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Monday, July 1st, 2002
1:14 pm - Pride weekend is over :(
I had the most amazing weekend ever. I marched in teh dyke march with my class on Saturday and what a sight it was. WOmen everywhere just being proud of who they are and women everywhere appreciating the strength of other women. I was in heaven. Topless women, women in leather, women just being themselves. I was soooo in myh element it was so fantastic. I felt so comfortable there. I loved the bi oride women. They were so nice and gave me a free temporary tattoo. It was so great to just out myself and know there wasn't going to be judgement. After that we all went to lunch, then went to the beer tent to drink and smoke up, then me and a friend of mine went to Winchesters to get drunk and dance like crazy. Sunday was just as good. My friend Doug, his b/f and his b/f's neices, all went and watched the parade, for about 3 hours thank goodness we were in a shady spot, then we went and drank at the 501, had dinner in a Japanese restaurant, drank at the 501 again and I met some amazing people there. I especially like Ryan and Andrew. They were so sweet and were giving me all these compliments and saying I was funny like Joan Cusack and they were just so nice. I had a swelled head after!!! Doug said he's known them for a long time so they probably know about me from him, he always tells people nice things aboutme. It was a great weekend and I love that I have such great friends. Everyone made sure I was having fun and felt comfortable. I saw Matt from OShawa there! I ran into tons of people I knew so it was like a reunion almost. I'm just sad that it's over because going home in my pride gear got me a lot of strange looks and I was actually kind of freaked out by some people who wouldn't stop staring at me. I hate that I have to wait another year for this kind of security and sense of belonging. I'm gonna go to the 501 again soon. I really like that place. There are some really cool people there. This one short guy kept trying to get us to dance with him and he offered to teach us the "bus stop" whatever that is. it was funny stuff I tells ya. Anyways, enough rambling, I'm gonna jet but I had to write down what happened. I took a ton of pics so I can always remember.

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Tuesday, June 25th, 2002
2:13 am
I have had the most eventful weekend ever. My little brother got married on Saturday, and their baby is due in the next two weeks. It was sooooo surreal. I'm really happy for them. I have never seen people look so completely happy and in love. I have to say that my step neice is a very cool kid. She's 4 and she and I get along really well. I adore my new family members.

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Tuesday, June 18th, 2002
2:42 pm
AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!! I HATE my job!!!!!! I do telefundraising and when I was hired I was told that I wouldn't have to pressure people to donate money. BUT.....I was told on Friday that my results aren't good enough and I'm not getting enough donations to make my presence there worthwhile. So I'm like okay, well what am I supposed to say when you give me people who are over 60 and under 20, and all of them seem to have financial difficulties??? Well, doncha know, I'm supposed to "renegotiate" an amount. Well if someone tells me they have nothing how am I supposed to renegotiate that? Tell them not to get groceries that week?? Ugh, I'm sick of that place. I can't work in a place where I have to pressure people to donate when they can't afford to or else have them feel bad because they absolutely cannot. I've been looking for something else for the past few days. ANYWAYS, my brother is getting married this saturday so I'm looking forward to it. So I'm gonna jet now that I've vented and I feel so much better now

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Sunday, June 9th, 2002
10:58 pm
I went to the biotech 2002 fair in Grange park today. I'm soooooo sunburnt!!!! I had an amazing time though. David Suzuki spoke to everyone about genetic modification and there were info booths, speakers and bands. The best band was called "women who run things" they were such an amazing diverse group of women!!!! Their music was awesome and they had so much energy on the stage. Good news---they're going to be playing for Pride!!!! Woo hoo maybe I'll get the nerve to talk to the cute trumpet player!!! She was awesome. I tried Hemp ice cream and it was good, I'm also thinking that maybe vegetarianism isn't enough, maybe I should transfer to full vegan. This fair was really eye opening and I met a lot of interesting people and also ran into some I had met before. Anyways, it was a really great day and I had to let everyone know how great it is that so many different people can come together to try to make the world better for each other. It just amazes me. I'm proud to know people like that and to hopefully be like them one day. I'm applying for a job in this tattoo parlour tomorrow, it's just counter stuff but there's a chance for an apprenticeship later on. ANyways, let's hope I get it. I can do this and go to school at the same time so it's perfect. I'm going to bed now cause I have sunstroke I think. Good night all.

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Sunday, May 12th, 2002
11:58 pm
Hey everyone! I haven't written in ages. I've been crazy busy. I'm doing my school placement at Education Wife Assault and I love it soooooo much!!! It rocks. I cut my hair super short, instead of trying to grow it out. I also got another tattoo, a sharks jaw and teeth surrounding my belly button and I got my septum pierced. I won't be able to have a ring in it for another 2 months cause it needs to heal so that sucks because the retainer piece is tucked up inside my nose and you can't even see a bit of it. Ohh well I'm still proud of myself for getting it. I've wanted one for ages. Teresa and I are going to just live in the house till school is done after all, we've decided to not let the evil banshee woman get the best of us. I broke up with Jeff about a month ago and feel sooooo free. No more ignorant remarks that I have to either fight or tolerate. I always end up fighting stupid comments. No reason for ignorance. He actually expected me to educate him and support him while he became enlightened. I'm sorry but there is a library and web sites to learn about why prejudice of any kind is wrong. I decided he was basically hopeless and was sick of his dumbass crap so I told him it was over. He still hasn't fully got it that its over for good but I know and that's all I care about. I don't feel like explaining it again for the hundredth time. I did really well in school overall and I'm looking forward to next year. My last year. My friends and classmates have a banner in the dyke march during pride weekend so we're all marching together which is really excting. I've come out as bisexual to everyone now so I feel really good. I alswo went and saw the Cranberries last night at Massey Hall. IT WAS AMAZING!!! I'm a super huge fan and we were in second row at the side aisle. As soon as they came out we screamed and ran to the stage in front of the front row seats. We were dancing and the bouncers left us alone, they pulled us back to our seats at one point but then they let us go back. We were in front of the stage for all but 5 minutes of the concert. The bouncers there are awesome guys!!!! We were the only ones who dared to go up there so it was mind blowing. They could tell we were the biggest fans ever. My friend got Dolores's guitar pick and I got some of her set list. It rocked. I'll never forget it. My friend Sara touched her!!!! I wanted to die from happiness. I just still can't believe we were the only people who had the nerve to stay up there and that people let us stay there!!! Anyways, I'm rambling, but things are going really well and I'm glad to hear other people are doing well too. I'm going to bed now, but I'll write again soon if I can. Bye all

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Sunday, March 24th, 2002
3:26 pm
Well, this woman that lives downstairs in the house is a huge jerk!!! She said my roommate is a slut and she told me I had no mind of my own because I stood up for my friend. She tells me today that I need to mind my own business and blah blah blah. What a crusty bored woman. SHe doesn't work, doesn't go to school, has no friends, has no hobbies and walks around in her nightgown all the time. She maybe once in a while goes to the gym but you'd hardly know it since the rest of the time she sits in her room watching soap operas and stuff. She's a nightmare. ANyways, so Teresa and I have had enough of her, she's always saying mean things to Teresa and trying to push me around, so we're going to find another place to live in a month or two with NO other roommates. We're pretty excited about it. ANyways, my laundry is about done.

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Sunday, March 10th, 2002
1:47 pm
SO I'm finally all moved in, in Toronto. I love it. I'm doing well. I have to write this report so I'm only writing a short entry to distract myself for a bit. It's driving me crazy, I just have nothing to say about the topic. Actually I do but not enough to make a 2000 word essay. Ugh, what's happened to me? I used to be able to write 2000 or 3000 words no problem in less than 2 hours!!!! My brain has melted out my ears I'm sure of it. To further prove this theory, I'm getting my labret pierced next week. I'm not sure I want to because it's so trendy and everyone is piercing that kind of stuff but I'm going to get a giant ball for the front so maybe that will make it less cheeky looking. I hope so anyways. It's something to distract myself from growing out my hair. I hacked it all off again to like maybe an inch all over but It's hard to maintain, always stying and gelling and stuff. I just want it chin length again. That was easiest. I'm trying to be healthier. My roommie is a vegetarian and looks awesome and so I'm trying to get into that. I eat tofu now!!! I still love fish though so I wont give that up but everything else I can live without. She's so cool, she's been introducing me to food I never tried before. Tofu, sushi, baba ganoujsh, and she's got me all concerned about only buying margarine without gelatine in it and using natural products like deodorant and not anti perspirant because it traps toxins in your body. Anyways, I'm just putting off my report. Lata all.

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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
10:45 am
So yeah, It's been a while, been soooo busy. I did sooooo well in school, 5 A's ( one an A+ cause I got 100%!!!) 3 B's and a C- but I'm fighting that cause it's a bogus mark and I in no way deserved that. The tenth class I got a pass cause you cant get an actual mark. Anyways, am moving to Toronto in the next month and will be living in a house with my friend and some other women. It's only 115 bucks a month and there are no men allowed and no drinking ( but youc an drink in your room and go out drinking). I also start a new job soon ( I hope, they have to find someone to train me first!!). Things are looking up in that respect but in others not so much. I'm not really able to go into detail but a friend of mine is dying and that is never easy but I have made the commitment to be supportive and strong. I'm still not sure what's happening with me and Jeff, our relationship is pretty strange right now. We dont talk or see each other or anything. I dont honestly have the time for him either so I wont feel guilty about it because it goes both ways. He never calls either. Anyways, school is okay, but some women in the class are taking it upon themselves to tell everyone else how to behave and talk etc. I have taken this personally, though they havent said anything to me, so I have been getting pretty nasty back and telling them to mind their own business and bringing it up in class how disgusting that kind of behaviour is and that I wont tolerate it and if I see it anymore then I will make sure it is stopped right then. My shy, mind my own business, passive wall is going away, thank goodness. I stand up for myself all the time and if I take something personally I say so and I give shit where its deserved. My boss and I almost got in a fight at one point because she said something stupid. That's partly why I had to find another job, the people there are soooo inbred and stupid that I can barely stand it. Anyways, I'm complaining a lot today but I cant help it. ANyways, I'm gonna jet so I'll ttyl all.

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Tuesday, January 15th, 2002
9:13 pm
Lotsa stuff going on but I dont even know where to start so I won't. Suffice it to say that for a boring person I lead a really exciting life. Anyways, am feeling pretty yuck so I'm going to bed. I have school, an interview and a place to find out about tomorrow. Ugh, I'm so busy lately that I barely have time for my laundry. So, later all.

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Friday, December 21st, 2001
1:16 am
I just had to block this guy I used to talk to online occasionally. He's a dork and he's weird but he was always basically nice. Now he thinks he's some kind of player and he's so cool and he's actually going to get tattoos to improve his image. I was like, ew. He's tainting the art of tattoo by getting them to look tough. Then he started talking about how the beetches come to him and crap like that. I couldn't stand it anymore so I told him he was a poser and disrespectful and that's why he can't get a girlfriend or a lover. Then he asked if I had been raped recently and if that was why I was being such a bitch to him. So I told him to get lost and go put his act to someone else who would actually believe his crap and I blocked him. Why are most guys such losers? They put on this act and think they can say whatever they want and get away with it. I'm sorry but if you talk to me like you think you're so great then you won't get anywhere with me. Nice guys/girls don't have to say they're nice because they just are. Guys/girls who say they're bad-asses are liars. They are posers. People who label themselves that way are trying too hard to get attention. I just wish people could be people, not perverts looking to screw someone over. I'm disgusted with the world lately. I don't honestly know how I can go on like this. Things get to me so badly. Everytime someone starves, is raped or is insulted, I feel like I can't make a difference and if I can't make a difference then I don't want to live anymore. I know it sounds extreme to people but it bothers me so much that I can barely stand it.

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Monday, December 17th, 2001
11:33 pm
Okay so I went to this club on the weekend and I swear it was the most awful experience ever. Even my friend noticed how on edge I was. We left early to say the least. It was a regular club that I used to go to all the time and yet since my recent discoveries about myself, I could barely stand it. On the one hand I wanted people to be attracted to me and think I was hot or whatever but I really got grossed out when the guys came anywhere near me or even looked at me. I was outright mean to some guys my friend said. I just couldnt stand having these guys stick their faces so close to me and breathe on me. I actually felt nauseous and wanted to beat the shit out of one guy who grabbed my ass. After an hour we left. I just couldnt handle it anymore. I guess this answers some of my questions about why I wanted men to like me so much. I just wanted attention and validation of my appearance. It's easy to get it from a man. But am I totally on the one side or do I have my feet in both sides? I'm attracted to men sometimes. But only certain types. It's weird. I'm still really confused but a friend from school is going through the same thing and gave me a journal to help with my self discovery. I was so touched when she gave it to me. I cried so many times over it. I'm going to miss everyone from school soooo much over the holidays. How will I cope without them for 3 whole weeks? I'm not sure how things with Jeff are going. My feelings are really mixed and confused. He and I dont see eye to eye very well. Actually at all. I'm not sure. I'm going to get my frtune told, my palms read and my tarot cards read too. I'm really excited about it. Maybe she'll tell me what I need to know about the path my life is taking. Anyways, I was supposed to go out tonight but was too sick to go so I'm feeling sorry for myself. :( I'm gonna jet now. Lata all.

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Monday, December 10th, 2001
10:02 pm
Okay so finally, my first semester iks almost done. 10 classes, and I have at least an 80 average now!!! I rock!! I got some of the highest marks in the class!!! I helped organise a rally that went really well too. I ended up not getting hardly any sleep for the past 3 weeks due to school and all the other stuff and at one point I went 3 days not sleeping at all. That was just weird. I was looking at my last entry and thought I should make it known that Jeff and I ended up staying together after all. It's rough though because we're at the stage where we're nice and careful with each other but I know it won't last for long and I wonder what's the point? I mean I care about him and everything but I don't feel the same way anymore. I'm sure it hasn't helped that I've finally discovered stuff about myself. I can't really explain because I have no idea if he reads this or not. I'm sure people have guessed by some of the hints. I told my family about it and they all knew anyways. They were just waiting for me to admit it. I wonder if I'm not all the way to the one side. I find that when I really examine it, I think I've just given in to the socialization. I find I just don't have any real interest and now when I really look at it, it makes me so sick that I want to be sicka nd can't have it anywhere near me. How do I deal with this? WHat I was always told was normal to like makes me physically ill. I remember my first encounter with one and I was so disgusted I gagged and threw up afterwards and was sick for days because it was so gross. I find I can't look at them still. I always have the lights off. Ugh. If you don't get it don't worry, this is just for my own benefit that I'm rambling. I'm really confused and very trapped. I need to figure stuff out fast though because there are opportunities for me out there that are asking me to make up my mind and these opportunities are very very tempting. Ugh. I've dug such a hole for myself. Anyways, I'll figure it out, I just need time.

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Friday, November 9th, 2001
4:48 pm
I think Jeff and I are broken up now. I feel so awful!!! I know it's the right thing because we always just fight and argue and neither one of us is willing to change. it's also not fair to expect each other to change or to keep our opinions to ourselves. It sucks nonetheless. I miss him already and am worried about him. I tried calling and everything but he's not home and he's not calling me back. He doesn't want to be friends either which makes me feel worst because I still care about him and want to know him. i guess that's selfish of me but how can he be very happy always fighting? i don't know how to feel now. I'm sooo confused. I miss him and want to be with him but then i remember how we fight and he can get so mean when we do. He thinks I'm going to be this big whore now. HE doesn't even hear me when I say I don't want to date or see anyone right now. I just want to be me. i'm going through this self discovery thing and I just want the freedom to do that on my own terms. He can't seem to understand that. I just feel horrible because he and I relied on each other for support and friendship and now what? i don't have anyone and he has hos friends but they're not so great in this situation. I wonder if he'll hate me? I wonder if he'll hat women in general? He says I abandoned him just like every other woman. I'm not abandoning him though. i just want a diferent kind fo relationship with him. It may not even always be this way, maybe we'll get back together later but for now I need to just be on my own. I wouldn't have casual sex because that's not what I'm about. I'm better than that now. I have a vibrator for goodness sakes!!! I think he thinks this is all because of this other issue I have. It's not though. I just want the chance to become me. He doesn't even believe these are my real opinions, just brainwashing. I've never felt so lonely before though. i;ve just lost my best friend. He and I have our problems but I never wanted to just lose touch. I don't know what to do. I feel so awful. I miss him but I can't go back to the things the way they were. I suck.

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Wednesday, November 7th, 2001
7:46 pm
I think I'm about to become single. Jeff can't handle my political views. I don't bring them up. He brings up these subjects and he can have his opinion but when I voice mine I'm full of feminist bullshit. Very disrespectful. I can't understand why he's become this way. HE's convinced I hate men. I'll admit I'm angry at the male dominated system but I still love him and I've always treated him with respect. He insults me now and tells me I'm crazy. HE tells me to shut up or to just get over it. Why can't I stand up for what I believe in? Why can he say aything he wants while I have to be quiet? I refuse to be silenced. I have a voice and I will use it. Hate has no place and it should not be tolerated.

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6:39 pm
YAY!!! I'm so excited!!! I made plans with my dearest friend last night!!! We're gonna both book off the whole weekend of December 14, 15 and 16!!!! We're gonna get all dressed up and crazy and go out and dance and party all weekend!!! WOOHOO!!!! I haven't seen her in ages!!! I missed her soooo much!!! I'm gonna get my hair cut really short this week and dye it manic panic red. I'm so crazy lately!!! I'm onto tattoo #10 on Friday!!! My whole upper arms will be covered. I can't wait. I also made plans for New years!!! I totally can't wait!!!

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Monday, November 5th, 2001
1:08 pm
Congrats Willow!!! You're gonna get your certificate at the end of the month and I know you'll be a kickass masseur(is that right? Masseur?). I'll go to you for massages and you can come to me for some good old fashioned man hating k? LOL. I'm really getting bitter towards men lately. I probably wouldn't be so angry but they keep reinforcing thier disgusting views on women and society. Some guy I didn't know called me babe and I got mad and toild him not to disrespect me. He flipped out because I was rejecting his right ot take ownership of me. That's what calling a woman babe and chick and hon (when you dont know her or at least not well enough to warrant that) do. It diminishes them and makes them see like they are yours. That is disgusting and will not be tolerated with me. But the worst part was that other guys came ot his defense saying i was overreacting. Well excuse me but when a man who doesn't know me acts like that, it makes me think he'll have what he wants with or without my consent. Men argue that's not fair to judge all men by it. Too bad. It's not fair to expect a woman to make herself vulnerable by making her feel expected to relax with a guy she doesn't know when shes just hear on the news about another woman being raped while on a date or walking home. Guys, if you don't like that women are immediately suspicious of you-then do something to make the world safer. Otherwise shut the HELL up and earn her trust. MEn who say they are liberated are liars. if you have to say it you're not. It's just obvious if you are. Most men who think they are, aren't. I have experienced that men who say they are, are worst than men who say they aren't. I get so angry. Why are people so ignorant??? I was reading the paper the other day and these young girls were saying they reject the feminist title because of all of the stigma attached. If it weren't for women who call themselves feminists, these women wouldn't be allowed to vote and wouldn't be considered human. A horse would be worth more than their lives. How dare they reject it? They say it alienates men. Hello??? It's about women fighting for women. It's only for women. If men want to help they are feminist allies. There's a difference. I hate that people don't think there's a problem still. We still make only 66 cents to the mans dollar. There's still sexual harassment at work and everywhere else. People argue that men encounter it too but not in the numbers that women do on a daily basis. it's brought up as an excuse to do nothing. Give me a break. People can be so ignorant!!! Anyways, I have pics of all my tattoos now so I'm gonna send them to people who wanna see. I'm really excited. I have 8 and on Friday I'm getting both of my upper arms done. On one I'm getting a woman angel kind of thing and on the other I'm getting a woman symbol. I love tattoos. :)

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Friday, October 26th, 2001
8:28 pm
The USA is now officially a fascist state. They signed an anti-terrorist bill today. It seemes like a great idea if it's only going ot be used against terrorists but do you honestly think that a real terrorist will allow themselves to be so easily detected? HELL NO!!! Do you know who's going to suffer? The civilians. Do you know what constitutes a terrorist? It can be as simple as what books you keep on your shelf. DOn't even try to tell me the government isn't going to go that far either. Look at Afghanistan. 2000 bombs in one day was dropped on that country. DId anybody realise that 85-90% of all vicitms of war are women and children? It's real fact. We will all suffer from this. I want to stop terrorism too but not at the expense of everyone else's rights. They will monitor your phones, your email, your mail, your purchases, etc just to see if you could be a suspected terrorist. I was scared before but now I'm terrified. I'm very active with rallies and movements and I am considered to be radical by most standards but I'm a non violent activist and I'm certainly not a terrorist. What will happen to us? Will we be afraid of saying anything in case someone doesn't agree and reports us as terrorists? Don't even think that just becasue we're in the millenium we're too advanced a society for this stuff to happen. It happens all over the world. People are killed for having opinions. Women are killed for showing more than their eyes!!! DOn't tell me not to be afraid. I have every reason to be afraid. All around the world people live in fear for these things. Why are we any different? We'll see I guess but I'm not going to hold my breath hoping that George W doesn't fuck us all up. He's the most powerful man on Earth right now and therefore the man we must all be the most afraid of. I can't believe how it took something like this to get us all to break out of our stupid little shells and finally open our stupid eyes. This could have been prevented and yet we all sat here thinking we were so safe and so advanced and feeling so invincible. How pathetic we all were living in our little worlds built on ignorance. The worst part ist hat this will not bring any of us closer but it will cause more hate. People are already blaming specific groups. How nice that they can pretend it doesn't concern them or that it can be fixed by focusing on their prejudices and making themselves feel better that way. This world sucks ass. I'm bitching a lot but I'm also doing something about it. A bunch of us are going to organise a rally and a candlelight vigil to protest the war and all it's "side effects".

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Saturday, October 20th, 2001
2:23 pm
I hate my current job!!! Thank goodness I'll be getting another soon!!! I know Willow can relate to my deep disgust. I'm so glad you don't have to work there again hon!!! Can you get me some sweet deals on vids???? LOL. Anyways, I'm soooo wiped from work but I can't sleep. I told my mom last night about my issue that sounded cliche. ANyways, she laughed at me and said I was being ridiculous. She said she knows me better than anyone and she knows I'm not like that. SHe totally brushed it off as a phase or something. And then she told everyone while I was still on the phone. She told my dad and my aunt and she'll tell someone else too but I don't know who it'll be. I just know that I've been given away to the world by my mother. She always does this with my problems. She did this when I was so sick I was being hospitalized for Anorexia and bulemia a few times. She did this when we talked about how I had been molested and when I was with a guy who was treating me badly. It's like she thinks if she can brush it aside it'll go away. I've ended up having to solve all these issues on my own with no support adn the added shame and embarassment that I had already been feeling. She made me cry so then I got mad but she called back later to apologise but that she still doesn't believ me. What's to believe???? It's there, even my brother said he saw it coming!!! I told him myself a few weeks ago. I just can't believe this. I feel so stupid now. I feel sick when I think about it.

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Friday, October 19th, 2001
4:45 pm
I bought my very first vibrator today! My friends at school and I were talking yesterday and I was the only one who had never used one or anything. I was also the only one who was severely sexually repressed. So I decided that had to change. I bought myself a good, strong, adjustable vibrator (thanks to Erin for her suggestions!!!). I went and bought it all by myself and I have to say I absolutely love it!! Oh my God!!! I was totally missing out all this time!!! I've also come to terms about another part of my sexuality. I don't want to talk about it on here because that is still something I need to expolre and I know I'll just sound so cliche but my friends and the women in the program have been so amazing in letting me talk about it and giving me adivce and everything. I love them. They're better than family. In other news, I have an interview for a job that pays 10 bucks an hour. I have my interview on Wed and it's at the Canadian Blood Services. I'm totally hoping it goes well. I need the money and it'll give me good experience too. I have all next week off from school so I'm really happy because I'm going to see Jeff and I'm going to experiment with my new toy. Why are girls so embarassed to get one? They are the worlds best creations!!!! Lata all!!!

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Sunday, October 14th, 2001
8:47 am
K, so I kick ass. I spend maybe an hour on my assignments and don't study and don't read the assigned texts and yet I'm getting a 99% in one class and holding a 95% in all my other classes. Haha, I'm sooo good at school!!! I love it!!! I wish you could be a professional student forever. That would be the best job in the world. I'm going to an anti-poverty rally on Tuesday. I went to a take back the night rally a few weeks ago and it was very informative so I'm hoping to learn at this rally too but it's a protest as well. I can't believe all this shit going on. I hate all the violence. I hate that people are going to suffer from renewed ignorance. Nobody even knows the real stories behind it all. They just listen to the papers and what the world leaders are saying. There is no way in Hell I'm going to believe anything they have to tell me. They're all terrorists as far as I'm concerned and they're sacrificing the lives of innocent people to further themselves. I wonder sometimes how much they really care about their countries and the world and the people they are supposed to care for. It shames me to hear the shit people are spewing everywhere. I'm sick of ignorance and I can tolerate it no more.

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