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Mmmm Mmmmm Good. [26 Aug 2004|02:16am]

What The Hell Happened Last Night?
LJ Username  
What did you drink? 
You wake up in the morning next to: loveandanarchy
...who is wearing: the scars of a severe whipping
...and rolls over to you to say: How the heck did you manage to sleep with those wrist cuffs on?
...and then: uses your PC to check LiveJournal
This quiz by joneccleston - Taken 78894 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

5 divine flowers| toss a flower

[25 Aug 2004|05:00pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Murder by Death: Killbots 2000 ]

I just got a student body email implying that a rumor that Ikea furniture was going to be purchased for the Reed Student Union has enraged a portion of the student body. Only at Reed...

Life is pretty boring, but it looks to be picking up soon, as one of the nine million vague job offers appearing on my doorstep appears to actually be pulling through. Depending on how awful working for (NAME-OF-EXTREMELY-PASSE-SOCAL-ALTERNATIVE-CLOTHING-LINE-TO-BE-ANNOUNCED) is, I'll be returning to school in a while, which is nice. In which case, it will probably be a school in southern California.

The world is go.

5 divine flowers| toss a flower

[12 Aug 2004|12:35am]
I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee
Won't my mommy be so proud of me?
2 divine flowers| toss a flower

[08 Aug 2004|03:35am]
I LOVE BRANDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 divine flowers| toss a flower

bitch-ass bitch [06 Aug 2004|03:46am]
[ mood | johnwayne ]

It looks like I may have found a possible translating job in LA, since Westender: the movie: the TV show is now pretty much a dead horse. It's going to be nice to insinuate myself into a new community and lay down roots. It's going to be nice to get some.

Apparently my mother has been telling my grandma how amazing Max is, and now the old broad is badgering me to get him out to Atlanta so she she can meet this "wonderful boy." I told Max, and he freaked out, "oh man, does she know I'm Jewish?" I told him that Alice is fine with Jews, male homosexuals, Native Americans, and Hispanics. It's just "the blacks" (as she likes to say; she stopped using n-words years ago), Asians, and lesbians that she's got a problem with. I guess it's weird for a bigot to have precise standards. I hung out with grandma today, and she keeps talking about how she's going to die soon (she turns 80 this December). Alright, grandma. Every time I see her, she brings up really stupid news stories like the Kobe Bryant thing and proceeds to tell me the details whilst complaining about the excessive coverage given to said stories. I think maybe she hasn't figured out how to turn off the TV. I think that might be true of a great deal of America...

Myself included. I have been eating up the Trek and the Adult Swim. TV is great. I am going to get fat because of it. Maybe then I'll get some titties.

I think if I were to return to Reed this year, I would totally wear a t-shirt around that said, "I'm voting for Bush!" Imagine the hilarity.
I can't decide if I'm going to choke and vote for Kerry or actually follow my political beliefs and go Badnarik. I think it might end up as a coin toss. I don't like Democrats, but I loathe Bush.

Nobody likes bubonic plague jokes apparently. Everyone is boring.

Hey Brandon, are you done with school yet?

8 divine flowers| toss a flower

[31 Jul 2004|11:26pm]
My phone and my internet have been broken. Sorry.

I'm back in the 'Retta.


6 divine flowers| toss a flower

[15 Jul 2004|02:32am]
[ mood | AWESOME ]

Reuters reports that the denizens of Hell have shown such a complete obsession with Scandinavian black metal that they have begun to renovate portions of the Pit so as to resemble an icy Norse forest. Hell is freezing over.

Members of Mayhem and Dimmu Borgir have declined to comment on the developing story.

I'm still in LA, and I'm still having a good time. I need to call Adam tomorrow. Damn it. I'm so lazy.

4 divine flowers| toss a flower

[21 Jun 2004|01:53am]
Four and a half days 'till I'm back in LA.

That's better than punching infants in the face.
16 divine flowers| toss a flower

[17 Jun 2004|02:48am]
I need a TIP reunion to get my mind off things.

And to listen to nothing but Lightning Bolt for 24 hours.
8 divine flowers| toss a flower

[02 Jun 2004|11:29pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Jonny McGovern: Soccer Practice ]

I apologize for my absence, gentle readers. I'm sure you were terribly distressed with the lack of Linds. I've been enjoying the time home, spending most of it lazing about with the folks and making good use of iChat AV. I've done some amazing shopping, scoring at Bloomingdale's, for example, a fucking beautiful pair of Sanctuary black beach cargos for a jaw-dropping price. Diesel pants are well and good if you still think that the pre-worn look is cool, but, me, I've found a new label for my lower half.

Wait, I'm not at Reed anymore—I can stop talking about fashion and makeup to try to normalize my situation. I'm in the heart of the Deep South. I should be discussing Foucault or something. BE THE CONSTANT ANTITHESIS OF THE AMBIENT ATMOSPHERE. 'r some shit.

So I'm in Florida right now, returning to a more comfortable bronze. Sunshine is such a luxury.

There's a great body of work on the relation between cryptography, privacy, and anarchy, and I've been diving into it with new vigor lately. That weird pirate liberty of Hakim Bey is applying itself. It's looking like the Novel (which has been given the working title of Zonas for convenience's sake) is going to end up being a pseudocyberpunk The Moon is a Harsh Mistress if I'm not careful in stepping onto the shoulders and out of the shadows of the men who have come before me. I mean, there are no original stories left, and every theme has been worked over to the point of nausea, and science fiction is probably the worst in this regard. As much as I would love to, I can't liberate a planet. It's so fucking done.

Anyway, crap crap crap on a crap cracker.

I'm going to Alaska with Max and his family soon. Apparently, if I can some pickled okra for him, there will be a ring waiting. Yeee-haw.

Brazilian Playboy is so hot, you guys.

8 divine flowers| toss a flower

home. [17 May 2004|11:26pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

I am in Atlanta.

8 divine flowers| toss a flower

[16 May 2004|09:45am]
[ mood | calm ]

I cried telling Adam goodbye last night. I'm such a sack of fucking goo, especially since (of all the people here) I'm absolutely sure I'll see him this summer in SoCal.

Anybody around campus today with nothing to do? My plans fell through, so I'll just be sitting around 'til my flight tomorrow morning.

1 divine flower| toss a flower

georgia on my mind [15 May 2004|01:19am]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Shipping your life cross-country is more expensive than you'd think, especially if you're an avid reader.

But it's all boxed up (me being the control freak that I am, I had to get everything done TODAY even though I'm not leaving until Monday) or in suitcases, and I'm ready to go back to the place from whence I came. I know that I'll see this place again, but I don't know how soon, nor from what perspective.

What if, against all odds, the job with the Westender boys works out, and I start writing for a TV show and making huge sums of money before I even turn 21? If I finally fuse magical realism and science fiction as I have been planning and once and for all destroy that crippled creature, genre? Or if I just find that life away from school is just better?

No matter. I'll continue to go placidly amid the noise and haste. I've spent two years at Reed and made some amazing friends and had some crazy, mind-blowing experiences. There is no way that I'll ever replace Sharon Larisch or Adam Bondy with anyone I meet in the rest of my travels. But there's something to be said for bringing it all back home. For reliving high school for a time and for seeing if I can get beyond that with the people I love best in the world. For being the prodigal daughter. For fried chicken, Uncle Chuck (you kids know the story—he's the one who blew his fingers off and raises boxers called "Rebel" and "Dixie"), and the South.

For the 'Retta. For going back to the roots. For finding how to bloom.

I AM COMING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 divine flowers| toss a flower

[14 May 2004|06:19am]
I don't care if it's gauche.

I'd rather drink these than PBRs.
1 divine flower| toss a flower

[14 May 2004|01:22am]
[ mood | recumbent ]
[ music | KMFDM: Attack and Reload ]


I would like to inform you that I kicked this school year's ass. I took classes known for being difficult AND WHOOPED THEM LIKE A CATHOLIC SCHOOLBOY. It's good to know that if I so choose to return to this place, I have my Junior Sem out of the way.

[info]besserby and [info]severed_ties and I went to see Kill Bill, Vol. 2 last night. It was so great to see it again. If there's anything I love more than kung fu films, it's spaghetti westerns. In fact, I think the whole first week I'm back, I'm going to lie around the house and watch westerns with my mom.

I also got boxes today, and it looks like the majority of my stuff is packed up. Shipping costs will be a bitch, but I sold $200 worth of books this week, and tomorrow [info]xoperationx and [info]limitingthought and I are going to Buffalo Exchange, and I'm indie rock enough to have some worthwhile clothes to sell. With all this bling coming in, I enjoyed the new luxury of having an awesome and adorable little sis ([info]severed_ties) to drag to the beauty supply store. Girls who buy makeup and haircare products with me are awesome. I picked up an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G red lipstick and some silicone shine drops. Jess bought haircare stuff like you wouldn't believe. She's a TRUE FEMALE WARRIOR IN THE RANKS OF REED REVOLUTION. We will singlehandedly coerce every Reed woman into shaving her legs and putting on mascara. I feel it is a worthy task.

I'm totally going to go get a pedicure tomorrow. It's been at least a month. Gross.

Does anybody want to buy my minifridge? Or my bookcase? Or my rug? Or just come pick up some free junk?

5 divine flowers| toss a flower

[10 May 2004|02:36am]
4 divine flowers| toss a flower

exultation. [10 May 2004|12:01am]
[ mood | busy ]

Perhaps this is uncommon where you come from, gentle readers, but at my high school, it was rather expected to, when signing the yearbook of a friend or acquaintance, scratch off a little ditty in which you commended said person on one of his or her personal qualities, usually how sweet he or she was or how funny you found his or her wisecracks to be. In one of my junior high yearbooks, however, I recall my neighbor Michael Israel writing "you are wise beyond your years."

It struck me as odd then, as it's a hefty yet Hallmark-cardy phrase, and I didn't know the fella very well despite living down the street from him for the better part of my life.

I didn't ever think much of it until I spent hours last night shooting the shit with Marlene, my late-30s freshman friend, and having her find my advice and braingasms about Love and Humanity and Womanhood to be not only interesting but New and True. When you're telling a woman who has eight year old twins how best to get over a breakup, and it's not bullshit, you begin to realize that maybe you really have learned from your mistakes. Which, when you're questioning yourself and your place on Earth, is a very lovely feeling to acquire—that I know things and understand things rather well for such a young thing and that I am also perfectly comfortable with the fact that there are things that I do not know and may never know.

And I realized that I'm not leaving Reed because of the slings and arrows of the envious and the politically correct but because I'm a fucking Sagittarius (I'll let myself engage in superstition here, but only once), and, by Eris, I need a fucking change!

And that I'm still a happy person, and no jealous bitch or uptight hippie is going to break the rollicking, joyous, cosmic centaur that I am. I LOVE MY FUCKING LIFE!

3 divine flowers| toss a flower

[07 May 2004|01:45am]
[ mood | amused ]

David, you need to go to Timebomb and ask to scan the long-haired, multi-breasted ejaculating panther with the shining asshole, because I started my very first LJ community—[info]weirdflash!

Hopefully this will be as hilarious as I envision it.

1 divine flower| toss a flower

[06 May 2004|11:46pm]
[ mood | awake ]

fascinating discourse here.

The deleted post is some chick getting angry and saying that she was going to get all militant feminist on [info]conculcate. I took it as a delightful opportunity to expound upon my favorite subject.

4 divine flowers| toss a flower

[06 May 2004|09:42pm]
[ mood | nauseated ]

A couple of hours ago, my computer (for the third time in the past eight months) refused to boot and/or mount the HDD.

I have my BIG HUGE IMPORTANT paper due tomorrow.

There is a nervous breakdown up in here. I am freaking out in the ETCs. Feel free to comfort me via blitz.

10 divine flowers| toss a flower

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