Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "classical".
388 matches:
33rpms - 33rpms
7he_1vumeni - The Numeni
__alexander__ - {The greatest legend of all, was real}
__bandexp - The Band Experience
__dancers - dancers<3
__inner_beauty_ - There's way more to people
__lyricsxwhore - LYRICSxWHORE
_dead_can_dance - Fans Of Dead Can Dance
_hangoverrr - _hangoverrr - a music community
_headphones_ - _headphones_
_headquarters - Headquarters
_jukebox - _ j u k e b o x |<babies>|
_justmusic - Just Music
_melodictune - Melodic Tune
_mix_cd_trade_ - trade mix CDs
_music_exchange - cds, mixtapes, cassettes, vinyl.
_musicjones_ - Welcome to _musicjones_
_musicreview_ - _musicreview_
_oceansoul - Nightwish
_phrontistery - Congregate
_singers_ - Singers Anonymous'
_singers_united - Singers United
_slooshy - _slooshy, a music community.
_woodwinds_ - woodwinds
_your_music - your music
acidplanet - ACIDplanet ... your world of music
ad_artemis - Aesma Daeva Community
admit_italready - Own Up To The Truth Already
albumoftheweek - albumoftheweek
alexanderfics - Alexander the Great fic and more
alexandertech - The LJ Alexander Technique Community
allthingsmusic - all-things-music
amoebamusic - Amoeba Music
anti_music - New Music Sucks!
anyart - anyart
ar_area_events - ar_area_events
art_journal - Art Inside Art
arthousers - Arthouser
artistsinrevolt - Artists in Revolt
artstand - Artstand< visualy artistic community
artsymeltingpot - Artsy Melting Pot
atx_slak_league - Austin Slackers' League
aurally_fixated - Aurally Fixated
autumn_addicts - Autumn Addicts
backtomine - Personal Soundtracks
bandos - Bando Community
bcde - Burned CD Exchange
beetandcheese - Lunch And Happiness: No.
bestsonglyrics - Sing With Me
bloodylies - bloodylies
boneplayers - Trombone Players
bopboppaduop - bopboppaduop
borntobe - Born to be a fan of __
boston_events - Boston Events
box_set - box_set
braceletxwhore - razors on her tongue//
brassmastaz - Brass Musicians
brightonbands - Brighton Bands
btp_fashion - BTP: Bonny Tyme Pyrates
burn_disco_burn - ☆
cacophonophobic - fear of bad music
cafe_la_luna - Cafe_la_Luna
canadianteens - Canadian Teens
cd__swap - cd__swap
cd_sale - cd_sale
cd_swappers - !
cd_swapping - cd_swapping
cd_trade - cd_trade
cdchange_il - share music
ceedeeswap - ceedeeswap
choirfreaks - Choir Freaks!
churchofreason - Bastards of Phaedrus
claim_a_cd - Claim a music cd or two!
claim_a_muscian - Claim a Muscian!!
claimyourmusic - Claim Your Music
classic_banners - Classic Banners
classical_bass - The Bass is Not Just for Rockin'
classicalguitar - classicalguitar
classicalmuzak - The Classical Music Community
coffeeculture - coffee house ambience
cognitive_itch - Cognitive Itch: Song of the Day
collegeradio - college radio information
concert_stories - Concert Stories
cupof_tea - cupof_tea
cwpost_music - C.W. Post Dept of Music on LJ!
damngoodmusic - the music of rocking out
dapurplellama - **({The Purple Llama})**
dasotamixtapes - Douglas Anderson Mixtapes.
deliriums - Writers vs. Writers
depraved_music - the depreciation of music
die_by_my_tune - My Tranquility
divinareina - Somewhat a paradise... ♥
downloadthis - dOWNLOAD tHIS
dsjunkymusic - Daddys Junky Music (get your music junk on!)
ear_phoria - Ear-phoria - Where music is connected to your soul
ec1ecticcompany - ec1ecticcompany
ej_zenland - Seven Words: The Isle of Eric Johnson Praise
electraxstacy - electraxstacy
elitemusicians - The Rating Community for Hot, Elite Musicians
emoshunlyluvly - Poetic Souls
ensconse - something dark to say
euphony_ - Euphony_____Music
eurotunes - EuroTunes
evrythngispchy - Everything is Peachy and The other little things t
fangirl_nation - ~*Fangirl Nation!*~
fansofbeck - Beck Fans Unite!
fashion_ideas - Fashion Design Ideas
fftl_united - FFTL_united
fightlikeagirl - The Girls
find_a_song - Find a song/singer!
find_musicians - Musicians Seeking Musicians
firstchair - Purple Musicians
fl_musicians - Florida Musicians
flameco_guitar - Flamenco Guitarists Community
fresnocdtrade - CD Trades In And Around Fresno
from_me_to_you_ - mix and trade
furry_musicians - Furry musicians
futuremusicians - Future Musicians
goodmusicicons - goodmusicicons
greekorgeek - apply here
guitarvirtuosos - guitarvirtuosos
harmonic_geisha - Harmonic Geisha
harp - Harp
hate_r_r_r - Bring In The Rants
haunted_designs - ...Of Melancholy Burning
hearallthemusic - Music is how we all hear each other
hellroaring - Claim a Song
horn_man_blues - Trumpet Love
houseofsound - House of Sound ~ SW ON Musicians Community
houstonbandseek - Houston's Local Musicians Source
houstonmusician - JUST MUSIC.
i_m - International Music
iconsbynancie - <3
ihavemyearonyou - ihavemyearonyou
immortal_life - Immortal Life
indianclassical - Indian Classical Music
indie_film_la - Indie Film Los Angeles
indieemo - IndieEmo
indieradioshow - indieradioshow
inkorperated - ª®†¡s†§ Inkørþë®a†ed
intellectuals - Intellectual Discussions and Debates
ipods_over_boys - Ipods Over Boys!!
islamabad - Islamabadians
isproductions - isproductions
it_aint_stealin - fuck you richard branson
j_a_d_e_1 - Juxaposition of Aspiring Drama Enthusiasts (1)
jgakuen - J-Gakuen
jointheshadows - Twilight Whispers
josh_groban - VOICE OF AN ANGEL
just_good_musik - Stuck in your head
just_music - just_music
kill_the_radio - Kill the Radio: A CDR Swap Meet
klbc_dot_org -
knox_musicians - Knoxville Musicians
kuci - KUCI
la_menagerie - la_menagerie
laguardiahs - A high school like no other.
lalaladisco - *******
lets_talk_music - ♪ Let's Talk Music ♪
letsgettogether - LetsGetTogether
life_as_music - to be played at maximum volume
likesooooinlove - All The Stuff You Never Wanted To Hear About
liquid_fish - Liquid Fish
liquidradio - LiquidRadio?
listen_to_this - What You're Missing
localbands - Local Bands
lost_in_loving - lost_in_loving
love_of_music - Music Appreciation
love_postal - Mix Trades
lyric_fest - Lyric Fest
lyric_life - Live through Lyrics
lyric_soprano - Singing Sopranos
lyrical_madness - lyrical madness
lyrical_poets - lyrical_poets
lyricaljukebox - lyricaljukebox
lyricistlounge - The Lyricist Lounge
lyrics_icontest - Icons With A Tune!
lyricwhores - lyricwhores
lyssapics - lyssapics
maksim_mrvica - The Maksim Community
matgags - The Middle-Aged Teenage Girl-Acting Guys Society
mcdavid_hall - mcdavid_hall
mdart - MD/VA/DC Artists
memphismusic - Memphis Music
metal_empire - The Metal Empire
michael_tillman - The Michael Tillman Adoration Society
midimakers - Midi Makers
midnight_circle - .:MiDnIgHt.FuN.aNd.GaMeS:.
midsummers_rain - MidSummers_Rain
mind_in_knots - Your magic place is nearing hell...
mindyourmusic - Do you like music?
mitunes - SuperPhunkyFlyMuzickSharing
mixcdtraders - MixCdTraders
mixed_kids - Mixed Kids Have More Fun
mixme_dubme - Mix Me, Dub Me, Listen to Me
mixmusic - mix tapes and cd's
mixtape - Music Experience
mixthemes - Mix Themes
moments_in_love - Another community designated for music lovers
montypython101 - The Ministry of Silly Walks
movements - Movements
mp3warsx - the everlasting contest of the mp3s / mp3
mp_losers - mp_losers
mqt_etc - The Movie Quotes Tag [and Song Game] community
msmixtape - music geeks
mssh_band_kids - MSSH_BAND_KIDS
musestoy - musestoy
music_and_lit - Where music meets literature
music_composers - music_composers
music_geeks - Music Geeks
music_inmy_head - music_inmy_head
music_is_mine - the day the music died
music_junkies - music_junkies
music_madness - For everyone who loves music of all kinds!
music_no_genres - Music-No_Genres
music_tips - Give us your music choices
music_whores - Music whores
music_writing - Music Writing - A source for musicians
musicalmix - Musical Mix Tapes
musicfucks - Music Fucks
musicgeeks - musicgeeks
musichistory - Music History and Musicology
musichour - ~~Porno Graffitti~~
musicians_unite - musicians community
musicinmyblood - Music In My Blood
musiclovers - ♪ ♥ Music Lovers
musicpeople - we are music people
musicrant - Music rant
musicworld - For Lovers of ALL Music.
muzaq - Music Finder
myfriendsaid - my friend said i should check out the band...
mymuseicons - My Muse Icons
naalremo - National Album Recording Month
name_your_band - name_your_band
nerd_haven - Nerd Haven
newburycomics - Newbury Comics
newfriends - A Place to Meet New Friends
newmusic_ - The New Music Community
newyork_scene - @#$&%!
nickel_creek - Live Journal's First Nickel Creek Community
nmsumusic - NMSU Music
nonaverage_mix - Non-Emo/ Non-Indie Mixtape Community
nonscenes - nonscenes
not_so_cool - The unique ones
ntu - Nottingham Trent University
om_bodhi - Consciousness, Awakening, Rebirth
open_mind_music - open_mind_music
org_dark - The Orgasmic Darkside
organists - Organists, And Enthusiasts
outsiders_edge - Devil in a Blue Dress
oysterblood - Oyster Blood
p_i_a_n_o - p_i_a_n_o-nerds
period_design - Lovers of Antiquities
piano_rock_fans - piano rock
pirate_panties - Scurvy Curs
plasticloveco - The Plastic Love Company
playlist - favorite five songs
poetic_thoughts - Poetic_thoughts
poetry_guild - Poétique Sanctuaire
poetrynshit - nothing can stop us now.
post_your_music - Post Your Music!
prescribedmusic - Prescribed Music
pretty_fucked - Pretty fucked
proeliumcantus - Proelium Cantus
promiskeepers - promiskeepers
promusicians - Professional Musicians
public_forum - Public Forum
quoted - Quotation Forum
rabbitfilmco - Rabbit Film Company
random_art - random_art
random_mania - A completely random community...
record_store - The Record Store
recordings - Recordings
reliquarydotorg - Reliquary
review_a_record - Read Them Or Weep
rhythmsignal - rhythmsignal
royal_bands - Them Crazy Musicians!
scenes_suck - =
scenesterwhat - scenesterwhat
scruffymusic - the all inclusive music community
sensoryoverride - sensoryoverride
sexy_dorks - Sexy Dorks
sf_music_dorks - Where the Music Dorks Come Out to Play
sf_musician - San Francisco Musician
sfbayplayhouse - sfbayplayhouse
shade_nyterose - Midnight Dreamz: A Heaven For The Dark
shamelesspromos - shameless promotion
share_the_music - share the music
sharethejoy - Music for the Masses
shinya_claims - Claim Something of SHIN-CHAN'S! ^____^
shoutcastwhores - ShoutCast Whores
show_your_choir - Choirs
showxwhores - Showxwhores
sightandsounduk - sightandsounduk
simplestudies_ - easy to go
singers_here - A community for singers
singsindigital - Sings in Digital
siriusradio - Sirius Satallite Radio
siriussatellite - Sirius Satellite Radio News, Info and Discussion
sluts_galore - sluts_galore
smarterdebate - Smarter Debate
song_n_emotion - 歌 と 感情
songhelp - Song Help
soundoff - listen up
sounds - sounds
soundtrax - Soundtrax of our Lives
southwestmusic - El Paso and Las Cruces Sounds!
spiffyiconz - Icons for everyone
spokenthrusong - Spokenthrusong
start_a_band - start_a_band
stokesmusic - Stokes Forest Music Festival & Camp
streaming_media - Streaming Media (as in, Online radio and online tv)
string_teachers - string_teachers
suggest_a_band - suggest_a_band
sundayrealestat - sundayrealestat
super_oddness - odd things just happen
super_sex0rz - super_sex0rz
swapheadphones - in one ear out the other
swapper - Swapper
t_s_o - Trans Siberian Orchestra
tapesarepunkr - tapez r punkrrr.
tapetrade - Tape Trade
teenagewastland - Place for us teens to chillax...
texxxas - Texxxas
tgitc - The Guy In the corner
tgss - The Grand Silent System
the_hydra_rocks - Community for fans of Ontario band The Hydra!
the_music_box - the_music_box
the_rainbowroom - the_rainbowroom
thebentpencil - Where writing is something sacred
theblackmarket - The Black Market
thedailymp3 - the daily mp3
thedailysong - The Daily Song
thefansfiction - The Fans fiction
thehedonist - pursuit and devotion to the pleasure of the senses
themed_mix_cds - Themed mix cds
themusic - The Music
theprovoshow - *the Provo Show*
thequestionclub - The Question Club
theweeklyalbum - The Weekly Album
those_tea_grrls - Tea Grrls n Bois
ticketsnow - Tickets NOW!
tightreviews - Tight Music: A Music Review Community
titan_regiment - COHS Band and Guard
tomyears - music to my ears
tone_ality - TONE-ALITY
top_50_tunes - top_50_tunes
top_music - top_music
toronto_noise - The sound of Toronto
tour_dates - On Tour
trevandjess - Our Journal
trombones - The Trombone Community
truemusic - True Music
trumpetlifechat - trumpet for life
tuneage - A music community: Share your finds
twisted_mixer - Post, List, Trade, & Request Indie Mix Tapes
ubw_community -
ucf_geeks - UCF geeks
unsung_muse - unsung_muse
unt_music - University of North Texas College of Music
ups_musicians - Musicians at UPS
urbanlounge - URBAN LOUNGE
usc_to_the_show - carpool/promote shows at or around USC
vancityteens - Vancouver Teens
varietyofmusic - Music Variety
vinyl_interests - For those interested in sharing music, and in coll
violinplayers - violin players
violinstudents - Adult Beginner Violin Students
vulpies_legacy - emma "vulpex" creed
vulva_love - Wild Succulent Women!!
wanktape - NoodleWanker Media presents The WankTape Club
warpedradio - Warped Radio
we_l0ve_music - we love every kinda music out there!
wekilledlyrics - We Killed Lyrics
whats_that_song - whats_that_song
where_it_goes - Where It Goes
windensemble - Wind Ensemble Musicians
wpg_tapetrading - Winnipeg Tape Trading
wrfl - WeRFeL
xanthites_unite - The Xanther Community
xt3rc - «~°xT©°~»
xurbanette - Urban-X
you_love -
you_would_like - Recommendations Community
yukikajiura - Yuki Kajiura
za_music - South African Music
Interested users
The following users are interested in classical. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
452 matches: