tealand is a mighty mountain

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Friday, November 26th, 2004
2:01 pm
jordan jordan jordan, take me away

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1:34 pm
Hee hee, i got my ma reading some Plato. I think she feels rather intellectual, doing so. Cute!!

I had a HORRIBLE, TRAUMATISING dream last night which woke me up at half past six and i couldn't get back to sleep. Even though it would have only been for half an hour... very irritating!

It's cold, so cold, so cold. I've been home since 12 with many layers of clothing and the heater blasting and am not yet warmed up. Very sad.

current mood: cold

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Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004
12:06 am - juicy mullets
Hah, Little Joe would rather go to statistics class than talk to me about gay sex. How rude!? I think so!

Also, i had a deeply terrifying dream about ants SWARMING across my floor. Oh god, god, it was horrible. Anne and my brother helped me to vaccuum them up.

Freud is crazy. So many phalluses... phalli... whatever the plural of "phallus" is, anyway.

current mood: sleepy

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Saturday, November 20th, 2004
7:47 pm
" Get your twangers out and play with your balls"

and also.

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Wednesday, November 17th, 2004
3:33 pm
Oh, oh, i am thoroughly buggered.

(but i've lost weight and my nails are nicely filed!)

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1:19 am

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Monday, November 15th, 2004
9:44 pm - attack!

a big-fatbird SMASHED through our living room window, today.
scattered glass all across the room.
and BLOOD, naturally.

Bad omen! i think. Birds always are, the buggers. Wild beasts committing suicide, engaging in acts of vandalism, so on. In the entrails i saw DOOM lurking in the shadows of our future, etc, etc. No, actually i didn't see the guts, because the bird had been removed by the time i got home. But i'm sure the signs would be Dark and Dismal, course.

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8:35 pm - school. *BORING* and also, tea
Hah! I have just dropped algebra, for next term, and signed up for astronomy instead. I shall take maths next year when i have more sense than to sign up for classes first thing in the sodding morning (*on purpose* Was i on crack? I can't remember why i did it, but i'm sure the other times weren't full or anything. Gahh.) I now do not have to be at school 'til 10:30 each morning. Oh sweet jesus. I still have a vast scary gap on mondays, mind, but there's no helping that. I shall force people to come on adventures with me, away from school. Or else i shall be a proper sad-act and go out for food with my mam or something. Probably the latter, ha ha ha.
but WHEE astronomy :D
hope it's not crap.

I think i shall not be going away this summer
I'll have to do summer school, i reckon. :/
Make up for missing credits. I think i'll try and take the stats and research methods psych courses, get those buggers out of the way and have a miserable summer full of work and school, and THEN. um. well, not have a break at all, be very sad, etc. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i am dumb, oh dear.

I am writing another essay.
"Iphigeneia", that how you spell it? sounds like she should be a character in a kid's book, but with a v. lowbrow last name. Like "Spud"
Iphigeneia Spud, I must have read a story at some point containing a character with that name. hmm hmm ring a bell, yes, no? I don't know. or, like, "Plonky".

My ma brought me a chai in from starbucks. Starbucks is INSANE. Their's are the sugariest drinks around, honestly.
But, yum. Ohhh yum. Ha ha, really, though, i could just go upstairs and make tea and boil up loads of milk with honey and spices in it and mix it in, and that'd be that, really. Oh dear, i'm rather tempted now. But, err, where's the fun in that?

This is all just procrastination, really.

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Saturday, November 13th, 2004
10:35 pm
fuck fuckity bugger cunt snot die

and do we have alcohol in the house, also? no, just bloody WHISKEY
whiskey in the jar-o
doesn't count; awful stuff.

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Tuesday, November 9th, 2004
9:42 am
It snowed a bit yesterday. I tried very hard to be bitter, but it was, actually, very pretty indeed.

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Sunday, November 7th, 2004
11:33 pm - halloween photo to shame me

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10:15 pm
northern lights, very beautiful.

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Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004
4:30 pm

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Sunday, October 31st, 2004
2:33 pm - halloween
Hee, somebody finally phoned me to do psych reseach. guinea pig becky. so i get extra marks. And i find out my midterm mark tomorrow. and eek.

i'm losing my mind, i think. "mad half-hour" because obviously i am a cat at heart. i am thus eating CINNAMON BUmS and i cannot type or spell or anything like that; bugger! anyway, i have eaten three in the past two days, oh no. and also: i accidentally wrote CINNAMON BUMS up there, which makes everything much more interesting. and i changed it, but i think i'll change it back now.

anne is coming over and we're going to frollick. i feel drunk. wish i was. also i need a costume :S :S

Oh my.

lj has been somewhat ignored lately. deadjournal has been seeing more action, though mainly just me squealing about eclipses etc.

i need a job, fuck.
then i wouldnt WASTE so much time.
rather, i would get very depressed but earn money.
im not bothered about lack-of-sleep because i don't sleep anyway so yes, but yesterday i got SO SAAAAD, woe is me, etc, rubbish. it was very odd, and i'd have had time to sort out stuff like that [job-getting] but i said "woe, what is thee pointe? for my lyfe is shitte" spelled like that to emphasise my woe? so i did nowt instead. and ahhh!!

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2:20 pm

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Monday, October 25th, 2004
10:00 pm
Thornton's fudge is FABULOUS.

current mood: fat

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Wednesday, October 20th, 2004
5:36 pm - microwave ATTACK!
The microwave makes this computer WRITHE and DIE. How disturbing.

The Carleton tunnels put me on edge. I'm not claustrophobic at all; it isn't that. it's.... eek. Something. The mini-death-cars, perhaps... they're pretty bad. Anyway, i am very jumpy when walking through those tunnels. And our school is like a scary fort built on the top of a BIG HILL. Or maybe i need to run more.

No, i need to eat more turtles. It's my mum's birthday and she was given a box. OH MY.

current mood: pleased

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Monday, October 18th, 2004
11:25 pm - AHHH!!
i love autumn; let us not get carried away with the cold, please.

anyway *ahem* i have announcements! hoo-ray! i dropped rock class. hahaha. this frees up: saturday (this) and the night of november the 5th, how exciting! i need hardly note that my birthday is on sunday! :P i would like to do something. i just don't know what. anyway.

i had Attack Of Madness last night and i cried for hours.
i get in these cycles of horribly bad self esteem. they go like this:

"i suck. i am stupid/ugly/crap etc" -----> "do not be silly; i only think these things because i have no self confidence" -----> "that is a lie; to think such a thing makes me horribly arrogant. i am, in fact, just rather crap" -----> "i am stupid/ugly/crap etc and arrogant" -----> "wah."

i cried and wailed so ridiculously that i have reached the conclusion that i should be getting my period soon, but anyway, my eyes PUFFED UP and they remained PUFFED UP all bloody day and ha ha ha it was rather bad.

i shall go to bed soon: yes.

current mood: sleepy

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Saturday, October 16th, 2004
10:55 pm
i have ***bailey's flavoured ice cream***

current mood: thrilled

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Friday, October 15th, 2004
7:00 pm - Crazy Diarrhea
ha ha ha ha


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