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[Jul. 7th, 2004|05:33 pm]
[::sHe's FeeLiNg:: |bouncy]

hello. and yes i'm still alive.

i have alot of readings to do. organic chem is so shitty. i dont find monomers and polymers and the likes very very interesting. so bleugh organic chem. the only textbook i love reading is prolly history. oh yes history! with all the china and russia, i think i'm quite corrupted with communism. haha.

anypoots,we had youth day celeb yesterday during assembly. and mr oh-so-sexay did his bhangra dance. haha. he was horrible. he cant dance for nuts. but i thought bangra shud be in his blood? i think i can dance bhangra even better than him. yes yes. hehe. its in my blood too. but only 0.01%. hahaha. fai thinks i'm very indian. eeks.

and i think i smell like a cow. i need a bath, so ciao bella.


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[Jun. 26th, 2004|11:50 am]
[::sHe's FeeLiNg:: | depressed]

i have less than 2 days to complete my poa hw.
god, i'm seriously butched.

and i'm fat! all u people who feel me, raise ur hands..


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[Jun. 17th, 2004|10:38 pm]
[::sHe's FeeLiNg:: | peaceful]

oh gawd, i missssss blogging. the pc at home is forever infested with virus and whatnots. ugh. so hello. i guess i'm back. i'm at the lib..i dont really like blogging or checking my inbox at the lib..cos it always feels like there's sombebody standing behind u and looking at what ure typing...but anycooties, i'm dying to blog. so wassup ya'all? i cant wait to get back to skool..i'm not on any vacation..which is sad..the only place we went was malacca, a distant relative passed away, so that wasnt exactly a vacation.. but but but at least we were at some country, away frm singapore..for 3 days.. and oh,adam brody is my current obsession. hahaha. --ru|z

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[Apr. 30th, 2004|07:30 pm]
like eons ago was my last entry.
last entry was like my eons ago.

my last entry was like eons ago.
pc issues.

but im not blogging chunks this time. id prolly blog when i feel like im in the mood to blog.

and mr david-whateverLINGHAM is cute.
ho wells.

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speak some bull. [Mar. 22nd, 2004|08:26 pm]
[::sHe's FeeLiNg:: | drunk]

jeebus. i'm bored. i'm restless. i have so many things in mind. mixed emotions. fragmental thoughts. i'm speaking in spurts. blooddyy days are here! let me clear it before the following week. cos cos its my bday and i dont wanna get wet on the day i turn 16. i never like periods. but i take it as God's gift to the women. and mother taught me to appreciate every gift that was given to me.

what was that?

i'd just jump around and dance to whatever music that ika is playing. even if its Achik and his mofo mates.


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