Community Info

Community Information

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User:sca_radio (2980102) sca_radio
scared for life
Website:South Coast Alternative Radio (SCAR)
About:This is the community for S.C.A.R. (South Coast Alternative Radio)

support local talent @ [info]sca_radio

maintained by [info]cyberius_slut, [info]psycho_smurf and [info]lady_amaranth
Interests:73: alternative, angry boy, breed 77, brutal deluxe, conspiracy, crimson altar, dead heaven, deathboy, descendants of cain, deviant, devilish presley, dilutral, down:time, earth loop recall, ebm, england, eva concept, faetal, fenster, geeks, gigs, goths, gutworm, hfm, industrial, inhalate, interlock, interstellar rhythm machine, kandelectra, king adora, kunstlederselbstmord, leisur hive, leisur::hive, living with eating disorders, local bands, metal, metal nation, misnomer, moral low ground, murder one, music, numanic, one day down, ovni, people, phoenix down, pink flamingo dj's, ras bolding, rather, razor blade kisses, rbkisses, reincarnationfish, rock, scarlet soho, schadenfreude, screaming banshee aircrew, shivva, silence is sexy, solitude, south coast, stout, streaming audio, surferosa, swarf, the craft, the sepia, tracer, trademark, trauma pet, trend abuse, undying legacy, voices of masada, xero. [Modify yours]
Members:39: bodedendrumbush, bubbles3563, cheetara32, cyberius_slut, cython, daevas, demon_lover, devilishpresley, digital_deviant, dr_herbert_west, dragophelion, electromonkie, eva_concept, filter_tips, hapynooodlegirl, kelloidascope, kid_vish, lady_amaranth, liliths_child, lineoutrecords, little_moth, local_psycho, malice_grimm, misanthropippy, misnomeruk, mudgetheotter, myke_minstar, obcom, paul_sticks, psycho_smurf, queenbexsie, scotbotuk, silobass, skyinverted, smelldeadroses, statics_void, trauma_pet, wevil, whalegirl
Account type:Free Account

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