LiveJournal for Future Evil Overlord.
Sunday, November 28th, 2004 |
And this one's even done! No new strips to be added! Well, not exactly, anyway, though the archives are not yet complete. The Parking Lot is Full reminds me a lot of The Far Side. Simple one-panel comics, with an eight year history. |
Friday, November 26th, 2004 |
Hey Derek and Franklin: Salad Fingers 5: Picnic (Damnit, I should be asleep by now. Stupid insomnia...) |
Thursday, November 25th, 2004 |
Unleash the Gay Robots! From Bunny, a strange one-panel daily webcomic. It's not been around long, so it's easy to catch up if you like it. |
Thanks again to Derek and his family for a great feast and some fun and good chatting today! We went up with Derek last night and spent the night at his parents' house, watching Beetlejuice and playing some Silent Hill 4 in their home theater room. (I LOVE that house! It's custom-built, placed on the side of a wooded hill, which is absolutely beautiful this time of year. And his mom has painted beautiful, detailed murals all over the place -- the stairwell has butterflies that look real! Not to mention the attic room, termed the Celestial Room, which is painted with the sun/moon/stars theme on a deep blue background. It's filled with bookshelves...) Anyway, today we went to his maternal grandmother's house for the feast, with his aunts, uncles, and cousins as well. (That was a nice old house too.) Food was great and plentiful, and we ate with the cousins and Derek's brothers while the women ate in the dining room and the guys ate in front of the football game on TV. (Funny how that always seems to happen.) We played some poker (which I won) and team Trivial Pursuit boys vs girls (which we tied when we quit, 3 to 3). On our way back to Derek's place, the car got a flat not far from the house, and came partly off the rim while we pulled off the road. Luckilly, he had a spare, but it was one of those damned donut tires. So we got it changed and finally got back to Derek's place. We watched Eddie Izzard's Circle show on DVD while Derek was supposed to be napping, but he watched too. Finally left there about 7PM and got back here just in time for CSI. Oh yeah, and we got sent home with plenty of leftovers. Yum. That's nice; I didn't even have to cook anything! Anyway, hope you all had a good day today, and if you didn't, I'm sure you still have something for which to be thankful. Yeah, I know it sucks, but you do. |
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004 |
Is your textbook polluted with "intelligent design" theories? Is there some stupid sticker on it telling you that scientific theories "should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered"? Then check out these textbook disclaimer stickers! Will someone please explain to me why religion and science cannot peacefully coexist? I mean, is it so hard to believe that God, who set this Universe up with natural rules, wouldn't have put them in place for a reason: So that He wouldn't have to run everything Himself? I mean, I know if I were God, I'd have better things to do than run an entire Universe. Sure, I could, but it'd be tedious, consciously controlling each subatomic particle in the entire fucking Universe. For example, I bring up two very well-accepted scientific theories that the religious seem to hate: The "Big Bang" Theory, and the Theory of Evolution. Large amounts of scientific evidence back up both theories, while there is no evidence of the "intelligent design" alternatives. So why are they fought for so strongly? Why not just accept that God, 14 billion years ago or so, set up that supermassive particle and then said "BOOM!"? (Science can't explain that, you know, just everything AFTER the Big Bang.) Or that God checked in on Earth 4 billion or so years ago, saw that it was done cooking, and nudged those amino acids into place and gave them that spark of life (science can't yet explain how that happened either, you know), and then gave them 4 billion years to evolve into the world we've got today? Why not let science explain what can be explained, and leave God to deal with what can't be explained? Science is for schools, God is for church and home. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I must point out that I am an Agnostic, and my god is Science. And there are a few hypotheses that attempt to explain what happened before the Big Bang, my favorite being String Theory. But, I admit that String Theory is more philosophy than fact, as it cannot be proven or disproven (at least not anytime soon, most likely not in my lifetime). I cannot insist that my view is right, though I believe it is, and I cannot force my views on others because they are only beliefs, not facts, and cannot be proven or disproven. Much like the existance of God. |
Sunday, November 21st, 2004 |
I cannot express my great love for the new shows Desperate Housewives and Boston Legal. House (the new show on Fox) is just as promising, but we'll have to see how it goes. Are the networks finally learning that reality TV is not the be-all and end-all of ratings? I can only hope... |
From the makers of Craziest comes a new flash classic: Yiddish with Dick and Jane! And the best book report EVAR: How To Kill a Mockingbird |
This is one of the most brilliant points I've ever seen made on the internet. And it's made painfully clear as well, with 14 pages of responses generally proving the point in spectacular fashion. If you can't read it, let me know. You might have to be a NationStates member to read the forums, but I'm not sure. Anyway, it's quite hilarious! |
Falluja Arithmetic Lesson ( Full text under cut ) |
Friday, November 19th, 2004 |
Riddell's Law: Any sufficiently developed incompetence is indistinguishable from conspiracy. Now I understand why conspiracies about the Bush administration are so easy to believe... |
Thursday, November 18th, 2004 |
( How much are you worth? meme ) | ||||
What would you give to know the truth? I WILL be buying this as soon as I get paid. And watching it as soon as it arrives. |
1. You Are Different and That's Bad 2. The Boy Who Died From Eating All His Vegetables 3. Dad's New Wife Robert 4. Fun four-letter Words to Know and Share 5. Hammers, Screwdrivers and Scissors: An I-Can-Do-It Book 6. The Kids' Guide to Hitchhiking 7. Kathy Was So Bad Her Mom Stopped Loving Her 8. Curious George and the High-Voltage Fence 9. All Cats Go to Hell 10. The Little Sissy Who Snitched 11. Some Kittens Can Fly 12. That's it, I'm Putting You Up for Adoption 13. Grandpa Gets a Casket 14. The Magic World Inside the Abandoned Refrigerator 15. Garfield Gets Feline Leukemia 16. The Pop-Up Book of Human Anatomy 17. Strangers Have the Best Candy 18. Whining, Kicking and Crying to Get Your Way 19. You Were an Accident 20. Things Rich Kids Have, But You Never Will 21. Pop! Goes The Hamster...And Other Great Microwave Games 22. The Man in the Moon Is Actually Satan 23. Your Nightmares Are Real 24. Where Would You Like to Be Buried? 25. Eggs, Toilet Paper, and Your School 26. Why Can't Mr. Fork and Ms. Electrical Outlet Be friends? 27. Places Where Mommy and Daddy Hide Neat Things 28. Daddy Drinks Because You Cry 29. The Very Hungry Pit Bull 30. Horton Hears a Bloodcurdling Scream as Someone is Eviscerated 31. The Pussy in the Hat 32. No, Virginia, there really is no Santa Claus (or Easter Bunny, or Tooth Fairy, or God) 33. The Wonderful, Terrific, Really Good Awesome Ritalin Day 34. Your Mommy isn't an Alcoholic; she was just trying to get rid of you 35. When Mr. Clotheshanger Misses Stolen from deathbytamarind and sdragon |
Does anyone else think David Berkowitz (The Son of Sam serial killer) is a lot more creepy now that he's a Christian supported by Focus on the Family? | ||||
I picked up an optical mouse today. It's nice to finally have a mouse of the 21st century! And now to bed. |
Wednesday, November 17th, 2004 |
Read this article first. 100,000 children in this country are awaitng adoption. Based on the recent election, there are at least 50,000,000 people out there who are anti-choice* and want every pregnant woman to have her unwanted child, then put it up for adoption. That's 50,000,000 people who, by their standards, are old enough (or more than old enough) to have kids. And that's only 1 kid per 500 people! NONE of these 500 people are willing, and suitable, to adopt one child? Or even multiple children? And they want to make more. More parents who aren't fit to be parents, but had to be because they didn't know their options on birth control or abortion, or "conscience clauses" prevented them from getting their birth control, or it's all been flat-out outlawed. More kids who have behavioral problems, or are mentally/physically handicapped, or are (gods forbid!) black. More kids who will be miserable, because nobody wants them. One point the article makes is that the courts are worried about terminating the rights of biological parents, especially in cases where adoptive families aren't yet found for the kids. Imagine a country where at least 500 people were competing for each child! Surely the courts could then find suitible, even wonderful parents for each child, right? I'd think that the courts would be much more willing to terminate biological parental rights if there were hundreds of families wanting each of these children. So I ask: If you are anti-choice, why aren't you trying to adopt one of these kids? Will you, if you're under, say, 30? Note: "Because I already have kids of my own" is not a valid excuse. If you want to force a woman to have an unwanted child, then you should be responsible for at least one of those children. Otherwise, you're being hypocritical, and need to evaluate your belief structure. *Yes, I know the preferred term is "Pro-Life", but I find this term to be deceptive. You will find few Pro-Choice people who are actually Pro-Abortion (I am one of those, though that's a story for another time). They merely believe that a woman should have a right to the choice of whether or not to have a child. The "Pro-Life" people do not want women to have this choice, and are therefore more aptly referred to as Anti-Choice (or Pro-Fetus, but again, another time). |
Monday, November 15th, 2004 |
Best Strong Bad E-mail EVAR!!11!1!one! | ||||||
This, if true, is fuckin' scary. I want to know what exactly she said that was construed as a threat. I've probably said a few things that could be interpreted that way as well... |
Sunday, November 14th, 2004 |
LiveJournal for Future Evil Overlord.