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kaylyn's LiveJournal:
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Thursday, December 26th, 2002 | 4:25 pm |
No more toast and scrambled eggs! I'm so very sorry that santa didn't go to anyone else's house other than mine. I'm sure he visited here and stayed all night because it took all day to open the gifts under the tree at my parents' house. as result, i'm on my shiny new laptop and decided to brag to all my long lost friends. so here goes...***BRRRRRAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGG!***
Oh Christmas...When else can you go to your Nana's home and see a trio of old ladies dressed in matching white zipper sweaters with fuzzy collars and embroidered poinsettas with identical velvety red skirts singing carols around an electric keyboard in "harmony," if you can call it that. All topped off by their exaggerated smiles and thick cheesy introductions to "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" in their french canadian accents. it was great. the old folks LOVED it (i cringed my teeth and felt like scrooge).
Now i'm up to eating scrambled eggs and apples, since i had that violent flu that my lovely girlfriend gave me on Saturday. Haven't had a meal since SUnday. Getting hungry... | Wednesday, August 21st, 2002 | 7:45 pm |
| Monday, August 19th, 2002 | 5:06 pm |
Ode to Bellingham I left a piece of my heart here. The trees that grow here have a sound that my ears hear better than anywhere else i have been. Three years later, i am a new person in a new place but everything is familiar, fond and warm. Homebound tomorrow, I leave a little more behind. I will return, yet i have never left. | Thursday, May 23rd, 2002 | 12:13 pm |
how the hell do i validate my new email address? After all attempts have failed at doing it myself, i resorted to help. this is what they said...any other input would be very much helpful. :) Your LiveJournal support request has been filed and will be answered as soon as possible. Your request tracking number is 53113. You can track its progress here: http://www.livejournal.com/support/see_request.bml?id=53113 | 11:44 am |
cute straight girls keep smiling at me is it my imagination or do cute straight looking girls keep smiling at me? there's one in my class who makes eye contact and smiles every day. and there's one behind me right now. huh. cool. even if it is in my head...
i have the day off. think i'll hop in the garden and continue weeding. it's been a few years since anyone has done anything in the garden areas around my house (hee hee, i live in a real life house!). it's all terribly overgrown and being taken over by vines and weeds. but my parents gave me a small lilac bush and maybe i'm ready to put it in...any hints on planting lilac bushes? do i water it everyday? keep it damp? in the sun or shade? anywhere? hopefully they're hearty.
okay. bye. | Thursday, May 9th, 2002 | 9:10 pm |
11pm on finals week? Okay, I know it's stupid that i'm wasting my time writing an entry when i have exactly 1 hour and 49 minutes to finish my final paper before the fucking computer lab closes. Yes, i must do this. Procrastination, after Frances, is my middle name. SHit, i must be on edge, i just revealed my middle name which i've held secret for 22 years. Well I just have to say that I am SO annoyed that the computer lab does not extend its hours during finals week. How stupid is that? Gee, thanks. I have a job during the day, so at night i need somewhere to go do work. But NOPE, not here in the computer lab that ate my OTHER final paper due tomorrow. 1 hour 47 minutes. Current Mood: annoyedCurrent Music: grinding CPU, i hope it doesn't explode | Tuesday, May 7th, 2002 | 1:29 pm |
Shorts today Yahoo, I'm wearing shorts I bought recently at goodwill! And i rode my bike to the computer lab...not doing my paper however. The shorts were super Goodwill expensive (that is, compared to the $.99 category that clothing worn by somone else should be in). I realized, they (amongst everything else at Goodwill now) ARE new, that's why they were so expensive. SO now our once favorite place to get cheap, used clothing is now another TJMaxx or Marshalls, buying the unwanted bins of superstores that we avoid going to. Yes, they do buy the new stuff you find on the racks, it's not donated, the lady told me so. I'm pissed. Salvie for me all the way. BOYCOTT GOODWILL!! donate your stuff to the salvation army, although, yes, goodwill bins are much more accessible.
boo hisss, everything that is not good is more easily accesible.
Wowzers, i get to visit the dentist in exactly one week! That will put an end to my record setting 4 year span of not going to the dentist. SUrprised my teeth haven't rotted out of my head yet...well, i think they are, unfortunately. I'll let you know what the doc says. | Wednesday, May 1st, 2002 | 10:38 pm |
I am in college now, it's finals time. Many years have passed since I last posted and lifetimes have passed since i last entered livejournal land.
Let's review some major changes.
-i live in portland now -i'm a full-time college student again -cassie :) -i was development director for the maine women's lobby. -i stopped having a professional job -i bought two cd's last week at the two concerts i went to: patty griffin and voices on the verge -the computer lab is closing in 15 minutes because the lame-ass college i go to now doesn't have a 24 hour computer center. -my hair looks about the same as it did in that photo, 2 years ago. -my toe nails are painted orange. -i (and hopefully all of my friends) are going to Falcon Ridge Folk Festival this year where, among many others, ANi is performing. -i left my social justice strategies in Africa paper to the last minute...oh, wait, that's not new, i do that every time!!
hello all my long lost lj amigos. talk to you in a few more lifetimes. | Wednesday, September 26th, 2001 | 7:18 pm |
does it work because i'm hungry! | Tuesday, September 18th, 2001 | 11:18 pm |
return from oz I was sailing on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
I flipped off my reality switch and postponed the pain until Saturday. Four days spent reading artificial detail from newspapers gathered from a different world, a world unfamiliar to me and had not yet set foot in. while one foot dragged through the calming waters of the sea, the other involuntarily tiptoed into this foreign place i had only read about. i did not want to go there, but knew i could not stay away forever. my mind refused to let go of the quiet serenity i was surrounded with. the world i was experiencing was unchanged, fond memories flooding back to me from last summer -smells of wood, salt, and stove, music, evergreen covered islands, schooners, lobstermen. but there was a sharp urgency to experience everything before it was gone. the countdown. four days until i could worry if emily was okay. if everyone else was okay. if we're going to respond with equal terror. if we've learned anything since childhood.
an image replayed in my mind. not one i have seen before. it was like the opposite of oz. the antithesis of the moment dorothy stepped out of her black and white farmhouse scene into the beautiful musical colorful world of munchkin land. this new image was me, the back of me walking down the dock away from my beautiful musical colorful world. in the step from dock to land everything became grey and altered. the world, my world as i knew it was gone. i had no choice but to step into this new place that i did not want to be part of. leaving the dock, i left a weeks worth of fair winds, a galaxy of shooting stars, people who take care of each other and a reality that can never be rewound.
we are in post twin tower collapse. the world has shifted significantly and there's no going back. i'm just glad emily's okay, even if she did see the whole thing from her office window. | Tuesday, August 21st, 2001 | 6:07 pm |
as a friend has kindly informed me, yes, i do suck at this.
random thoughts of mine:
-i do not want to make mexican food at the portland public market. -i do not want to live in saco where things get stolen, parked cars get crashed, and people generally treat each other like shit. -simon the kitten likes to7 eato45 ftrghythgyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy` -ahem, excuse me4555555555555555rrrrrrrrrrrrrrre55 -oops -ahem, as i was saying, simon the kitten likes to eat garlic hummus (and type on the keyboard) -i have a better chance of getting hit by falling debris from an airplane than winning zillions of dollars from powerball. -i don't want to be poor for my whole life. -i want to have health insurance so i can get clean teeth and new glasses. -i want to love something or someone enough that i plan to spend the rest of my life with it...or doing it (in either case, i guess) -most people don't understand my humor. -the people i surround myself with on a daily basis think i'm cooler than i am. -the people who don't know me don't know how very ultimo cool i am (especially the girl that works at the stand near mine who wasn't working today but said hi to me yesterday)
did i ever tell y'all about the bike seat incident? it's a good story if i haven't. | Friday, August 17th, 2001 | 12:07 am |
hi. i'm here. but i'm tired so i'm going to bed. sweet dreams.
hopefully i can sleep at this midnight hour with adolescents milling about outside my bedroom window listening to music and playing basketball...and throwing loud things around that make a sharp bang when they hit the asphalt.
*i'm cranky* again. :( | Wednesday, August 1st, 2001 | 9:12 pm |
as usual so it's been days, weeks, months, perhaps years since i've hacked out an entry in this thing. let's see...where to begin...
with all that's happened, i have nothing to say.
except that i had a crappy day and the best news i can deliver is that my thumb is still attached. i nearly cut it off while shredding lettuce today. good thing i have a fingernail and it's only half sliced off, otherwise i'd have one less fingertip.
i want to go back to hillsdale, ny. | Friday, July 13th, 2001 | 10:10 am |
I sure look alot like ME If I were a stone, I would be moonstone If I were a tree, I would be a tree of life If I were a bird, I would be a hummingbird If I were an insect, I would be a monarch chrysilis If I were a machine, I would be a wiggly wabbit (ask Monique) If I were a tool, I would be a fork If I were a fruit, I would be an organic strawberry If I were a flower, I would be a red and orange flower in Picasso's "the boquet" If I were a kind of weather, I would be the light summery mist that smells really good If I were a mythical creature, I would be tinkerbell If I were a musical instrument, I would be a cello If I were a kind of profession, I would be a singer/songwriter If I were an animal, I would be a lion If I were anything in the world, I would be a chipmunk If I were a color, I would be orange on the dukes of hazzard car. If I were a fragrance, i would be fabric softener If I were an emotion, I would be giddy If I were a state or feeling, I would be deeply introspective If I were a vegetable, I would be an artichoke If I were a sound, I would be rustling leaves If I were an Element, I would be fire (lightening) | 9:55 am |
AND THE RESULTS....(drumroll please) from thespark.com "Now it gets interesting."
According to the Gay Test... You are 58% GAY!
The typical lesbian is only 44% gay!
look at that, i'm above average. and there's a 12% chance talula_bean has had a wetdream about me. i haven't a clue how that could be calculated...but thespark.com did! *why did everyone take their scores off?*
this lovely friday will continue to be spent farting around...erin had the brilliant idea of finding an internet girlfriend. not for her, she already got one (as though they're stacked on shelves waiting to be bought). oh how scary we get with so little to do. | 9:45 am |
next: now it's time to take the gay test.
take 3. the other two times it errored on me. maybe i'm not gay either. hm. | 9:41 am |
oooookay.... So, the truth comes out. I'm a wack job, boarderline schizophrenic. Love you guys, i'm going to the loonie bin... don't forget to write (to every one of me). | Wednesday, July 4th, 2001 | 9:47 pm |
i know what you're thinking... no, i did not fall off the face of the earth. i've just been busy in real land. but when i'm not sick i'm having lots and lots of fun.
so we're looking for a ouija board to conjure up omniscent spirits and make them tell us things. jocelyn and i went on a rampage looking for one today. we sort of forgot that it's a holiday so everything (if open at all) closes early. we searched every large box store between biddeford and south portland, with no success. where does one purchase such a magical board which was stolen from mid-eastern ancients and is now mass produced by milton bradley? i think wal-mart opposes them on some grounds of anti-wholsome non-american grounds or something. they don't have an occult section. damn them.
but we did buy garlic lovers hummus to use the clear cover in hopes of making our own board. what can we use for a slippery board? already thought of dry erase board, but the alphabet would rub off too easily. any suggestions?
anywho, good to be back to livejournal land, i've missed the folks that i haven't seen in real life. :) | Thursday, June 14th, 2001 | 12:57 am |
Holy Barbara Kingsolver Just finished Animal Dreams last night and i feel like i'm still living in it. Sometimes i wish i were a figure in a book, that way, where i'm headed is obvious. i could just read a few pages ahead and know what's in store, that it will all work out. ha, what a funny thought. in that case i'd spend my existence trying to change what's already written and published. maybe that's what we're unknowingly doing when it seems 'nothing is going our way': trying to change the pages we've already seen and conveniently forgotten about.
i suppose it does all work out though, these chapters are the bulk of the story, the time of drama and working things out and learning.
i don't know how long my book is, just that it will turn out happily ever after. | Friday, June 8th, 2001 | 7:38 pm |
:) fun with geriatrics and pediatrics!!! (no sarcasm!) :) Yesterday was geriatric day. today is pediatric day.
do i work in the medial field you ask? no. just hanging out with my friends.
Yesterday i found myself with a set of knitting needles in my hand telling jokes with four 80 year old women. I love them. they taught me how to knit and pearl (sp?). my favorite joke: "grow your own dope...plant a man." *followed by 320 years of cackling makes it MUCH funnier*
and today i watercolored in the sun, gardened, had lemonade, and fed bread to ducks and had ice cream -all with a six year old and erin (who has the emotional intelligece of a six year old -much like myself). then we went to the beach and made sand castles, moats, big holes in the sand, and buried our feet up to our ankles to let the waves crash on our legs. it was fun. and a cop on a 4 wheeler gave us a scarborough police trading card...i thought she and her gun were hitting on me. but she was on duty and i was kneeling in mud spooning out the moat. then she just reached in her pocket for the trading card (which didn't have her number on it or anything).
it was fun. |
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