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User:katyakoshka (87224) Paid User katyakoshka
Fresh Fields of Illusory Ignimbrite
Tephra from the Void
Name:The Smoldering Volcano of Ephemeral Chaos
Location:Krakatau, Sunda Strait, Indonesia
Bio:Vices can be virtues; fight orthorexia!

[info]lilith23 called me "articulate and vicious." This is a wonderful compliment. As previous bio incarnations have stated, I'm not nice. (But I can be kind.)

Current Terror Alert Level:
Terror Alert Level

Curiosity killed the cat; satisfaction brought it back.
Memories:30 entries
Pictures:8 public
Interests:150: 1920s, a. s. byatt, abortion rights, alexander pope, archetypes, art nouveau, atheism, barbara hambly, biblioholism, bleak humour, bon vivants, books-that-no-one-has-heard of, british columbia, british humour, buddhism, c.j. cherryh, cataloging, cats, charles addams, chartreuse, cheap-fantasy-and-schlocky-horror, chemistry, classification schemes, coffee, cognitive dissonance, connie willis, costume dramas, covenant, critical theory, dark beer, dark fairy tale origins, dark fantasy, darkwave, david bowie, david cronenberg, david lynch, dead languages, depeche mode, disaster movies, discordianism, doublethink, dr0nk, dystopia, e. m. forster, earthquakes, eccentricity, english literature, epistolary novels, erte, experimental, fantasy, feeding the loa, feminism, free expression, fripperies, gay nazi dance music, geography, giving really bad advice, goth, h. p. lovecraft, haiku tuesday, hal hartley, hirsute swarthy men, horror fantasy, horror movies, i love the gay, independence, intellectual freedom, intelligent genre fiction, irreverence, italo calvino, j. gregory keyes, jack-daniels-you-get-an-a, jane austen, jane eyre, john dryden, kitten poker, la dolce vita, lady mary wortley montagu, latin, lattes, lava, libraries, library of congress classification, linguistics, literary criticism, litost, lois mcmaster bujold, loki, lucky cats, lycia, malte laurids brigge, medievalism, milan kundera, mining the gay, monty python, morrissey, mussorgsky, neovictorianism, new orleans, northrop frye, patricia mckillip, peter murphy, philology, pirate vampires, plate tectonics, port, pretty-boys-licking-each-other, puttering, pyroclastic surges, queen margot, renaissance, resistentialism, robert graves, robin mckinley, russian, russian literature, samuel johnson, sapiosexuality, schadenfreude, science fiction, sean russell, sexy dancing bitches, single malt scotch, sisters of mercy, skepticism, something positive, spike, stephen brust, sushi, symbolist art, tam lin, tea, that-which-should-not-be doing you-know-what, the banality of evil, the company of wolves, the cult, the long 18th century, the misanthropic bitch, the smiths, the zombie apocalypse, theatre, twin peaks, umberto eco, volcanoes, voodoo, wine, wit, world domination, zeitgeist. [Modify yours]
People159:46, _feral_, agingyoungrebel, alenxa, alierakieron, alokhe, andrea_wot, angel_one, angel_renewed, apotheon, atomicnumber51, avphibes, aziraphale, babayada, barefootcellist, becala, belladonna_, binderbright, boffo, burtlo, caprine, caravaggio, casman, cavalorn, chichibabin, chthonic, clairedelune, communistgnome, cor_tenebrarum, coredumper, corporatebitch, cpmcdill, creepigurl, deadspeaker, dgenerator, disamis, dunbarius, dustyfedora, ekeppich, elequin, elyzebeth, enn, enzeru, etcet, exotic_delerium, fdaapproved, fengi, fightingwords, firedragon, fuschia, geminifool, girlandagun, grazia, greyface, herbaliser, hotcoffeecakes, iaesun, iamnotbroken, impero, ivan_durak, janietrain, jeisenne, jeliza, jimbojones, jinxmalone, jkirzner, jnglboogi, jonfmorse, jourdannex, k8hinote, karma_sue, kellinator, kelson, kensei, khayman, kobold, krasota, l00p, ladybug007, ladynoir, ladysoleil, lesa_marie, lexophile, lilith23, lilymaid, lunamask, madbard, mairet, maldis, marchenland, marieofroumania, marxist_thug, mcsnee, merkuria_lyn, minirth, mistresst, mollymauk, monde, monkeyteats, museumgirl, mythoreau, namey, nationofsheep, niggerkojak, nihilistic_kid, nimue_obscure, niugnep, non_seqvitvr, nzraya, paris_of_priam, partridge, photicdriver, porcelain72, psymonetta, rantus, recalcitrant_lj, relevance, revwry, rfjason, robnorth, rue_bresson, scarcrest, sclerotic_rings, scottopic, scottsch, seismic, sekl, seuss, sheetofpaper, silverwhisper, sisyphus, smallfurry, solri, somnambulisa, srallen, st_emma, svanzoest, swerve, tactile, taische, tdj, tenebrax, thatdamnninja, theogferret, theonebob, threne, tree_ish, trid, uclafalcon, victorine, vuzh, w0rl0ck, wayens, wedrinkbitter, weev, wiggyfish, wintersweet, wonkyear, yourfavoritejoo
Communities26:18th_c_writing, 1944, academics_anon, bibliographic, canadian_yank, darkvictoria, debunkers, gears_and_steam, genreneep, gothconvergence, haiku_tuesday, imnotsorry, libraries, losersbychoice, m15m, medievalstudies, necronomiphiles, noladarkside, pomophobia, skewer, sumerianwotd, teachingcommune, volcanology, w00t_comic, wildturkeyparty, zombiebar
Feeds10:_getyourwaron, about_medieval, catandgirl, doonesbury, lauralcom, onion_aries, pepysdiary, savagelove, someposifeed, twolumps_feed
Mutual Friends:146: 46, _feral_, agingyoungrebel, alenxa, alierakieron, alokhe, andrea_wot, angel_one, angel_renewed, apotheon, atomicnumber51, avphibes, aziraphale, babayada, barefootcellist, becala, belladonna_, binderbright, caprine, caravaggio, casman, chichibabin, chthonic, clairedelune, communistgnome, coredumper, corporatebitch, cpmcdill, creepigurl, deadspeaker, dgenerator, disamis, dunbarius, dustyfedora, ekeppich, elequin, elyzebeth, enn, enzeru, fdaapproved, fengi, fightingwords, firedragon, fuschia, geminifool, girlandagun, grazia, greyface, herbaliser, hotcoffeecakes, iaesun, iamnotbroken, impero, ivan_durak, janietrain, jeisenne, jeliza, jimbojones, jnglboogi, jonfmorse, jourdannex, k8hinote, karma_sue, kellinator, kelson, kensei, khayman, krasota, l00p, ladybug007, ladynoir, ladysoleil, lesa_marie, lexophile, lilith23, lilymaid, lunamask, madbard, mairet, maldis, marchenland, marieofroumania, marxist_thug, mcsnee, merkuria_lyn, minirth, mistresst, mollymauk, monde, monkeyteats, museumgirl, mythoreau, namey, nationofsheep, niggerkojak, nihilistic_kid, nimue_obscure, niugnep, non_seqvitvr, nzraya, paris_of_priam, photicdriver, porcelain72, psymonetta, rantus, recalcitrant_lj, relevance, revwry, rfjason, robnorth, rue_bresson, scarcrest, sclerotic_rings, scottopic, seismic, sekl, seuss, sheetofpaper, silverwhisper, sisyphus, smallfurry, somnambulisa, srallen, st_emma, svanzoest, swerve, tactile, taische, tdj, tenebrax, thatdamnninja, theogferret, theonebob, threne, tree_ish, trid, victorine, vuzh, w0rl0ck, wayens, wedrinkbitter, weev, wiggyfish, wintersweet, wonkyear, yourfavoritejoo
Account type:Paid Account

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