All the best in Drama Queen-dom
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Below are the 13 most recent journal entries recorded in We are all about the drama!!'s LiveJournal:

    Thursday, October 7th, 2004
    1:08 pm
    New community for mocking
    Want to make fun of someone's LiveJournal? Here's the place:


    Come. Mock. Laugh.
    Sunday, July 25th, 2004
    7:39 pm
    O M G U R SO MENE!!!!eleven!!1





    U SUK

    Current Mood: amused
    7:26 pm
    I'm so hurt knowing that you people don't know the differnce
    between Sarcastic and Reality

    But thank you for your of so wonderful comments
    Saturday, July 24th, 2004
    10:57 pm
    Like Totally, I need some cool freaking people to talk with and exchange great dramatic times with in New York.
    I'm so fucken tired of weirdos and Oh my gosh "Drama-Queens"....
    So if you are into:
    ~Getting wasted on transparent glass tables and exchanging passion/ non-sense talk
    ~And oh so dramatic

    So, anyone want to enjoy acid and fine wine with the Flamboyant Qu33n!
    Raise your hands Dammit!

    P.s Yes, I do not like human beings :)

    Current Mood: creative
    Monday, June 21st, 2004
    4:17 pm
    Overheard last week during finals
    "oh my god!  I just tore cuticle and my final's in 15 minutes! I wonder if the professor would let me start late....."

    Current Mood: giddy
    Thursday, May 20th, 2004
    10:37 am
    Self Drama
    Didn’t it feel good to tell off one of those screaming bitchy, judgmental harridans who have something to say about everything in a shriek?
    Say, isn't that a mirror?

    Current Mood: embarrassed
    Monday, February 9th, 2004
    7:00 am
    If anyone ever asks me if they look fat in something again, I will tell them "YES. You are a fat, ugly COW and should be banned from spandex forever.", if they don't.
    Friday, January 9th, 2004
    11:05 am
    Because it's all about you.
    Oh it's so terrible!
    Your pretty and intelligent girlfriend has a job you can't torpedo and everyone she pursues performance with, likes her. Hey she might get ahead and be recognized as a talent!

    "They just put up with me because I'm your boyfriend, not for what I bring to the cast! "
    Thank you for that self-fulfilling prophecy, you whiny ass.

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003
    9:07 am
    For those plagued by Drama Queens
    Found Drama ; Dramaholics Anonymous
    please see the journal of [info]telaryn

    Current Mood: basking in truth
    Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003
    9:16 pm
    Wrong, Stolen, Possibly "Copyrighted" Drama Queendom
    Yeah, him. Idi Amin, John Ashcroft, Osama bin Laden, the Marquis de Sade (confirmed via "lemming"), Doctor Doom, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Lex Luthor, The Lone Power, The Master (any version), Ming the Merciless (thank you, rinnywee), Mr. Morden, Sauron, Khan Noonien Singh, Josef Stalin, Vlad Tepes, Darth Vader, Lord Voldemort, and Mao Zedong, all rolled into one.

    (I can't believe I actually have to say this, but an idiot has made it necessary for me to point out that the above is sarcasm.)

    This journal is Copyright © 2003 by I.R. Atrollio. All Rights Reserved. This copyright extends to but is not limited to any posts I make in any LiveJournal communities, and to any comments I make to any other posts. Any reprinting, reposting, paraphrasing, or other reproduction of my words by other parties either elsewhere on LiveJournal or on any other website without explicit permission is forbidden. Other parties' reposting of any of my material which I have deleted is prohibited.

    The above work is not my own, and I openly and freely attribute it to [info]davidkevin. It has been edited to protect his privacy.

    ... yeah, yeah, the davidkevin horse is dead, but it really and truly IS amusing dramaqueenage... and it's what brought us all together ... er, again... in a splinter community...

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: the echo of my gleeful laughter
    8:09 am
    overheard drama queendom
    In the bathroom this morning -

    "How was I supposed to know he was married? His ring had diamonds in it."
    Wait for it...




    "I thought he was a PIMP!!!!!!"

    Current Mood: giggly
    Current Music: Japanese lessons
    Monday, December 1st, 2003
    10:38 am
    I'm here... because... it's ALL ABOUT ME!!!!
    9:52 am
    First post!
