Below is user information for technodummy. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | technodummy (392768) |
| technodummy :: blog a journey through cyberspace |
Name: | technodummy |
Website: | technodummy :: blog |
Location: | Melbourne, Victoria, Australia |
Birthdate: | 1977-09-18 |
E-mail: | technodummy | @ | |
ICQ UIN: | 4936838 (Add User, Send Message) |
Bio: | technodummy Books just wanna be FREE! See what I mean at Bookcrossing
femme, technodummy... living in Melbourne, Australia. in love with lukel
If you're wondering why you're on my friends list, LJ can't differentiate between friends and personal journals you are reading.
I use a lot of filters. What can you view?
First home on the web: wbs
Second home on the web: ozchat
Third home on the web:
ID (Instinctive Drives): 7 5 3 5 Verify - 7 Authenticate - 5 Complete - 3 Improvise - 5
Keirsey Temperament: iNFj Counselor
RHETI: Type Five, Wing Six Learning style: NF
Jung Typology Test: ENTP Extroverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving Strength of the preferences % 11 56 22 67
Myer Briggs: INFP
blogging code: B3 d+ t- k s-- u f i o x e- l c
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GP/GL/GIT d-- s-- :+++ a24 C+++ L W+++ W-- M++ PS++ PE+++ Y+ PGP t+ 5 X+ R tv b++++ DI+ D G E h-- r- z++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
Memories: | 1014 entries |
Interests: | 148: /., ai, alpha centauri, alternative energy sources, amphetadesk, anti-trust laws, apple, arcologies, arcology, arcology theory, arcosanti, arthritis, artificial intelligence, artificial life, asimov, australia, australian politics, being a dag, blogs, bookcrossing, brainstorming, capability maturity model, chat, cheekiness, childless by choice, chilli, cmm, computers should serve people, controlled environments, copyleft, cosanti, culture jamming, dark angel, domestic space travel, dr karl kruszelnicki, dr. who, drupal, ecology, environmentalism, ethics, genes, genetics, google, gui, highway's thingy, human centric, human computer interaction, human interaction, human spaceflight, human-centric, human-centric computing, humanity, infj, information, information shifting, information technology, innovation, integration testing, interesting people, isaac asimov, janis joplin, ketosis, know thyself, knowledge, knowledge experts, knowledge management, knowledge networks, leunig, live journal, low-carb, mac, machine gun fellatio, macintosh, macs, mars colony, melbourne, michael dertouzos, michael leunig, mind maps, moon colony, moon on a stick, muppets, myths and legends, new technology, not good enough, online journalism, open source testing, orkut, osx, ozchat, paolo soleri, permanent accounts, poo eating brent, privacy, project oxygen, protest, public styles, random thoughts, rapid application development, red bull, red dwarf, red wine, regression testing, school without walls, sdlc, seeking knowledge, self forming knowledge networks, sfkn, shifted librarian, six sigma, slashdot, smac, social effects of technology, society, software development life cycle, south melbourne, space colony, st kilda, standards, sticky minds, support, swow, systems integration testing, test analyst, test conditions, testing, the curiousity show, the espy, think different, thinkgeek, thought, thoughts, tracy chapman, trust metrics, uat, unfinished revolution, unit testing, urban legends, usable web design, used books, user acceptance testing, vegemite, victoria, w3c, wbs, webchat broadcasting system, wired, ∞. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 172: | _loungefly_, ackro, adcott, adcottcomm, aithlyn, alanj, alicelee, amcmillan, antiscout, appreciation, aquaone, aquatwo, arakasi, arie, asciident, aussie_nyc, autotelic, b3rnd, badfritz, badredhead, bazzleweewaa, bear26, begettingk, beier_d, bertho, bionicbaby, brad, bradfitz, caitycat, callisto_, cepcion, chemicallace, cornrelish, crschmidt, dakus, dargie, david, debbra, debgirl001, dellie, denisep, denizsarikaya, deslea, doctorcal, doggiemom, dpt, drakk, drowninglesson, eefster, electricjuice, emmavescence, ender, erinn, ernunnos, evan, faedejavelin, firstashore, fontosaurus, foxmagic, frank, froglips, gareon, giorgio, god_dot_com, gooner, gwferguson, halkeye, highway, hlu_fit, i_dread, idigital, insert_token, insomnia, iolani, jnala, johnbot, jproulx, jvcstu, jwendl, kingnixon, kkgirly, ladyelisa, larch, leora, lierre, lisa, ljcolorthemes, lowcarbkitten, lroberson, lucretio, luka91, lukel, lyart, mabooboo, mac, macheide, maltor, malty, malver, mambolip, mart, mc17, mcfnord, mega, megnut1, melancholy23, mert_mt_bc, messytime, mireille719, misshavisham, monkeyinacoma, mortaine, mswagner, myrch, nakedteddybears, neilypops, neophoenix, nilesta, nizzygiggles, paranoidandroid, patrick, paulchandler, phil99, piggypiggy, pjammer, press, public, pxlktty, qtkat, quent, rahaeli, realmac, rebequa, recollection, revjim, rho, rhonan, roy, rstythgphr, ryft, scumm_boy, scytrin, sebpaquet, sherm, shybabe81, simones, sneeky, songwind, species8471, spratt, sunyata__, supersat, supersat_tech, suppafly, sweetree, synthe, technodummy, thegarnetgirl, thegreatdark, timwi, tinjuko, tribelessnomad, tsutton, twid, twoluvcats, typicalblonde, vanilla_kisses, vanillasunshine, woz, wrestling_ghoul, writingstatic, xenofalcon | | 181: | adbusting, admin_console, alicebot, annoyingjournal, antiriaa, appleworld, archery, asperger, atkins_daily, atkins_diet, atkins_recipes, atkinsaustralia, aus_tv, aussielj, badfritz_tabind, bear_rocks, bibliographic, birdsreleased, birthcontrol, blog_sociology, bml, bookcrossers, browserfriendly, bubbleteafans, burning_man, changelog, comm_news, comm_news_biz, comm_news_com, comm_news_dev, comm_news_ent, comm_news_life, comm_news_subs, community_promo, community_quest, community_staff, copyright, darwinnt, digitalcamera, doinggood, embedding, emulation, environment, errormessages, featureannounce, flygirls, flyladies, flylady, fontaddicts, fotobilder, fotobilder_user, freeciv, future_crisis, futurecity, futuretech, geeks, girlgeeks, good_design, googlegames, guerillanews, guide, helpscreening, highwaysthingy, hoaxes, howtosupport, href, humancomputing, ibook, idealists, ijournal, ikea_addicts, indexing, infojunkies, ipod, jimhensonfans, jjj, know_thyself, knownissues, live, livejournal_uk, lj_abuse, lj_art, lj_audit, lj_biz, lj_clients, lj_dev, lj_english, lj_everywhere, lj_feedback, lj_maintenance, lj_manage, lj_newsletter, lj_nifty, lj_nihongo, lj_research, lj_style, lj_support, lj_supportadmin, lj_syndication, lj_sysdoc, lj_test, lj_topic, lj_userdoc, ljcustomized, ljdesign, ljdesigners, ljstressrelief, ljsupportdonuts, ljtranslators, lowcarb, lowcarbdiabetic, macintosh, macosx, macosxdev, maintainers, meetup, meierfans, melbournemaniac, memetics, milkads, mitmit, morality, mountain_view, mozilla, muppets, newbies, newljdesign, news, opensourcetests, orkut, osxhardware, ourdiet, ozchat, paidmembers, pancakebunny, philosophy, privchange, publicstyles, quatsch, quotes, refriedpaper, s2practice, s2styles, sciencefiction, sexual_health, sfbayarea, sms_to_lj, standingbythem, stylehelp, suggestions, support_clients, support_general, support_interim, support_pics, support_syn, support_upi, supportideas, supportlounge, syn_promo, syn_quest, techgirls, techsupport, temphell, testscripts, thankyousupport, thedailydose, thereadingroom, thoughtpool, trustmetrics, unsentletters, userpics, wbs, we_love_ascii, we_love_rahaeli, web_ui, weblogsociology, welovegeeks, wildwomen, wordoftheday, xxcustomization, your_karass | | 60: | 2savetheworld, aaronswartz, apod, atac, bbcnewsworld, belledejouruk, belleuk, benhammersly2, bloggerblog, carlzimmer, cnetnewsdotcom, coversproject, davidgalbraith, docsearls, freedomtotinker, gblooglestir, googleblog, interconnected, journalreview, joyofsoup, kevinsites, kittenbreak, kuro5hin, lancearthurfeed, lawrencelessig, librarygirl_rss, lisnews, lizvangdotcom, lowcarbexchange, lowcarbfeed, lr_lifespace, many_to_many, misbehaving, mitchwagner, nooface, opennetcf, outsidethefeed, pornclrkstories, preachermanfeed, putdownthedonut, researchbuzz, sarah_t, scripting, seb_paquet, shelterit, shiftlibrarian, shouldexist, socialarchitect, stuart_henshall, techdirt, techlog_feed, theregister, thinkgeek, thinksecret, too_many_books, unwirer, webstandards, whereisraed, wired_news, worldchanging |
Friend of: | 111: _redsparkle_, ackro, adcott, aithlyn, alicelee, altair99, amcmillan, angharad, antiques, antiscout, arakasi, arie, asciident, atopea, autotelic, badredhead, bazzleweewaa, becksx7, begettingk, beier_d, bertho, caitycat, callisto_, cepcion, cornrelish, crschmidt, dargie, david, denizsarikaya, discoflamingo, doctorcal, drakk, drowninglesson, eefster, electricjuice, ender, ernunnos, faedejavelin, fontosaurus, foxmagic, frank, froglips, frothymoose, fuall, gareon, giorgio, god_dot_com, gwferguson, halkeye, helios, henman, highway, humancentric, i_dread, idigital, innogen, insert_token, johnbot, jproulx, jvcstu, jwendl, ladyelisa, leora, lroberson, luka91, lukel, lyart, mabooboo, macheide, maltor, malty, malver, mambolip, mcfnord, mega, mert_mt_bc, messytime, mithryl, mortaine, myrch, neilypops, neophoenix, nizzygiggles, paolomassa, paranoidandroid, potman, pxlktty, realmac, rhonan, rstythgphr, scumm_boy, scytrin, shybabe81, simones, sneeky, somebodies, somnambulist, supersat, technodummy, thegarnetgirl, timwi, tinjuko, tsutton, turin_run, twid, typicalblonde, vanilla_kisses, venusianflame, woz, wrestling_ghoul, writingstatic |
Member of: | 116: 55curtains, admin_console, alicebot, annoyingjournal, antiriaa, appleworld, atkins_diet, atkins_recipes, atkinsaustralia, aus_tv, aussielj, badfritz_tabind, bibliographic, birdsreleased, blog_sociology, browserfriendly, bubbleteafans, burning_man, canberra, community_promo, community_quest, digitalcamera, doinggood, embedding, errormessages, factoids, flyladies, fontaddicts, fotobilder, freeciv, futurecity, futuretech, geeks, girlgeeks, gold_coast, good_design, googlegames, guerillanews, guide, helpmailing, highwaysthingy, humancomputing, humanism, ibook, idealists, ijournal, ipod, jimhensonfans, jjj, know_thyself, larch, livejournal_uk, livelizard, lj_art, lj_biz, lj_dev, lj_english, lj_feedback, lj_nifty, lj_style, lj_syndication, lj_topic, lj_userdoc, ljdesign, ljdesigners, ljdotnet, ljgeeks, ljtranslators, lowcarb, macintosh, macosx, maintainers, meetup, meierfans, melbournemaniac, milkads, morality, mountain_view, mozilla, muppets, opensourcetests, orkut, osxhardware, ozchat, pagesinthesands, paidmembers, pancakebunny, philosophy, publicstyles, quatsch, quotes, refriedpaper, royalewcheese, s2styles, sciencefiction, sexual_health, sfbayarea, stand, supersat_tech, support_pics, supportideas, supportlounge, syn_promo, syn_quest, techgirls, testscripts, thequestionclub, thereadingroom, thoughtpool, trustmetrics, wbs, we_love_ascii, we_love_rahaeli, weblogsociology, welovegeeks, wildwomen |
Account type: | Permanent Account |