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[13 Dec 2004|10:55pm]
[ music | Interpol - Stella Was a Diver and She Was Always Down ]

I'm looking through a compilation of recent New York Times articles about Ukraine my father's friend from NY sent us. It's the most bizarre thing to see a picture I could have easily been in on the cover of NYT. 5 minutes of fame for Ukraine :)

Anyway, I send about 25 cards today, but some of them are to our family friends. Can't believe I know so many people through lj, and some I know really well. It's hard to comprehend how I managed to live so long without all those people :)

Lyrics quizz gacked from [info]queeniefox. you know you want to!

1) Get your playlist ready
2) Put Media Player/whatever on shuffle
3) Write down your favourite lyric of the first 20 songs that play
4) Cross out lyrics when people guess them

1. Today is going to be fine, tomorrow will be fine too; I asked for things to better me even though they silenced my soul.
2. You grow me like an evergreen.
3. Round and round, the burning circle/All the seasons - one, two and three/Autumn leaves,and then the winter/spring is born and world is free.
4. We can't help it, we're so thick we can't think/can't think of anything but shit, sleep and drink.
5. I don't care about anyone else, I'm a strong dead man, looking out for himself.
6. On a government scheme/Designed to kill your dream/Oh mum, oh dad/Once poor, always poor.
7. (Heat Miser by Massive Attack which is instrumental, so doesn't count)
8. But if the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall then I think we'd see the beauty, then we'd stand staring in awe at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges, like a story told by the fault lines and the soil.
9. Save the best for later/Be careful not to stain the sheets now/You god damn liar/Take me higher.
10. I'm only a person with eskimo chain/I tattooed my brain all the way/Won't you miss me?
11. So keep trying, prevent yourself from crying/You're shaking hyperventilated mish-mash/Made entirely out of bones.
12. We're stuck in a path where fashion is fast and nothin' is lasting.
13. Looking out for number one (should be enough :D)
14. I could burst a million bubbles, all surragate and bulletproof.
15. hey, where have you been/If you go I will surely die/We’re chained
16. You look so tired unhappy/bring down the government/they don't, they don't speak for us.
17. Any chimp can play human for a day/Use his opposable thumbs to iron his uniform/and run for office on election day.
18. I got static in my head/the reflected sound of everything/tried to go to where it led/but it didn't lead to anything.
19. She runs from the third world, pearly.
20. If time is my vessel then learning to love might be my way back to sea.
21. But moondust will cover you,cover you.

on a hilarious note:

I promise it's not political (at least not entirely), but please - get this and watch now. It's only 270 kb but it's so hilarious (and mildy disgusting) that hahaha watch it now! explanation )

18 Asleep in the sand | with the ocean washing over

you can see much more through the glasses [12 Dec 2004|09:09pm]
[ mood | writing season's greetings cards ]
[ music | Radiohead - Fog ]

No, no lj cut today.

I want to fall asleep like Harry here. And not feel exhausted by 4 o'clock no matter how much I sleep. And have more time. And be more creative and diligent. And the world peace. duh

oh, and you know what are 2 things I could not live without? toothbrush and Internet. hahaha

16 Asleep in the sand | with the ocean washing over

don't mind if you don't understand [12 Dec 2004|03:02pm]
[ mood | гневно-возмущенное ]
[ music | Rцyksopp - Weightless ]

Только что узнала о скандале на ОРТ, когда они перевели фразу Ющенка "Я хочу встати перед Донбасом на коліна і заприсягтись" ("Я хочу встать перед Донбассом на колени и принети клятву...") как "Я поставлю Донбасс на колени". Это просто низко. Пусть им будет стыдно.

Даже Бандера не сделал столько, чтоб Россию в Украине не любили, как это сумели русские журналисты и господин Путин за последний месяц.

2 Asleep in the sand | with the ocean washing over

[12 Dec 2004|12:32am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | The Decemberists - Shiny ]

I'm writing a paper. And I have a very interesting topic (knowledge management) and I have plenty of great sources, BUT half of them are in Russian (there's just about nothing in Ukrainian out there. I guess that's cause Russia's bigger and stuff, but it doesn't make me feel better). And I've spent last 4 hours translating them. *blinks with glazed eyes*. I'd rather translate some english texts because Russian-Ukrainian is extremely boring, because the languages are so similar. I also want to say that it's cruel to assign a 15-20 page paper.

This weekend is a disaster. I planed to make a new layout, sort out all my comments (by the way, sorry if I don't reply sometimes, I will sooner or later), get on MSN to chat a bit, but instead I've wasted half Saturday doing brian-knows-what. And now I need to study and of course have no desire whatsoever.

Our presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko was really poisoned. This level of cynicism still amazes me. I mean - welcome to the Middle Ages when you killed your enemy and it was universally excepted.

How do I say no to someone? I mean if he shows insistent interest in me and ask me out. It always makes me uncomfortable to say no, because I'd feel bad if it were me who was rejected. But why is it necessary to then ask "why?"? Isn't it clear that ummm how to put it...I don't like you?! Don't want to talk or think about it now, maybe post more later, now I have to get back to work :/

Happy (belated) Birthday, Brian. Didn't feel like posting yesterday, but - and you can be sure about it - you were on my mind. :)
7 Asleep in the sand | with the ocean washing over

[06 Dec 2004|11:28pm]
[ mood | ich bin lesenfaul. yay german ]
[ music | Radiohead - Sing a Song for Me (Jeff Buckley cover) ]

*opens random book from the BC* *reads first line*

My mother is a virgin. (Trust me). oh, modern literature *sighs*

On top of that, each and every if in this book is circled by some if-loving (hating?) lunatic. oh

*puts it aside* *opens even more fucked up book Olga gave her today - Novel with Cocaine*

You know it was easier when I used to read solely classical literature and Rex Stout and Georges Simenon. I want to read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but I can't find it.

9 Asleep in the sand | with the ocean washing over

Ukrainian 'revolution' in pictures [05 Dec 2004|04:27pm]
[ music | Air - Playground Love ]

Demontrations, protests and a great deal of colour orange. *ponts to the icon*

some pictures are big, dial-up users beware )

8 Asleep in the sand | with the ocean washing over

[05 Dec 2004|03:06pm]
[ music | Elliott Smith - Sweet Adeline ]

10 Asleep in the sand | with the ocean washing over

it's political but I don't care [03 Dec 2004|06:46pm]
[ music | The Cooper Temple Clause - Panzer Attack ]


I live next to the Supreme Court remember? And today they've finally announced their decision on the Election. And guess what?! They announced it falsifieced and called for a third round! IT'S A VICTORY! omg

I rushed outside to the building where several thousand people were cheering and praising judges and guess what? A journalist came up to me and I was INTERVIEWED BY BBC! *faints*

you can't imagine how excited I was and so I don't really remember what I said only that I said a lot and very quickly and confused poor journalist (who's a VERY cute British boy, why was he so young?! I don't know) And the light of a camera was so bright and I probably made a total fool of myself and if you see it don't tell me becase I won't watch bbc every again because I'm so embarrassed. dot

I only remember saying I was happy and that they did a right thing and something about Putin and this whole mess which just has to end soon.

HA we're going to celebrate now, whoo-hooo. At least judicial branch in this country still works!

55 Asleep in the sand | with the ocean washing over

I'm sitting here watching Supreme Court session that should soon announce the election winner... [02 Dec 2004|08:10pm]
[ music | Q and not U - Soft Pyramids ]

...meanwhile think I could spam you a little.

1. This is me and my sister. Before or after another if all those demonstrations.
do you like my hat ?:) )

2. [info]tattered_laces is my music fairy godmother! She sends me mixes that never fail to entice me. I've been mesmerized by this version of Korgis' Everybody's Got to Learn Sometime for the past several days and you all should definitely give it a listen! That's why:

Beck - Everybody's Got to Lean Sometime.mp3

3. New [info]shoebox_project installment is simply wonderful <3 Favourite quote )

27 Asleep in the sand | with the ocean washing over

I'm back! [02 Dec 2004|01:39pm]
[ music | Radiocure - Wilco ]

oh, I missed so much.

Will try to catch up, but send me links to the entries you think I should read first of all, please! Don't be shy, I'd love to read them!

I need to make icons because [info]smillasnowflake bought me paidacount time and whee ain't is fantastic? :)

p.s. Political situation=still horrible, but slowly getting better. This journal=will contain as little politics as possible from now on. I hear you cheering ;)


8 Asleep in the sand | with the ocean washing over

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