What Is The Answer And Why?
Fri, Feb. 4th, 2005, 09:05 pm Pants!
A while back, Simeon introduced me to the concept of "penguin pants", being any kind of jeans or cargo pants that are so incredibly baggy, that they cause whomever is wearing them to waddle about the place like a penguin. In their most absurd expression, the crotch of these pants actually touches the ground most of the time, they have to be held up just to move about the place, and they allow for the constant display of the glorious plumage of the wearer's lurid satin boxers, like some bird-of-paradise. Or baboon.
Evidently, there just aren't enough predators in the skater-boi/boy racer inhabited environment to require them to run about anywhere.
(Or maybe it's a threat display to predators along the lines of "I'm wearing hand-me-down pants from my big brother, who played one of the Cave Trolls in the battle sequences in Return of the King. Don't mess with me.")
Yesterday, Maria
was lamenting the tragic state of womens' fashion at present:
Went into town today to buy some new clothes, as my wardrobe is hopelessly out of date. Is it just me, or is everything just absolute crap at the moment? If it isn't strapless, it has sequins in pastel colours, or drawstrings and fake flowers everywhere. And pants that don't show off at least 2 inches of arse crack are unheard of.
I propose we call such things Novus pants, and procede to ridicule any idiot wearing them until they finally go the way of those stupid cut-off-one-shoulder tops that where all the rage three years ago.
Wed, Feb. 2nd, 2005, 10:37 pm Things wot I have see/read/listened to (Janurary).
Wed, Feb. 2nd, 2005, 09:57 am *Now* I've got a reason to buy a new phone
Nokia have a python toolkit for their 60 series phones. w00t!
Mon, Jan. 17th, 2005, 10:15 pm Flatmates wanted, etc
People who are interested in renting a room at the Bordello would be best to email me, rather than leave LJ comments :-)
Note that we can't have any cats as Danny is allergic to them, and we don't want dogs because they're evil and eat people. Other pets might be ok.
Sun, Jan. 16th, 2005, 11:07 pm Bordello Status
Nicola moved out a week or so ago due to a requirement of her new job
being living in a certain part of town. Meanwhile, Glenn is about to join
the KAOS diaspora, having been seduced by the bright lights and goth clubs
of Melbourne. He leaves in two to three weeks.
I've also confirmed with the land agent that the land lord is "very
keen" to sell the place, but wants at least a million for it. The land
agent thinks the place will, consequently, be on the market for a while, and
that the potential buyers may not want us turfed out into the street
straight away, but then, she works for the land lord, and would be
the one looking for tenants if we moved.
So what we're going to do is look for a couple of replacement flatmates
($60-$70 per room, plus $30 gets you phone, power, hot and cold running
internet, shed space, the option on one garage space, and fabulous
parties), while keeping an eye out for potential places to move to. If
we can fill one of the rooms before Glenn moves out, we'll probably stick
around, but if not, we'll probably opt to move out, as all the utilities
are in Glenn's name and we face a certain amount of hassle for either
This may also mean that the Burlesque ball may be the last Bordello
party ever. We certainly can't offer the place as a venue for the First
party until we know which way we're jumping in mid-February.
So, rather than bugging us as to what's happening to the flat, you can
now proactively solve the problem by finding us some new flatmates :-D
Mon, Jan. 10th, 2005, 08:19 pm New Years Eve party playlist
Mon, Jan. 10th, 2005, 08:10 pm
The speaker that got knocked off it's perch at the NYE party suffered only minor injures. The plastic mounting for the tweeter needed to be glued back together, and one corner is dinged, but it still sounds the same and I didn't have to pay someone to fix it for me. Sadly, the banana plugs that where connected to it are damaged beyond repair, which is a shame as they where really good ones which will be hard (and embarrasingly expensive) to replace.
Last Footwear have moved there factory to Dunedin while I wasn't looking, such that my boots need to be sent there to be resoled and fixed. And they don't open until the 17th, so I won't get them back until Feb. Which means I'll be wearing the knee high ones for a while.
Good thing it's not summer.
Thu, Jan. 6th, 2005, 11:19 pm Zombies!
Hooch and I plan to watch a couple of zombie flicks on Saturday, starting at about 8pm, and any other afficionadoes of the living dead genre are welcome to join usssss. Yep.
The creation of Brain Haemorrhages and spicy, spicy nachos will be greatly enhanced if you where to bring along some peach schnapps, Baileys and corn chips.
Thu, Dec. 30th, 2004, 10:40 pm The sky is falling in.
I have a Cointreau/Ouzo over crush ice cocktail thing, so now it's time to start making the playlist. Weeeeee! Thu, Dec. 23rd, 2004, 12:17 pm Positive safety messages
Yesterday, while biking down Riccarton road, I passed another cyclist on an old ten speed biking along at a leisurely pace while inhaling something from a supermarket bag. Not the most responsible road behaviour, though he was doing a good job maintaining a straight line.
But he was wearing a bike helmet.
Tue, Dec. 21st, 2004, 10:09 am Infected
If there is someone on your friends list you would like to take, strip naked, tie them to a bed post, eat them until they scream, then fuck them until both of you are sensless and unable to fuck anymore, then wait about five minutes, and do it all over again, then post this exact sentence in your journal. Sun, Dec. 19th, 2004, 03:17 pm Starter for ten.
I need a name for a screensaver than embeds a web browser component which can, amongst other things, be pointed to a specific site, or be allowed to dump random nonsense into various search engines and amble about the web in a well meaning, affable but dim sort of way, getting you into all sorts of trouble. Web screen saver has already been taken, so something descriptive is probably going to suck. Also, in spite of the name Chance having an appeal, I'd the name not start with K or any look or sound-alike consonents.
The lucky winner may run the risk of achieving a tiny amount of net infamy if I ever publish this program, but I wouldn't count on it.
Thu, Dec. 16th, 2004, 09:28 pm NY update
The only place that will do bouncy castles for adults and drunken and debauched parties wants to charge $600 for the privilege. So forget that plan. I guess we'll just inflate the shuggoths and chuck them out on the lawn. No oil wrestling, either, as no one has stepped up to run. No big loss, really.
On the other hand, I have a couple of mirror ball motors to choose from and plenty of lights. And a script to turn the current state of the playlist into a webpage that can be displayed around the house on various computers. So that's something. I expect I'll sort most of the rest out this weekend.
Mon, Dec. 13th, 2004, 11:29 pm More NYs stuff
Fri, Dec. 10th, 2004, 12:32 am Testing...
So, in theory, LJ really stores two dates — the one that you see, and the date stamp of the entry submission. It tends to use the entry submission date for everything unless you tick "Entry Is Backdated", in which case the editable entry is used for the Calendar and so forth, while the posting timestamp is used for friends pages and data feeds.
This is exactly the right sort of behaviour for an events journal. The "Date" is the date the event happens, but it shows up in feeds when it's posted. Unfortunately it's not supposed to work for communitees for basically arbitary reasons. But I might be able to make a mirror of the partylist with
a personal jounrnal until I can convince them to fix this.
Nope. Doesn't work. The entry appeared in the future, but didn't show up on Friends or the data feeds. Arse. I'll have to finish building that event system after all.
Thu, Dec. 9th, 2004, 07:33 pm New Years todo list
This is probably only of interest if you're one of my flatmates, or have some interest in doing
stuff for the party.
( What would Andrew W.K. do? )
Mon, Dec. 6th, 2004, 10:17 pm Consume
Various relatives have expressed perplexity over what to buy me in the way of gifts, so I put together an Amazon wish list of various stuff I'd like to own in the books and music department. Wandering through their recommendation system and Your Store thingamie was kind of fun. And I guess it will be handy for bookmarking books I've seen that I've liked the look of, for future reference.
Thu, Dec. 2nd, 2004, 03:13 am Yarr!
Bought my first packs of Pirates of the Spanish Main, today, and I managed to score the HMS Titan and the Revenant, a pair of rare five mast ships. Aren't I a lucky boy...
Tue, Nov. 23rd, 2004, 11:17 pm Rain
Right now, if you happen to live in Christchurch, you can go outside and smell the scent of fresh spring rain. Thu, Nov. 18th, 2004, 10:50 pm Zombies!
Friday's Bordello Mystery Theatre will a screening of the George A. Romero classic "Night of the Living Dead", followed by the cheesy George A. Romero zombie trilogy inspired comedy "Return of the Living Dead". All in an effort to get some kind of pop culture zombie flick context before Shaun of the Dead comes out on the big screen next week.
And if that's not enough for you, we can watch more music videos from "The Works of Director Michel Gondry", afterwards.
Starts 7pm, but as that might be a bit optimistic, folks can play my various Zombie and fast food themed
Cheapass games beforehand.