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User:tribelessnomad (22277) Paid User  
Name:Tribeless Nomad
Bio:created Oct. 29, 2000

This journal won't really be about me. Mostly, I intend to write about my efforts to learn a little something about Zen Buddhism, which I'll be doing from the VERY beginning, and VERY slowly. Maybe I'll make time for some Vedic scriptures, too -- just to slow my progress down even more.

Although this journal won't tell you much about my life, we see at the beginning of every Iron Chef battle that "you are what you eat" (if I may paraphrase). Brillat-Savarin and Frank Zappa apparently agreed on that. So I'll mention in my journal what I've been eating and drinking (unless it's water), and thence shall the curious learn whose discarded thoughts they are stumbling over.

If you want to contact me regarding LiveJournal documentation, please send e-mail to lj_sysdoc(at), or post in one of the community journals (lj_userdoc or lj_sysdoc).
Memories:357 entries
Interests:28: andy goldsworthy, beethoven, cecil adams, community radio, computer programming, debussy, dinosaur jr, douglas adams, douglas hofstadter, earth science, food, good stories, green tea, indian food, iron chef, kenya, lewis carroll, npr, physics education, satie, scientific data management, scott adams, sonic youth, the beatles, the indian ocean, the pixies, travel, zen. [Modify yours]
People29:alicelee, angeldove, artvamp, autumn_eyes, bookfoole, bram, creativity101, crest, gael, genders, insomnia, jaebird, jazzleader, larch, leora, midori_kaeru, mindmirror, mindreams, muse, nomi, pbrane, pbsage, pix, sari, satoreye, sir_lance_a_lot, swerve, whorlpool, womanonfire
Communities36:bibliographic, bml, buddhists, capstoneproject, changelog, comm_news, comm_news_subs, communities, community_promo, goathack, helpscreening, history, ironcheffan, jazzclub, lj_audit, lj_biz, lj_clients, lj_core, lj_dev, lj_everywhere, lj_maintenance, lj_manage, lj_nifty, lj_support, lj_supportadmin, lj_sysdoc, lj_translate, lj_userdoc, maintainer, news, persians, physics, suggestions, supportlounge, thoughtpool, vegetarian
Friend of:19: alicelee, blindsheeple, bookfoole, druid, gael, genders, jaebird, jazzleader, leora, mindmirror, nomi, pbsage, sari, satoreye, silenceofbeing, someones, technodummy, whorlpool, womanonfire
Member of:23: bibliographic, buddhists, capstoneproject, goathack, helpscreening, indexing, ironcheffan, jazzclub, larch, lj_biz, lj_dev, lj_everywhere, lj_nifty, lj_sysdoc, lj_translate, lj_userdoc, maintainer, paidmembers, persians, sharedjournal, supportlounge, thoughtpool, zen_within
Account type:Permanent Account

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