i wish to register a complaint

Thursday, November 4, 2004


worth a thousand words )

(11 comments | comment on this)

Wednesday, November 3, 2004

12:10AM - Phone Post: livin' on a what now?

111K 0:35
“a fairly assy recording, via cellphone held in the air, of jon bon jovi singing "livin' on a prayer," accompanied by violin and admiring butt-rock devotees such as myself, at the kerry rally”

Transcribed by: [info]princessrugger

(comment on this)

Thursday, October 28, 2004


fuck yeah. FUCK. YEAH.

(2 comments | comment on this)

Saturday, October 23, 2004


catpile! )
grumpy lucky )
fluffmuffin )
jane and i make the exact same face )

(6 comments | comment on this)

Thursday, October 21, 2004


excuse me while i cry my face off.

Current mood: weepy
(5 comments | comment on this)

Friday, October 1, 2004

9:56PM - boxes and bookends

box of mitten
to the left )
to the right )

(7 comments | comment on this)

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

8:08PM - more mitten photos!

pretty pretty princesses )

(posted, as usual, from here.)

Current music: queer eye
(4 comments | comment on this)

Saturday, September 18, 2004

12:07PM - be like the others

fine fine. if any of you out there on teh intarweb haven't read this, you need to. because [info]koaloha is my fave. and because i really should have been there too, dammit. but i don't know enough show tunes.

If you all don’t lower your voices and cease calling me Satan, I will have to sing show tunes.

Current mood: giggly
(5 comments | comment on this)

Thursday, September 9, 2004

10:30PM - public service announcement

tom brady is so my boyfriend.

(9 comments | comment on this)

Monday, August 30, 2004

2:31AM - le sigh.

the giraffe called, stranded in LAX. i kept him phone company 'til they boarded. yay.

Current music: hearts and stars
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Sunday, August 29, 2004

3:21AM - well. at least they're no longer pretending to be something other than unmitigated ass-bastards.

CONTACT IN NEW YORK: Genevieve Wood, (202) 465-5259

FRC 'Fortune Telling' the Pro-Family Vote
Date: August 27, 2004 - Friday

How to motivate the pro-family base

Event is Monday, Aug. 30th and location is Howard Johnson,
215 W. 34th St.

NEW YORK - It has been widely reported that four million
evangelicals stayed home in 2000. What will turn them out
in 2004? President Bush's "fortune" on Nov. 2 rests with
the pro-family base. During the Republican Convention,
Family Research Council is handing out thousands of fortune
cookies containing four messages the Bush campaign should
use to motivate pro-family voters:

Real Men Marry Women:
Support a Constitutional Amendment to Protect Marriage

Save the Constitution!
Impeach an Activist Judge

Cures for Diseases - Know the Score
Embryonic Stem Cell 0
Adult Stem Cell 45

#1 Reason to Ban Human Cloning:
Hillary Clinton

WHAT & WHO: "Turning Out the Pro-Family Vote"
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins and other
pro-family leaders

WHEN: Monday, August 30th - 11:00 a.m.

WHERE: Howard Johnson, 215 W. 34th St
Second floor

View this Press Release online at:

Current mood: horrified
(3 comments | comment on this)

Friday, August 27, 2004

12:34AM - YES!!!

Would anyone want to bang you? by phobia
Favorite Food:
Wants to Bang you:
This many times:78
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Current mood: waiting for my britney
Current music: rhythmic gymnastics
(3 comments | comment on this)

Thursday, August 26, 2004

1:31AM - confession

i like the boy. yes, yes i do.

Current mood: smitten
(14 comments | comment on this)

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

10:34PM - baa!

Post a memory of me.
It can be anything you want.
Then post this to your journal.
See what people remember of you.

Current mood: a lil' tipsy
Current music: a conair hair removal ad. yikes.
(8 comments | comment on this)

Saturday, August 21, 2004

10:14PM - holy fucking whatthefuck.

this is so bizarre i laughed until i cried.



Current mood: dying
(2 comments | comment on this)

Sunday, August 15, 2004


maid of honor dress: $200
round-trip flight to dc: $140
earrings from claire's boutique: $12

getting shit-faced with your brother's friends keira, heiser, and lex in lex's basement while wearing your strapless bra: priceless

Current mood: tipsy and shirtless
Current music: tears for fears - change
(3 comments | comment on this)

Tuesday, August 10, 2004


i'm leaving in 2 days and i still have 2 rooms to fill. and i'm working tonight 6-11, so i can't show anybody the place. that leaves tomorrow night, when i'm supposed to be getting my hair and eyebrows done, finalizing the dress, doing laundry, and packing. i really don't think i should sleep until i leave. if anybody needs me, i'll be having a panic attack in the corner.

Current mood: anxious
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Monday, August 9, 2004

4:47PM - hey sf folk!

so if all goes according to plan (famous last words) i'm moving to ess eff in january. i have absolutely no clue where i should live. i'm going to school at the california culinary academy (625 polk st.) and i'm looking for something as close to there as possible without smashing my wallet into little bitty pieces. what area should i be looking for? and also, if y'all could keep an eye out for people looking for roomies (and painfully cute kitten-mittens), i shall reward you by feeding you all of my homework. i mean, i'm planning on feeding you guys plenty anyway, but i'll give you extra frosting. (le ninja: your frosting will be vegan, natch.)

(6 comments | comment on this)


much as i don't like the alarmist undertones (anti-depressants don't make you unfit to hold positions of leadership; being george bush does), these are both v. interesting articles (and the impetus for my impending book purchase).

Bush Using Drugs to Control Depression, Erratic Behavior

Sullen, Depressed President Retreats Into Private, Paranoid World

Current music: bangity bang bang
(4 comments | comment on this)

3:09PM - i think i've got it.

i'm going to head over to wordsworth (Best. Bookstore. Evar. trident is a close second because it serves a bitchin' avocado quesadilla, but as a bookstore it's much smaller and harder to navigate. but i digress.) later today to pick up:


i swear neither choice informed the other; i really do think they both look interesting. though i'll probably pack bush on the couch in my checked bag...but if it gets searched...shit, maybe i'll just leave it at home.

Current mood: ampy
Current music: crashy mcbangbang of the painters outside
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