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[02 Apr 2005|08:36pm]
Hey San Francisco people - can I come visit you in May? I found round-trip airfare for $203.40 from the 12th to the 25th, and I'd go to Santa Barbara for a few days in there, too. Total price including bus fare: $266.40 and it would make me unendingly happy. I'd probably use some of the savings bonds that my gramma gave me for Christmas.

Reply here and tell me to buy the tickets if I can stay with you.

Let me add on here: I may be coming out there. It depends on whether I have to pay for my NA,R/HHA certification, whether I can get the time off work and the hospital, and a few other things I won't go into right now. I'd like to know I've got someplace to stay so that IF I buy the ticket(s), I can do it right as soon as I decide to do it, if that makes sense.

(3 scandals | expose yourself)

Public Selfish Promotion, but it's my journal so I get to. [11 Mar 2005|10:47pm]

Please click on that link.

Sarah and I are doing the MS walk on the 1st of May.

We signed up just because my school's campus Democrats are trying to "beat" the campus Republicans at fundraising.

However, our ballet teacher Diedre, whom we both love and who has practically been Sarah's mother for many years has just been diagnosed with MS. So now we have a real reason to be doing this beyond liberal pride.

So, if you have a spare couple of bucks, no matter how much or how little, please please please donate if it's at all possible. If you don't want to donate online, reply or email me and I can send you my address so you can mail me something.

All of a sudden, this walk has a new meaning for me (and undoubtedly for Sarah), so any contributions anyone can give would mean a lot. To both of us.

(Oh, and Sarah - do you want me to make us "I'm walking for [...]" shirts? 'Cuz I will...)

(13 scandals | expose yourself)

public for a while to show off my cousins [29 Dec 2004|12:50am]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | iron and wine . such great heights ]

Pictures from Phoenix )

(expose yourself)

[30 Oct 2004|12:20am]
Holy shit, today was more fun than I've had in a LONG LONG LONG TIME.

Pictures to follow once I: a) bug dad to give them to me and b) am home long enough to upload and post them.

(Emma, you would love me and Sarah.)

(4 scandals | expose yourself)

Meme from [info]danbug12 [26 Oct 2004|04:14pm]
1) Take your LJ username and replace each letter with the corresponding number (A=1, B=2, etc.)

19 14 1 11 5 4 1 14 3 5 18

2) Add all of the numbers together to create a kind of super number.


3) Make a note of the first digit of this number, then add the digits of the number together.


4) Find the post of this number in your LJ. If you don't have that many posts, add the digits together again. Keep doing so until the number is smaller than your pathetic number of posts.

5) Take the digit you noted in step 3, and count that many words into the post.


6) Use the resulting word in a Google Image Search, and select a picture from the first page.

7) Post the results for us all to see: )

(expose yourself)

[25 Oct 2004|04:00pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | melissa ferrick . blind side (in my head) ]

Okay... fire poi videos.

I'll almost definitely have more up later tonight, since I'm planning on lighting up again. Hopefully the new ones won't be sideways, eh?


Video #1 Contains: Three and four beat weaves, turning.
Video #2 Contains: More three beat weaves, more turning, chasing the sun, butterflies, and an attempted thread the needle. Then I start to spin alternates behind my back in reverse. That's when I hit myself in the ass.
Video #3 Contains: three beat weaves, corkscrews, and then butterflies, alternating in front and behind.

And some pictures, even though they're not that great )

I'm probably going to post more tonight. And I've already talked to Casey about not turning the camera when he's taking video. :-P

Fun times, man. Fun times.

(10 scandals | expose yourself)

[24 Oct 2004|02:37am]
...You guys are pathetic. You only got HALF of the songs! (Actually, I'm boosting that up to 11/20. Because I'm gonna give Sarah credit for the one where she got the artist wrong, but the song right.)

I expect Jem to get #19, Sarah or Kathleen to get #2, Ali to get #10 and possibly #11, if Zen reads this, he should get #11 and #17. (And one of you snackers should probably get #9.)

Honestly, people... come on.

2. Right on time you get closer and closer / Called my name but there's no way in - - - "Caught A Lite Sneeze" by Tori Amos. Guessed by [info]thisisamuffin

9. 'Cause patience is stronger / than any kiss / and oh I wonder / If we're ever going to make it - - - "I Am Not" by Melissa Ferrick. Guessed by [info]thisisamuffin

10. Sometimes you wanna get along / but sometimes everything's wrong

11. Every day you crawl into the night / A fallen angel with your wings set alight

13. so before you knock it, try it first / oh you see it's a blessing and not a curse - - - "Burn One Down" by Ben Harper. Guessed by [info]greenwolf

14. How long an hour can take / when you're staring into open space - - - "Closer to You" by The Wallflowers. Guessed by [info]behindmirrors

17. 'Cause I know I've only got this moment / and it's good - - - "PS You Rock My World" by Eels. Guessed by [info]thisisamuffin

18. Ship-wrecked love can be cruel / don't be fooled by her kind

19. So my lads I needs must leave you / my intention's not to grieve you - - - "Queen of Argyll" (traditional song). Guessed by [info]nightlarke

20. Well I saw my best friend yesterday / she said she never liked you from the start / Well me, I wish I could claim the same - - - "Your Woman" by White Town. Guessed by [info]rosebudhorse

(3 scandals | expose yourself)

[23 Oct 2004|01:14pm]
A little boy in my tumbling class is in the hospital.

His sister came to class today, and his mom said that he wouldn't be coming anymore because he was sick. I thought this was a little strange, but I shrugged it off.

In the middle of the class, his sister says "[His name] is in the hospital. He has leukemia."

I didn't know how to respond, so I just said "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that!" (It sounds faker here than it did in person).

That's really scary. He's only 4.

(16 scandals | expose yourself)

[21 Oct 2004|09:27pm]
You guys remember that song lyric meme that was going around a while ago? I've decided that I wanna do it again. So here goes.

(I post some lyrics from 20 songs on my playlist, you have to guess the song and the artist WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP, YOU CHEATERS.)

The Lyrics )

So have fun... (I am a dork, yes indeedy.)

(8 scandals | expose yourself)

[20 Oct 2004|11:24pm]
If a special interest group called "Lesbians For Bush" hasn't already been started, I want to start one. Because I thought of that while I was driving to JoAnn Fabrics today and I almost swerved off the road, I was laughing so hard.

(5 scandals | expose yourself)

[20 Oct 2004|10:42am]
[ music | great big sea . when i'm up (in my head) ]

Voy a escribir a veces en español. Si quiere poder leer las entradas cuando estoy escribiendo en español, dígame aquí.

Tambien, si quiere hacer correciones, puede.

Sé que mí español no es muy bueno, y eso es porque voy a escribir a veces en español. Necesito practicar escribiendo. Pero... necesito practicar hablando más, pero nadie quiere hablar conmigo.

(This just says that if you want to be able to read my entries in Spanish, tell me here. I'm going to make a friends group for it so that people who don't want to be bothered with it won't be. Watch no one reply and then I'll just write to myself in Spanish and it'll be entirely useless. Whatever.)

(Also: I programmed the computer at school to have an international keyboard. I wish I could sit here and watch the next person that comes to use it. That would amuse me greatly. Sadly, I have to get to class to take my weight lifting midterm. :-P It's gonna be haarrrrrd </end sarcasm>)

(6 scandals | expose yourself)

...pardon my language... [18 Oct 2004|03:38pm]
[ music | the "I'm getting an A" song ]


Seriously. Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I got 21/20 on the heart quiz [yay for extra credit questions], 13/20 on the endocrine quiz (but made it up with 7 points of extra credit, thus I essentially got 20/20 on the endocrine quiz), 20/20 on BOTH papers for lab...

Wow. I'm getting 44/44 in lab, and 126.5/140 in lecture. Meaning I'm getting 92% in the class. WHICH IS FREAKING UNHEARD OF.

We just took two exams today, though, so there's a bit of room for that all to change. We took a 100-point lecture exam, and a 50-point lab practical. I'm pretty confident about all but 3 or 4 of the practical questions, and relatively confident about all but probably 10 of the lecture questions.

HOLY SHIT. THIS IS SO FREAKING COOL I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO TELL YOU! *bounces around a whole hell of a lot*

(11 scandals | expose yourself)

it makes sense that it should happen this way... [17 Oct 2004|09:36pm]
[ music | poe . fly away ]

That the sky should break, and the earth should shake...

Coffee today with Jem was interesting.

It was really awkward at first, and then I just started pouring out my mood-swingy thoughts. The emotions that've been going through my head for the last two weeks (oh my god, it feels like it was so long ago). We talked, or rather, I talked, and she sat there and listened. I told her why I thought the breakup was a good and a bad thing at the same time... and she either agreed or was just nodding to be polite. It feels weird for this to be so... evenly split... between a good thing and a bad thing. Yes, it sucks that the relationship is over. Yes, I miss her. Yes, I miss that comfortability. Yes, there were problems that I'm not going to go into right now. There are so many pros and cons, and I just can't decide which one wins. Probably neither.

But yeah... we talked about all of that... and not about what HAPPENED, but about the relationship and all that and I really can't even... really... describe what we talked about. Because it was all over the place. I'm so mood swingy about the whole thing, it's absolutely ridiculous. I went, in the course of about 10 minutes, from being mad at her and telling her so, to being sort of ambivalent about the whole thing, to being totally okay with the fact that everything's over, to being... I dunno. It's a mess. But I think I covered every emotion it was possible to cover.

We're friends. And it's being left at that, officially.

Hugging her goodbye felt so strange... it was this comfortable, familiar body, and a completely unfamilar emotion. It was this body that I'm so used to hugging, and then looking up to for a goodbye kiss, and I had to remind myself that that's not what we're like anymore. That's not where we are anymore. I could hardly feel her squeeze me at all when she hugged me - it was like she made a circle of her arms and was trying not to touch me. I barely even met her eyes when I said goodbye.

It's such a strange place we're in now.

(3 scandals | expose yourself)

[16 Oct 2004|04:10pm]

I worship that man. Seriously. Worship.

(1 scandal | expose yourself)

[15 Oct 2004|11:13am]
[ music | flogging molly . seven deadly sins (in my head) ]

I am at school. Right now, this very second, I am skipping weight lifting because I just can't get up the will to go. So I'm going to go to the YWCA tonight with mom, probably. We're going to go buy me a new coat (because I desperately need one - my old grey one is falling apart), and then I'll probably coerce her and the rest of my family to go to the Y with me. And then we'll probably watch "The Ladykillers".

Tomorrow night is dancing with Bailey at the Tapestry Folkdance Center, which will be a lot of fun. Sadly, tomorrow is also teaching tumbling, and I'm so incredibly lost as to how to teach these children how to do cartwheels, it's not even funny. Maybe we won't do them this week. I dunno.

It's mean, but I wish I could just kick these two girls out of the classes - they're sisters. One is in the 4-7, and one is in the 8-12, but they're both so incredibly irritating I want to slap them. And I don't get the urge to slap children very often at all.

The keyboard here at school is weird, and the mouse is sticking all weird and making it awkward for me to type and generally use the computer. I am also the only one who's typing in a non hunt-and-peck fashion, so my frantic typing is sticking out above all the noise and is making me laugh a bit. But there's a woman across the aisle from me who's talking loudly on her cell phone, and that's making everyone ELSE laugh. I thought about going over to her and asking whether she saw the "No Cell Phones In Library" sign when she came in, but I don't feel like being a bitch (to her).

Sigh. It's going to be a really long weekend. It's the first cold, sort of dismal grey weekend we've had, and those always depress me. Plus Sunday's events promise to be... I don't know what they promise to be. But interesting probably doesn't begin to describe.

I'm trying to remember how many classes I have to teach at Hayden Heights, and I'm hoping it's only a 6-week session because I don't think I can STAND these kids for 8 weeks. But of course I left my calendar at home.

I feel like going and sitting with the "punks" (meaning they shop at *gasp* Hot Topic) outside and smoking and scowling at people who walk by. But I'm in a bright purple fuzzy sweater and I don't think they'd like me hanging around them.

BJ and I have to read through our dialogue today, which will actually be pretty fun, since I'm starting to get some of my lines memorized. It's just that damn language... it's wordy. "You say true; and 'tis as hard a matter, now-a-days, for a woman to know how to converse with men, as for a man to know when to draw his sword: For many times both sexes are apt to over-act their parts: To me the rules of virtue have been ever sacred; and I am loth to break 'em by an unadvised undertaking: Therefore, dear Hillaria, help me, for I am at a loss. -Can I justify, think you, my intended design upon my husband?" is my... fifth or sixth turn to speak, and the first time I say anything of any substance. Eek.

I think I'm going to go draw in my journal. That's more fun than writing anyway.

(3 scandals | expose yourself)

[15 Oct 2004|12:17am]
Shark Tale = good
Screwing around in the theater with Sarah because there were only two other people there (whom we suspect were ACTUALLY screwing in their seats anyway) = good
Dancing at the end because we were in the very back of the theater = good
Me still being awake right now = bad
Not having had dinner = good/bad
Having sent my application to St. Kate's yesterday = NERVOUSIFYING
(Making up words = good)
Stopping writing this annoying list = good (for you)

(2 scandals | expose yourself)

[13 Oct 2004|03:22pm]

October 12, 1998

Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts,
The impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves,
Then listen close to me ...
Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be.

~ Shel Silverstein

Six years ago today, Matthew Shepard was murdered for being homosexual.

What will you do to end the silence?

Click here to post this on your own page or weblog

(3 scandals | expose yourself)

[13 Oct 2004|01:40pm]
About today, I will only say that my uterus is not currently on a list of body parts I'm happy with.

(2 scandals | expose yourself)

Thanks a lot, Tricina... [12 Oct 2004|11:59pm]

Your Livejournal Blind Date
LJ Username
Favorite Color
What you are wearing
Oh look! Your blind date is papillionnuit
Your date is wearing strategically-placed electrician's tape
You dine on nothing because SOMEONE conveniently "forgot" to bring money
Then you spend the next three hours poking a dead squirrel with a stick
Before taking you home, your date gives you two coupons for discount cosmetic surgery
This makes you feel dirty...the bad kind of dirty
This QuickKwiz by sarcasticka - Taken 11756 Times.

(1 scandal | expose yourself)

[12 Oct 2004|03:44pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | poe . today ]

I am in my pirate costume that Ali and I just got today at Ragstock. It is an awesome costume. I just chopped up the $20 skirt I got, and it looks pretty cool. I might actually WEAR it like this. It'd be cool for swing dancing in, 'cuz now it's got this... flair.

I am awesome. End of story.

Except not the end of story, because this is funny: http://www.heavy.com/viral/ferrell/

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