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[12 Dec 2004|02:32pm]
[ mood | excited ]

On holiday 13th Dec - 17th Jan

If you would like to receive e-mails from me (if I have time) or if you want to send them to me, e-mail me at: This is the only e-mail account I will be checking while I am away.

I hope all you guys have a fantastic Christmas and a happy New Year.
xxx Emily

Edited: We leave tomorrow at 10pm but I was thinking that I will be rushing around a lot tomorrow and won't have the time to stick this up. I also will be able to receive LJ comments since I changed my e-mail to that one, so if you'd rather just post something on this entry I will be able to read it. If you missed past entries I am going to London, a bus tour through Europe, Wales and a cruise through the Canary Islands. Just so you know. Not because I'm bragging or anything. ;) I will miss you all heaps!
6 · piano thing

Christmas wishes [04 Dec 2004|06:01pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | QOTSA - No-one Knows ]

Step One )

Step Two )

Wishlist & Contact Info )

1 · piano thing

You what? Oh, subject. [20 Nov 2004|11:14am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Sheep bleating ]

I have one more exam to go now. My level 2 Maths exam (which consists of algebra & sequences) is on Tuesday afternoon and then I'm finished. I don't actually want to mention how my exams have gone because I have a really bad habit of making everything worse than I think it is in my head. If I try and explain how I think I did now, I'll probably go on for years and it'll be quite pessimistic.

My god, I was so shocked when I went into the library before my German exam and people from my class were on the computer logging onto their livejournals. I knew one of my friends had one (she used the code I gave her when I got my journal, gave her journal away, told me she got a new one but didn't mention the name of it) and knew my username but she's forgotten my livejournal name now. It was kind of strange how many people I know have one. Of course, I've had mine for a lot longer than they have since I got it early 2003. If I'd bothered to mention livejournal to other people I could've started a trend, haha. I don't particularly want to go friends only but if somehow they find my journal you'll know the reason. I do want to keep my inner thoughts somewhat private.

And, no, I'm not procrastinating on my study for level 2 Maths. I'm just relaxing so I will be all ready for it. I still have time to study anyway. And, no, I'm not making excuses. Who me? Never. ;)

3 · piano thing

Prizegiving [04 Nov 2004|07:13pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Prizegiving was today which meant for some wacked out reason Year 11's get to finish today and Year 12 and 13's finish tomorrow.

So yes, I was second to last again in the list because there is no way I will ever beat Sophie and she is far too nice and hard working to beat. My brother is off at this very moment getting lots of prizes and beating me. He's second-to-last as well but not by much. He'll get prizes for Economics (1st?), Physics (2nd), Maths (just scholar), English (1st?) and History (1st?). They don't count Spanish because he does it by correspondence. He's so smart and sets me such high standards! But enough about my smart brother, it's all me, me, me!

+ Scholar Award 1st in Year 11 German
+ Scholar Award 1st in Year 11 History
+ Scholar Award 2nd in Year 11 English
+ Scholar Award 2nd in Year 11 Science

I was not surprised at all I didn't get anything in Maths with one compacted brainy Math class this year. And I wasn't expecting anything from Art either. I just want to get into the advanced level 2 Maths class next year because I would hate to relearn anything. Considering the fact I didn't fail anything and I've gotten M's and E's for everything except 2 A's for both sequences tests and one A for algebra I think I will. God, listen to me. I'm such a over analytical student who gets good marks. I think I was born to worry.

I also think my tutor teacher might be smoking something strong. Words used to describe me on my report (I kid you not):

outstanding, hard working, polite, intelligent, self-motivated, focused, popular with her peers and relates to them and adults in an "unassuming but confident manner(?!)", always prepared to help others, caring, unselfish, nurturing nature, valuable asset to the tutor group, potential to be a school leader.

Aw shucks. I feel my ego literally expand. But seriously that makes me feel so embarrassed. It's nice he cares but half of that stuff is so untrue. (There are sentences in there describing some other Emily, I swear. Really, the only time I can think of when I helped someone was letting them copy my homework.)

Whoopee, exams in 5 days. I love how you finish school and relax and then ahahaha exams. Funny.

7 · piano thing

MUSE! WHEE! [27 Oct 2004|07:20pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]


Can I say 'whee' or do you think you've already figured that part out?

Plus I handed my board in. It's now on display and actually it's not that bad compared to other peoples (as bitchy as that might sound) but...



6 · piano thing

Emily's life part 351. [24 Oct 2004|03:54pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Muse - Sing for Absolution (live) ]

I've nearly finished my Art now, I've just got little things to do on my final piece to finish it off and then I'll hand it all in as my final work. I'm still not completely happy with a few of them but I know that constantly changing them now will mean they'll need fixing and it'll take me ages and I want to hand it in tomorrow instead of Wednesday. I spent all of Sunday doing crap all because I tried to change one and kept fiddling around with another until it became horribly busy (it still is but not to the same extent).

Do you know what is even more heartbreaking than not being able to go to a concert because it's R18? Not being able to go to one because it's sold out. What am I talking about? Well, you should probably know I'll be on holiday from around the 13th December to the 15th January in London, Wales and Europe. I found out that on the 19th December Muse are having a concert at the Earl's Court in London and I will be in London. And I told Mum and she seemed perfectly happy to let me go and buy a ticket but all the standing seats have definitely sold out and now the seated ones have too. It doesn't matter that seats are available for Monday 20th because that's the day we leave London for our bus tour. My only other ideas are buying Monday tickets and swapping for Sunday tickets or begging the ticket people to give me a ticket if there are cancellations. The second-to-last Muse gig of the year in their home country? It should be fucking massive and I could have a chance to go. But it's very slim at the moment and I really shouldn't be pumping myself up like this. I have a very bad feeling it won't happen but I keep wishing it will.

Someone came and "fixed" our computer. It's lovely and bug free and fantastic except all these little quirks keep coming up. The one that is bugging me the most is that we have to keep our computer 800 x 600 because 1024 x 768 has all these little lines across the screen that give me a headache. And we are now officially Mozilla users. We were told all about Internet Explorer and its bugs (which I knew about anyway) so we've switched to Mozilla as our default.

I am arguing so much with my Dad lately. It's like I've made it my hobby to annoy him and I wish I could stop doing it. I tried to be patient before but now I just can't stand how he doesn't listen to me and how stubborn he is. I must be nicer to him and stop being such a little bitch.

[info]puff_static - The mp3's are from this site: He's putting them up in sets and this is the first lot that were put up on his site. If they get removed before you've finished downloading I'll stick them up for you. The only other one you've missed is The Groove which I can put up on my site for you if you wish.
[info]serenecalamity - I don't think I'll have the time to do the review. I'm still pretty busy so if you can do it, please do. :) Lovely skins by the way!
[info]prolificwhisper - You can still email me at g-mail. :) I don't check it very often though so that's why I gave the other address out. And believe me you do not need to worry about not offering anything. I never get that feeling from you at all. Thanks for the nice email as well. :) Little things like that make my day.
[info]tulipbabie - I am always here for you. Please drop me an email if you need to talk (I won't be on AIM over the next few weeks).
[info]kalea_ [info]prolificwhisper & [info]oddshiz - *loves* Thank you for wishing me luck with my exams.

3 · piano thing

Semi-break [18 Oct 2004|03:19pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Muse - Newborn ]

I've decided to take a semi-break from online for awhile. I just want a few weeks where I'm not distracting myself with the computer when I should be studying for end-of-year exams and working on my final art assessment. I'm terrible with that, I always get distracted from things I can't be bothered to do. You'll probably catch me on MSN every now and then (mostly on weekends) and I'll check e-mail but apart from that I want to isolate myself from the truly addictive things like livejournal, my website and any message boards. I've been pretty slack with commenting these last few weeks so I thought I'd give you a reason for why I'm not going to be incredibly active. I'll have to see if I last, haha. Email me here if you wish: and if you want you can add me to your MSN list.

4 · piano thing

Telephone call [11 Oct 2004|10:06pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Muse - Futurism <3 ]

That was the freakiest shit ever. Really. I picked up the phone to check our messages on the answer service and pressed talk which turns on the phone so I could dial. I then proceeded to dial the digits in so I took the phone away from my ear and while waiting for the electronic voice to tell me to enter in the pin I called out to Mum, "God, this thing is loud" in reference to the fact the touch tones on our phone are really loud. Imagine my fright when Dad says "I know" on the phone. I jumped about five feet in the air. Because I had pressed talk at the exact same time that my Dad had rung home (and of course it hadn't even rung yet or why else would I be checking the messages?). The probability of that must be so low. I feel quite special now.

9 · piano thing

[10 Oct 2004|12:18pm]
[ mood | chocolate biscuits ]
[ music | Muse - Fury ]

We've run out of Vanilla Coke so I have to have Fanta. I don't even mind Fanta but it gets a bit sickly after awhile. I've also just realised that I don't even notice the vanilla flavour in Vanilla Coke anymore. I have it so often that it just doesn't stand out anymore but yet when I drink normal Coke I can tell the difference. I've also just realised how disgusting soft drink is yet I drink it quite regularly. Yuck, I can't even drink my Fanta without noticing how carbonated and sugary it is.

Change of subject. So school started last week and it turned out a lot better than I thought. I think I make things out to be worse than they are in my head. I know there is a word for that but at the moment I can't think of it. All that unnecessary stress about my teeth and there was only one moment that was particularly cringeworthy and that was when I was told off my by friend for laughing and then putting my hand over my mouth. Not my fault if I don't want people looking at my gums. I don't like looking at them myself. Aw, Nellie is using the wood that separates the driveway from the lawn as a pillow and she looks exactly like a person with their head on their hands moping. Poor depressed dog. I am definitely going to start taking her for more walks, she doesn't have many fun things to do at the moment. We're all busy. I'm feeling so guilty now. Change subject. So I got my exam results back and I will definitely get into all my classes. In English my results were M, M, E, E, E and for German I had M, E, E, E. My worst results were definitely for Maths where I got A, M, M, A but because I passed the Algebra and Sequences (the level 2 standards) I still might be able to get into Year 12 Advanced Maths. As much as I hate Maths, I'm not the kind of person who would like to repeat something by having to restudy the level 2 standards with the normal class. My Science results were so fantastic for me. I got E, E, E for Chemistry, M for Biology and E for Physics. And for History I got E, E, E and I think I was the only one in the whole of Year 11 to get that. My teacher really liked my perspectives which she made me read out to the whole class. Slightly embarrassing since I got carried away and was putting exclamation marks all over the place. Like for example, "These traitors!!" and such and such. Later in the week I got my Goethe exam results back and I got a Diploma. It goes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Award of Excellence and then Diploma followed by about 5 other prizes so I was happy. I handed in my Board One & Two artwork on Friday and am currently still working on Board Three which is three paintings.

On Friday night we watched Love Actually and last night I watched Last of the Mohicans. Some parts of storylines in Love Actually I liked but most of them were crap. And I think that little boy is supposed to be cute but he just grated on my nerves. I think I just hate child actors. Last of the Mohicans was tons better and I really liked it. Nearly everyone died in it though. I like happy movies. Miss Congeniality is on tonight but I've seen that movie about 20 times. I'm downloading Muse mp3s from a fantastic person who is letting me have all the b-sides and such. I'm also reading this really cool philosophy book called The Philosophy Files. It's really interesting for philosophy morons like me and it's educating as well.

Oh yeah, I chose Crunchy Cookie. Which is all good because I like Mud Truffle better anyway. And I finished my first website review! :)

6 · piano thing

Pictures [02 Oct 2004|07:27pm]
[ mood | ditzy ]
[ music | Muse - Hyper Chondriac Music ]

I was going to write that school starts soon but I've mentioned that. Not particularly looking forward to it because of getting exam and other test results back plus the teeth thing. I'm also pissed off because my Discman is broken and I can't even tune out the Year 9's and 10's with the dulcet tones of Muse. This is the last school term for this year. Eek. In November I start exams! But they are more spread out than my ones in Term 3 so I think I will be a lot better prepared. I'm starting study the day I start Term 4 because I really want to do well. Exams are not my best thing. I'm alright with tests because they focus on one thing but exams are everything and I always get distracted because there is so much to study and you don't even know what will be useful or not. So I'm going to be well prepared this time. I am definitely a high achiever who hates getting bad marks and since I feel I didn't do as well as I could in some of my Term 3 exams I am going to be pushing myself to better that.
Cross-posted from my website - a whole bunch of pictures basically of random stuff and I mean random )

Finally would you pick Mud Truffle or Crunchy Cookie chocolate? <-- This is very important. Make sure you answer! :D

10 · piano thing

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