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Hey ya [Dec. 9th, 2004|02:50 pm]
[mood | silly]
[music |Jewish heyya]

Oy is just yo backwards.

I'm never going to be able to say "Shake it like a Polaroid picture" again. It's going to be "Sheh-vitz and a kosherized pickle" from now on.

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Happy birthday... [Dec. 9th, 2004|11:33 am]
[mood | content]
[music |West Wing] [info]angua9! Have another EVIL year full of much SNARXing!

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Happy birthday... [Dec. 7th, 2004|02:43 am]
[mood | hopeful] [info]fellytone_k8!

I'm crossing my fingers I'm right about this (I think so), but I can just see you replying "I can neither confirm nor deny that December 7 is my birthday." ;P

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Rally R! [Dec. 5th, 2004|02:11 am]
[mood | geeky]

The entire series of Ghostwriter is available to buy. Granted it's only on VHS and granted there's no way I can (spare $400? Not so much). But I wantsss it, precious.

I mean, even Felicity and Ben from American Girl took a backseat to Alex and Tina from Ghostwriter. Theirloveisso...consummated in a dumpster. I'm that pathetic--I thought having my first kiss in a dumpster while being chased by thugs ("Your barrels killed our rabbits!") would be just beyond words. That .02 second kiss set my 10-year-old heart aflutter for weeks and weeks. And what with Frank and Catherine marrying later...there was a precedent for young Ghostwriter love to flourish.

I'm going to have to make a list of my first ships (and why, of course) one of these days. Just to laugh and laugh and laugh.

ETA: The TWoP forum! Oh, it's all so TRUE. Alex isn't hot in these episodes--he's 11! I do feel all NAMBLA remembering my crush on him. The blue paper! They all had the same handwriting! Crisp!

Someone stop me from reading all 38 pages. I have to go to bed.

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Happy birthday... [Dec. 3rd, 2004|01:40 am]
[mood | complacent] [info]chrysantza! I hope you have a wonderful day with no homework!

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Dean Thomas musings [Dec. 2nd, 2004|01:49 am]
[mood | pensive]
[music |"Not Pretty Enough" by Kasey Chambers]

For some reason, I've been pondering him lately.

So what do you all think Dean Thomas is--a half-blood or Muggle-born? Because of course JKR said on her website that she intended for him to be a half-blood, but she's also said that the storyline was scrapped. Is he marked a Muggle-born or half-blood on that school list?

Is "Thomas" his stepfather's name (did his stepfather adopt him? Is that typical in England?) or is he the lone Thomas in a family of, say, Jamisons? Does he even know his stepfather isn't his biological father? (JKR's website says his mother wondered if Dean's father might have been a wizard, but doesn't mention Dean. It could have been phrased as "they wondered" if Dean knew.) What is Dean's biological father's family like? (Purebloods, I'm assuming, since Death Eaters wanted him, but are the Weasley sort or the Black sort?) Are any of them alive?

If he is a half-blood, I think a fanfic about him discovering that would be absolutely fascinating. I've been trying to figure out how he could.

Vague ideas )

Just some thoughts. Totally crazy? Interesting? Fic already in progress somewhere?

Randomly, I'm really, really craving some chocolate milk. Like, considering driving over to the local 24-hour convenience store to get some. Probably won't (I don't think I have any cash, and I don't want to use a card for a buck-oh-five), but yeah. Really want some.

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Happy birthday... [Nov. 27th, 2004|03:12 am]
[mood | blah] [info]sunshyndaisies! I hope you have a wonderful day and get lots of writing inspiration for the coming year!

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Happy birthday... [Nov. 22nd, 2004|12:45 am]
[mood | relieved]
[music |"Eternity" by Dreams Come True] [info]juniatha! May there be lot of Buff-Dudley in your future. Remember always Urlato de Harry and still of Weasleys with laughter.

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Journal Meme [Nov. 20th, 2004|04:59 am]
[mood | sleepy]
[music |Boo Boo Ba Ba Dee Dee]

Most recently seen on [info]q_sama's LJ.

My journal is called _____ because _____.
My subtitle is _____ because _____.
My friends page is called _____ because _____.
My username is ____ because _____.
My default userpic is _____ because _____.
My name is listed as _____ because _____.

My journal is called "Ree's Journal" because that's how pedestrian I am.

My subtitle is "Screwy, ain't it?" because I was listening to the Boo Boo Ba Ba Dee Dee song from Cartoon Network and Space Ghost says it at the end. I thought it fit my life. And Zorak said it after he turned into a squirrel. That's just funny.

My friends page is called "What Wild and Crazy Kids" because of that Nick show. I can see us all dividing into teams and doing wacky things, can't you?

My username is "alphabet26" because "alphabet" was taken already. (Although it now seems that [info]alphabet has deleted his/her journal. Curses!) But seriously, I picked "alphabet" because long ago I saw someone in a chat room called "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" and I thought that was funny. I obviously couldn't have that name, though, because that person did, so I chose "alphabet." And the 26 is because of the 26 letters in the English alphabet.

My default picture is this one (also the one I'm using for this post) because it's nice and non-flammatory. Also, it's Who wants to go out and do something when you've got a good book to read?

My name is listed as Ree because...that's my name. Look, we established I'm pedestrian, if a bit screwy, already! ;P

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Not amused [Nov. 16th, 2004|10:48 pm]
[mood | anxious]
[music |"Little Things" by Good Charlotte]

Dear Universe/Karma/Whatever,

When I said that "I should exercise more, maybe start walking again," I did not mean, "It would be really great if, as I was driving on the HIGHWAY on my way to SCHOOL, where I have a TEST, my right front tire would blow out, so I would have to WALK back to town and then SPEND MONEY I DON'T HAVE to get it replaced."

Not amused,

To be fair, my uncle was the absolute top of cool in driving back to my car with me and changing my tire. He explained what he was doing as he did it, so maybe next time I'll be able to do it myself. (Don't laugh! It's possible, if not probable.) And my teacher said he got my message and it was fine and I could take the test even though I was late. And when I checked my schedule for next week at work, I totally lucked out and got lots of hours (yay, money!) So everything wound up okay, but still. Not Amused.

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Birthday wishes [Nov. 16th, 2004|03:09 am]
[mood | tired]
[music |"Deep Inside of You" by Third Eye Blind]

Sorry I'm late to [info]manu86! I pulled up the birthday list, but I guess I just spaced it. Bad Ree! But happy birthday to you!

But I'm right on time for [info]damnyellowcap! Happy birthday, Katie!

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Two for the price of one! [Nov. 12th, 2004|02:14 am]
[mood | calm]

A very happy birthday to [info]acemyth and [info]severus___snape! I hope you both have great days!

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Happy birthday... [Nov. 10th, 2004|01:00 am]
[mood | bouncy] [info]gaidin_prime! It's so cool to be wishing happy birthday to the next big famous director. ;)

(Um, anybody heard from him lately?)

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How are you gentlemen!! [Nov. 8th, 2004|12:38 am]
[mood | lazy]
[music |All Your Base video]

I've seen this from [info]fernwithy, [info]maidenjedi, and [info]damnyellowcap.

1. Stop talking about politics for a moment or two.
2. Post a reasonably-sized picture in your LJ, NOT under a cut tag, of something pleasant, such as an adorable kitten, or a fluffy white cloud, or a bottle of booze. Something that has NOTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS.
3. Include these instructions, and share the love.

'Cause, come on. All your base are belong to us. That's just funny.
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Let's be Melly [Nov. 5th, 2004|12:51 pm]
[mood | weird]
[music |"I'm No Superman" by Lazlo Bane]

I was browsing the Engrish store yesterday (anyone remember the "Pumpkin Poo" T-shirt?) and found the best Christmas cards EVER. Let's Holiday! Be the Melly! How great would it be to get these cards? They're totally politically incorrect, but they crack me up!

I also just went to the Hallmark store and bought a Keepsake Ornament, from the Santas from Around the World collection. I don't know what I'll do with these ornaments (it's not like I have my own tree to hang them on), but I couldn't resist. I'll be getting them all. The Santas are just too cute.

You know, it feels very, very wrong posting about the holidays this early in November. I guess I'm getting sucked in--now that the political ads are over, the holiday ones will be starting up. But 'tis the season.

Why else am I melly? Tonight I'm going to a Bill Engvall concert. I've always liked Bill and I'm really excited to go see him live.

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Congratulate me! (No, not on that) [Nov. 3rd, 2004|01:55 pm]
[mood | indescribable]

Believe me, I know I'm lucky that there hasn't been mass defriending.

But one thing you all can be happy for me about is that the job interview went well (and it was denim skirt-less; I wore black slacks and a cute blouse) and she said she's going to be hiring me as soon as there's an opening. For sure for definite.

Also, I put a couple of drabbles up on [info]hp100 if any of you want to review. I should add that they're both quite fluffy and could cause cavities.

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Voted [Nov. 2nd, 2004|10:53 am]
[mood | satisfied]
[music |West Wing]

Yay for me.

I Voted... Did You?

ETA: Ooh, Election Day Reminders from Michael Totten.

Let’s get a couple of things out of the way before today’s votes are counted.

You have the right to vote. You do not have the right to see the man of your choice in the White House.

If George W. Bush wins the election, the world will still spin on its axis. Canada will not grant you asylum. If John Kerry wins the election, America will still be America. Australia will not grant you asylum.

People who vote for the other guy aren’t stupid, brainwashed, or evil. They are your friends and family. Someone you love will almost certainly cancel your vote. (My wife cancels out mine.)

If, by some chance, everyone you know votes for the loser it won’t mean the election was stolen. It will only show that you live in a bubble.

If this thing is close (the victor could easily win by 0.1 percent) try not to read too much into it. We’ll still be closely divided.

If the election doesn’t go your way, don’t pop off as though America were Guatemala under the generals. You’ll get lots of attention, but it won’t be the kind you want. People will laugh, not near you but at you.
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Job update [Nov. 1st, 2004|11:23 am]
[mood | nervous]
[music |"Hit or Miss" by New Found Glory]

So if I have an interview in a real, actual, grown-up office doing real, actual, grown-up work, what should I wear? I was told it's "business casual" and I have a really nice denim skirt, but is that just too casual for a first interview? I'll take any and all suggestions.

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Happy birthday... [Oct. 30th, 2004|12:59 pm]
[mood | hungry] [info]dianora! Have a wonderful day!

Happy Halloween to everbody, and (for those of us who are part of Daylight Savings) don't forget about "falling back" tonight!

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A new job? [Oct. 25th, 2004|02:08 pm]
[mood | full]
[music |IMAO radio ads]

Hope is slowly crawling out from under a rock. Hopefully, no one will pick up the rock and smash the hope with it, though. (I just liked that phrase--I'm not trying to say anything political with that link. I only put the link so you all know what the HFIL I'm referencing.)

So yay! But I'm not going to say anything else because that's sure to jinx it. If any of you want to blindly wish me good luck, though, I'll take it. ;P

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