Thursday, May 15th, 2003
3:13 pm - Redirect
Just to make it clear- this journal doesn't exist anymore. If you're interested in what I've been up to lately you should check out jaso. Danke!
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Friday, February 21st, 2003
12:55 am
Saturday, September 14th, 2002
2:21 pm - A Small Wonder Reunion
Good God, what a party! I had SUCH a blast. Thanks and love and kisses to those that made it, it meant a lot. Maybe I'll feed you some of the details later. But suffice to say this was a party truly like no other I have ever experienced....
My real reason for posting today (before I go and clean the wasteland that is my living room and kitchen) is that "A Small Wonder Reunion," the short film I'm in that I've been blathering on about forever in my livejournal, was finally posted on iFilm! If you're feeling sinister or particularly daring, you can watch said film here:,3699,2448396,00.html
(Warning: this movie contains adult themes of man/robot love and should not be viewed by those under 16, those over 55, those with heart conditions, epilepsy, the Gout, measles, or any other major malady.)
If you don't want to talk to me after watching the film, I understand.
Back to birthday weekend fun...
current mood: sated current music: Coldplay - Amsterdam
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Friday, September 13th, 2002
9:30 am
The phone rang and woke me up and someone called but didn't leave a message so I pressed Star 69 and found out who it was but they didn't pick up the phone and so I left them a message and now I can't get back to sleep and I'm really tired since I went to bed awfully late and now I'm worried I won't be rested for the small festivities that take place tonight but maybe it's not such a bad thing after all because I have a hell of a lot to do before tonight anyway and maybe this early wakeup call was a sign that I need to get my butt in gear and get movin' with the cleaning and tidying which I really should have finished yesterday but I'm such a procrastinator that I kept putting it off and now look at the situation I'm in with the droopy eyes and the still unclean apartment and the ranting on LiveJournal.
current mood: garg current music: Morrissey- The First of the Gang To Die (Live on Craig Kilborn)
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Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
3:03 am - I Have No Inner Monologue
Actors, Writers, Directors: If you have a favorite male monologue- something fairly contemporary with broad physical humor- please let me know. I need one. Thanks!
current mood: sleepy current music: The Beautiful South - Old Red Eyes Is Back
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Saturday, September 7th, 2002
5:25 pm - I washed your clothes / Put up with your Hos
I'm just sitting here thinking to myself, "What about my ching ching ching? What about my bling bling bling?"
current mood: blank current music: Ms Jade - Ching Ching
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Friday, September 6th, 2002
12:14 pm - There Speaks a True Friend
Also- if you read this and you're not on my friends list, you aren't getting the whole story. Well actually, those on the friends list seldom get the full story anyway- but put it this way, you're missing stuff. If you want in, comment somewhere or drop me an email. Cheersthanxalot.
current mood: teasing current music: Bon Jovi - Living on a Prayer
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Thursday, September 5th, 2002
11:18 am
One of the many benefits of having a Tivo: Being able to watch the bloated 2 hour finale of "American Idol" in 3 and a half minutes. Tastes great! Less filling!
current mood: waking up current music: Chicago - You're My Inspiration (No, really)
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Wednesday, September 4th, 2002
2:44 am - Interests
Two new LJ interests that are sweeping the nation: "orcking the casbah" and "fun with cupcakes." Whee!
current mood: silly current music: MC5 - Teenage Lust
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Tuesday, September 3rd, 2002
6:47 pm - ORCK!!!!!
Teaa, regarding the "cupcake" post:
"It orcked!!!"
Yes, Teaa, yes it did...but did it orck the casbah?
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1:28 pm - Motard Radio
My little internet radio station thingy, Motard Radio, is back up and running! Today's theme: really cheesy 80s and 90s rock songs and power ballads. If you should have an interest in listening, go here: and click "listen." OR you can paste that address directly into your WinAmp or RealPlayer and connect that way. Send an instant message to Jaso1975 with your requests or with problems.
On with the updates!
current mood: not procrastinating current music: Survivor - Eye of the Tiger
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Sunday, September 1st, 2002
4:47 am
I'll never look at a cupcake the same way again.
I'll tell you why tomorrow.
current mood: flirty
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Thursday, August 29th, 2002
4:01 pm - Welcome! You've Got Jaso!
Just added a handful of new peeps to my friends list. Hi, new peeps! Prepare to read a lot of mildly amusing nonsensical bullcrap and seemingly cryptic-but-not-really posts. I'm glad I'm getting the chance to meet and know y' on!
current mood: open
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12:53 am - Trouble and Pajamas
You really haven't lived until you've heard my roommate Jared sing his falsetto rendition of Coldplay's "Trouble" while he's in the bathroom urinating. It's breathtaking. Some highlights:
Pajama Night tonight at Cafe 50s... Courtney and Gina and Sarah and Scott all rock (the rest of you that were there rock too but there were so goddamn many of you that I could spend days just trying to remember, so just know you rock equally if not more so.) We munched on free food (special mention of rockage: boymaenad,) sang along with the jukebox, made fun of each other, and played sort of a trial version of the What If game. Fun city. Oh wait, Teaa seemed to defect to our table once we got situated so she rocks too.
I don't think I'll ever get tired of girls grabbing other girl's chests.
current mood: pleased as pie. or punch. or other p words current music: Coldplay - Trouble (Jared Remix)
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Wednesday, August 28th, 2002
1:45 pm
Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
1:31 pm - God Bless wild_magnolia
Jaso: What time Friday elmoosh: i'll be getting there a little early (around 8 or 8:30) b/c i have to talk to steve about some stuff. but everyone else is getting there around 9. Jaso: Got it Jaso: Cover? elmoosh: no way dude elmoosh: neighborhood bar Jaso: Rad nar elmoosh: are you a pirate? elmoosh: "rad! narrrrr" Jaso: "rad nar" is the name of a thai food dish, believe it or not elmoosh: oh Jaso: So I've taken to using it as an affirmative exclamation elmoosh: sounds like pirate food
Jaso: I wanna be a Marsh temp and get paid to message and take lots of holidays elmoosh: i don't get paid to take lots of holidays elmoosh: i do get paid to message though elmoosh: but not much Jaso: Do you get paid to massage? Jaso: Sucky sucky? elmoosh: fi' dolla elmoosh: fi' dolla sucky sucky elmoosh: ten dolla fucky fucky elmoosh: i should be a hooker
current mood: Spirits Lifting
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12:57 pm - Just shoot me now and get it over with
Email received today at 11:07am:
"Peter and Jason, I apologize for the delay in getting your paychecks. Unfortunately, since you did not go through the entire "New Hire" process, you have to be paid differently than normal. The checks will be mailed out September 2, 2002.
We have not heard anything from Verizon and the program is on hold indefinitely as of now. Should anything change, I will contact you immediately.
Thank you for your patience!
Ed XXXXX BDS Marketing 800-XXX-XXXX xXXXX"
current mood: depressed
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3:31 am - Sara N. Dippity
I've been spending a lot of time with teaa the past two days. Last night she came over to hang out with some of my other friends and I at the Chateau. We drank a little bit and played the "What If / Then" game, which is always good for a larf. Tonight I spent most of the evening with her as we ordered pizza at her place and watched not one, not two, but three DVDs.
First up- the Todd Solondz flick "Storytelling." I had seen and enjoyed the seriously twisted "Happiness," and Teaa was a fan of "Welcome to the Dollhouse" so we decided to give it a whirl. "Storytelling" was short and to the point- the only problem being, I wasn't exactly sure what the point was. Some interesting moments here and there, but for the most part I think I was disappointed.
Joining us for round two of movie fun was Teaa's friend Lea who brought us delicious bakery treats and sought counsel on a pesky boy. The second film was "Serendipity" which, surprisingly, turned out to be my favorite of the night. Starring in the movie- John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale (whom I've been lusting over since I saw her in "Much Ado About Nothing" when I was still in high school.) Silly romantic comedy fluff, but I thought it hit all the right notes and didn't come across as overly syrupy or lame. And let's face it, John Cusack can make just about anything good.
After Lea left, we fired up the last film,"My First Mister." Albert Brooks and Leelee Sobieski. If you're considering renting this movie, take my advice- set it back down on the rack where you found it and pick up "Life as a House" instead. Similar themes, similar plot elements, but the execution and the script are far superior in "Life as a House."
During all three movies, we had our own weird random moments of serendipity. Examples: Leo Fitzpatrick is in both "Storytelling" and "Serendipity." John Goodman is in "Storytelling" and "My First Mister." There were others that I can't remember, but it was strange- so many coincidences for three very disparate movies!
Can I take a minute to discuss how into Miss Teaa I am? She's an amazing girl and I wish everyone had the chance to spend some time with her. I knew her a long time ago, and then we sorta drifted out of each other's lives, and then somehow we sorta drifted back. I won't let that happen again. Such a cool, funny, warm individual. I just love her to pieces.
Okay, my minute's up, and I must go find sleep. Now if only I could remember where I left it....
"Oh boy, sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!"
current music: sweeeeeeeeepy
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Friday, August 23rd, 2002
7:20 pm - I'll Trade You a Teaa and a Sexychicken for a Divaliving
Trading Cards
Paid Account Edition
![]( |
User Number: 42163
Date Created:1/14/01
Number of Posts: 300
Jaso1975 was recently canonized as a Saint, and is also ordained as a minister (call now for all your officiant needs!) When not thoroughly exhausted with his "religous" activities, Jaso1975 reads, sleeps, and plays baseball- frequently all at the same time. |
Strengths: Amiable, Reasonably Intelligent, Ability To Make Spleen Invisible On A Moment's Notice, Ability To Breathe Through Soup |
Weaknesses: Creaky Shoulders, Girls With British Accents, Homemade Lasagna |
Special Skills: Acting, Directing, Wang Loving |
Weapons: See: Creaky Shoulders |
Shoutouts: Mom, Dad, Melissa, Jared, that girl who can't sing on American Idol, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Ralph Wiggum |
Make your own LiveJournal Trading Card!
Brought to you by crossfire_
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6:41 pm - Take Me In Your Arms And Love Me
This world, I am afraid, is designed for crashing bores.
My computer is up and running! I had to buy a new hard drive, but it was only $80 and it's double the size of what I had, so that's alright.
Tonight: Indian food and Hedwig with cool friends- and if you can find a finer way to spend a Friday eve then I'd sure like to hear it.
current music: Morrissey - The First of the Gang to Die
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