Below is information about the "Snarksexual, because sarcasm is hot." community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | snarksexual (5374713) |
| Snarksexual Because there IS such a thing as too dumb to fuck. |
Name: | Snarksexual, because sarcasm is hot. |
Website: | CafePress Store |
About: | Snarksexual: (1) Attracted to those displaying intelligence and sarcasm. (2) An individual possessing sex appeal that is enhanced by their sarcasm.
The original Snarksexual Manifesto
The Expanded Snarksexual Manifesto on Skyehawke
Visit randomsalad's CafePress Store for more Snarksexual goodies.
You know you like it snarky.
Discuss your favorite snarky characters here. Post or link to fanfiction (clearly marked with fandom, any pairing, and a rating, and for the love of Cthulhu use a cut tag), post icons, recommend obscure books/movies/whatever with quality sarcasm. Tell us your real-life encounters with or uses of good snark.
Don't flame unless it's funny. I decide what's funny. |
Interests: | 74: alan rickman, alton brown, arnold rimmer, arrogance, azreal, bartleby, basil fawlty, being better than you, blackadder, brenda chenowith, brian kinney, byerly vorrutyer, callisto, cecil adams, chris keller, chris parker, cordelia chase, cordelia vorkosigan, daria, davan, dorothy parker, dr. house, dyan ardais, eddie izzard, elizabeth bennett, fanfiction, flannery culp, gareth blackstock, gojyo, grudge fucks, han solo, hannibal lecter, hate sex, hothead paisan, hunter s. thompson, jason isaacs, john constantine, jon stewart, kerr avon, loki, lord ermenwyr, lord vetinari, lucius malfoy, marquis de carabas, methos, mr. darcy, oscar wilde, q, richard thompson, sanzo, sarcasm, sarcasmic, schadenfreude, severus snape, sexy arrogant men, sexy arrogant women, sexy bastards, sherlock holmes, slash, smugness, smutfic, snark, snarkgasm, snarksexual, something positive, steerpike, steven hyde, susan ivanova, susan sto helit, television without pity, the corinthian, the metatron, tom riddle, xena. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 162: _jenovaproject, adred, aj_raffles, alohaturtle, amysusanne, antiquateddeity, anubisismydad, aralinde, aristaea, artemisiii, ashbet, aspiringdaxzy, atalantapendrag, ataniell93, atropinesulfate, auronsgirl, aynthem, bleedingwomble, bohemiachiquita, briarwolf, brimstoneangel, chaosdancer, chevauchee, chibikazz, chinadoll_1984, clabrieal, cobain27, crackedwraith, daisyfreshgirl_, darkstar76, darksylvia, darsina, delirieuse, delwyncole, devilish__angel, diagnose_this, diefbaby, emotionalyweird, enodia, ergie, everwatcher, ewacat, exit_chrysalis, fahrchan, froodle, galeo, glittersavvy, greentartanslut, half_dem0n, hangingfire, harmonybunny114, heartlessempath, howprofound, hp_femme, hraefn, idadebeautreux, ifkatisays, ihateidoits, iq2hi4uok, irisira03, isilrandir, jessenigma26, jessnhalinda, junediamanti, junipercrescent, kagomeundomiel, kapunua, kashii_writes, kattahj, killer___queen, kitsune, kleenexwoman, knitmeapony, la_madame_x, ladynemo, lawofsyllogism, lilka, lolife, lolitalolita, lovinwhiskey79, marveen, midnightt, miffyvampirebat, mikhyel, minkrose, missamerika22, missducttape, miz_geek, moofoot, muse_0f_fire, mysduende, neoncrossing, notfriedkasei, notfudge, oddmaple, orange_quack, padawanewan, pandoradeloeste, pekomongoose, pernickety, prettyveela, purpleside, quietinfinity, raevenwynter, rafaela, raistmimi, rattyfleef, raviahmad, redrush, renegadelufin, riddlev, rintheamazing, rose_whispers, roxx, roz_mcclure, rustybitch, sabranee, saikogrrl, salsk, sarafinapekkala, sargiegirl76, scela_letifer, servwithasmile, shortypenguin, shydelayne, silmarille, sionnain, sisterelwood, site_bilder, snapesforte, sorchar, spacecolonspace, sticckler, stratyllis, suziannabean, tangentialone, teardropfire, tephra_adularia, the_mystic_s, theonewhospeaks, tikvah, titti, tke269, trf_chan, turkie_tayles, twinkltwrp, uberdweeby, umeedmerchant, unfolded73, unholy_fuck, velvetandlace, velyrhorde, verticalface, viciousbleu, vogonpoet, vonne, wenchamok, whitechocolates, wytch_sansmerci, yunami, ze_dormouse, zhilbar |
Watched by: | 184: __plaything, _deadflower_, _jenovaproject, _xanthia, adred, alohaturtle, amysusanne, ana_lacey, angylinni, anonymous_sibyl, antiquateddeity, aralinde, aristaea, artemisiii, ashbet, aspiringdaxzy, atalantapendrag, ataniell93, atropinesulfate, auronsgirl, aynthem, bean_frog, bitz_n_pisces, bohemiachiquita, briarwolf, brimstoneangel, c_bazzi, calixta9, celisnebula, chaosdancer, chevauchee, chibikazz, chinadoll_1984, christabeleve, clabrieal, cobain27, crackedwraith, cyferedrose, daisyfreshgirl_, darksylvia, debvel, delirieuse, delwyncole, devilish__angel, diagnose_this, diefbaby, dummyroper, elentaril, elorie, emotionalyweird, enodia, ergie, eruditz, ewacat, fahrchan, fainpathe, ferrari_queen, froodle, galeo, giina, glittersavvy, greentartanslut, half_dem0n, hangingfire, harmonybunny114, heartlessempath, heinous_bitca, hilarita, howprofound, hp_femme, hraefn, idadebeautreux, ihateidoits, inkie9247, iq2hi4uok, irisira03, isilrandir, jessenigma26, jessnhalinda, junediamanti, junipercrescent, kagomeundomiel, kapunua, kashii_writes, kattahj, khalanasa, killer___queen, kitsune, knitmeapony, la_madame_x, lilka, lissa_quon, lite_bright, lolife, lolitalolita, lovinwhiskey79, marveen, megpie71, midnightt, mikhyel, minkrose, missamerika22, misteropinion, miz_geek, moofoot, moonglow_girl, muse_0f_fire, mysduende, neoncrossing, oddmaple, padawanewan, pekomongoose, pernickety, pinkwafer, pronaea, prophetlurker, queenofzan, quibbler_watch, quietinfinity, raevenwynter, rafaela, raistmimi, rattyfleef, raviahmad, redrush, renegadelufin, reseh, riddlev, rintheamazing, rose_whispers, roxx, rustybitch, saikogrrl, saint_jane, salsk, sarafinapekkala, sarahredhead, sargiegirl76, scela_letifer, servwithasmile, shortypenguin, silmarille, silvrdragn, sionnain, sisterelwood, site_bilder, slytherin_savvy, snapesforte, snarkypants, sol_se, ... |
Account type: | Free Account |