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little me, little unromantic me

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Kendra and Dana's (and Sarah and Isaac's and someone else's) Killer 80s Party...WARNING. lots o' pictures, yo. )

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Brian's birthday party madness!! )

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Sunday, September 4, 2005


Here's a list of words my niece has been saying:

Shoes!, more, no, chair, table, eye, hi, no, phone, pepper, mama, daddy, no, baby, kitty, book. Did I mention no? It's pretty freaking cute actually.

We're in the process of teaching her baby sign language. It's to help her communicate the words she can't say yet, and it takes some frustration out of the communicating process. She's a really great kid and it really makes me want my own. Not right now, but you know.

Anyway. "Things" are up in the air. If you know me, you know what these "things" are. Everything's really confusing and stressful. And basically, I can't help the way I feel.


In other news, Cupertino was great fun--thanks Christine for letting us crash...Santa Cruz was fantastic. Maybe we'll go to six flags sometime this week?

But yeah. I played an hour's worth of boggle today. And I'm about to go play an RPG and watch LOTR: 3. This is what it's like spending a weekend with my brothers. :D Ah, well. It's good to get some geek out sometimes.

Current mood: calm
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005



Ps- You're and stuff....


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Sunday, July 17, 2005


Today mostly made up for the weekend. Oh, but the weekend..... *shudders*....

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Thursday, July 14, 2005


I broke my phone today. It was in 3 pieces. If you need to get a hold of me, IM me at SaraSerena09 or email me at


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Saturday, July 2, 2005


This bothered me for a couple reasons. 1--it was someone from daviscoeds and that is never a good thing. 2--not even close to grammatically correct in any way, shape or form.

AlexN7: whats up random dude saw you on daviscoeds thought you seemed cool hows life

Is "cool" getting phased out of our vernacular? or are we getting older and it just starts to sound less correct?

Current mood: complacent
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Friday, June 24, 2005


Today I did something....unplanned.

Nevermind! LOL No, I'm not pregnant, preggers, knocked up or otherwise! Forget I posted anything!

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005


The Disney post compelled me to watch Pocahontas again. I cried like a baby at the end. STUPID GIRLY EMOTION-NESS. I think I'll go rent some Hugh Grant romantic comedies or go buy a bridal magazine or something. al;kjeroiawerjdalkjsedr

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I need a new environment in which to study. suggestions?

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Sunday, June 12, 2005


Anyone wanna help me with Stats 13? No seriously. Anyone?

....................No one?

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Friday, June 10, 2005


In 20 years....None of this will matter.

I am not afraid to go after the things that I want. I am not afraid to feel.

I'm a little afraid of being alone. Ok a lot afraid.

In the meantime, playing chess with myself is fantastic. How can I lose? How can I win? It's all about perspective.

Oh, and I've said it before I'm sure...but missing something you no longer have is one of the worst feelings ever--it's nothing you can change or control and it's more than difficult to push it out of your mind. And it like....physically hurts, you know? I've always thought about the concept of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Would I ever actually erase my memories?

Current mood: calm
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Monday, June 6, 2005


Ok. So I've played that exploding kitty game like 50,000x and I've ran out of things to procrastinate with. STUPID PAPER. Someone keep me awake tonight and make sure I do my paper....? yes? pwease?

My feet are sweaty.

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12:40PM - One of those goddamn list posts again...

Mkay. So.

-Go to class 2-4
-Call car place at 4
-Go to the bank
-Figure out financial bull crap
-Do paper

-Class or finish paper
-Turn in paper at 3 ish.
-Review sesh for pysch at 6:30
-Study for psych
-Do stats hw

-bring in car?
-Class 2-4
-Start studying for finals

-bring in car?

What the hell day does class end? Wednesday? Thursday?

I got a grant for both summer sessions so holy crap! I can afford to go to summer school. Last week to cram everything in in order to just barely pass classes. Fuck.

I've been really, really tired the last couple days. I just slept for 8+ hours...and I'm still really really tired. I'm gonna get some coffee before I go to class. l;kajwer;iajewr;lkjwer.

Current mood: okay
Current music: Bif Naked - Lucky
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005

11:38PM - Just for fun and cause I'm bored....

....Let's lynch somebody!!!!....Who should we lynch?

Current mood: hyper
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Dude. Being up this early today and being so goddamn awake at this time is so. not. good. But I was in such a fabulous mood all day that I think I just really wanted to stretch it out as long as I could. lol I'll pay for it during my long day of classes and shit starting in about 7 hours. WOOT.

And as it is so perfectly appropriate...*ahem*.....COLLEGE.

Current mood: energetic
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005


How awesome is hardcore racquetballing for an hour and then eating a pint of ice cream??????


Current mood: flirty
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Thursday, May 26, 2005


You ever dream so much that the line between dreams and reality starts to blur? I just remembered something, got excited about it, and realized it was a dream. That's like...the worst let down ever....thinking something was real, finding out it's not.

Current mood: complacent
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005


I want a bunny named BoBo Bubbles.

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Places I wanna go in my lifetime )

Where do you wanna go?

Current mood: contemplative
Current music: Sarah McLachlan - Fallen
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