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Below is user information for Anastasia Lynn Taylor-Kane. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:alleykitten (222255) Paid User alleykitten
Name:Anastasia Lynn Taylor-Kane
Location:Santa Clarita, California, United States
AOL IM:see otter alley (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 77240881 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status alleykitten (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:
Stacey Lynn Taylor-Kane lives in a coastal valley of California with her Husband (Kevin) and mother (Judy). She stays in close proximity with her sister (Missy) and her neice (Carrie). Her best friend (Carly) and her godson (Corbin) live right next door. Her other best friend (Sumana) lives up North is Seatle.

Stacey spends the majority of her time working at a local private preschool with her friends (aka the "Nana Club" : Jenn and Mona), watching the discovery channel and listenning to music. Her other pleasures include frequenting the theatre, reading, spending time with her friends and pouring countless minutes into her LiveJournal.

She's frequently heard saying, "Kevina, will you get me a glass of milk?" "Thank you, Mommy!" "Cause You're an idiot" and "Oh yea."

"...It's the fool who plays it cool while making his world a little colder."
~Jude 2:12

Memories:14 entries
Interests:139: absurdist foundation of america, acting, aliens, american sign language, ancient civilizations, ancient history, angel, angels, anita blake, art, artemis fowl, asl, barbra streisand, beauty and the beast, body art, books, broadway, buffy the vampire slayer, california, candles, cats, children's books, coffee, commander kitty, cpr, dar williams, davis gaines, dinosaurs, discovery channel, dragons, dreams, dvds, edgar allen poe, eeyore, enya, faerie tales, family, fantasy, fish, ghosts, gone with the wind, halloween, harry potter, hauntings, hiking, house music, humor, internet, james taylor, joaquin phoenix, kayaking, kittens, knotts scary farm, labyrinth, laurell k hamilton, lemony snicket, libraries, lilo and stitch, literature, lord of the rings, loreena mckennitt, m. knight shyamalan, madonna, meatloaf, metallica, mi familia, michael jackson, moulin rouge, movies, mp3s, music, musicals, mythology, natalie merchant, new york, oceans, october, oingo boingo, painting, pets, phantom of the opera, photography, pictures, pink, plays, poetry, preschool, psychology, ralph fiennes, reading, religion, ren faire, renaissance faires, renaissance pleasure faire, salem, santa clarita, sarcasm, satire, science fiction, scrabble, selena, series of unfortunate events, shakespeare, short stories, sign language, signs, singing, sluggy freelance, sobe, socks, spanglish, spirituality, star wars, stars, story telling, susan kay, tattoos, teaching, techno, tequila, the chronicles of narnia, the dead zone, the history channel, the learning channel, the nightmare before christmas, the others, the princess bride, the sixth sense, the twilight zone, theater, theatre, thinking, tolkien, turtles, ufos, walking, web design, winamp, writing
Friends:38: _cool_breeze_, aketchup, alikitten, athenaeriu, becks1127, bodhicephus, buffy_news, camillas, commanderkitty, dancingdrew, dictionary_wotd, diziara, eliza9876, elwhispo, geode, happythings, jolove, kewlness12, kimaire, klutzyerrol, ksakowsky, lindsayjohanna, michaela_delenn, misscleopsychic, news, paxtonblue, phantomrpg, sabrinaanne, scarletmacaw, shadow_dream, silvrstrfx, sir_psycho_flea, sluggyfreelance, sunnycow, teraiis, terratheelf, trillfreelance, unike2000
Friend of:30: _cool_breeze_, aketchup, alikitten, athenaeriu, becks1127, bodhicephus, camillas, dancingdrew, diziara, eliza9876, elwhispo, geode, jolove, kewlness12, kimaire, klutzyerrol, ksakowsky, lindsayjohanna, michaela_delenn, misscleopsychic, paxtonblue, sabrinaanne, scarletmacaw, shadow_dream, silvrstrfx, sir_psycho_flea, teraiis, terratheelf, trillfreelance, unike2000
Member of:19: book_reviews, booktards, broadway, buffyfan, commanderkitty, dansemacabre, deaf, dropandgiveme50, happythings, holoc, kiss_of_shadows, literaryquotes, ljawards, paidmembers, phantomrpg, ravenclaws, sluggyfreelance, sweet_serenity, thereadingroom
Account type:Paid Account

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