without me™ you are nothing.

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Monday, November 22nd, 2004
3:24 pm - Another Dr. Phil inspired post.
Poll about cosmetic surgery. )

Propogate this link, if you can, as there clearly just aren't enough poll whores on my list ;)

current mood: curious
current music: Icon Of Coil - "Disconnect (Goteki Mix)"
14 bruises - Touch me.
9:18 am - Music query.
Someone recommend me some good mixing software.

current mood: tired
current music: Call - "Love In Chains"
4 bruises - Touch me.
Thursday, November 18th, 2004
12:03 am - Here's where you scroll past because you're bored of hearing about this whole thing...
I know you're all sick to death of this, and this isn't specifically to do with the smoking ban, but I have some thoughts on how unusual the disparity between the treatment of certain legalised vices is... On cigarettes and alcohol. )

current mood: cold
current music: Smashing Pumpkins - "Zero"
9 bruises - Touch me.
Monday, November 15th, 2004
4:36 pm - 168 -> 128
I'm finally doing something I should've done a long time ago, and about a thousand times over. I'm having a proper friendslist cull. I'm starting to realise that I'm being too diplomatic in who I add and who I keep on, and it's boring now. Keeping people on my friendslist because I don't want to reduce my numbers by having them take me off is, quite frankly, silly.

I'm removing people for the following reasons:

1. You've annoyed me somehow, and I can't bring myself to discuss it with you, and I don't think there's enough of a friendship between us to make the effort.
2. You're nice in person, but your journal bores the shit out of me.
3. I like you, but you never post or comment, or you do so incredibly seldom, and when you do, it's nothing I find interesting.
4. You don't connect with me, and I don't know you very well.
5. I plain don't like you, but don't want it to look that way.
6. I want to stop using livejournal as an easy way to communicate with you when I think I should get to know you better in person.
7. I only want to be friends with you for ego reasons, rather than because we actually have anything in common, and I don't actually read your journal.
8. You only want to be friends with me for ego reasons, etc, etc (see point 7).
9. I feel uncomfortable reading about your life, when I get the impression you're keeping me on your list for the same reasons as mentioned in my initial paragraph.
10. I think you only read my journal so you've got something extra to gossip about.

Doesn't necessarily mean I don't like you (although in some cases, it does). Doesn't mean I won't read your journal. And for the eternally paranoid, just because you're still on my list, doesn't mean you don't fall into one of the above categories... just means I have more reasons to keep you on :)

current mood: honest
current music: Daft Punk - "Around The World"
28 bruises - Touch me.
Wednesday, November 10th, 2004
5:11 pm - Comment whoring!
Nicked from [info]rhino.

The problem with LJ: we all think we are so close, but really we know nothing about each other. So I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about. Ask away.

Then post this in your LJ and find out what people don't know about you.

current mood: curious
current music: Scorpions - "Rock You Like A Hurricane"
44 bruises - Touch me.
Monday, November 8th, 2004
10:24 am - Poor poor soul...
Heh. The things you find when you type "wedding" into eBay...

...He got married to what he thought was the Love of his life, unfortunately, she walked out.

(Scroll down for the picture.)

current mood: amused
current music: Sheena Easton - "101 (Art Of Mix Raging Industrial Mix)"
6 bruises - Touch me.
Monday, November 1st, 2004
5:18 pm - Whitby special on c4.
Hehe, I just saw [info]deeteeuk and [info]axy_666 on Richard & Judy :D

current mood: amused
14 bruises - Touch me.
Friday, October 22nd, 2004
7:58 pm - The Big Green Taxi Debacle!
[info]miss_soap wants to know how far and wide news of the green taxi retrival endeavour has spread. If you've heard about it, please go comment on this post.
13 bruises - Touch me.
Monday, October 18th, 2004
9:11 pm - Memage.
Here is a meme, as stolen from various people, and bastardised by yours truly.

I'm actually not spicing up my userinfo page, I quite like it the way it is. However, if you feel like trying to say something about me which is worth recording, more likely on my website than here, go ahead. It can be serious and honest, full of total buffoonery, a blatant set of lies, a long list of nasty flames or whatever you see fit, I really couldn't care less.

Anonymous comments are on, IP logging off, so you can say what the hell you like without fear of retribution, if you so choose. Names or no names, I care not :)

current mood: curious
4 bruises - Touch me.
8:23 am - Oh dear :(
Marc Almond fights for life after motorbike crash.

current mood: worried
6 bruises - Touch me.
Sunday, October 17th, 2004
6:40 pm - Heh. I love this.
You are .gif Sometimes you are animated, but usually you just sit there and look pretty.
Which File Extension are You?

current mood: amused
current music: Smoke City - "Underwater Love"
2 bruises - Touch me.
Thursday, October 14th, 2004
10:54 am - Birthday Greetings!
The happiest of happy birthdays to [info]deeteeuk, [info]kjersti and [info]dr_d! Hope it's a good one for all involved :)

Hah, I'm younger than the lot of you :p

current mood: busy
current music: Sneaker Pimps - "Spin Spin Sugar"
1 bruise - Touch me.
Monday, October 11th, 2004
9:23 am - So, Superman takes his final flight.
RIP Christopher Reeve, 1952 - 2004.

I think I speak for all the 80's children like me out there, when I say that this is very sad news. I, for one, was following his progress closely after his accident, and hoping for him to make a good recovery. I was overjoyed when I found out he'd started speaking again - there was a time when they never thought he'd even wake up. And now, he ends up dying in such an undignified manner... well, it's a tragedy, plain and simple.

You'll be missed, Christopher.

current mood: sad
10 bruises - Touch me.
Sunday, October 10th, 2004
1:38 pm - If that's organised religion, then bring on the mess...
Just had a pair of God botherers turn up at my door. I had to laugh, since the first thing out of the woman's mouth was:

"Don't worry, we're not WatchTower!"

current mood: amused
4 bruises - Touch me.
Friday, October 8th, 2004
9:55 am - TV bitch.
I watched a "documentary" last night about marriage (or more specifically - weddings), which appeared to be little more than a pastiche of apparent traditions, a "look at the freaks" veiw at a few select couples (a Christian couple, a lesbian couple, and an older couple, one of whom was doing this second time around), along with a presenter who chose to cast a rather disparaging eye on modern marriage, and how it's doomed to failure, regardless of anyone's efforts.

I can't begin to say how tacky the whole thing appeared. I ended up watching it nearly to the end, because of train wreck values, but really. I expected better from BBC3.
2 bruises - Touch me.
Tuesday, October 5th, 2004
9:29 am - Dan Brown.
I've seen a lot of talk about Dan Brown and his books on my friendslist of late, and I'm wondering if anyone has read Digital Fortress yet? Seems everyone has read the other three, but no mention of the most recent one. Either way, I'm hoping to pick up a copy as soon as possible, and wouldn't mind a review. No spoilers, no blurb, just whether it was good, and why :)

current mood: curious
2 bruises - Touch me.
Tuesday, September 21st, 2004
9:56 am - "Our love is here to stay..."
This is a great read, thanks to [info]bobbylevi for passing it on.

"Showtunes for Evangalism!"

current mood: amused
Touch me.
Wednesday, September 15th, 2004
8:04 pm - Friends List tidy-up.
I'm not really connecting with everyone on my flist right now, so I'm having a bit of a cull. As usual, if you've offended me, you'll know about it - if I remove you now, it's just because I'm not relating much to your journal. No offence intended :)

Edit: A word about my flist... removals are rarely permanent. Also, I will continue to read your journal if you keep me added, albeit a lot less frequently.
3 bruises - Touch me.
Saturday, September 4th, 2004
10:24 am - Yay!
Happy Birthday [info]bobbylevi!

I'll ring you later once I'm awake enough to form coherent thoughts :)
1 bruise - Touch me.
Friday, September 3rd, 2004
10:26 pm - With thanks to [info]katyha for finding it...
Oh, my GOD! I want this so bad I can taste it!

The 80's Tarot deck.


current mood: enthralled
2 bruises - Touch me.
Tuesday, August 31st, 2004
2:11 pm - A quick laugh to break up a slow tuesday.
Just found this lurking in the inbox for an old mail account, so with thanks to my long-lost acquaintance Betty, I give you...

30 signs that you've been living in London too long. )

current mood: amused
6 bruises - Touch me.
Sunday, August 15th, 2004
11:41 am - Something to fuck with your head on a sunday morning...
Spurned by a conversation last night which made me genuinely curious, here's a poll on words. )

current mood: curious
6 bruises - Touch me.
Tuesday, August 10th, 2004
2:14 pm - Silly crush meme thing.

LJMeme.com Crush Meme

Number of crushes on me so far: 5

LJ username:

And I have no fucking idea who they are! I typed in 4 names off the top of my head, and none of them matched, so I'm stumped.

Does anyone want to own up? Anonymously or otherwise. I'm not the type of person who gets wierd if people fancy me and there's a reason I can't reciprocate. Heh, for some reason, a good number of my friends do or have had a thing for me at some point ;)

*puts horn down*

Go on, I'm curious.

Edit: Silly thing. I know who you are are, and there are no surprises, even the ones that were actual crushes. I added everyone then took everyone off again. I can't be bothered with it. If you fancy me, just bloody tell me, otherwise it's your loss :p

current mood: flattered
19 bruises - Touch me.
Thursday, August 5th, 2004
9:29 am - [Meme] Anon comments on, IP logging off, just in case.
I've been out of touch for so long, I need to do some comment-whoring, so...

Part of being on LJ is inevitably gaining a number of LJ buddies. Unfortunately, as time wears on, it's easy to forget where all of them came from. Post this in your journal and have your friends respond with how they recall first meeting you.

G'wan, please? :)

current mood: curious
current music: James and Jude playfighting
81 bruises - Touch me.
Monday, July 12th, 2004
7:14 pm - Interesting...
Memage, nicked from [info]gashinryu. I'll screen replies, just in case anyone wants to post anything filthy or anti-social, and only unscreen if you say I can :)

If you and I were alone in a room right now, what would we be doing?

current mood: devious
current music: The Lemonheads - "Mrs. Robinson"
22 bruises - Touch me.
2:11 pm - Fish!
I know some of you keep tropical fish, and I was wondering if anybody would welcome a donation... he's a year old sucking loach, about 2.5 inches long, very healthy and hard-wearing and he's all alone in my tank. I'm not going to be able to move him myself with the tank. Does anyone want him? He's very well behaved :)
10 bruises - Touch me.
Friday, July 9th, 2004
5:50 pm - World Wide Wierd.
This is quite possibly one of the wrongest things I've ever seen. If at first it doesn't seem apparent, read closely. They do not appear to be joking.

In other news, Tesco's sell TimTams. Rawk.

current mood: disturbed
12 bruises - Touch me.
Wednesday, July 7th, 2004
7:30 pm - Random dead phone call of the day...
Do I know anyone who lives in Leighton Buzzard? O.o

current mood: confused
current music: Sheryl Crow - "My Favourite Mistake"
3 bruises - Touch me.
Sunday, July 4th, 2004
9:21 am - Sneaky sneaky
I am The Avalon, I have green hair and I am on a train.
Also, [info]minimatic loves me.

current mood: bitchy
current music: muntmuntmuntmuntmuntmuntmuntmunt
2 bruises - Touch me.
Wednesday, June 23rd, 2004
5:22 pm - Pointless, misdirected ego boost.
Yeah, baby :)

Silly quiz result. )

current mood: really really bored
current music: Apoptygma Berzerk - "Beatbox"
6 bruises - Touch me.
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2004
10:03 am - Silly, maybe...
Theory: Eating your own snot boosts your immune system.


Addendum: Have humans always blown their noses? What happened in the days before hankies and etiquette?

current mood: bouncy
current music: The Source feat. Candi Staton - "You Got The Love"
14 bruises - Touch me.
Monday, June 14th, 2004
6:52 pm - Little lies...
A meme worth posting, if only for the first and last results... )

current mood: amused
current music: Duran Duran - "A View To A Kill"
1 bruise - Touch me.
Friday, June 11th, 2004
6:26 pm - [Link] What, only a fiver?
A very interesting way to sell your house.

(Link snagged from [info]voofy)

current mood: curious
current music: Mirwais - "Disco Science (Giorgio Moroder 2000 Mix)"
2 bruises - Touch me.
Thursday, June 3rd, 2004
11:41 am - Something to keep you busy for 5 minutes :)
Stolen from [info]_gh0st_. Type your username with your...

nose: avalon-biss
elbow: savalon-bnlisdsd
tongue: avan-bliss x
chin:av alkn-b nliksd
eyes closed: wgwp0j-=HP9WEWE

(I have a new keyboard. I am really not usually this spacky.)

current mood: amused
15 bruises - Touch me.
Thursday, May 27th, 2004
12:42 am - Ferrets and Weasels are the same animal, y'know?
OK, I know I don't normally make public announcements, but it seemed like good timing, considering this post :)

As some of you already know, James and I have decided to get married. Not that big of a surprise, as anyone who's seen how happy we've both been for the last few months can tell you, but we thought you might like to know anyway :)

So, yeah. It's all good :D

current mood: loved
47 bruises - Touch me.
Tuesday, May 25th, 2004
10:40 am - [Link] Comedy news.
Spike finally gets the epitath he wanted.

Nabbed from [info]diepunyhumans.

current mood: pleased
current music: Radio 1
8 bruises - Touch me.
Thursday, May 20th, 2004
6:58 pm - And again...

Scott Deathboy really needs to fucking drop it about these bandwagons.

current mood: satisfied
3 bruises - Touch me.
1:14 pm - Hah!

Scott Deathboy really needs to fucking drop it about these arses.

current mood: bandwagon-y
6 bruises - Touch me.
Wednesday, May 19th, 2004
7:24 pm - [Link] Sex Therapy and Religion.
Brilliant. German couple try for an immaculate conception.

Yet another wonderful quirk of human nature that religion has to answer for :)

current mood: amused
11 bruises - Touch me.
Monday, May 10th, 2004
5:17 pm - Baaaa :)
Starting a meme, because I'm bored. It's a simple re-hashing of ones done in the past, but please join in :)

Tell me something, ask me something, show me something. Post in the comments, and POST ANONYMOUSLY. It can be anything you want, so long as it is informative or inquisitive.

Then copy & paste into your own journal, and find out what interesting things your friends have to share with you.

current mood: curious
current music: Neuroticfish - "Care"
20 bruises - Touch me.
Sunday, May 2nd, 2004
11:05 am - Sunday morning meme time.
A mish-mash of two current memes. Read carefully:

Post a memory of me in the comments. It can be anything you want.

And also:

Invent a memory of me and post it in the comments. It can be anything you want, so long as it's something that's never happened.

Feel free to do either one, or both. The trick will be whether anyone can figure out which is real and which is false. Maybe even I won't be able to figure it out :) Anonymous comments are welcome, but may be deleted if the subject matter is delicate.

current mood: curious
7 bruises - Touch me.
Wednesday, April 28th, 2004
2:11 pm - Just a thought.
It always interests me to hear what people say when they don't think anyone important is listening.

Being invisible has it's advantages.

current mood: contemplative
8 bruises - Touch me.
Wednesday, April 14th, 2004
2:22 pm - Piked from rather a lot of people this morning.
Bandwagon time.

Ask me 3 questions, any 3 questions you like, no more, no less. Anonymous comments are welcome, but may be ignored.

current mood: productive
current music: Mesh - "Trust You"
25 bruises - Touch me.
Sunday, April 11th, 2004
3:06 am - Ah, kids.
Me: *coughs*
Jude: I know why you have a cough, mum.
Me: Oh yes, why's that then?
Jude: You're coughing because you're allergic to poo.


current mood: amused
current music: Hall & Oates - "Maneater"
3 bruises - Touch me.
Wednesday, April 7th, 2004
7:34 pm - The gloves are off (ie. Public post, anon comments on, IP logging off.)
OK, so people are taking sides anyway, even though there really aren't any sides to take... Maybe I'm being childish, maybe I'm playing the same games as all the other people who like to make a big deal when a big deal isn't there. Maybe this doesn't need to be done. Maybe I'm just curious to know what is thought about this. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Maybe if I close my eyes for long enough you'll all go away.

Does anyone actually have anything to say to me?

current mood: baffled
current music: Mesh - "Razorwire"
90 bruises - Touch me.
Tuesday, April 6th, 2004
1:09 pm - 16 days to go!
Psst. Pass it on!

Obligatory Whitby poll. )

current mood: bouncy
current music: Stereo MC's - "Step It Up"
1 bruise - Touch me.
Wednesday, March 24th, 2004
7:32 pm - *boogie*
Ooooh, random nostalgia moment! This track was sooo the Benny Benassi of 1999 :)

current mood: bouncy
current music: Wamdue Project - "King Of My Castle"
4 bruises - Touch me.
4:14 pm - Birthday Greetings!
Ooh, before I forget (and because she's probably just about to get out of bed):

Happy Birthday [info]paperdoil!!

Hope you have a good one, pet *hugs* :)

current mood: bouncy
current music: Devilish Presley - "Black Leather Jesus"
4 bruises - Touch me.
Friday, March 19th, 2004
6:47 pm - Thorns.
How have I not heard this track before?! *melts*

It's been another WinMX day today. So much new music :)

current mood: fluffy
current music: Wumpscut - "Thorns"
8 bruises - Touch me.
Tuesday, March 16th, 2004
12:29 am - Heh.
Inspired by this page (not worksafe), and a silly conversation on saturday night about swearing in front of your parents, I give you the following poll (which is only marginally more worksafe, what with it just being text).

Favourite words. )

current mood: amused
current music: Deep Forest feat. Enya - "Sweet Lullaby"
5 bruises - Touch me.

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