Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "electrical tape".
25 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in electrical tape. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- ___sellout - come on baby play dead for me.
- __anathema__ - Rachelly
- __eschew - your skin is porcelain.
- __failure - A faint cold fear thrills through my veins.
- __mythical - kandi
- __nuclear - and the car bomb hits quick click, faint smile.
- _coma_white_ - _*+ gLam--Tra$h +*_
- _darling - Morticia
- _emophobe_ - The Artist Formerly Known as Brooke
- _massacre - the jive bomber
- _replikant_ - a.rtificial i.ntentions
- _vaguely - Sarah
- abomina - abomina[tion]
- acrossthewalls - joy
- actressdork - Sunshine
- aftertheflesh - dig up her sprinklers.
- agentneedles - agentneedles
- aguiler - Shani
- ajax_ix - Thylacine
- akuma13 - LITHIUM PICNIC
- allamess - allamess
- amadeusnkitten - hate
- amanda3 - The Mechanics of Mediocrity
- amaristee - Amaristee
- amazonbambi - Dr PAIN
- andi_isak - Andi
- andronica - Daughter of Asimov
- angelsfucking - Rø†
- antiangel - your broken whore
- antidreamstar - Trinedy
- antiophelia - . .. . .. . ( JESS )
- appletrees - Alison
- arockschnigity - If it is to be; It is up to me.
- asfkjlj - kimmegirl
- ashanden - adrake
- athenalove - Sparkle
- aurecks_tear - look what the cat dragged in
- awalkingdream - gabe
- babiesarechewy - looks like he wants to fuck me and kill me.
- badbadkitty - -*-evil little kitten-*-
- balatu_salasa - Mr. Squiggle
- bandit8463 - Bandit
- bdsmdoll - bdsmdoll
- beetlebailey - Blake Bailey
- beetleginny - ginny-tron 1000
- bellygoth - miss molly
- betaphen - betaphenethylamine
- bionicbundi - my lungs taste like weed
- bittertwist - Shaiyela
- black_midnight - black_midnight
- blackb0xreality - //..nae**♥
- blackdragoness - becca
- blackeyedangelv - Robin
- blackkestrel - Kestrel
- blackmagicroses - Rose
- blackxeyeliner - Mistress blackxeyeliner
- blazedbloodbath - Prisoner # 97P904
- bleached - Anger
- bleak_december - Tabatha
- bleedingouthope - Nothing
- blo0dyxstarrz - eRiCa
- bloodlustwaltz - Highschool Hell Cat
- bloodydeadgirl - Scara
- bornxtoxbleed - Ω.mega
- boundbyher - Slayer
- briablo - Brian M
- broadsword - Sweet Nothing
- bunglemeplenty - No Women, No Kids
- cacophany - Everybody Else's Girl
- candyfish - the grime on the walls of the girls bathroom
- candygirl77 - candygirl77
- candyxstripe - candyxstripe
- chaosreload - Cleopatra spatula
- chellez - Chelle
- childofthesea - Maniacal Tendency
- clockwork_angel - Broken Clockwork Angel
- comavixen - Coma Vixen
- compulsive_ways - slit my wrists.
- contortion - Sar~Bear
- corporate_slave - corporate_slave
- crackedgawd - Sin-D
- cresentemotion - .
- crowho - nina
- crunchywater - Seahorse-opposite of pink
- cuba_libre - Soltares
- cybergothica - :: Latex Nyte chapel ::
- daisu_saikoro - Daisu Saikoro
- damaged_eyes - D A M A G E D E Y E S
- darkrayn - delete
- darxaan - Darxaan Solartis
- dcayn - Dez
- deadinhollywood - *HºLLYWººD*
- deadly_sin - strangeland
- deafeningxquiet - BRITT [vasher]
- death_kittie - death_kittie
- decayingheart - Trench
- decomposure - isabella
- deepredangel - Insignificant Me
- delerium714 - delerium
- delusionalkitty - *suicidalhugs*
- deoviolente - *malia*
- desolatemind - DesolateMind
- desyphered - Kaden
- devlish_peacock - Freak
- diffame - the boss of applesauce
- digitallullaby - The Alice
- dignan39 - Nick!
- din0tr0n - din0tr0n
- dirtyvaginas - Dead
- disenchantedone - Dizzy
- disfigurine - a drop of golden sun
- ditzypixy - The One And Only Groupie
- djuryne - DjUryne
- dontknownothin - one left sock
- dragongirl0013 - Nameless One
- driftingsoul - driftingsoul
- duskynoir - Dusky
- dying_fetus - david
- easymuffin - Samantha
- easyraider - easyraider
- eatenbytigers - Kitty Quinones
- eckerad - Alserro
- eetfuk - Gofug yaselv
- ekeppich - Eppich
- electroengel - チ
- emmys_ducks - The Amy
- emptyismyname - ::I'm not dreaming, I'm drowning::
- enigma74 - ~Cooler Jen~
- entheos7 - boycott love
- equusk - Kitty
- eroticslaughter - Tragedy
- etiolated - this warm, dark cabinet
- evil_ben - Benjamin
- experimentium - Advocatus Diaboli
- eyesofautumn - Autumn
- face_in_mirror - just the girl you want
- faeriedevil - jackie
- fallenangel130 - MeL
- falseeyelatches - falseeyelatches
- far_too_frale - eno on ma i
- fetishphillykat - fetishphillykat
- flamingo_ish - she wants to go fast
- fleshrejektion - {-} no salvation - no forgiveness {-}
- forgotten7327 - \\--//Sweet Surrender\\--//
- fredbot3000 - chris aka fred
- futilewaste - Lucifer
- garnetprizm - Brandi
- generik - generiK
- giveup_my_ghost - [ i would never ever leave ]
- glass_x_girl - glass girl
- goodwendy - good wendy
- gothicoldbat - gothicoldbat
- gothicpeach - Josee
- goyaffa182 - You're not so young yourself Reilly
- grapesodavixen - The Pixel of Destiny
- great_tragedy - Beautiful Lumps of Coal
- greytwilight - OttoTheOtter
- grimtotem - Binary Hellfire
- guttergoth - Kat
- handsbound - Esteban
- heartsick___ - i want you to hurt me.
- heartsyck - Alexis
- help_me_im_in - ~The Wizard Of Az
- helpusdie - lovelostbloodloss
- heroin_lust - lust
- hestiasdaughter - Persephone of the Spring
- hydrashock - hydra_shock
- i3lackcat - ~*/v\au*~
- illnessillusion - Gutter Glitter
- illude - b.e.x
- indigenoustrash - trash like new
- industriarts - nw
- industrii - industrii
- infinite_joy - infinite joy
- inhelliburn - Po0kie
- inked - Inked
- insomniac221 - Brian
- ironymask - Sheer Naked Aggression
- ispy007 - Secret Agent
- itsyrfuneral - The Scream-Queen-NC17
- iwuvgir666 - ~_~mayBe im aMaZed...~_~
- j3ssicka - Jessicka
- jesusinapickup - exquisite corpse
- jimmysleeves - You never knew me, you just wish you did
- juleeruinn - Sara
- kandriasin - A Life Less Ordinary.
- kdthewubat - KD
- kitty1 - manda sue
- kittykill - -x♥x-ŜђǻċЌ₤٤đ PяΐиςєśŞ-x♥x-
- klosetkreep - Melanie
- koimeterian_boy - Ambronovan
- koneko13 - Koneko
- krazykat218 - Paradiddle This
- krumbles - e l i z a b e t h p e r r y
- krystainein - Beeb
- kyle_obviously - Kyle
- lacerationz - :: Die 4 Your Govt ..:
- ladycat228 - Lady Cat
- ladylilly - Desecrated
- lalalaid - SuZy
- lanashagaman - Lana
- latexego - Origami Creature
- lazurstzthmt - adequate pleasure
- legionfwam - Legion, For We Are Many
- leilanina - Leila/Jenn
- lemonpez - Jessica
- lennypoole - Symphony Of Slaves
- lick_my_knife - × .Slit. .Your. .Tongue. ×
- lilangelfuck - marisa
- liquidsynergy - [ P.aralyzed S.ynthesis ]
- lithiumacidine - Laighid
- littlegreencow - ♥bob♥
- livid - kYm livid™
- loathedmisery - SickInside
- longlivepeach - peachboy
- longlostending - Devil In Disguise
- loser_sause - Keegan
- lostmachine - Andy aka Alice
- lostxlove - lostxlove
- love_detective - sink away you look happy
- lucidia_elise - violently happy
- luciditylust - Devinder
- lusciouspoison - X .rock. X .paper. X .scissors. X
- mac13 - Mac13
- machina - machina
- macula - Pravus
- madameblah - Melanie
- maiden_melfina - Kate
- make_me_hurt - I'm half Jill and half Jack.
- manicnympho - Lucy
- maradia - π
- mem8716 - mem8716
- metal_on_metal - robot gurl
- mindsuckr - mindsuckr
- minifascist - The Snack-Size Nazi
- mirusamortis - KyliE
- miss_gosh - Toulouse
- mistresspetra - Petra
- mixmasterasia - MixMasterAsia
- mobiusparadox - Mobius Paradox
- modern_shadows - M
- moraldescent - MoralDescent
- morbid566 - Ryan
- morbidhexa822 - Hexa
- morbidwisdoms - Between the Conception and the Creation
- mrbuckley - babyfood
- mrmacabre - The Bending Blade stuck in your ribs
- multimedianinja - Johnny Zhivago
- munkee23 - Munkee #23
- my_toe_itches - the vomit queen
- mylilacgirl - the captain of outerspace
- mymylullaby - Sour Cream & Vinegar Pringle
- nakiwarai - nakiwarai
- nerozero - nero
- ninesixtwo - ...Just a Copy of a Copy of a Copy of a Copy...
- ninsanity - Anna
- nithica - Nithica
- notadora - Adora
- nothing00 - one of the elusive
- nova_zion - Shaiyela
- onepeatoomany - Sir Hand
- onesickvirus - 229182119
- ooontz_ooontz - brandon
- oraldefecator - jiz
- orangge33 - cat
- ousel - Kaput
- paillettes - paillettes
- panickedzebra - la blasphème
- peachieprincess - *Total Denial*
- penguindreams - Andrew
- penguinjunky - Andrew
- penhille - ::Penhille::
- pink_plastik - The drones work hard before they die
- pinknailbunny - Ambiguity
- pixel_person - a play thing for your pleasure - broken easily
- plastic_eyeball - plastic_eyeball
- platinumdizzy - +(chemical)+(smile)+
- poisonplaything - that one person
- porpentine9 - Porpentine
- positronic - more human than human
- prays2stars - Sub material
- prettienothings - Drugs+aRe.yOur[anTI-dRuG]mY;dEar,poINTy-hAirEd+boy
- propylene - Noodles
- protokolnine - G.I. Jew
- psychopsis - Psychopsis
- punkrawker_xxx - Kimmberly
- punky_munky - *fuck you*
- purplecorduroy - three sheets to the wind
- qedragon - Quod Erat Dragon
- queenmab - Ramblings of a Raven Haired Beauty
- quietrage - Tyler
- radiation88 - - - - - - - -r a d i u m- - - - element that glows
- raenonme - Tangent
- rainbowhirligig - Mariko
- raisedbywolves - amy
- rasp_utin - Rasp.utin
- ravensbreath - Raven
- rayvenn - rayvenn
- razorbladedoll - razorbladedoll
- razorbladekande - the anatomy of a journey
- redcarpetrebel - epic
- redheadedslvt - antigone
- regret_nothing - [T]he [F]ragi|e
- remia - a delusion of reality
- replication - petey
- reverendcharles - ReverendCharles
- revpantymcoi - Valium
- rhps613 - Josh
- rivetgrrrl - ana phalaxis
- robotgirl - X13-08
- roosterjiglywon - Rabbi Jiglywong, Private Eye
- roseeyedangel - Rising star on a falling stage
- rubine - the incredible, edible rubine
- rude_dude - Rude Dude
- samefourwalls - Kadi
- sanctifysadism - Ω.mega
- sarrahmich - Sarrah
- satyrsdance - †Hè Dè£ïgH†ƒú£ Kïšš õƒ šHãðõ\/\/
- savaela - savaela
- savesthedaychik - L.i.n.d.s.e.y
- scara - Sarah Para
- scariemissmary - x Miss Mary x
- scary_pause - Cherry Ice Cream Smile
- seamouse - Gypsy
- sexmurderart - 745k
- sextoy212 - sextoy212
- sezzleberry - sez
- shackledxdollie - Mae Scarlette
- shadenfreude - Asirak Belle
- shadowofeden - Shattered Nothing
- sharatoothbrush - Britknee
- sheenstar - Sheena
- shivere - The Queen of Discernment™
- shutterdyke - Ti
- sickgirl13 - Sickgirl
- sicktwist3 - sicktwist3
- siddie - siddie
- sidetrackbrat - inked's veil
- silent_fantasi - -= ВłőōĐŷ ŦoŗmėńŦ =-
- silent_threat - panic
- silkfish_sylph - bleu apple.
- sirena73 - she who will sing you to shipwreck
- snarftastiko - Snarftastiko
- sndro666 - Sndro
- songofthesiren - Song Of The Siren
- sonics - (*
- sourpuss - born into trouble
- spasmolytic46 - Roach
- stalkthestalker - CR
- star_spit - The Amy
- starcheckered - Your Tears Are Only Alibis
- staticdreams - ABORT...DISTORT...RETRY...
- steve_whitetail - Steve WhiteTail
- stillgrave - stillgrave
- stitched_up - Mike
- stitchedkitty - Kittykins {Little Miss Near-Queer}
- sugarmilk - precious
- sugarmorphine - Jack
- sunsmoon - ╩╪Butterfly Child╪╩
- sunspoteyes - skr
- supergothmodel - Jamie
- suzyhomewrecker - Mork and Mindy
- swah - sarah
- syckbeautiful - Razorblades And Misanthropy
- syntheticka - Radioactive Decay
- talenaisevil - The Guillotine Princess
- tangent_funk - tangent_funk
- tekiclutch - Teki
- term - dr. term
- tevrain - animal.liberation - stop.the.death
- thatgothicchick - Sphyrna M. Lewini
- theblackrose - dead girl
- theoccupant - Nobody Nothing
- thesporkofdoom - Moose
- theturub - johnny
- thezygo - Sucky McSuckerson
- thornintheside - my tired hands
- thrillkillkitty - thrill kill kitty
- ticklemejaggz - Jaggz
- titanium_touch - Titanium Touch
- toocoolqueeny - The Arctic Cat
- toxikshock - Pathetic
- tr67 - tropicana67
- trustanti - Anti.
- tsurara - Amanda
- tygerarmy - Dana
- tyrant_black - To Die
- uglylittlechild - Jack
- uglyzebras - uz
- un__touchable - chevvvvvvvy
- unbornbutterfly - Danielle
- utopique - utopique girl
- valkyrja_ihwar - ***Coffee Ground Emesis Goes Decaf***
- veryevilbeth - evil linen
- vghoul - wretched St.Matte [&attendant demonic menagerie]
- viable_delusion - synaptic.dreams
- vingus - vingus o'rourke
- vinylpants - Jackson Rake
- violin_suicide - Jim X Ruttle
- vivid_dream - Crish A. Laninsky
- wendolen - loving the alien
- willothewizp - willothewizp
- winterwound - winterwound [hella bereaved]
- xcrimsonxsnowx - xcrimsonxsnowx
- xdistortionx - .d.i.s.t.o.r.t.i.o.n.
- xenograph - xenograph
- xeroyne - Xeroyne
- xipia - xipia
- xkittyboxx - xkittyboxx
- xlordofhatex - I really know where my towel is at.
- xo_eudora_ox - ? Don't die, Stay pritty ?
- xonlyxoncex - xonlyxoncex
- xplasticqueenx - .....BrainDead MotherFucker.....
- xstryderx - Stryder Suicide
- xxsykokittiexx - bite my scab
- xxxlacutie4uxxx - Kirby
- xyesxxsxexxnox - Lisa AKA 7
- xyplex2 - Xyplex2
- yamazaru - YamaZaru
- yourneongod - David William ;D *)
- yourworstenemy - Crystal Donna
- z0mb1 - glam rock whore
- zarasynn - Zara Synn
- zedekiah_ - Zedekiah
- zemelissavirus - All your base
- zorn007 - The manifestation between Re and Tarded