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Wednesday, March 2nd, 2005
12:35 pm - Shock!
You scored as A Too Depressed Faerie. There's no doubt about it your not a very cheerful faerie exactly. Maybe your feeling absence or are just depressed with life or world events currently. You may be upset but that doesn't necessarily mean you're unhappy, there are some faeries who enjoy sadness. But if your not one of them, look up and smile, if its so bad, it can only get better.

See All Results/Comment

A Too Depressed Faerie


A Too Sweet Faerie


A Too Lazy Faerie


A Too Astral Faerie


A Too Serious Faerie


A Too Evil Faerie


A Too Kinky Faerie


A Too Silly Faerie


A Too Sporty Faerie


Which Dysfunctional Faerie are You?
created with QuizFarm.com

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Monday, February 28th, 2005
10:29 pm
Ugh. I need to get my sleep removed.

current mood: working

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Wednesday, February 23rd, 2005
11:36 pm - Does this mean I'm anti-Usagi?
Two quizzes )

And no, I didn't cheat on the second one. :P

current mood: exhausted

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Friday, February 18th, 2005
11:46 am - Me too, me too!



LJ friendsCollage.

Brought to you by [info]pratibha75 and [info]teemus.

current mood: copy-cat

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Monday, February 14th, 2005
10:55 pm - Inner scholar vs. inner lazy ass
Ok. So it has suddenly become obvious to me that I am not going to start my lab tonight. bah.

It's been a good Valentine's day, though, despite the lingering illness. Jordan got me a balloon, and two heart shaped boxes of chocolate, one with Elvis on it! :D He's a cutie. Then we watched Kill Bill Vol. 2. It was awesome. And Jordan has beautiful eyes.

Mmmm, I am sleepy. I think I will just go to bed and get up at 5 to do my lab. That will give me 4 hours to work on it, and if it takes more than 4 hours, fuck it. Even if my lab T.A. is a beeyotch, I will simply tell here where she can put those chemicals.


Okay, 'nuff. Hope y'all had a nice Valentine's day. If you didn't, comment to this post and I will bring you tea. :)

current mood: sleepy

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Thursday, February 10th, 2005
12:39 pm
ARTIST: Barenaked Ladies

Are you female or male: I'll be that girl
Describe yourself: Unfinished
How do some people feel about you: King of Bedside Manor
How do you feel about yourself: It's all been done
Describe Your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Just a toy
Describe your current crush: Light up my room
Describe where you want to be: Take it outside
Describe what you want to be: If I had $1000000
Describe how you live: Never do Anything
Describe how you love: Wrap your arms around me
Share a few words of wisdom: Everything old is new again

hehe, I can't believe I actually finished one of these. :D
Um, okay, now to my supposed "real work" for my supposed "exam" tonight.

current mood: accomplished

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Wednesday, February 9th, 2005
8:17 am - Grrr
Next time I'm like, hey, I can teleport anywhere and shoot somebody in the head, hmmmm, who should it be? It'll be this person. Maybe the judge, too..

current mood: blah

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Tuesday, January 11th, 2005
10:00 am - The Accident
Erm, yeah, the accident. I guess I'll go into detail now, since so many of you guys sadly leave us to go home and won't get the details for a good while.
It's pretty long, so I'll LJ cut it...

The Accident )

I hope all of you are doing well, and safe. Drive carefully!!! But do drive, so that you can come back here and I can see you again. :)

current mood: okay

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Monday, January 10th, 2005
5:25 pm
Good news:
We survived the car accident, physically unscathed.
Bad news:
The car did not survive the accident physically unscathed. It is quite scathed and will take two weeks to fix. Bah.

Lately we have been cleaning the apartment, even before our supposed vacation, and now we're back at it. Only Jordan would see a car accident which prevents us from visiting his family in CT as a "good opportunity to clean out the box room". What a dork. Oh well, at least he lets us quit at 5 p.m.

I am determined to have re-read the rest of HP4 before the end of break (1/3 so far), and BY GOD I will have read HP5 by mid-July!!!! It will be just like when I got the first 4 books, which I originally read all in a row; I'll be able to read HP6 right after HP5. Glee! :)
Although I wish I didn't know who dies in book 5. :( But people tell me it will still be a shocker.

Well, um, yeah, that's all the news. I may be getting a job at Binghamton General, but that's not really in the works too much yet.

Oh! And Jordan is still a student! He got into the English Graduate program at BU! :)
He's such a smart cutie.

'k, later

current mood: calm

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Monday, December 13th, 2004
4:02 pm
In case you felt all alone in the world...

No countdown this time. Don't wanna know.

current mood: drained

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10:03 am
Only 30 hours til my exam!! AAAAAh!
Sleep is Eeeeeeevil.

current mood: distressed

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Sunday, December 12th, 2004
11:02 pm - Death and Exams
According to the internet, I only have 55 years left to live. Check out my personal Death Countdown. (Kinda morbid, though.) Personally, I was hoping to get at least 70 more years in, if not 75.
Speaking of countdowns, 41 hours until my exam. AAAAAAAAAAA
God, I am so sick of Chemistry.

P.S. This Frankincense incense smells like church. :)

current mood: worried

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6:33 pm - Exam countdown, pt. 2
46 hours until my killer Chem exam. AAAAh! What have I been doing all day?

current mood: scared

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Tuesday, December 7th, 2004
8:58 am - Test Countdown pt. 1
34 hours until my exam.

current mood: rushed

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Monday, December 6th, 2004
10:48 pm - OMG!
It's an adorable kitty... WITH A SNIPER RIFLE!!

You scored as Pissed at the World Cat. And here we have the next serial killer. Try having some cotton candy, it'll make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, Psycho.

Pissed at the World Cat


Couch Potato Cat


Ninja Cat


Nerd Cat


Derranged Cat


Love Machine Cat


Drunk Cat


Which Absurd Cat are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

BTW, it's 12:48 p.m. in Japan... what are you having for lunch?

44 hours until my exam... what am I doing online?!?

current mood: crazy

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1:29 am - I'm declaring my office an honorary part of Japan.
Mmmmmm. It's late. I'm not sure why I'm still up. Just not tired enough, I guess. So I'm gonna roll with it, study a little (I've been reading manga for the last hour :D). I've been feeling very Japanesey lately, and sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm still in America, and that that isn't an entirely horrible thing. Though sometimes (like now) I don't want to remember, and I just let the Japanese vibe take me away. Maybe that's why I'm so awake. I mean hey, right now it's 3:29 p.m. in Japan. Time to come home from school and study! :) (hee hee) Damn, I want some mochi.
I mean seriously, you know you've been reading too much manga when you see something cute and thinking "oooh, kawaii! <3", by which I mean actually visualizing a little heart over your head. <3
So, while I'm in serious Japan-mode, I think I'll try to be like Miyazawa Yukino from Kare Kano. She's very disciplined and studies hard because she's trying to be a Model Student that everyone respects and admires. While that sure as hell isn't going to happen with me, I sure could use her study habits. (Would that be like studying-cosplay or something? Or is that only if I dress like her at the time? Hmmm)

I've been trying to improve my study habits in general, though, manga characters aside. I only have two classes but I'm still only doing average in Chemistry, when theoretically I have twice as much time to study as everyone else. So obviously I'm wasting time somehow. I need to get serious. I mean, I want to get into medical school, right? That's a pretty big goal. I need to be more determined if I ever hope to get accepted anywhere.

So, on that note, time to study study study!

current mood: working

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Friday, December 3rd, 2004
11:52 pm - If you don't know what Kare Kano is, you are so not as cool as me

You are Tsukino!!

Being normal can be nice, but you should want to
stand out a little, right?

Which Kare Kano Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

current mood: weird

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Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004
12:00 am
Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me....

current mood: chipper
current music: Birthday Song, duh

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Friday, November 19th, 2004
3:11 pm
I'm sick of having fun. I just want to work.
And by work I mean have fun. And by having fun I mean work.


current mood: lethargic

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Wednesday, November 10th, 2004
8:54 am - EEEEEEEEEE *pop*

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