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[Jan. 23rd, 2005|07:16 pm]
Hooray for the Patriots!

I'm obviously glad that the Patriots are going to be in yet another Super Bowl. But I'm also glad that the Patriots' consecutive-victories streak is safe for now. I mean, the Patriots just finished establishing that streak this season, and for the Steelers to possibly snap it next season? Having been the team responsible for the Patriots' streak ending in the first place? That really would have been irritating.

Plus, the rather humorless guy over on the Dope with his "Annual Steelers March To The Super Bowl" threads will have to stuff it. Hah!
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[Jan. 19th, 2005|10:56 pm]
Tonight's Law & Order featured the new ADA, Alexandra Borgia. I love the choice of last name -- it calls to mind some real Italian badasses of yesteryear. I do hope that she remains an "Alexandra" and doesn't become an "Alex." Her name flows quite nicely as it is. As for Annie Parisse, the actress? Depending on the angle, I go from "wow, she's pretty hot" to "eh, not so much." Parisse's chemistry with Sam Waterston is quite a bit better than Elisabeth Rohm's, certainly.

I was rather irritated by the totally misleading promo.

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It took me a few seconds to recognize one of the people on tonight's show as Kelly Coffield, the white chick from the original cast of the TV show In Living Color. Her hair is a LOT shorter than it used to be. And she appears to have adopted a married name, although the promos went by too quickly for me to catch it.
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[Jan. 16th, 2005|12:51 pm]
Naturally, I was on the cluster that took by FAR the longest to recover. Made me feel like I was back in high school, seeing everybody else in my class get their license to drive while I had to cool my heels because my birthday is essentially at the end of the school year.
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[Jan. 12th, 2005|11:27 pm]
Regarding tonight's episode of "Law & Order" ...

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This is a milestone for me ... my first LJ cut. I ordinarily wouldn't have bothered, but if I'm going to be righteously angry at the two Straight Dope posters who started threads with spoilers in the titles, I ought not turn right around and commit the same foul.
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[Jan. 12th, 2005|09:03 pm]
I bought SOCKS tonight!

I was tossing out an old sock this week when it occurred to me that I needed to restock my supply. So I headed to Mervyn's after work and bought a bevy of socks in various exciting shades of gray. I got some fairly dark gray socks, some fairly light gray socks and some very light gray socks.

I had an I-am-an-adult moment when I looked at a black pair of socks and really gave thought to buying them. I remember the white-hot loathing that black socks used to inspire in me; you see, black socks meant going to church, and going to church meant getting up insanely early on a weekend to be bored silly for a couple of hours. But when I looked at this pair, they were -- however briefly -- somewhat appealing.

Before I left, I realized that I was in the market for some new sweats -- if my recent foray back into the world of working out actually takes hold, I'm going to need something more stylish than those awful red shorts that I have -- so I got a pair in a shade of gray different than any of the other previously mentioned shades.

Hmmph. Should have gotten some shorts, too.
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[Jan. 9th, 2005|02:21 am]
Another trip to the gym tonight. I did 33 minutes of cardio followed by a couple of arm machines and a couple of leg machines.
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[Jan. 5th, 2005|11:54 pm]
Freakin' Depeche Mode can't end a damn song when it ought to end. I guess I was so used to the radio edits of "Personal Jesus" and "Enjoy The Silence" that I didn't realize that the former has about a minute and a half of boring crap tacked onto the end and the latter nearly two full minutes of boring crap tacked onto the end. If I ever burn them onto a CD, I'll definitely need to whittle them down with a sound editing program.
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[Dec. 30th, 2004|06:55 pm]
I re-upped at the gym today. I haven't been there since late May, but $99 a year is worth it to leave me the option of going. I might try to go this weekend.
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[Dec. 30th, 2004|07:09 am]
I had a couple of dreams this morning. In the first, I had met a really nice girl and we were really happy, but we both appeared to be employees of Target (or some similar store). In the second, I was going out on a date -- maybe with the same girl, I don't know -- on a remote island in the South Pacific. I remember heading to a convenience store before embarking, then smarting off to the proprietor for not having a sufficiently varied selection of diet sodas. My brain must have been in current-events mode, because I remember wondering if my destination had been affected by the recent tsunami. Oddly enough, as I was picturing the possible effects of the tsunami, the island had somehow shifted into the South Atlantic, which of course would mean it would be pretty much shielded from any effects. I also became very worried because my date and I really hadn't firmed up where exactly we were going to meet on this remote island. The last leg of my journey to the island was on a boat that was hauling costumes. It seemed to go awfully slow. It was time for dinner when I arrived on the boat; they were having a buffet. I wandered around the boat looking for a place to charge up my cell phone.
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[Dec. 29th, 2004|07:12 am]
I just woke up from a rather lengthy dream where I had been elected president of some kind of student organization. I spent the entire dream obsessing over giving my inaugural speech. I remember scribbling down a bunch of different ideas, including jokes about fish, the Tour de France and hating soccer. Weirdly, the speech was scheduled for New Year's Eve, although I didn't mind that at all because at least that meant I had some actual plans for New Year's Eve.
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[Dec. 27th, 2004|05:59 pm]
I wound up actually wearing this watch that my parents, who kind of just threw it into my box of Christmas presents, didn't really expect me to necessarily do anything with. I woke up, realized that I didn't know where my regular watch was, and figured I would just wear the new one instead of hunting high and low for the old one.

The only drawback to this watch is that it was manufactured by a company that is horrified at the thought of leaving a square millimeter of the watchband unadorned with phrases and logos and whatnot. Then again, why would I not want the world to know that my watch is sponsored by the good folks at U.S. News and World Report? How could I live with myself if I didn't announce to everyone that I'm wearing a "SPORTS" watch with an "ALARM" and a "CHRON"? Those last two facts are actually repeated ... yes, it's that important to let everyone know the sum total of the ancillary functions of my watch that the watchband is also emblazoned with "MULTI ALARM" and "1/100 SEC. CHRONOGRAPH" in addition to "ALARM" and "CHRON." I've been able to scratch off some of the logos and make it look halfway respectable.

OK, OK, I know that all of those phrases and logos were put there to make the watch more appetizing for purchase. But at least an alarm and a chronograph are useful to have. WHAT WAS THE POINT OF ENCIRCLING THE WATCH FACE WITH COMPASS DIRECTIONS? It would be one thing if the watch had an actual compass that tracked north no matter which way the watch was oriented. But these are just compass directions printed on the plastic; if I'm facing the wrong way, the little "N" is going to be facing west or southeast or whatever. Dumb, dumb, dumb!

I wonder if I can scratch them off, too.
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[Dec. 26th, 2004|08:59 pm]
I was happy that Peyton Manning sewed up the record for touchdown passes in a season today. I definitely didn't want to see him wind up tied with Dan Marino for the record; I hate shared records. With any luck, Manning will have a big day next week and set a record that'll stand up for a long time.
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[Dec. 25th, 2004|02:56 pm]
There's a stoplight about a block from my apartment that I never saw before. I was walking to Jack In The Box -- McDonald's and Wendy's were both closed -- when I looked up and, poof, there it was! I have no idea how long it might have been there; even though it's so close to my apartment, I rarely drive or walk that way. It's a great place for a light, sure enough; on the rare occasions that I have wanted to cross there, it has been a real pain dodging cars.
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[Dec. 25th, 2004|12:15 am]
Seeing as how it's Christmas, I finally got around to the decorations. Well, technically it's ONE decoration. I hung up a Santa head on my door. At least it's something!

Ho, ho, ho, etc.
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[Dec. 24th, 2004|07:45 pm]
I went into McDonald's today and they had significantly redesigned the menu! My usual Extra Value Meal is no longer listed, and they appear to have dispensed with the Dollar Menu entirely (which is a little odd, given the extremely frequent commercials hyping the Dollar Menu that I've seen on TV lately). Kind of irritating, but since Wendy's is kind of my default burger joint now, it's not as irritating as it might have been a year ago.
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[Dec. 21st, 2004|09:55 pm]
A former student dropped by the clinic and gave me a small tub of caramel popcorn! And my last student of the day gave me a couple of cookies at the end of our session because I had happened to remark that I was hungry! Why don't ALL of my students feed me?
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[Dec. 20th, 2004|05:49 pm]
The weirdest thing happened with my front driver's side window this morning. I rolled it and the front passenger's side window down right after I got in the car to rid them of some of the moisture that was on them. But, while my front passenger's side window rolled back up easily enough, the front driver's side window would barely budge. I clicked the button over and over, but nothing happened. I tugged at the window with my hands, which moved it a couple of inches. Given how unusually cold it was this morning, driving to work at freeway speeds with the window open was just not acceptable. For some reason, every time I turned the car off and on, I could click the button and get about a half inch of movement. So I turned my damn car on and off 10 or 20 times, each time closing that gap a little more until I had finally gotten it all the way up.

I thought I was past all of this nonsense until I was driving up to the Dumbarton Bridge tollbooth. I wasn't going to risk having similar problems, so I rolled down the rear driver's side window to fork over the toll.

When I got into my car after work, my front driver's side window worked just fine. Up, down, up, down -- all the things a good car window is supposed to do.
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[Dec. 19th, 2004|09:01 pm]
I went to Hillary's little holiday gathering this afternoon. There was another white elephant exchange, to which I contributed a small comedy book by Bill Cosby. (Before the party, I spent a while scraping a little bit of bug droppings off a couple pages.) I wound up getting a CD of jazz by some musicians I've never heard of.

The food was quite good! Among the appetizers was a pile of shrimp, and the entree was lasagna with garlic bread. And I was really impressed with the wide variety of liquid refreshments; I downed a couple of Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade.

Hillary has cats, and unfortunately the Claritin wasn't able to keep me from feeling pretty wretched in a pretty short time. Fortunately, the party broke up right about the time I had to bail out. I wanted to stick around and take advantage of the cable TV to see if Peyton Manning was going to tie Dan Marino's season touchdown record.
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[Dec. 12th, 2004|12:06 am]
I just used an old Barnes & Noble gift card to buy myself a little Christmas present -- R.E.M.'s latest album, "Around The Sun." It's been out for a couple of months, but I just forgot to get around to it until now. It appears, from reading various reviews and hearing the first single, that the band has moved away from the electronica stylings of its past couple of albums back to something more organic, which is promising.
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[Dec. 11th, 2004|02:25 pm]
I'm watching the Stanford men's basketball team get clocked by Michigan State. It's kind of weird to see how ... unspecial ... Stanford is. I mean, the team doesn't exactly suck, but I'm used to the Cardinal being a juggernaut, a real force of nature on the basketball court. What I see now is not terribly intimidating; it's a team that is running on the fumes of its most recent glory days, that is starting to show the effects of less-than-stellar recruiting classes (along with, of course, the loss of Josh Childress to the NBA after his junior year). I certainly covered the team at the best possible time!

I caught the first half of the first half of the Kentucky-Indiana game this morning. I wish I had stayed awake a little longer! My Wildcats were just a few minutes away from a big run. I left the game when it was tied at 15; Kentucky had trailed practically the entire time, and I had no reason to suspect that they were that close to getting it together. It was nice to see Shagari Alleyne looking so effective. He still looks painfully thin, but he definitely looks like he has some sense out there. And we need some reliable people in the paint.
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