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Date:2004-12-02 11:30
Mood: giddy

MSFT pays the $3.00/share dividend today. Too bad Uncle Same will chop away 15% using capital gains tax.

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Date:2004-12-01 21:13
Subject:but he's a re-gifter!

I finished my interior design stuff tonight! Yeah me.
While I was in the Design Center a retired couple came in to do homework before their official appointment tomorrow. We got talking about how hard it is to pick colors, woods, and carpets. I'm frustrated because everything is considered an 'upgrade' and upgrades are expensivly overpriced. I wish I was allowed to leave some rooms in an unfinished state. Anyhow, after talking I found out these people are my new neighbors. They are moving from California, certifiably crazy and RIT alumni (class of 67). Small freaking world.

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Date:2004-12-01 12:27
Mood: mellow
Music:iTunes: Elton John - I Guess Why They Call It The Blues

"Her new scent, cleverly called "Paris Hilton", has notes of frozen apple, peach nectar and wet ozone, according to the New York Post."

What does 'wet ozone' smell like?

I was here late late last night for a team meeting then had to finish up a customer case. Last night our defunct San Jose team disbanded so starting today my team is on shift for 12 hours. Hehe. We have split it into two overlapping 8 hour shifts. For now I'll be on the morning shift, but will probably move to the afternoon after Christmas.

A coop from RPI who started today took the cube across from me. The previous resident move to CR a month ago - this coop has a lot of bad hardware to clean up.

Tonight I'm attempting to finish picking colors, cabinets, and flooring for my house.

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Date:2004-11-25 16:26
Music:Srawberry Wine by Deana Carter

I took PTO yesterday to fly up to Schenectady. Not wanting to waste the day away I took the earliest flight at 6:15am. Everything went smoothly until my Dullas layover. As we pulled away from the gate the plane's engine warning light came on. Fly-I ended up stealing the next Albany plane for us so we were only delayed an hour or so.

Time to eat soon.

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Date:2004-11-22 09:39

Slow morning so far. Let's hope the rest of today and tomorrow follow.

Saturday I worked on the Cisco Habitat house again. I originally planned to work until lunch, but a bunch of college newbies from the ASE/ASR program showed up. I was making a friend and having a good time so I stayed all day. Although I was pretty beat that evening, I decided to venture out to the Longbranch complex. It's a lot larger than I expected! ..and they dance different down here.

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Date:2004-11-21 10:29

It's 70 outside!

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Date:2004-11-19 13:56

Dog again? I could really go for a Nick's plate.

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Date:2004-11-12 12:39
Subject:"you get fry-rice with that"

Picked up my Dad and Grandma at the airport last night. They are staying through Sunday before heading to Florida for a week. I don't have that much work to do today so I'm hoping to leave here early.

...oooo lunch is here!

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Date:2004-11-10 08:18

They don't do BINGO surveys much anymore, but my first one is a 5/5. Go me.

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Date:2004-11-09 20:37

I met Dick Morris tonight.

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Date:2004-11-08 09:44
Subject:the best election is the one that just ended
Mood: amused

Today begins the 2008 campaign cycle. And you know what that means, right? All the hopefuls will be putting up web sites to promote their candidacy, hence buying more servers, routers, switches, IP phones, nic cards and services. Party on!

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Date:2004-11-07 08:13
Subject:playing Norm Abram for a day

Yesterday I did community service at the Wake County Habitat site along with my coworkers. I enjoyed it very much but was exhausted by the end of the day. I plan on going back in a few weeks when they are framing up another lot.

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Date:2004-11-05 21:30

I see the retarded Governor pushed his fifteen year $242 million Dell tax break through the legislature yesterday. Dell plans to hire about 1500 workers at an average salary of $28k.

It will cost tax payers about $200k per job plus entitlements. I'm sure the Triangle's other large employers (IBM, Cisco) will be seeking tax breaks next year.

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Date:2004-11-05 20:08
Mood: curious

I saw a news article today saying that some Canadian citizen web site is getting pounded with hits by Americans who are thinking of leaving. To those interested, I say please go. If you think the grass is greener on the other side, go mow it. Please leave your rights and jobs at the door. I'd add in healthcare, but you are probably one of those people who believe US healthcare sucks.

...and Libs called President Bush a divider.

Date:2004-11-03 12:09

I wish all the Kerry supporters would just deal. He lost.

Date:2004-11-02 17:03

Let's see, it was dark when I went to the polling place and now it's dark when I'm leaving work.

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Date:2004-11-02 13:38

Last night Stacey and I bought our plane tickets for the Christmas holiday. We are spending it in Florida at my dad's place in Sarasota. I'm doing way to much flying lately.

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Date:2004-11-01 19:42
Subject:almost a bleeding heart...

Saturday I went to a Toys for Tots benefit party thing and next weekend I'm doing Habitat for Humanity.

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Date:2004-11-01 19:22

The nightly news has nothing new to talk about so they are dreaming up scenarios to end the election in a tie - and then talking about how Kerry could become Bush's VP through a Democratic House majority.

Can't we go back to the Peterson case or Gary Condit days ?

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Date:2004-11-01 15:20

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