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the Practical Princess
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moving time *sniffle*
i move into my new aptartment tomorrow. this is cause for great happiness and sadness. I have spent 4 years in Lin's house. It sure doesn't *seem* that long though.

my net access at the new place is still not nailed down, so I don't know how often I will check email and such. the lady with the kitty is waffling so I don't know if i will have the princess or not. either way is ok - i was just getting excited about having her.

i think everyone that is available and willing to help is already supposed to come by - but if you want to join in, most people are getting here between 11am and noon. I will buy you chinese and beer :) I am hoping this goes fast - i moved a couple of SUV loads today and my back is already bitching at me.

Thankfully the hurricanes timed their devastation just right. Lin you must have asked for some divine intervention there for me :)

Speaking of lin - i never thought one of the last text messages I would send her as her roomie would be so fricking crazy funny.

If anyone needs an updated snail mail addy - let me know. I love getting post cards :) The rest of my contact info will stay the same.

Current Mood: sore

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awww. i am so loved. thanks y'all for a kick ass birthday!
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Tipsy Tink
I have a birthday this Saturday so I am going to go hang out at Dave & Busters at 285 and Steve Reynolds to get my drink on and watch Bob play DDR. I plan to get there around 7:30pm and eat something in the arcade area. If anyone wants to come by and gimmie a birthday hug that would be nifty :) I imagine I won't leave for several hours. If you can't make it, I know you still love me. I might also be going somewhere fun for lunch so if that works better for you just lemme know. I plan to eat at least a little bit of all the yummy foods I haven't really had since January.

Any questions just call or email.

Current Mood: old

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Eye Candy
Today I went in and had a little laser zap my eyes until I can see without glasses. It seems to have worked though my eyes won't be stable for another couple of weeks. Right now they just feel like I have been wearing contacts for 4 days straight. The actual procedure took about 4 minutes total, though my appt today lasted 3 hours. There was no real pain except one thing they put on your eye to hold it while they cut away part of your cornea was pushing really hard into my cheek bone. They said multiple times there would be no pain, and my other cheek did not suffer as much, so I think it was just the way it was placed and my small features. 17 years+ with glasses or contacts....tomorrow will be strange but nice.

The best thing I can do to help them heal right now is sleep, so I am off to take my happy valium and nap again.

In other news, everyone that sees me and my mother together remarks that she does not look old enough to have a 30 year old daughter. This is helping me feel less ancient about turning 30. Plus I am sure it is helping her deal with it. I doubt anything makes you feel as old as realizing your children are old now too.

If I have a 30th birthday party, will anyone come?

Current Mood: mellow
Current Music: St John chirping tree frogs

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I survived!
I am back from vacation. Have some bizarre tan lines on my back from changing swim suits and poor application of sunblock. I also have a new collection of freckles.

Lots of fun times. Pride in myself for surviving camping and the rain forest. Oh - and very happy with myself for going into the actual ocean. Nice having water clear enough that you can see nothing bad is going to bite/sting/hurt you :) Not toooo many bug bites. Lots more alcohol than normal. Did not stick to my diet for even a second but that was ok - the scale tells me that only cost me 2.2 pounds gained for a week of french fries and cheeseburgers and beer. Roomie doesn't want to kill me (as far as I know anyway). I don't want to kill roomie. Customs coming home was pretty much painless - they let me back into America. Should probably get my citizenship sometime though. I am always scared they are going to cut my green card up in front of me and tell me to go back where I came from or something. Yes I know I am crazy.

Need to go to the beach or lake again this summer to get more use out of all the new stuff I got for the trip.

Very amusing that people seemed to think I was a natural red-head. Also good to know that even if I am a spoiled princess type, I can handle semi-roughing it. One must adapt afterall, maybe even manage to have fun. I am still scared of bugs tho. Nasty critters.

Speaking of roughing it - nice to come home to hot water and a really comfy bed and air conditioning and *very* excited puppies. And I missed my friends. Lots.

Now I have two days to chill out before going back to work. Going to be a long week trying to get caught up. Also I will be poor for 2 more weeks. This works out cuz I should only spend my time working and at the gym anyway.

Where/When is the next trip? The list of places I want to go is totally massive.

Current Mood: refreshed
Current Music: Indigo Girls - Ghost

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Saturday night, woohoo
So last night some crazy drunk hit my car while we were (in theory) stopped at a red light.

I am ok. he is ok. Nice police dude came and arrested drunk guy. I think drunk guy managed to hit on me before he was handcuffed heh. He also admitted to the cop within 30 seconds that it was his fault.

Tim was about 30 seconds behind me in his car and he was really wonderful. He took care of pretty much everything. And he stood ready to kick the guy's ass if he didn't cooperate. Thanks Tim!

The only damage was a couple of punctures in the plastic on my rear bumper. The newest part on my whole car. I think that bumper is cursed.

I am so proud of myself. I overcame my phone phobia and called both my insurance agency and his today. Hopefully I can get this bumper fixed in a more timely manner than the last :) Unbelievably this guy had insurance. For awhile there, it looked pretty unlikely.

The whole event was surreal but I am glad that it wasn't really that bad. As drunk as he apparently was, either me or my car could have gotten a lot more damaged.

I know I never post - but I do read you guys. I just think my life is too boring to talk about. And way too boring just to document.

Current Mood: pleased

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making up words
psychosympatico - The tendency to be drawn towards ppl as fucked up
as you, but steer away from ppl more fucked up or less fucked up.

i didn't make it up, but i likes.

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: whatever is playing at Below's from his cam site

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Today was a good day.
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i'm rich and kinky!
What will your Funeral be like? by rashock
You will die by:You always were kinky in your sex life and took it just a bit to far. You died over doing breath control, blood play, or some other strange kink.
Death Date:June 27, 2015
Number attending your funeral?75
How much will you leave to friends and family?$4,559,353
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
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christmas lemming!
My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me...
12 arimatheas a-hacking.
11 belowundergrouns a-sleeping.
10 beyondhelps a-staring.
9 busoni1s a-hugging.
8 championships a-posting.
7 iconnus a-bowing.
6 ilexxs a-leaping.
5 light yellow jarviks.
4 milking mdaniels.
3 Canadian microscopicmans.
2 cow titaniablues.
And a zengoddess in a passionfruit tree.
Get gifts! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

Current Mood: festive

About moi
A flippin' megagenius
User: [info]tinkerboo
Name: A flippin' megagenius
Kinky Links
She says...
The sun it was gold,
and the sky was gray.
And she wanted more
than she ever could say
