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Tuesday, June 1st, 2004
11:30 am - weekend update
well.. the summer has arrived.. which means, i PLAY.. hard!

so.. friday, stace and i drove to rehoboth beach! it wasn't provincetown by any means.. but, it was great. REAL NEAT :)

we arrived around 10pm.. and went out to get a bite to eat. after that, we checked out a couple of the bars. i was immediately reminded why i don't live in the northeast. and, sorry to those of you that do.. i know this is a sweeping generalization.. but, northeasterner's can just be SO RUDE and full of themselves! the women thought that were all the cat's meow.. and stacey and i just laughed at their ridiculousness. i think laughing at people was our favorite part of the trip!

actually.. strike that.. the best part was the beach!!! we biked there both saturday and sunday.. and enjoyed wine, beer, UNO, the sun, and the ocean. couldn't have been better!

saturday night my baby took me out to an amazing dinner! and, sunday night was the big party at dewey beach.. so we took the trolley down there and had a grand 'ole time. we were passed out at our B&B; by 10pm.. which was good.. because we had to leave at 10am the next morning to drive back to columbus :(

all in all.. it was a great trip. well worth it! but, now.. it's back to the grind. i'm going to be very busy for the next few weeks!

this weekend - stacey's b-day celebrations
next weekend - camping at red river gorge and studying for EXAMS!
the next weekend - my aunt and cousin are visiting. i haven't seen them in 15 years!
the next weekend - columbus pride
the next weekend - 4th of july
the next weekend - 2 shows with edie carey
the next weekend - national women's music festival

SERIOUSLY... i'm f'ing BUSY!

current mood: drained

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Thursday, May 27th, 2004
2:01 pm - 17 year cicada's and gettong OUT!
infiltrating cincinnati and several east coast cities right now, are the 17 year cicada's! billions (and this is NOT an exaggeration) of cicada's that have been living in the groud for the past 17 years, dig their way to the surface, come out of their shells, mate and die. the are EVERYWHERE!!! i have pics.. and hopefully i'll scan them in so you can see what i'm talking about!

even though i love the little buggers..... i'm going to be happy to ge on the road tomorrow! however, now i'm wondering if they'll be in rehoboth beach??? i know they're supposed to be in DC.. and delaware is real close to DC. hmmmm.. anyone know???

current mood: ecstatic
current music: chirp chirp.. cicada's!

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Monday, May 24th, 2004
1:42 pm - what a weekend!!!
i had a glorious weekend!!! friday night we camped in yellow springs.. then went to see the melissa ferrick/anne heaton show in dayton. it was one of the BEST shows i have ever seen! i love melissa solo! i didn't think i would.. but, i did. she cracked us up the whole time. it rocked!

saturday we tooled around yellow springs for a bit.. then headed back to cincinnati to go to the reds game! the game was amazing.. and we won! the win put us into first place. HOLLAH!!!

sunday i went on a riverboat cruise for brunch... then headed to stacey's parents to hangout by the pool. brigette, brooke, bev and taylor also came out. AND, they brought the strawberry daiquiris! so, we blended them up.. grilled out food.. and relaxed. it was SOOOOO NICE :)

this weekend stace and i are headed to REHOBETH BEACH! yay! we're driving there. 10 hours! it's gonna be well worth it though :)

that's all. i'm one little happy camper :)

current mood: satisfied

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Tuesday, May 18th, 2004
2:08 pm - last weekend and this..
my weekly update. how exciting :)

last thursday we celebrated the end of my friend's quarter as a law student by grilling out and drinking. it was quite nice :)

friday i headed to columbus.. and me and my baby went out to dinner at elemental.. had a bottle of wine, then went to club 202 and drank more. we were planning on going to wall st., but we went to the car to .... have some quiet time, and never made it out. oops!

saturday was the german village street fair.. but it rained :( we still walked around though.. and i scored a skateboard for a dollar. hollah!

sunday i shot photos at a baby shower that stacey threw for a friend. it basically sucked because i felt exhausted.. and i didn't eat. my body ended up going into some sort of weird shock later that night.. and i couldn't get to sleep until 4am. SUUUUUCKED!

THIS friday is the melissa ferrick/anne heaton show in dayton at canal st... and camping in yellow springs after. it's gonna be REAL NEAT :) right now there are only 5 of us camping... but, hopefully we'll get more by the end of the week.

fun fun fun :)

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Monday, May 17th, 2004
2:18 pm - yellow springs & melissa ferrick
if any CINCINNATI or COLUMBUS women are interested in camping in yellow springs on friday night after the melissa ferrick concert at canal st tavern in dayton... let me know! we're going to reserve some sites this week. the more the merrier!!!

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Wednesday, May 12th, 2004
2:54 pm - finally... an update!
friday- ani difranco. not worth the $30. the best thing about the show was all the people! i happened to unexpectedly run into malanai and her friend pixiepuff :)

saturday- ember swift/katie reider show & the traffic jam party. lots of fun. lots of people. ran into shhh12, thefuries, grrlpower, and of course, mtbkstace was there :)

sunday- planted flowers with my mom all afternoon. thought i might die from being hungover and having no sleep. but, i made it through.

monday- skipped all 3 of my classes.

tuesday- worked and then napped from 5-7pm. then went to sleep at 10pm.

to make a long story short/// i'm ultra busy and i hope i can make it until the end of the quarter on june 16th!

current mood: crazy

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Wednesday, May 5th, 2004

This is an ALL AGES show located just across from downtown Cincinnati! More info here.

AFTER THE SHOW...........

current mood: excited

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Tuesday, May 4th, 2004
8:08 am - let me just say...
Kill Bill Vol 2 is fucking AWESOME!!! Sooooo much better than the first one! HOLLA!

current mood: okay

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Thursday, April 29th, 2004
7:58 am - wow..
i can't even begin to describe how busy i have been! i've been in bed by 9:30 or 10:00 every night this week! exhaustion, fo' sho'.

the week's almost over though.. yay! i work today til 5pm .. then, i have a test to study for and a paper to write. then.. tomorrow.. i just have class from 9-12pm.. and that's it! thank god! this week has been brutal..

i may try and hit columbus on friday night to do a little promotion for the ember swift/katie reider show that's in cincinnati next saturday. although, i'm too not sure how many columbus people may actually come down. ember's not playing in columbus this trip.. and, katie's from there.. so, i thought it might be worth it to promote there. any thoughts from you columbus women?

well.. i guess i'm off to work. i feel so tired! hopefully the coffee will wake me up soon. i'm going to try and catch up on LJ today. wish me luck.. it's been like an entire week!

current mood: drained
current music: postal service

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Thursday, April 22nd, 2004
3:58 pm
I feel so neglectful of my journal these days :/ I haven't even had time to read my friends page :(

School and work is a lot to handle. But, I thrive on being busy.. so, that's a plus!

It's POURRRRRING down rain here! ick!

current mood: boring

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Monday, April 19th, 2004
6:42 am
the show the other night was real fun :) swany was a madwoman! she even sold cd's to people that didn't see her play. craaaazy girl..

we tried to go to keenland for the horse races on saturday.. and that was a HUGE disaster! ended up staying 30 minutes.. then just going into lexington to eat. we did find a killer place though... the mellow mushroom. YUM!

i feel like i'm a great mood and have a positive outlook one day.. and i feel like doom the next. when will it end?

i'm warding off alcohol. i may drink once a week.. but, the beer belly i'm developing.. along with the guilt of what I'm probably doing to my liver is killing me!

happy freaking monday :/

current mood: cranky

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Wednesday, March 31st, 2004
9:05 am
interview in one hour. yikes.

rest of the day will be spent being domestic and shite. i'm going to try and stay away from going outside. this weather BITES! it's like 45 and overcast :(

tonight we get to see who gets booted from american idol. i HOPE it's #1 or the red haired dude. they suck. that dana chick sucks too. there's only like 4 good people. i even voted last night.


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Tuesday, March 16th, 2004
10:17 am - walking in a winter wonderland..
ohhh boy! i love when it snows like this! it's kinda warmish out.. but, still snowing! there are like 3 inches on the ground already :) bridget has a snow day from school today. maybe i should call her to see if she wants to play! that rhymed.. NEAT!

current mood: hungry

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Saturday, March 13th, 2004
10:53 am - holy $%#*^&*^
ok.. so, i got REAL drunk on wine last night. i guess i should've eaten something. i feel like shit!

the party was real fun though. we danced up a storm! i left abruptly at like 10:30pm or something. all of a sudden i got that feeling that if i didn't lay down immediately, i might die!

now i'm stuck with the consequences of drinking on an empty stomach. i hadn't drank all week.. and i was feeling so good. maybe i should give up drinking all together!

current mood: crappy

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Friday, March 12th, 2004
12:18 pm - hot diggity dog
sweet! melicious is gonna hook me up with this desk she scored a while ago. i was just talking to stace about the fact that i wanted to get a new desk that had some storage space. then.. out of the blue.. mel posted something about a desk she was going to get rid of. word!

i've been cravng indian food since sunday.. and now i'm finally enjoying some. YUMMMMMMM!

tonight is a little wine and cheese party at bridget's. lulu.. you comin'? mel, you're welcome too. honestly.. any cincinnatian's that want to drink some wine and play some games are welcome. it should be real fun :)

guess that's it for now. i'm gonna design a flyer for a party bridget and i are throwing at yadda in may. columbus.. we're stealing your traffic jam idea! it's gonna rock!

current mood: devious

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Thursday, March 11th, 2004
12:39 pm - finally!
well.. after like a year of saying i wanted to go back to school.. i finally am! i start april 24th :) my classes are going to rock! i'm taking, visual literacy, graphic tools: photoshop, technical writing and marketing.

now i'm wondering if i should try and hold out on finding another part time job until carol's re-opens. i can basically pick my own schedule at carol's.. since i've been there for so long. once i register for classes.. i'm only going to be able to work tues, wed, thur- A.M. and wed and fri- P.M.

maybe the best thing to do in the meantime is to do temp work. i really don't want to.. but, it may be the best option. i seriously don't think another restaurant is going to give me the specific days i need. decisions... decisions...

current mood: contemplative

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Wednesday, March 10th, 2004
10:57 am - the mouse
a couple weeks ago.. i spent 4 days in columbus. the cats obviously had a lot of time on their hands. heidi (my housemate) went in to feed them on monday.. and there was a dead mouse on my floor. EEK! she praised the little kitties for killing the mouse. she likes when they do that.

so.. i come home on tuesday.. and i'm cleaning up my room. i start to smell this rank smell. it was like cat piss or something. i noticed it was coming from the area around my bed.. so, i started looking around to see if i could find anything.

i decided to pull back my comforter to see if i could see a wet spot or something. guess what i found? DEAD MOUSE!!!!!! under my comforter. the cats left it there for me. real neat, eh?

my life is filled with loads of excitement... yes, yes it is..

current mood: good

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Friday, March 5th, 2004
3:54 pm
so much for those thunderstorms that were in the forecast! it's sunny and in the 70's... wooohooooo!!!

current mood: ecstatic

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Thursday, March 4th, 2004
10:18 am - 77 degrees?
it's going to be 77 degrees here on friday! too bad thunderstorms are in the forecast all weekend long :(

stacey's coming down to visit.. so, since the weather's going to be so shitty.. it will be easier to lay low and try to recoup from last weekends crazy partying extravaganza! movies and relaxation sound real good right about now.

i don't have a lot going on today.. so, i guess i'll clean and work on the PI's website a bit. the guy that's building this website is soooooo lame. it takes him days to make 10 minute changes.. not to mention, the site is so basic looking that i wouldn't even want to put my name on it. ugh... di, if we ever need to upgrade it... you're the woman!

current mood: relaxed

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Wednesday, March 3rd, 2004
11:03 am - not to gross out you boys...
the synching of women's menstrual cycles really trips me out. stacey and i are now on the same cycle. and i was always like a week and half later than her. weird weird weird.

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Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004
2:06 pm - bliss
i just got back from a wonderful weekend in columbus :) stacey's friend came up for the weekend.. and lots and lots of people converged both saturday and sunday for grilling out, croquet, and lounging around. it was real neat.

we went to see monster yesterday. great movie! after that.. we went to betty's for some drinks and food.. then to BW3's to play trivia. at 10:30pm.. i was kinda loopy.. so stace had to take me back to her apartment. and, she was.... ummmmmmmmm... a little late making it back to meet everyone ;)

it's absolutely gorgeous out today.. so, i'm going to take a bike ride then maybe go to the driving range with chris walker. tata..

current mood: happy

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Friday, February 27th, 2004
12:49 pm - road trip
i'm heading to columbus with bridget (and maybe leslie) for the weekend. i guess we're going to club 202 tonight to see katie.. then, who knows where else. we're supposed to have game night on saturday.. then go mt. biking on sunday. i'm real excited :)

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Wednesday, February 25th, 2004
12:52 pm - cool!
the anne heaton show step out's putting on tonight got a killer write up in the citybeat! huge article.. i'm psyched. i know anne will be able to use it in her press kit too.. so, that's always nice :)

just in case you slackers in the 'nasti aren't sure what i'm talking about.. here's the info. good times.. good times..

current mood: thankful

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Tuesday, February 24th, 2004
1:32 pm
job hunting can kiss my ass! SUUUUUUUCKS! i found out carol's is gonna be closed 'til like may! kiss my ass even more!

right now i need to shower and go to a couple restaurants to fill out applications. fun fun. i really don't want to serve again.. but, i guess i can't be picky at this point.

at least i worked from home for a bit today and made a little cash. that's always nice. the PI that i'm working for told me she could easily put together a work week of like 25-30 hours for me... all in marketing. i said, BRING IT! the one bad part is that it may include some cold calling to businesses :( that's kind of something i hate doing.. considering i've done it before. but, i really can't be picky. i honestly think it's one of the WORST ways to market ever.. so, i'm going to try and convince her that some other methods may be more beneficial. maybe my baby might have some ideas...?

current mood: indifferent

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Monday, February 23rd, 2004
12:37 pm - :(
i'm exhausted. need to refocus some energy. not feeling well.

current mood: drained

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Thursday, February 19th, 2004
4:04 pm - ok.. so how butt stankin' hot is this?
my baby showed up last night at the barrelhouse out of the blue! all of a sudden.. i saw bridget and leslie walk in.. then someone said, "what's stacey doing here?" i swear i thought i was dreaming! it was very bizarre. that crazy girl drove down to cincy at like 7pm. lucky lucky me ;)

current mood: touched

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Wednesday, February 18th, 2004
2:52 pm
my baby's on LJ... mtbikstace... say hi :)

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Tuesday, February 17th, 2004
2:02 pm - WEDNESDAY @ The Barrelhouse

If any of you Cincinnatian's want to come out to a great show.. NYC's Teddy Goldstein is playing a FREE show at the Barrelhouse on Wednesday. Show starts at 9pm.. and The Whitney B Band opens.. featuring LJ's own, the ever-so-fabulous, Chris Walker!


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Wednesday, February 11th, 2004
11:38 am - weird!
ok.. so.. i'm not getting any LJ comments sent to my email. is anyone else experiencing this? i have AOL.. so, maybe that has something to do with it.

in other news... NEXT WEDNESDAY @ The Barrelhouse i'm putting on a FREE show with NYC's Teddy Goldstein!!! He's sooooooo great! if you're in cincy... come out. pretty please :)

also.. there's other step out shite going on.. so, check out the website :)

current mood: crazy

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Friday, February 6th, 2004
10:32 am - bittersweet
well.. i thought my start to 2004 was going really well.. but, then, BAM! another curve ball was thrown at me.. and now i'm stressin'!

carol's had a sprinkler break on the 4th floor.. and water fell through every floor to the basement. it fried all the equipment in our office.. as well as the sound equipment at PLUSH. we are currently closed indefinitely until the building inspectors can get in to tell us their assessment. they think it could be as long as 3 weeks :(

sooooooo.. i'm out of work! great huh? i'm meeting with a temp agency later in the day.. and i have an interview with a private investigator on monday. hopefully between the two, i can work enough to survive for the next few weeks.

nothing like waking up and finding out you have no job to make your life feel just spiffy :/

current mood: stressed

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Wednesday, January 28th, 2004
3:01 pm - an update
things that make you go hmmmmm.. yesterday i saw a woman trying to hitchhike right outside of the courthouse. i started to wonder if it may be an undercover cop.. beaucase who in their right mind would hitchhike in the area MOST populated by police.

today i had the unfortunate pleasure of training the new guy at carol's. first of all.. HIRE A FUCKING GIRL ONCE IN A WHILE. second of all... hire people that have half a brain. i mean, seriously, this new crop of people is riduculous. i have never in my life seen management of a restaurnat done this poorly.

i've been busy working on a lot of step out shows. i have 3 coming up in the next few weeks. anne heaton and teddy goldstein in the hizzzouse!

i'm gonna go try and catch up on LJ now. it's been a while..

current mood: busy

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Thursday, January 22nd, 2004
9:17 am
sooooo.. i've been battling this sickness for at least 3 weeks now. i can feel that it's still in my body. i may have to break down and go to the doc :( it's like.. on and off... on and off. i never fully recover.. and the sickness always creeps back up on me. blech! go away!

in other news.. my life is kinda boring at the moment. trying to work on getting 3 shows together for february. if anyone's in indianapolis or surrounding and has any ideas where i may be able to book a show with anne heaton, please let me know! i'm down to the wire.. and it's stressing me out!

guess that's all. my sexy girl comes into town tonight.. so, we're either gonna relax and watch a movie.. or hook up with chris walker and make out for him. it's his birthday..... and that's my present.. hehe ;)

current mood: devious

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Wednesday, January 21st, 2004
10:03 am - uh oh
i left my cell phone charger in columbus :( i only have one dot left on my phone.. and stacey's not going to get here til tomorrow. i may be phoneless! scary thought.

went out with caged, shhh12, and thefuries last night. then met up with bridget. it was fun.. but, i was soooo tired! caged ended up driving back to atlanta at like midnight! insanity, i tell ya. well.. she wasnted to stat her drive.. so i don't think she went all the way.. at least i hope not :/

well.. i'm off to work for a bit.

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Monday, January 19th, 2004
11:25 am - :(
it's WAYYYYY too cold to snowboard today :( whaaaa! however, we're still gonna go in a couple weeks :)

the weekend's been real fun. friday night we went and jammed out to funktelligence at little brothers! it rocked hardcore! saturday we went to the traffic jam party at wall st... which, to be honest, wasn't as crazy as i expected it to be.

yesterday we went for our ritual sunday brunch to german village cafe.. then to see along came polly. OMG... i have never cracked up that much in a movie theater ever!

since there's no snowboarding today.. i guess i'll work a bit.. then watch a movie with ma' lady ;) we rented fatal attraction last night, but i was too scared to watch it in the dark! yeah.. i'ma dork.. so what..

current mood: lazy

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Thursday, January 15th, 2004
9:41 am - happy birthday to me :)
sooooo.. this is like the BEST birthday ever! check this shit out! a band i love from michigan, funktelligence, is playing in columbus TOMORROW night at little brothers!!!! YAYAYAYAY! i can't fucking wait! i just got an email from them THIS morning. i had NO idea!

AND... my baby called me at 12:01am and had everyone she was with sing me happy birthday over the phone. how cute is that?!?

AAND... i think we're going to that traffic jam party on saturday at wall st. grrlpower, you should meet up with us at some point on friday or saturday!

AAAAND... we're going snowboarding on monday!

could this weekend turn out to be any better? why yes.. it probably will when my girl eats me alive. rawr!

current mood: predatory

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Wednesday, January 14th, 2004
3:40 pm
i think i've turned into a boring person. at least.. it feels that way. i don't do much except work, eat, and sleep. i haven't really been going out that much lately. i haven't even been online that much. i guess my interests have taken a slight turn. does a potential relationship mean i'm going to become boring?!? ahhhhhhhhh!


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Tuesday, January 13th, 2004
9:39 am - my oh my
i think this is the longest i've ever gone without updating my journal. whew! craziness..

sooo.. my girlie was in town this past weekend.. and she had a little shindig at her parents house on saturday night. her parents are out of town for like a month. gotta like that :)

the rest of the weekend consisted of lounging around, movies, etc. etc. etc. it was real nice. me like girl. a lot.

my b-day is thursday. heading to columbus on friday. snowboarding this weekend. can't wait!

anything going on in columbus friday night?!?

current mood: content

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Tuesday, January 6th, 2004
9:02 pm
well.. the AAA guy finally showed up at 3:30pm. he pumped up my tire.. then i drove to firestone. they put on a new tire.. but, by that time it was too late for me to get back to cincy to work. sooooo.. i'm in columbus for another night. and no... i'm not complaining ;)

current mood: devious

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1:25 pm - not good
i was getting ready to head back to cincinnati just now.. and i hop in my car.. start driving.. and hear this noise. so.. i jump out at a stop light.. and notice i have a flat tire :(

my car's basically been sitting for 2 days.. so, it became flat for no apparent reason. i'm wondering if i drove over a nail or something.

so, i called AAA and they tell me it's gonna take up to 2 1/2 hours for them to get here. meanwhile.. i'm supposed to work tonight at 5:30pm. i called marcus to let him know the scoop.. and, he sounded OK with it. i HATE having to call into work. blech!

current mood: pissed off

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Monday, January 5th, 2004
11:58 am - cough cough
i think i've caught a bit of a cold. my throat's all sore.. and i feel achey and blah :(

what kind of sucks is that i'm in columbus. i still have to drive home tomorrow. i hope i'm feeling better.. cuz driving when your sick bites.

on the upside... maybe i'll get some good pampering out of this.. ;)

current mood: devious

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