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Community Information

Below is information about the "Placebo Whores" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:placebowhores (741268) placebowhores
Every time I rise I see you falling
Can you find me space inside your bleeding heart?
Name:Placebo Whores
Location:United States

Are you a placebowhore?
Do you own 4+ CDs by them?
When someone calls out Brian do you almost get whiplash turning your head?
Would 5-10+ people say placebo was your favorite band?

Then you may be a placebowhore!

Join now and.. Meet fellow fans; Post & Receive news; View new and old pictures; Find, Share, and Discover new Placebo tracks; See and Share new Placebo videos; Discuss favorite songs, meanings, and personal experiences; Ask a question and you have 800+ people to help you answer it; plus much more..

I don't have many rules... more like suggestions
1. You may advertise your placebo related community only once. No other community ads allowed. I personally think it's tacky to advertise in another community but if you really want to... go for it. I say only once for our members sanity.

2. Have a question? You may want to check our memories before you ask. We're slowly adding frequently asked questions there to prevent the same inquiries popping up constantly.

3. Try not to post repeatedly back to back. If you have a couple of pictures/comments to share... wonderful! Just don't post a picture and post again 30 minutes later with another picture. It gets a little annoying after a while.

4. No bashing other members. We're Placebo lovin' whores here. Remember free love? Yeah, we practice that ;), the official placebo website.
XS Of Placebo, great picture gallery and news.
The Raft-Placebo, good resource for news.
Placebo Lyrics, an extensive library of lyrics for each album, live, and unreleased track.
placebo-world, in german, english, french and russian. Great resource for many of your placebo needs.
Placebo @, purchase albums, singles, and DVDs.
Placebo @, a more extensive collection than the US Amazon website.

email me if you want your link added.

just copy and paste the code underneath the banner you want and proudly display it on your LJ userinfo or website!

<a href=""><img src= border=0></a>

<a href=""><img src= border=0></a>

<a href=""><img src= border=0></a>

<a href=""><img src= border=0></a>

<a href=""><img src= border=0></a>

<a href=""><img src= border=0></a>

<a href=""><img src= border=0></a>

featured members are fans who have added our banner to their journal or userinfo to display their placebo love! If you have added the banner to either your userinfo or journal please leave a comment here to be added to our list.
website list coming soon

beehner . mrs_spork . lilyamelie . el_scorcho . always_golden . pitchspork . rougevelvet
fruitcakepixie . spntmydaysalone . so_pseudogoth . princess_molko . dizzyskitzo . higher_anarchy
freakbymistake . deloppus . bleu_crepuscule . laurac0re . sublime54046 . nancy_naomi
ikkle_miss_fuzz . original_evalia . legionpossessed . 066637 . the_evernight . javeyphile
fireatwill . insane_roses . riiaa . azdaja_dafema . hannah_molko .

owner: [info]beyondjupiter

to keep things in order (aka moderator2): [info]beyondthepain

In Association With:
Memories:10 entries
Interests:11: black market music, brian molko, glam, glam rock, music, placebo, placebo whores, sleeping with ghosts, stefan olsdal, steve hewitt, without you i'm nothing. [Modify yours]
Members:1150: View Members .
Watched by:677: 0opphheelliiaa, 141622, 1723985, 36_degrees_, ___disconnected, ___lastdinosaur, ___sepia, ___sicklove, ___slackerbitch, ___vengeance, ___zombleach, __fucked__up, __incorporeal__, __paperxdoll, __paranoiattack, __specialneeds, __thebends, __wakethedead__, _ashtray_girl_, _blue_pulse, _cosmicdancer, _downtocrawl, _draconis, _electricbride_, _eloquence, _glittersoresx, _haemoglobin_, _ilia, _likeyou, _narbeleth_, _nothingtogein, _ochre, _plethora_, _ragdoll13_, _stadtkind_, _swizzlekiss, _take_me_out_, _yvonne_, aaronlisa, abeautifulliar, abraxas_life, acidofil, airabuyuu, ak47hour, alice_is_high, alina_poulain, alipascal, all_shy_and_coy, always_golden, always_priny, ammalouithe, androdesia, andyoucried, angelicboredom, angelmolko, angelofpuresin, angelshavegone, aniceschwander, anizka, annoyingchicken, anothernancyboy, ant1banana, anythingforsp, asheartsbreak, ashtray_girlxx, ashyphoenix, aspiringwriter, assasenated, astridehim, asundaymourning, atheistfromhell, athena2693, atrebunny, azdaja_dafema, b0bble, babii_juju, baby_dracula, babydyke1319, badlydrawnpoet, ban_g, bapgacktgrrl, beauty_desolate, beehner, beeplebooper, believe_forever, bell_unheard, beloved_anodyne, beyondjupiter, beyondthepain, binna_loves_you, biologicaltypo, bitexmarks, bitter_zero, bjmolko, black_eyedcupid, black_vein, blackmettalic, blackmrketblood, blanklogic, blazedbloodbath, bleeding_ear, bleedmymind, bleu_crepuscule, blisterbleu, bloody_method, bloodydru, blowholehidieho, blueanihilation, bohemian_dreams, bonniebunny, boognishspam, bookitty, borntolose_, br0ken_dreams, break_the_fever, breakfastserial, brians_a_cutie, brians_whore, briansbalthazar, brobdingnagian_, bruise11, bruised8broken, bruisexpristine, bubblegunn, byrons_brain, carlamcbad, cats_shaped, ceborian, cfchan, chaos_and_love, charity_love, cheap_painter, cheerzombie, cherrylips22, chinesewall, cinematographe, clarkk, cleric_assassin, cmercialforlevi, coco_phoenix, colon_burst, coloured_grey, colourmediscord, complacentsally, cool_cat, coretta, corey_thomas, costumemaverick, crawling_angel, crazybatt, ...
Account type:Free Account

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