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User:lj_test (783843) Paid User  
LiveJournal Test Community
Because 1 million beta testers are better than 10
Website:LiveJournal Test Server
About:This community is for announcements and discussion of recent code changes on the LiveJournal Test Server.

The LiveJournal Test Server is for code testing purposes only. If it is apparent that any user is using the test server for other purposes, their journals are subject to immediate suspension or deletion without warning.

We will keep the very latest code live and available for testing at so that users can test and report any problems they find before the code goes live on the main site. This is not a place to report support questions, but rather problems with new code which can be verified as bugs.

Whenever we put new code on the test machine, one of us will post, announcing the change, and saying what areas were affected and thus should be inspected most closely for problems.

Certain minor things aren't setup on the test server and are documented at Please consult the above list before reporting a problem.

Zilla is our bug tracking system. Though we will frequently link to it in this community, only developers should file Zilla bugs. If you find a problem on the test server, please leave a comment on the related post in this community. We will investigate your problem and file a proper bug report if necessary.
Members:9: avva, bradfitz, denisep, evan, jproulx, lisa, marksmith, whitaker, xevinx
Watched by:525: 36, _duncan, _nefarius_, _odd__, aajwind, acyla, adcott, adevyish, aeinome, aldurmyste, algeh, alienstranger, alistairg, alleycat009, amnesiaca, amokk, amyth71, andrew_jp_reyes, andy_hallett, andyli, angelsk, angrychicken, ankhsenet, antfreq, anthion, anthonym83, apoidea, araliesse, arie, arlecchina, asciident, asim, astral, augustjoe, auster, ayajulia, ayaluki, ayiko, ayradyss, babblingbrook, badlydrawnjeff, beautifulcheese, bedsheeteyes, beeudoublez, bekithewitch, beyondthislife, bigjimsjazz, blackfelicula, blackfyr, blacksatinrose, blankfaze, blessedfire, blindlink, blue_j, bluefirestorm, boanag, bobprime, bostondave, boy_asunder, brad, braindancer, brightbeak, brigid_rising, buran, burr86, caersidi, cambler, camomiletea, camryl, caytles, cbongo, celebdur, celticcrazelj, cerisaye, cetan, chaotic_theory, charismaticgrrl, cheezerman, chrisvenus, chromekitten, chsllama, chuggy, ciaan, claudia_, clipdude, cmorrigu, cmshaw, cooldork, cowsandmilk, crazyredhead17, crazysoph, creativecstasy, creole_voodoo, crimsonfeonix, crispycreme, csogilvie, cuddled, curlydude007, cynicaloptimist, da_juice, dalryaug, damnitnicole, dancingyel, darkestdawn, darkpixel, darksamurai, david, decadence1, demona_pink, deovolenti, devilwrites, devo_bxxp, diesel__tester, dimosc, dirtynumbangel, discipleofmoose, dk379, dnz4him, domestiques, dottey, draconid, dragonheart97, dreamsneak, dreamsofxion, drinknmidori, drmellow, drownophelia, dublos, dxmachina, earthtoandy, edmcman, eduthepenguin, eeriedescent, effjay, egbert, eir, ekevu, elleseven, ellie_desu, elspeth21984, emi737, emulynx, endorwitch, ennev, epy, epyon_avenger, erebrandir, esavior, espio, everdred, ...
Account type:Permanent Account, previously an Early Adopter

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