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Through the Cellar Door
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And Madness Ensues
I'm currently trying to catch up on all of my work from last semester. I have two more papers to go. I'm tackling my Chinese women during the Chinese Civil War 1942-1949 right now. It's an interesting topic, but yech. I don't want to write papers. :P

Aktuelle Stimmung: stressed
Aktuelle Musik: 28 Days Later Strack-Abide With Me

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Topi, I apologize for offending you and not treating you with grace. I honestly did not and still do not bear you any ill will. I hope that you can forgive me, but will understand if you don't choose to.

Aktuelle Stimmung: distressed

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Old Testament v. New Testament: Fundamental Questions for All
Do you think that the God of the Old Testament is fundamentally different from the God of the New Testament? Are you able to apply Old Testament truths in your life? What is the purpose of suffering?
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Back in the U.S.A.
I decided that it was about time that I make another entry. I would like to begin with two things. First, thank you to those of you who commented and expressed condolences and warm thoughts. I really appreciated that and it was very encouraging. Secondly, CONGRATULATIONS LANA AND NEVEN!!!. I'm so excited for you two and hope that you have a very blessed and beautiful marriage.

Mary Elizabeth Nikides died of heart failure after two grande mal seizures on the 18th of November. My mom and one of our friends, Nicole, bathed her and dressed her before the funeral service people came. She didn't experience pain in going. Mom tried to revive her with CPR etc., but it was her time to go. Since then, we have been to two memorials and her funeral. The first memorial was held in West Ealing, London and over 9 nations were present there. There was a lot of crying as we sang "Jesus Loves Me", the song Momma sang to her almost every night since she was born. Through all of the sorrow though, there was a presence of great joy. We know that Elizabeth is with Jesus now. More than anyone, Elizabeth has been a picture of how we should worship God. There was no music like praise, hymns, and children's Bible songs, that Elizabeth enjoyed more. She would sing and often lift her hands in worship. For some this may be a hard thing to comprehend. Elizabeth was mentally handicapped and lived permanantly as a 4 or 5 year old, but she understood so much more than most of us ever will. She broke down barriers everywhere she went. People who didn't want to be touched or loved could not turn Elizabeth's love away. She hugged and kissed until you could only return those hugs and kisses.

Two days after the first memorial we flew to the States. We arrived in Atlanta and stayed the evening. The next morning we drove to Charleston, which is where my Momma grew up and where a lot of our family is. On Saturday we celebrated with the rest of our family at my cousin Rachel's wedding. Rachel was 6 days older than Elizabeth. It was a beautiful wedding, but I can't help but get choked up when I think of what my Aunt Jane said. Although it seems sad, the reality is that Elizabeth got to meet her bridegroom before Rachel did. Elizabeth is now experiencing the perfect marriage, with a perfect body; she is with her God and my God. The Sunday after Rachel's wedding we went to church with Uncle Mark at his church in the morning. It was a little too charismatic for my tastes, but it was still good. At the end we were invited to the front, along with my Aunt Julia and of course Uncle Mark, Aunt Jane, the twins, Seth and Joel. The elders and deacons then came and laid hands on us and prayed. Some prayed in tongues, which was a little awkward for us, but that was not where the meaning was. What was wonderful about that was the great outpouring of love and prayers, hope and friendship for our family. It was an amazing experience. Later that evening we went to Church Creek, a PCA presbyterian reformed church, which was a little closer to how we like to worship. We had communion there, which was wonderful. Two couples spoke to my parents afterward who had both lost children at young ages. I think that it was a very encouraging experience. The funny part was when I told a couple that I had considered voting for Kerry. The look on their faces was priceless. Dad said that for them, my saying like that was: Voting for the Christian was hard, b/c the devil looked really attractive. I had to laugh at that.

The next day we drove up to Alexandria, VA to my Aunt Julia's. We went to the Pentagon Mall and I mangaged to start crying in Eddie Bauer. Sometimes the tears come and you really can't stop them. I'm so happy for Elizabeth, but I miss her terribly. As time passes I feel her abscence more, and that is harder than the immediate sharpness of her death. The next day we drove up to Boonsboro, Maryland where Elizabeth was to be buried. Several generations of our family are buried there. I looked at Elizabeth one more time, and although that was hard, it was not as bad as I originally feared. Elizabeth wasn't there anymore, that was just the shell. My Uncle Mark gave the sermon at the graveside and we sang a hymn. His sermon was bittersweet and appropriate. We all cried, but still there is an air of hope. After she was buried we visited Grandma's grave and the graves of some of our ancestors. For all, but my mom, this was our first time to see where some of our ancestors were buried. Elizabeth's sense of humor managed to pervade the rest of the day. My great Aunt and Uncle locked their keys in the car, so the Boonsboro Fire Rescue had to come. This is a tiny town, so all 7 of their fire force came to open up their car. Every car that passed by either waved or stopped to chat. If Boonsboro has a local paper, I'm sure we made the news. For those of you who knew Elizabeth, you know she must have been laughing her butt off up in heaven. She always loved attention. I'm still not sure, however, how one could possibly need 7 people to open an old oldsmobile. Afterward we went to the Red Bird, which had fabulous crabcakes. The crabcakes, however, were all they could boast about. I had creamed spinach and macaroni salad as sides, both of which were loaded with sugar; yes...creamed spinach with sugar... Their special of the day was creamed chicked over waffles. That was more than a little bewildering.

The day after Elizabeth was buried we drove to Birmingham, AL. We stayed at some wonderful friends there. I got to see Carsen for the first time in 2 years and was so glad that I got to see her. Sadly, I wasn't able to visit Kendell, but I had a good conversation with her on the phone. The evening we got in I went to visit Carsen at Jim and Nicks. We spent part of Thursday and most of Saturday together. She gave me Buffy Season 7 b/c her mom got a copy in England, not realizing that it won't play on American DVD players. So I was thrilled to pieces. I also picked up some comic books, which I sorely miss. Friday we held Elizabeth's second memorial at Altadena Presbyterian Church. There were around 100 people there. People came from Panama City, FL and Atlanta, GA. Again, it was a wonderful service, still laced with hope. What has meant the most to me, is not just how much people loved Elizabeth, but how much they have and are loving us. It is wonderful. God has been so good to us through all of this. Sunday we went to Oak Mountain Presbyterian and had great communion. Bob Flayheart, the pastor, gave communion and talked about how Martin Luther said that communion was the kiss of Christ. It was wonderful.

We're now in Panama City, FL staying with some dear friends of ours, the people that Martha lives with and is nanny for. Now is harder than before. It's quiet here and I have more time for introspection, which is a little bit scary. God is good though, and He is taking care of us and me through all of this.

I hope that this letter from me to you finds you all healthy and happy. I apologize for the delay.
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Elizabeth died today. She's with Jesus now.
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You Are a Conservative Democrat

Frankly, the way most other Democrats behave embarasses you greatly.

You pride yourself on a high level of morals, and you have a good grasp on right and wrong.

It's likely you think America needs to get back to its conservative, Juedo-Christian values.

Why aren't you a Republican then? Because you believe the goverment helps more than hurts.

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stolen from prettybabyk

Thirteen random things you like:
01) coriander
02) cuddling with Menno
03) taking care of the chickens
04) reading
05) playing Civilization III
06) layin out (I agree)
07) running through the rain
08) eating
09) kissing
10) singing
11) laughing
12) worship
13) saying "stink mama" to Elizabeth

Twelve movies:
01) Edward Scissorhands
02) Donnie Darko
04) Being John Malkovich
05) My Big Fat Greek Wedding
06) Lilo and Stitch
07) Dogville
08) Something's Gotta Give
09) Flower Drum Song
10) Psycho
11) 28 Days Later
12) Mona Lisa Smile

Eleven good bands/artists:
01) Tori Amos
02) Bjork
03) Radiohead
04) A Silver Mount Zion
05) Joy Division
07) Depeche Mode
08) Fields of the Nephilim
09) Indigo Girls
10) Bob Dylan
11) Billy Joel

Ten things about you ... physically:
01) brown wavy hair
02) brown eyes
03) small feet
04) piano fingers
05) small mouth
06) small nose
07) shapely legs
08) long tongue
09) expressive eyebrows
10) hourglass figure

Nine good friends:
01) Menno
02) Erin
03) Kimberly
04) Elizabeth
05) Maija-Leena
06) Carsen
07) Kendell (thanks for leaving me out k* :P)
08) Martha
09) Trisha

Eight favorite foods/drinks:
01) Diet Cherry Coke (they don't have it here :( :( :()
02) Sushi
03) Tom Kha Kai (Thai Coconut Soup with Chicken)
04) Sweet Tea
05) Grilled Trout
06) Fried Chicken
07) Southern Vegetables
08) Greek Food

Seven things you wear daily:
01) deoderant
02) bra
03) underwear
04) sandals
05) trousers
06) shirt
07) my engagement ring

Six things that annoy you:
01) ignorance
02) insensitivity
03) messy kitchen
04) messy bathroom
05) overcooked meat
06) feelin fat

Five things you touch everyday:
01) my hair
02) my toothbrush
03) my bed
04) leaves
05) water

Four shows you watch:
01) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
02) Angel
03) Friends
04) Simpsons

Three celebrities you have a crush obsession on:
01) Orlando Bloom
02) Ewan MacGregor
03) Bjork

Two people on LJ that you have kissed
01) silvernoone (she's my sister)
02) n/a

One person you could spend the rest of your life with
01) Menno

Aktuelle Stimmung: awake
Aktuelle Musik: City on a Hill- The Gathering

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Well it was my favorite toy....
my little pony
You're My Little Pony!! Sweet and innocent and
happy, you make people want to spew burrito
chunks. Even a Care Bear could kick your ass.

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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The \\\\
Last Cigarette:Nearly a year ago now.
Last Alcoholic Drink:Yesterday, a glass of German dessert wine.
Last Car Ride:It's been awhile. Taking Menno to the airport.
Last Kiss:Elizabeth, 10 minutes ago on the cheek.
Last Good Cry:Last week.
Last Library Book:The Jewish Woman and Her Home.
Last book bought:The Bell Jar
Last Book Read:The Bell Jar
Last Movie Seen in Theatres:Spiderman 2
Last Movie Rented:I don't remember.
Last Cuss Word Uttered:Shit
Last Beverage Drank:Water
Last Food Consumed:Lasagne
Last Crush:Menno (Current and rest of my life :D)
Last Phone Call:Menno!
Last TV Show Watched:British Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Last Time Showered:This Morning
Last Shoes Worn:My Sandals
Last CD Played:Liz Phair- whitechocolatespaceegg
Last Item Bought:LaRedoute shoes and tights
Last Download:n/a
Last Annoyance:Elizabeth burping
Last Disappointment:the whole summer
Last Soda Drank:Diet Coke this morning
Last Thing Written:A Letter to Kendell
Last Key Used:house key
Last Words Spoken:Yes you stink.
Last Sleep:Last night, soon to be tonight...
Last Ice Cream Eaten:Ben and Jerry's Fudge something or other
Last Chair Sat In:Elizabeth's red Lazy-Boy
Last Webpage Visited:www.livejournal.com

Name: mereditta
Back Januar 2005