send this now, and hope that the necessary changes have been

Link2 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

wh00t! [Jul. 3rd, 2004|11:02 pm]
[inner guide says | tired]

So, thanks to some creative networking and the ever-up-for-geekery [info]shifter, I've been on board the ship for 10 hours and we now have high-speed wireless internet. I *rule*.

So, yeah, here I am. This is insane. After a crushingly full flight and similarly full MAX ride, I got to the ship. Nobody was around, so wandered on board. Found the 1st Mate, P. He showed me to my cabin, introduced me to my roomie, H, and lead me to the galley where I met my temp-head-cook, K. We got right to work, figuring out what stores we have, and getting them into some sense of order. Somewhere in there, I found the Radio Operator, T. who had some questions for me. One of those lead to a call to [info]shifter and all of this nifty internet stuff.

Then, around 3, I got an hour off. Went and unpacked, changed to shorts and docs, and boom, my hour was over. Back to the galley! K. and I were both overwhelmed, but managed to get out a good dinner- fish, tofu, greek potatoes, steamed veggies and a big salad. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. Yay! Then, dishes and getting stuff ready for breakfast. Done! Yay!

And off to visit with the RO and the local geeks who have offered us this assistance. Spent some time hanging with a great 6 year-old and touring the ship. Got the first of the RO lessons it's been decided that I should get- note me not complaining.

This is crazy. And totally new. This little (well, not so little) hunk of steel is my home for the next 6 weeks. These people will be my temporary family. How strange. How lovely.

Link6 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

[Jul. 1st, 2004|11:30 pm]
[inner guide says |busy]
[soundtrack |[info]karenbynight trying to write a fussy script]

Hey! Portland Folk! I'm going to be in town this weekend with the Arctic Sunrise, and we're having Open Boat Days on Sunday and Monday. Come visit!! We've got fantastic berth space, right downtown. Yay!

Aside from that, I'm busily packing and slacking and stuff. Will update here with an e-mail address and such. I won't be reading journals or commenting, so if there's something you want me to know, you'd best e-mail it to me. Emergency contact info will be with all of the expected folks, if you really need me for some reason. I'm scheduled to return home somewhere around 16-AUG, but that's not for sure. I'll update as I know more.

Link2 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

[Jun. 22nd, 2004|02:55 pm]
For my splenda-fan friends, I note that Jones Soda is making diet cream soda, ginger ale, root beer and black cherry, all splenda sweetened. Haven't tried any, as I was seeking coffee when I saw them.

Link10 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

[Jun. 19th, 2004|06:03 pm]
[inner guide says |childlike]

Summer camp, the GP way!!

Paper Mache, music and beer! Wh00t! There's something gleeful about being covered in glue and newsprint up to my elbows. Yay!!!!

Also.. the top 10 reasons I'm not hippie enough for this crew:

10. Meat is made of meat. I eat things made of meat.
9. Prefer clean clothes. Everyday.
8. Can only think of 10 ways to use tofu.
7. Can't name all of the things in the fridge. No, really. They're still good, as far as I can tell, I just don't know what they *are*.
6. I'm a fan of consentual violence.
5. Sometimes someone has to be in charge.
4. All forms of government aren't evil.
3. If I need something, I buy it.
2. Preference against dumpster diving. I understand the concept, but it scares me.
1. This internet thingy, and using it for anything other then e-mail and reading news.

I'm sure there are more reasons, that's just my current list.

Link10 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Favor of the geeky packrats? [Jun. 8th, 2004|02:48 pm]
Especially environmentalist ones...

I'm in rather desperate need of a pcmcia to RS232 interface, to be used in an old Toshiba laptop. These appear to be nearly impossible to find in stores, since nobody uses them anymore. Anyone have one on a box somewhere gathering dust?

I'll be in the bay area this weekend, or will happily arrange payment for shipping...
Link12 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

[Jun. 1st, 2004|01:53 pm]

Anyone want a cat, temporarily (or permanently)? I have this very sweet, clutzy, slightly neurotic cat, who needs somewhere to go.

Why? Because I just got 30 days notice from my housemate. And I no longer have a job. And while I can, I think, find places for myself to stay as needed.... I can't do that so much for the cat. And really, I'm more and more convinced that I shouldn't have a cat. I mean, I love the cat, but.... well...

So, anyone? Please?
Link11 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Mmm.... well, then. [May. 27th, 2004|11:29 pm]
[inner guide says | sad]

Tonight, I'm running training on a program I've been mostly running. This means being up all night. Ick. And I have to make it to the DMV tomorrow, sometime. This *will* all work out. I'm determined. I can do it. (I just have to keep telling myself that, right?)

Then, a really lovely weekend planned. Well, kinda planned. That's ok too- I'm not feeling interested enough in the small stuff to super-plan it. Baycon, kiva, lots of good things to look forward to. Yay! Then taking off for OR late next week, I think. Mmmm, trees.

I just wrote my farewell letter to work. I'm really going to miss this- where else can I be totally out at work, get paid for being political, get to work with this many cool and determined people... I can hope, right?

my letter.. )
Ah, the memories. Arguments, Hans' Enormous Package, the magic blue crayon, the naughty nativity party, Daryl's suave and glasses, time on the Esperanza, and, and, and... well, most of it's in my lj, November 01-present. This really *was* something I'd have regretted not doing. I've changed through doing it, I'm more me. Yay!

Link11 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

[May. 23rd, 2004|08:39 pm]
Happiest of 18th Birthdays to my Seester, [info]charlmander!!! Not that she reads this, but hey, she might!! Go have a blast, kiddo- you're legal now! (And for the rest of the world.. look out ;))
LinkBe Adventurous!

[May. 19th, 2004|03:02 pm]
[inner guide says |fussy]

Case Dismissed!

Link6 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

[May. 15th, 2004|11:41 pm]

For some reason I'm on a big "ooh, that would be cool, I should make that happen" kick. So, FreeGeek is throwing a Prom and I'm very tempted to plot my way into going... *giggle*

Somehow, sending two of my siblings off to prom tonight (one in vintage corset, tutu and dazzling shark corsage, the other in rhinestone-covered stretch pants and a tux jacket- I love these kids!) has me really tempted into the idea of that sort of thing. Hmm. Maybe I'll come to my senses. Maybe not ;).
Link2 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

GP on trial [May. 13th, 2004|11:15 am]
I'm low on time today, so I'm copy-pasting this as it is- apologies for the assumptions it makes ;)

Dear friends,

As a supporter of Greenpeace, you're going on trial on Monday for protecting
the rainforest in the Amazon.

For the first time ever, the US government has decided to prosecute an entire
organisation for exercising its right to free speech through non-violent

The trial begins on May 17th, and results from a protest against an illegal
shipment of mahogany headed for the Port of Miami in Florida two years ago.
Unable to find a suitable law against calling attention to environmental
crimes, the Attorney General has charged Greenpeace under an obscure
19th-century law designed to stop prostitutes from boarding sailing vessels.

If we are found guilty, it will mean being branded a criminal organisation

While Greenpeace is in the dock, those who logged, imported and sold the
illegally imported mahogany continue to operate.

Not only is this a wholly unwarranted and politically motivated attack on an
organisation that was attempting to prevent a crime, but it also sets a
dangerous precedent for the future of free speech and the right to civil
protest in the US. It could also be used as an example in other countries to
curb non-violent direct action. The case has been attacked in articles and
editorials in the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, and Miami Herald.
Senator Patrick Leahy of the US Judiciary Committee wrote to US Attorney
General John Ashcroft saying his selective prosecution of Greenpeace could
"have a chilling effect on free speech and activism of all kinds." Al Gore
called the case "highly disturbing" in a speech to MoveOn members. Fellow
environmental and civil rights groups have rallied to demand Ashcroft drop the
case. But Ashcroft's not listening.

Now it's your turn to make sure we don't let this case go unchallenged. We need
your help. Sign on to our letter demanding Bush and Ashcroft prosecute illegal
loggers rather than Greenpeace. To date, 37,000 people have joined this appeal.
We want to have 50,000 signatories by Monday. We need to show the US government
that people all over the world are watching this trial. We need to remind them
they can't silence Greenpeace without silencing everyone who supports

Don't let Bush and Ashcroft silence you. Take action now.

Find out more about the case.

Meet some of the people involved and the history of the action and prosecution.

Send this fun animation about the case to your friends.
Link2 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Horoscope [Apr. 30th, 2004|01:49 am]

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson suffered a debilitating stroke in 1919. For the next 17 months, until his term was over, his wife Edith was the de facto Commander in Chief of the United States. She hid the severity of his incapacity, allowing only his doctors to see him as he hid in his sickroom at the White House. Meanwhile, she issued a steady stream of policy decisions, signed treaties, and presidential directives, always written in her own hand. I believe you Libras now have a chance to play a role comparable to Edith's: to be the power behind the throne. Here are your words to live by, courtesy of philanthropist Art Rennison: "There is no end to what can be accomplished if you don't care who gets the credit."

But, I kinda already do that. Hmm, maybe I can do more of it.... hmmm.....
Link1 risk taker|Be Adventurous!

[Apr. 29th, 2004|02:16 pm]
EPA: Pipeline break spills up to 1 million gallons of diesel fuel in California bay

Link2 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

[Apr. 17th, 2004|12:52 pm]
Ask me three questions about anything at all, and I will answer them.

Post your responses in the comments and then you can continue the cycle by doing the same thing in your own journal.

Link12 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Off grid [Apr. 9th, 2004|04:50 pm]
I'm going to be mostly off-grid for the weekend, starting in about an hour. If you need me, call.

btb, [info]grynz, my henna turned out lovely! I've been getting comments all week!

LinkBe Adventurous!

[Apr. 6th, 2004|08:15 pm]
The Sarah, she is bad at being sick. She gets bored and restless. Help?

Poll #274935 Entertain me!
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Ask me something, tell me something, sing a song... please?

Link6 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Merp [Mar. 31st, 2004|04:55 pm]
Monsanto is still evil.
Link4 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Tonight [Mar. 23rd, 2004|02:33 pm]
For those local to me..

I'm wanting to go see Elephant tonight. Either time is fine, though the later more likely if I go alone. Anyone want to join me?
Link7 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

[Mar. 22nd, 2004|02:18 pm]
Images from some of the protests on Saturday - including some from san francisco.
Link1 risk taker|Be Adventurous!

He did not know he could not fly... [Mar. 22nd, 2004|02:01 am]
I was reminded, once again, of this song. It's a favorite of mine, a theme if you will...

The Cape )
LinkBe Adventurous!

upcoming events... [Mar. 19th, 2004|03:42 pm]
The Oxygen Collective proudly presents . . .

The Fire and Forests Roadshow 2004
Save the Wild Siskiyou!

This April, a merry band of performers, activists and trainers known
as the Oxygen Collective will climb aboard their forty-foot biodiesel
bus and travel the West Coast for the 2004 Fire and Forests Roadshow.
The trip will include 15 stops from San Francisco, CA to Bellingham,
WA. Expect live music and laughter, action video and information.
more information )
Link1 risk taker|Be Adventurous!

If you're bored tonight... [Mar. 19th, 2004|01:29 pm]
Movies in the Park tonight.

Not sure if I'll be there or not, but perhaps I'll see some of you tomorrow at the protest- I'll be with the greenpeace folks.
LinkBe Adventurous!

[Mar. 15th, 2004|02:14 pm]
Dear Universe,

I don't believe in a settled and stable yet ecstatically happy and thrillingly lovely period in life. It's simply not possible.

Link5 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

bin Ladin? [Feb. 28th, 2004|06:17 pm]
We're getting reports here from the big Dutch news sources that bin Ladin has been captured - but none of the big American sources or BBC are reporting this. Very very strange, no? Links:



However, it's being denied, called a hoax.. *shrug* seems strange to me, this mix of reports.

[edit: more links:

telegraaf - in dutch
Link9 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

interests.. [Feb. 27th, 2004|12:45 am]
[inner guide says | cheerful]

I've been slowly morphing my interests list to reflect me a bit better. Todays additions are "polyhomed" and "battle muppets".

yes, battle muppets... )

Link2 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Ugh [Feb. 17th, 2004|12:56 pm]
[inner guide says | exhausted]

Lots to update on, not doing that today. This is purely informational-

I'm not available today. I have a cold, and am totally exausted. I'm calling in a 'take care of myself first' day, and doing just that. I've called in dead to work. I will be calling the person I have plans with tonight shortly to discuss that. If I offered to do anything for you today, I apologize. If you want to contact me, I don't have my phone. I may or may not respond to e-mail. If there is a true emergency, you'll have to know how to contact me outside of those methods. Sorry.

Tomorrow, I will return to the living. I will assist the Dreamlanders as I can, and entertain [info]kineticphoenix. I will work. I will meet the cat I'm sitting this weekend. I will go to Sunset and Port. Tomorrow.

The Sarah, she is broken. She will be fixed soon. Just so's y'all know.

Link13 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Out of Service [Feb. 13th, 2004|01:34 pm]
[inner guide says | happy]

I'm out of range this weekend, and a decent amount of the rest of the time anymore. If you need me, call. I don't promise to answer, but I will check voicemail.

Yay! for happy Valentines plans. I'm a bit sad to not be joining my family at Disneyland, but so it goes- this will be more fun for me :).

My focus right now- soak up the goodness.

It's not having what you want
It's wanting what you've got

I'm gonna soak up the sun
I'm gonna tell everyone
To lighten up (I'm gonna tell 'em that)
I've got no one to blame
For every time I feel lame
I'm looking up
I'm gonna soak up the sun
I'm gonna soak up the sun

Link1 risk taker|Be Adventurous!

*giggle* [Jan. 28th, 2004|04:40 am]
So far off.. (though I didn't look anything up- knowing a few words does not a native speaker make)

I can speak fluently Dutch!!:)
you are dutch. no other possibility.or, you are
from belgium, that could be the case too.

can you speak Dutch????
brought to you by Quizilla
Link12 have taken risks|Be Adventurous!

Mmmm... needed that! [Jan. 26th, 2004|01:47 am]
Today I went out driving with [info]princeofwands. Huge mood improvement. Happy time.

Oh, and that's after getting there and being asked "Wanna sit on the bike?" *grin*

Then, shopping, tasty dinner and fun evil tv with the addition of [info]kineticphoenix

Much better.

Lots more partly written, more to write.. but, not now. Now, sleep.
LinkBe Adventurous!

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