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attention you all. [05 Jul 2004|02:29pm]

i hate to be all trendy and cool-like...

but this journal is mostly friends now.


i always like to make new friends. :)
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raindrops keep falling on my head. [04 Jul 2004|01:13pm]
[ mood | good ]

i just woke up about 20 minutes ago. i have a headache. i hate waking up with headaches, that's the worst thing ever.

and..i do not understand the appeal of the fourth of july. i mean, it's a good excuse to eat and set off fireworks..but if you don't get out of school or work because of it, then..what's the point?

i'm not trying to overly pessimistic, i just woke up, that's why i'm speaking like the unpatriotic canadian that i am.

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c'est fou! [01 Jul 2004|02:35pm]
[ mood | blah ]

my entire body hurts. exercise is evil. i am so not the exercising type. i mean, i like to be active...but being active is different than running on a treadmill. that is mindless stupidity. why do i care about burning calories? calories are my friends. all 1,400 of them, or however many i'm supposed to consume in a day. i don't even know. my sister and i had a "how-many-situps-can-you-do-in-a-minute" competition last night. i won, naturally, since i am the exercise queen...COUGH. but i still won...and paid a price for my satisfaction. any stomach movement that exceeds moving an inch to the left or right causes me extreme pain. stupid jera. making me do situps.

aside from that lovely rant of self-pity, i also practiced the flute for an hour and a half  and the piano for another hour (!?!?). i have played the chaminade concerto so many times in the past week, if i hear it one more time, i will (and this is the truth) throw myself off the roof. i see the music and get nauseated. not really the fact that it's difficult, but more of the fact that i'm just sick of the song. nothing excites me more than dozens of 32nd notes. ooh, i'm feeling a tingle just thinking about it.

okay, i'm definitely throwing myself off the roof now.

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ATTENTION. [29 Jun 2004|10:35pm]
[ mood | mischievous ]

matt has decided that the name "jackie" does not suit me and is he puts it, "uber hip".

therefore, my new name is...


*cue action music*

but i like tony's nickname for me better. ;)

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i wish i had a spy that shagged me. [28 Jun 2004|05:37pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

i watched reruns of dr. quinn on some random channel on our satellite today. it made me so frustrated. no man is like sully. he is the only long-haired attractive person on earth. i realize he is only about 20 years older than me...but this is coming from the girl who has a thing for james bond. don't spread that around, you all. no wait. heath ledger looked good with long hair, too. so. heath ledger and sully. good long-haired men.

i can smell the soup cooking and it's making my stomach growl. oh, how hungry i am! i need the food. i've had probably 300 cumulative calories i've consumed today...which isn't healthy, but i'm too lazy to eat, as bad as that sounds. maybe that's what happened to mary-kate. these poor multi-millionare twins who struggle to be thin. umm, if it were me, i'd be too busy spending money to maybe that was her problem. honestly, i care more than i sound must be hard with all the pressure to be thin and everything, but it just seems kind of...ridiculous to me. i know everyone has problems, but when you are that successful...i don't know. people just don't realize how well they have it sometimes.

i'm starting to ramble, so this is the point at which i stop typing.

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I AM SO EXCITED...I JUST MIGHT PEE MY PANTS. [27 Jun 2004|10:04pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

no, i won't pee my pants. but i still am very excited.

the following websites are quite possibly the BEST WEBSITES EVER.

best website #1.
best website #2.
best website #3.

i am buying everything. nothing like kimchi noodles on a hot summer day. *wink, wink*

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deerly beloved... [20 Jun 2004|04:55pm]
[ mood | amused ]

ooh, good day. at this point, i have only been awake for...about five hours and already i have gone to a movie with lisa, eaten a bowl of mini-wheats, and showered to make myself presentable. impressive, i know. i'm a master at these kinds of things. i showered and got dressed in a remarkable 20 minutes to meet lisa to go to the movie. we saw 'dodgeball' after much deliberation, since we didn't want to wait around to see another movie. i had low expectations, but it was actually funny...despite the fact that it brought up painful childhood memories.

one in particular comes to mind: i'm wearing glasses at this time, in the second grade? i think it was second grade. they said i only needed glasses for reading. so, we're at recess, playing dodgeball, and i am without my spectacles, when suddenly, out of the middle of NO WHERE (i swear) one of the strongest second-graders (a boy, of course) slams a ball into the side of my head. i was nearly unconscious, and was lying there and i had a big bruise on my face for days and swore to everyone i hadn't seen the ball to duck. therefore, i was now wearing glasses for reading and every other activity humanly possible. so. there's my dodgeball story. poor me. i know.

hmm. what to do now. i cleaned my room. dusted my room. made my bed. organized. alphabetized my bookshelf. arranged every yearbook i own in chronological order. straightened my shoes. gathered up my purses. plugged in my cell phone. hung my jeans in my closet by denim color.

i've run out of menial tasks. not that that's a bad thing, necessarily. now i'll have time to...clean the kitchen!

i hate my life.

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je suis fatigue. [17 Jun 2004|07:10pm]
[ mood | good ]

j'ai mange le diner, et maintenant je suis fatigue. je ne comprends pas. je suis si stupide. je me suis reveille a 12:24 pm! savez-vous combien de sommeil qui est? je me sens coupable. mon lisa pauvre a un travail et je pas, ainsi je dors. *soupir*

je suis plein de la nourriture. je me sens comme une baleine.


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RETURN OF BEAR. [15 Jun 2004|06:45pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

click for more bear adventures. )

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why are woodchucks called that? [12 Jun 2004|11:06pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

i just took a nap while my family watched this movie. and then i took pictures of myself immediately post nap.

for your enjoyment:

this was right after i woke up. see the hair.

this is me with banky, my security blanket i've had since i was a baby. he's the sexiest guy (err, piece of cloth) i know.

now i'm awake. awake, but my contacts are dry. i hate when that happens.

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OH BABY. [09 Jun 2004|02:42pm]
[ mood | dorky ]

three good things about today:

1.) didn't sleep in, but got a LOT done.
2.) drew! the first time in...forever.
3.) i am SUPER TAN! (half-fake, mostly real)...and boy, do i look HOT...if i may say so myself.

that is all, over and out.

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jackie ledger. jackie kutcher. jackie bond (!). [07 Jun 2004|04:28pm]
[ mood | content ]

what a horrible day. horrible, horrible. i am so lazy now...since i don't have a job...since there are no jobs available in this area! and me, stupid, didn't get my lifeguarding certification earlier when i had the chance. well, now i suppose i'm paying for that and i must take full responsability. not that i want to, naturally, but i suppose i must.

i have been tanning, and me, who always preaches about the wonders of sunscreen, is going against my own common sense advice. i've become a monster. a jobless, tanned monster.

i have decided on the perfect life. i want a husband, and two kids (or an even number. if you have an odd number, someone always has to sit on the hump/dip in the backseat in the middle, and that is just so awful), and i want to live where it is warm and sunny and vacation where it is cold or tropical, and i want a dog (or two). ahh. the prospects of unrealism.

now, i must practice the flute and piano. sadly, my piano has never been the same since i stopped lessons, but i am determined to get it back to perfomance level. on the other hand, my flute playing is going quite satisfactorily...i am currently working on the james galway arranged vivaldi "four seasons spring and winter" and the chaminade concertino, both are which are hopelessly unperformable at this point, but within a couple weeks, should be alright.

and now that you are sleepy and bored:


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y'all want a coke? [05 Jun 2004|06:38pm]
[ mood | predatory ]

i am so sleepy. all day. sleepy, sleepy, sleepy. i can't motivate myself to do anything productive. i don't feel like reading. and i don't feel like playing the piano (which i've done for about 2 hours today) and i would play my flute, but my family says that it's too loud when they are trying to talk or watch tv. i can make them money by playing my flute. perhaps they don't have this quite deciphered yet. oh well, not my problem!

it has been the worst, worst weather these past couple days. rainy, overcast, i hate that. i want the sun. i want to tan. i sound like such a brat on here, always "i want this", but you know what? doesn't everyone want something? it's unrealistic to try and be completely unselfish because human nature does not allow it. and there is my deep thought for the day.

i am getting a digital camera (again, finally) soon, and then lots and lots of pictures of probably uninteresting things...but then, when you least expect it...POOF! JACKIE IN THE NUDE!

maybe not. but i'm too tired to try and write coherently. i need a coke. i'm having withdrawal. is that possible to get withdrawal? oh, maybe from the caffeine. that must be it.

WELL. time for a coke, then.


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deal with it, jackie. [02 Jun 2004|08:44pm]
[ mood | pessimistic ]

je suis très seul. je veux que scott soit avec moi. c'est son anniversaire. je me sens si triste. je déteste la vie en ce moment.
and if you can read that, all power to you.
if you can't, doesn't matter. i'm just lonely. :(

8 comments|post comment

catch a falling star and put it in your...mouth? [01 Jun 2004|10:31am]
[ mood | listless ]

ahh, i got so much sleep last night. more sleep than i've gotten in...a long time. school just misses up your sleep schedule. researchers say that the average young person should get 10 hours of sleep every night. umm, okay. that's not possible. i'd have to go to bed at 8 pm. i'm eating dinner at 8 pm. stupid researchers. make a pill that bypasses the need for 10 hours of sleep, and then we'll talk.

i am watching the birds in my front lawn right now, and i find it funny than they have to hop to walk around. wouldn't it terrible to have to hop everywhere? i mean, think about all the wasted energy. wow, i'm talking about hopping birds. i need some cocoa puffs or something.

that picture makes me laugh. ahh, poop, i'm so lonely. i miss him.

and...i am having the hardest time finding decent, non-trashy romance novels. i need suggestions. all i'm finding are titles such as "lady whistledown strikes back". right. i'm going to be seen reading something with that title. help!

stolen from [info]scoopa...

quizzie. )

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why does "blow-pop" sound so dirty? [30 May 2004|08:18pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

today was graduation. i did not graduate (one more year, blast drat it), but watched many of my friends do so and also had to live with the fact that scott could not be here for his own graduation because he had to go home (i.e. korea) early. this made for a very difficult day, seeing as boarding school graduation is different than public school graduation...namely, because you won't see half these people again let alone over the summer. thank goodness for lisa. she's my buddy. we're going to hang out this summer and tan and eat a lot and like pigs. pigs who work, that is.

i am putting more blonde in my hair tomorrow for summer. i don't know whether i am excited about this or not, since my mom decided it would be fun to try an at-home highlighting kit, something we have never attempted. scary. but, i am an avid instruction follower, and should make out fairly decently. if it turns out green, i'm suing herbal essences.

jera and i are going to go vintage/bargain clothes shopping this week. she basically comes along to keep me company since she is not as much of a vintage-clothes-finder expert as i happen to be. but i think it's fun, so there, deal with that, LITTLE SISTER.

and her boyfriend is gone for the summer. and she's crying. oh wait. nope, he only lives an hour away. i dare you to cry in front of me "miss-my-boyfriend-is-gone-forever". if her boyfriend lived in southeast asia, she'd probably go throw herself off the roof or out her window or something. an hour away. i laugh in the face of her weakness.

i watched "the fog of war" about robert mcnamara with my father. we like those kind of historical movies. and i have to say, i want to have that man's brain. you must watch to see what i'm talking about.

enough of this. i'm going to get a snack.

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the is the post that never goes on and on my friends... [27 May 2004|09:08am]
[ mood | grumpy ]



Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

stolen from [info]aku. i wanted a cool acronym. i want aku's acronym. darn it. *steals*

i have to go set up chairs at the gym for graduation in about 20 minutes...the junior class is basically one big slave to the seniors. that sounds really wrong. but you know, it's true.

and i'm wearing gym shorts and a hanes white shirt. and i look like poop. and i feel like poop. someone come get me and plop me back into bed where i belong. my pillow is calling my name...and alas, i cannot answer because...i am a slave to the seniors. stupid seniors. i can't wait until they get their butts down the stupid aisle and get their stupid diplomas and then i can have slaves everywhere too.

no, i'm not bitter, just tired. i'm going to go get some tylenol. if i have to look like poop, you better believe i won't feel like poop at the same time. :)
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vintage jackie! [26 May 2004|04:05pm]
[ mood | energetic ]

i am being rather bold and am now posting...old pictures of me as a little girl. do not laugh. bangs weren't the best look for me.


i said to not laugh, you little punk.

more... )

now, for more important matters. scott called me today at work, and i was so happy for the rest of the day. we talked for a long time (considering the evil long distance fees), but it was just so nice to hear from him. i miss him so much. being apart can be a good thing, however, and this is important to remember.

i am also...a senior! i took my last exam today. wish me luck with graduation, you all. i don't want to trip marching the (stupid) seniors down the aisle. the only reason i even wanted to go to graduation was for scott, and alas, now i have no reason to but must attend anyway. poop.

i am now looking back at the pictures. damn my cute little sister. all blonde and perky. ha! look who's blonde now!

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a new day means new opportunities for food. [25 May 2004|04:04pm]
[ mood | sad ]

i changed the look of my journal. i do not know if i like it or not. it's very...argyle sock-ish. but that, i think, is part of its charm, if i do say so myself. not very summer-y, but my current emotions are certainly not in the "summer-y" areas right now. mostly lonely, bored, tired, and wanting school to end. yes, jackie is a very happy girl right now. (cough, umm no?)

lisa and i are going to go to one of those spray-on tan thingsy before graduation. even if we are juniors, we are still marching, and we still have people to impress. okay, i'm lying again, we don't really care about impressing...but we do want to see if it will actually work. my skin is not white (i've been laying out in the sun and doing various outside activities), but lisa's main skin color palette is in the "arctic" area, so we're going to use her as a tester. if we like it, during december, hello mystic tan! no one likes a pasty christmas.

i'm rambling about nothing, aren't i? that's okay. my mind is really in no particular zone right now...just kind of...sleepy. i want a diet coke and some hot-air popped popcorn in bed, study my vocabulary for the SATs, and then i want to sleep. for the entire summer. so when i wake up, scott is the one doing me that favor. alas, i have to work. i hate tuition. i'm tempted to go to public school. but my band teacher would kill me and so would my parents and so would lisa, so i guess i'm rather stuck. secretly, i probably don't want to leave either. secretly.

more picture fun below.

scott likes to bite. bad scott.

jera and i at mont st. michel. woo.

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finally! check me out, yo. [24 May 2004|05:30pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]

pictures from france/other picture fun.

me at mont st. michel

more, more, more... )

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