Sunday, August 25th, 2002
8:45 pm
just sitting here online... i haven't talked to kerry in awhile i need some new topics for my profile i need to organize my buddy list
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| Saturday, August 24th, 2002
7:16 pm
so yesterday, chase came to visit me and karen, and we hung out. the today he came back with joe, jason, and nick, and we hung out with brittany too. so afterwards i'm sitting at the table eating pizza with my parents and my mom is like, so is chase going to college? i get this duh kind of look on my face and i'm like uh, yeah. he wants to go to UT. maybe it's just me, but i assume that all of my friends are going to college becasue it's what you do after high school. either that or join the millitary, go to a tech school, or take some time off, then go. so i explain this to my mom and she just doesn't get that the people i hand out with are college-bound people. she's all like, when i was growing up, only 50% went to college. and i'm like, ok i think i'll play my "you grew up in crappy old iowa in the 60's and 70's in a bad part of town" card. of course people there won't go the college. they rasie cows and corn.
i drove today for the first time in months and i ran over a mini-curb along the side of 183 as i was pulling out and i was like, my bad. my dad shot me an evil look and lectured me the rest of the time about the evils of trailers with no brake lights
current mood: pizza current music: trik turner. "push come to shove..."
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| Thursday, August 22nd, 2002
6:48 pm - my second first day
here's how the first white day went... pre cal: good class... karen, darren, nick, peter, lea, people like that. mrs. McD: she seems ok so far interior design: need we say blow off?? basiclly mrs. henley said "this is a no HW class. now here's a peice of paper to draw a picture on" speech: uuhhgg... this is a heavy-on-the-HW class. Dr. munger: creepy. he took our pictures and said they were for his "personal use" he takes public speaking very seriously. guard: the usual. lisa has an attitude now. Erica in guard = big no no. not gonna happen. franci was there. we need to bring her up to speed. practice: hot like a mother speech HW: boring sleep: good.
and today... pictures: i hope they turn out good (for once) yeah for morning practice. i ate lunch in the band hall with the rest of the band nerds. it was fun, i think this will become a permanant thing at least on white days b/c i have split lunch (boo) and it gives me time to chill and do speech notes. these pants are soooo comfy...
current mood: blank
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| Tuesday, August 20th, 2002
6:27 pm - first day
started out with homeroom where i got my new schedule. then 1st is english. last year i was in room 114 for 1st block, sat in front of michael and next to asa. this year, i'm in room 114, i sit in front of asa and kind of next to micheal. robin, will, and chris are also in there. lunch: i stood in line for 30 minutes, the bell rang, and i was still in line, so i missed part of band and ended up eating lunch with matt the freshman flute player. 2nd: this is band. Mr. C let us out like 45 minutes early, we all left, then realized we were supposed to still be in band, so we came back 3rd: this is history, my only regular class. i'm going to try and be nice to everyone in here becasue in classes where everyone is stupid, i get kinda cocky and have a serious ego. our teacher, mr Bray, acts like richard simmons turned kindergarden teacher. he should be wearing a poncho and hugging everyone. then chemistry: mrs. delbar seems very cool. her clock chirps like a bird. i sit in front of the AndyLand andy. sarah and cherie from guard are also in my class along with paul michael.
current mood: school-ish
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| Monday, August 19th, 2002
9:17 pm - back to school...
our band exibition was tonight. i think the crowd liked our 'the was you make me feel' number. everything else went pretty well too. good job girls! i need to find rachel H. and give her sister shirt to her. school tomorrow. woo. i don't have my scheldule yet becuase it was all backwards when they gave it to me and i had to send it back. but i do know that i have english, history, chemistry, and band tomorrow and interior design, speech, pre-cal, and guard wednesday. i think ryan and i are in the same int design class. not too sure though. white days might not have changed. i think orange days were they messed up ones. ok... that's it for now.
current mood: nerdy current music: Ordinary day by vanessa carlton
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| Sunday, August 18th, 2002
7:56 pm
the X games are the best... all the extreme-ness... it's great...
current mood: extreme current music: Heaven is a half pipe
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2:19 pm
i just took a phone survey about movies and how i enjoy my movie going experience... i told the guy my name is debbie, i'm 16, white, and i live with 2 other people. i don't like to buy food at the movies because it costs too much and i typically go to 7:00 shows. i like to watch previews and movie posters influence my movie choice... it took like 15 minutes to do his whole survey... i am now a statistic.
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| Saturday, August 17th, 2002
11:18 am - fish bowling
fish bowl was last night, i helped represent the french club by wearing a beret and talking to the freshmen in french. our little table was next to the guard where ciel, kristen, and ashlee were tring to sell those little balls. they had to lower the price to $2 becuase no one wanted one. so i was walking around telling people to join the french club, and i crossed the sacred barrier between the cafeteria and the student center in an effort to not block traffic and ms. lahane was all like "do that again and i'm going to take your beret." she even yelled at james (who is a counseler and is allowed out there) for wearing a little paper sign that said 'james says: join french club'. bitch. but we had lots of people sign up. matt the flute player sat around with us for awhile because he said it was boring out in the dance part of fishbowl. then i came home and fell asleep on the couch.
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| Wednesday, August 14th, 2002
11:52 pm
so today was a blast.... it started out with band where we started learning our show. (woo!) then after, i went to kirby lane with karen and niel where we discussed many issues like what singapore is like and evolution. after that, we went to oak view park, talked more about the good old days, living in other countries, and how we used to be mean to some people. we wandered over tot he other side of the park, found some tennis balls and just ran around throwing them at each other. it was mucho mucho fun. then i went home, cleaned up, and it was back to school i go. i helped decorate for the band luoh (sp?) (i'm talking about a hawaiin dance here), then danced the night away, occansionally while wearing a grass skirt and standing on the counter in front of the band hall. we played ultimate twister (like regular twister, only with like 15 people and lots of twister mats) and there were also nintendos there. i kinda taught brice how to dance. this was also mucho fun.
current mood: chipper
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| Tuesday, August 13th, 2002
11:01 am - sleepy
we sucsesfully made it to everyone's houses, got them dressed up and marched them around... i won't have to do it again until next year. :)
current mood: flying current music: I belive everyone can fly away
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| Monday, August 12th, 2002
10:20 am
today on martha stewart living... she had these 4 french chefs who each made some fancy dish. some could speak english, but others had translators. i found it very cool that i could translate stuff before the actual translators said anything. 4 years of french made me learn a few things after all! the same way karen and I laugh at Mrs. DT, martha would laugh when a chef mispronouced something, but it wasn't as obvious as what karen and i do. the best part of the show: when martha and the chefs masterated with some melon balls.
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| Sunday, August 11th, 2002
5:37 pm - blah blah blah
right so i have nothing to really say but i feel like rambling on anyways... i finally saw Lord of thed Rings... good movie. we bought it before we even saw it. in english, Amber and I always told Michael O. that he looked like brandon from Incubus, but now i think he's more of a elijah wood-brandon mix. i've been tring to drive my dad out of the room because he just sits there and watches me and i'm like, stop it. thank god for eminem. that was a short ramble...
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10:58 am
karen: i can't get that beautiful song by dropline to download. is it worth it?? i'm very into sevendust right now... no reason why...
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| Thursday, August 8th, 2002
8:38 pm - yo
ok update time... happy b-day danielle, whereever you are... it's hot like a mother during band... our rifle dance is super cute (gee, i wonder if that's because i wrote it??) today i took 3 of those big mirrors, made a triangle and stood in the middle, there were hundreds of me's and it was fabulous. it looked really cool when i would spin in there. we were so together. (ok so those last two things were a little self-centered, but after my mirror triangle party i was like, ok no more looking at myself in the mirror, and i forced myself to walk away.) it rained this afternoon closer=done with the exception of 32 counts of ultra easy layered stuff i still wanna be a cymbal. tyler needs to keep her big mouth shut! everyone knows about the exibition thing. oh well. i went to lunch with karen and rashad. he's very quiet. sophia locked paul out of her car today at wendy's i bite my lip. it hurt. no laps were run today. karen's right drops are getting pretty good. she just needs to work on stops. tyler is still a stupid regect. graduate already! ok, that's it.
current mood: sleepy
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| Monday, August 5th, 2002
9:15 pm - mmm... food
so for lunch i ate at fazoli's (sp?) with karen niel ashley and chelsea and had like 20 bread sticks (neil's car is super cute. it's a civic hatchback, silver, kinda girly) then tonight i went to this chinesse place and ate a bunch of food there. everything we ordered was like 'chicken delight' 'shrimp delight' 'whatever delight' and my dad always likes to mess with the waiters and make bad jokes so he told the guy he wanted a miller delight and they brought him one. ironiclly my fortune cookie said 'family is more valuable than money'
right so today i get to band and i get my flags and then i'm like, where's my rifle?? so since it wasn't there, i thought, hmm, maybe someone stole it again (my first rifle was stolen from me) but then i figured, i'll look more later, it probably got misplaced. so then i'm like, maybe i took it home, then forgot about it. but i didn't remember taking it home on friday. so i get home today, walk into my room and i'm like, i'm an idiot... it was right there the whole time...
now i'm writing my warm-up card because they don't have bassoon parts. it's basiclly a trombone part with the bass clarinet fluency drills transposed to go with a C instrument. it's taking a long time because i have to do it by hand... blah...
current mood: full
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| Saturday, August 3rd, 2002
9:30 pm - trashy romance novel update
ok so i started reading Wild Irish Heather, my newly purchased book from the guard garage sale. here's how it goes so far... chapter 1: setting: kilkenny, ireland There's sean and his brother, patrick, who are bride snatchers. they're at this wedding, ready to kidnap the bride. Heather is also at the wedding with some friends. it basiclly set up the characters. Sean's father was hung and he doesn't want that to happen to him. maybe this is important later. Heather and sean haven't met yet, but they're the main charachters... we'll see how this unfolds... when people talk, it's written like they're irish. instead of 'you' they say 'ye' and they never pronounce the g in ing words. it's very stereotypical. everyone has blue eyes and red or blonde hair. i'll fill yall in on what happens next...
current mood: trashy
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4:40 pm
i forgot to mention this in my last post: this stony point guy came to the garage sale and was like, so you guys are the colorguard? can i buy a shirt? and i was like, not until the begining of the year. then he told me he collects random shirts from other schools and i was like, oh my god, me too!!
ryan and i went to the mall today (he didn't know it was the tax free weekend until i told him that was why it was so crowded) i got 1 pair of jeans and 1 pair of these tanninsh-khaki-sort-of-courdoroy pants for $20 each. then i ran into janel while she was working at bath and body works. i talked to her for a bit and tried some lotion in the latest scent, mango something. it's pretty good. ryan wants me to mention that he saw 2 of his loser friends, david mcallister and sean something... but he ran into 2 other people he knew in pac sun so that made up for it. the mall has this new race track thing in the middle by the arcade. it's kind of interesting. i have yet to try that virtual rollercoaster. i'll do that sometime. ok, that's it for now
current mood: fighting though crowds at mall
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1:30 pm - this morning...
guard garage sale was today, me and ashley were the only ones there, but other people contributed stuff. i bought some longhorn stickers, and trashy romance novel because it is set in ireland (those are so funny), and one of carly's muffins. i wanted the furby, but i put him out to see if anyone wanted him first. he was taken by a couple who also bought this funky end table (courtesy of carly) so he's in a good home. there were these mexican people who were looking at the baked stuff and this guy asked his kid (in spanish) do you want a brownie? and the kid was like, no they're ugly. after they walked away, ashley translated for me and i was like, aww, carly's people don't like her brownies. :( then there was this rice paper thing and we were going to give it to christie, but someone bought it. maybe she will want the chinese trashy romance novel instead. it has dragons on it. carly: do you put something on top of the muffins?? like a glaze?? it's really good, but it could have been a result of sitting in the sun. do muffins carmalize?
this has been a very carly-heavy/ racist post. sorry if i offended any asians, mexican, or fellow irish people
current mood: tired
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| Thursday, August 1st, 2002
9:35 pm
9:30 pm