Internal Pain's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
Internal Pain

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16 fallen souls
heal my soul

[03 Jan 2002|05:18pm]
i edited my friends list.

goodbye to all who did not make the cut.

1 fallen souls
heal my soul

"i need to feel u u need to feel me i cant control you.." [09 Dec 2001|10:44pm]
bitch?y (bch)
adj. Slang bitch?i?er, bitch?i?est
Malicious, spiteful, or overbearing.
In a bad mood; irritable or cranky.

bitchi?ly adv.
bitchi?ness n.

i?rate (-rt, rt)
Extremely angry; enraged. See Synonyms at angry.
Characterized or occasioned by anger: an irate phone call.

22 fallen souls
heal my soul

[20 Jul 2001|05:57pm]
my journal is friends only.. that's why it looks like there is nothing here but.. I dunno.. if u want to be added just ask me and I more than likely will add u back

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