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User:elliebelly (132148) elliebelly
Location:Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
AOL IM:AIM status lightglasshope (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 40248858 (Add User, Send Message)

22. British. Australian (Melbournian, very Melbournian) INFP. Arts student at Latrobe University. English and History major. Future highschool teacher. Currently sells alcohol and cigarettes to people with id, and cleans a Salvation Army church that I attend regularly. Christian. Liberal. Liberal Christian. Wannabe writer. Big reader. Procrastinator. Football fan. Rarely halfhearted about things. Quite obsessive in fact. Can't stop writing in short, incomplete sentences. New profile to come one day, probably in about 3 years time as things stand, but if you wanna know now, there's a (old) profile available at my webpage

Memories:9 entries
Interests:120: afl, alex lloyd, all things canadian, american history, american literature, angel, anti-war, apple cider, apple juice, aragorn, aussie rules, australia, badly drawn boy, beatles, beauty and the beast, beliefs, books, bookshops, buffy, bunny rabbits, camping, cat's eye, catcher in the rye, cheezels, christianity, cinderella, classics, coffee, counting crows, cousins, crowded house, cultures, cynical dreaming, dar williams, dark chocolate, dead poets society, degrassi, dialects, disney animated films, elliott smith, email, england, english, essendon, european history, fairytales, footy, giles, god, green eggs and ham, grug, gumtrees, harry potter, history, honesty, hunters and collectors, icecream, isabel allende, italian hot chocolate, jesus, jewel, jewish history, john marsden, john steinbeck, johnno, journals, language, learning, lentil soup, letters, linguistics, lion king, literature, lord of the rings, lucksmiths, margaret atwood, melbourne, narnia, non-fiction, once were warriors, open minds, paragraphs, parcels, peace, pens, photos, poetry, porkslabheadohbother, postcards, reading, red soil, road trips, salad, secondhand bookstores, sentences, sex cow, simon and garfunkel, singing, sirius black, smiles, snail mail, spanish, spirituality, squishies, swimming, t.s eliot, the bible, the simpsons, theology, to kill a mockingbird, tolerance, travelling, turkish delight, vegetarian food, words, worship, writing, yeah nah, young adult fiction, zoos. [Modify yours]
People39:_mignonette, actingnormal, ajrbasketcase, ali_highland, almostaman, angelphyre, axeman2ooo, belindaanne, brighten, cazzicles, crystalina, discountsatori, fragments_, fumanchaw, furthermore, halfemptyglass, ilovelozengers, jeb, junie, lightscatters, lonelyspiral, luxlucis, mechanical02, merrymagpie, mrpaulywauly, pelicanzed, phiisua, piasdream, pitseleh, plaintiff, pry, quietthomas, run_to_paradise, smirkin, speedisdope, squeakywheel, turkeyman1, wacqui, weedlover
Communities28:____mjfans____, aprende_espanol, artsyfucks, bible_study, book_worm, books, booksnob, buffyphilosophy, buffyquotes, challenging_god, christianity, cranfnberry, discuss_writing, english_majors, etiquetteworld, fictionwriters, historystudents, latrobe_lander, learn_languages, linguaphiles, melbournemaniac, news, nightterrors, randomlyrics, teaching, up_with_spanish, writing_101, youthministry
Friend of:40: _mignonette, actingnormal, ajrbasketcase, ali_highland, almostaman, angelphyre, atanvarneroquen, axeman2ooo, belindaanne, brighten, crystalina, dazn, dildobucket_1b, fragments_, fumanchaw, halfemptyglass, ilovelozengers, junie, lightscatters, lonelyspiral, luxlucis, mechanical02, merrymagpie, mrpaulywauly, niteraver, pelicanzed, phiisua, piasdream, pitseleh, plaintiff, pry, quietthomas, run_to_paradise, se_ne_vada, speedisdope, squeakywheel, stfu_fatty, turkeyman1, vinesquirrel, wacqui
Member of:30: ____mjfans____, aprende_espanol, artsyfucks, bible_study, book_worm, books, booksnob, buffyphilosophy, buffyquotes, bunnyowners, challenging_god, christianity, cranfnberry, customers_suck, discuss_writing, english_majors, etiquetteworld, fictionwriters, historystudents, latrobe_lander, learn_languages, linguaphiles, m15m, melbournemaniac, nightterrors, paidmembers, randomlyrics, up_with_spanish, writing_101, youthministry
Account type:Free Account

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