Saturday, November 20th, 2004
5:47 pm - Only Mega Seriously Nerds Need Apply
Okay, I noticed that nobody has posted here for a long time, so I decided to throw caution to the wind and ask people this. Okay, how many here own Neverwinter Nights? Come on, don't hide. ( find out about the server )
How about this for new contest NUNers: who can come up with the best video game created applicant for NUNs? Just an idea.
current mood: mellow
Sunday, November 14th, 2004
11:44 pm - (stamped) Nintendo Gameboy DS
Name changed to protect the not-so-innocent.
Mick_Hale: You know, I'd never think that Nintendo would actually make the DS commercial like that. ********: huh? Mick_Hale: (static) Mick_Hale: (two blue rectangles show up on screen) Mick_Hale: (sexy voice): Touch the bottom rectangle. Mick_Hale: (sexy voice): Go on, you know you want to. ********: oh right ********: yea well ********: ehhh Mick_Hale: I am so impressed with Nintendo now. ********: haha
For reference, VG Cats and the ensuing alternative comic.
Mick_Hale: I want to touch it. ********: .... down there Mick_Hale: Yes.
Thursday, November 11th, 2004
7:19 pm - A question I thought you guys might be able to help me with.
I've been trying to burn a DVD for a friend with another friend's DVD burner but the program I'm doing it with says that the format the orginal DVD is in won't allow it to be burned. I have no idea what to do. Is there a way I can rip and save the DVD and change the kind of file it is?
current mood: curious current music: "Nymphomaniac Fantasia" by Nightwish
Sunday, November 7th, 2004
11:30 pm - Oh and another thing...
My friends Philip and Mike have just recently opened our Wiki up to the public! We've (echoing too!) been working on it for months now and you should check it out!
11:09 pm - Stamped-a-roonie!
Hey everyone, I've been out and about....extremely busy with 3 jobs..trying to stay alive through my bronchitis and I finally got pictures of Halloween..( intra! ecce! )
Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004
12:46 pm - LJ Help...
I have 2 questions for all you wizards...
How do I do the LJ undercut, so Im not scaring people off with my large photos?
Also, say I want to reference another member, how do I get the icon that shows their name and head?
Much thanks in advance..
Tuesday, October 26th, 2004
6:33 pm - HEY CASSANDRA. And I guess the rest of y'all.
Hey Cassandra, it was recently brought to my attention I slacked in readding the communities to my pretty new journal. So I took the liberty of readding myself as one of the gods maintainers, mmmmkay? So yes. It's the artist formerly known as xanyankax. Who will. Um. Sit around and look pretty. Like I always do.
Saturday, October 23rd, 2004
11:28 pm - Computers, case mod advice 'n' stuff
Gee, last time I posted here... or on any LJ community for that matter...hmm.. I was just building my PC and telling you guys about it. Recently we've had some upgrades to Feldman... since we last heard Feldman was:
( read on )
Sunday, October 17th, 2004
11:37 pm - *stamped* Happy 30th, Dungeons and Dragons!
So... who shared in the festivities? I couldn't, sadly... I was working today, and I missed last night's game, too.
Any interesting stories?
Thursday, October 14th, 2004
11:57 pm - Update on the hair...
A while ago I asked you all for hair advice, and it was essentially to grow it out.
These pictures are late at night, and my hair's a bit messy (and extremely frizzy), but some people say that gives it kind of an odd sexy edge (I personally don't agree with that too much). So I had an idea... we haven't had much activity on this journal in a while... sooo post your hair! Only all-natural... no product, straightening, curling, anything. Beyond that, you can comb it, tie it back, or whatever, but the end result has to be just your hair.
( How it turned out... )
8:48 am - Question
I'm trying to make my journal "friends only", however none of the setting seem to stick! any suggestion?
2:16 am - mp3 players
hey everyone, my mp3 player died yesterday. i want to buy a new one, but i want people's opinons on what's a good one. i suppose i should note that i don't want an ipod. partly because of the expense, and partly because i would prefer an mp3 player that doesn't have a hard disk that can skip.
so, i'd guess that quite a few of you have mp3 players, would you please leave me comments and tell me about them? have you been happy with them? what kind(s) do you recommend?
i'd also like to know a bit about how your players interface with the computer. is there some kind of file managing program? does the player just hook up to the computer like a virtual drive (this would be my ideal situation)? etc.
current mood: awake
Monday, September 20th, 2004
11:47 pm - Nerd Shirt
And for my first post as a stamped member...
Well, I intended it to be a bit more gracious than this, but it turns out I still can neither take photographs nor be easily photogenic. Anywho, there are some pictures here of me in one of my "nerd shirts," as my mom refers to them. I'll take pictures of the others later and hopefully remember to hold up a sign thanking you all, no votes as much as yes, for putting me through the test and then passing me. It's just as sweet as passing my first AP Chem test. ^^;
Also, to the few, the proud, the Mac users here: my school iBook now has Panther on it, and it's my first (albeit restricted) usage of the system. I'm in awe... Navajo and Ainu keyboard layouts? I'll never use them, but heck yes!
current mood: good current music: Polaris - Hey Sandy
9:52 am
I have five Gmail invites.
First five to comment with some sort of email and two things to put in the name section will get one.
Thursday, September 16th, 2004
9:18 pm
Thursday, September 9th, 2004
8:36 pm - stamped sillyness
Tuesday, September 7th, 2004
4:19 am - Update...
Well, it's kind of a picture update, in the form of my new icon. My good friend mandareevz made it. Thought some people in this community might understand/appreciate the humor:)
current mood: sleepy
Saturday, September 4th, 2004
5:04 pm - stamped with new toys
Here's a pic of my new love:
( More. )
And here's my latest impulse buy:
That's right, Queen Titania from Midsummer Night's Dream, the ballet version. It's a Silver limited edition, and it was the last one at KayBee's. It's been a while since my last Barbie. I couldn't resist. :P
Thursday, September 2nd, 2004
3:04 pm - been way too fucking long since i posted
hey everyone. it's me, your far-from-humble mod. it's been so long since i've posted that most of you have probably forgotten who i am. this must be rectified.
so let's see, i've had a pretty nerdy semester so far. i'm working for my school's student computer services for the third year in a row. this year, i'm really working hard and i've earned my boss's respect in a big way. this makes me really, really happy. i finally brought my old athlon 1200 box back to school with me yesterday and now i'm working on getting internet connection sharing set up to use my pentium 4 box as a router (sadly, there's only one ethernet jack in my room and i don't feel like setting up a hub). in other geeky news, i've been made a moderator in the support forums for CUSP, the comic update script that i use for my comic. i'm also in the process of writing a comprehensive user manual for it.
( visualizations )
i think that's a bit more interesting than photographs don't you?
current mood: artistic current music: radiohead - no surprises
Tuesday, August 31st, 2004
11:55 pm