Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "aim".
428 matches:
2t_the_nunnery - 2t_the_nunnery
3moredoritos - Three More Doritos
7th_core - The 7th Core
_4am - jemma & kelly
___sugarbomb - i hate you, this is krissy
__bacon__ - Order of Thee Uber Lush
__brain_damage - What's this life for?
_add_this_lj - want LJ friends? join <3
_collegekids - college kids!
_conversations - AIM Conversations
_craptastic - Craptastically Inclined
_doubletrouble_ - _doubletrouble_
_eloquor - The outspoken, expressive, and eloquent
_emo_lyrics_ - _emo_lyrics_
_ethanembry - Ethan Embry
_gorgeous_grlz - Are you gorgeous?
_interrupted_ - Ren & stephi
_lass_ - The Low Down Dirty Bunch
_ljexposed_ - livejournal: exposed
_ljfriends_ - _ljfriends_
_ljwhore - Livejournal Whores
_need_advice_ - _need_advice_
_the_real_deal - The Real Deal: A Wrestling Role Play Game
_yayness_ - Thats Yayness!!!
_youreratedx - _youreratedx
_yum - _yum
a_new_friend - Add a new friend
abortus_germ - abortus_germ
ac_adoptanewbie - Adopt A Newbie
ac_americanidol - AMERICAN IDOL AC STYLE
ac_babylon - pride
ac_boredom - Boredom Sucks!
ac_icons_layout - After Celebrity ICON and LAYOUT help
ac_lotr_crew - Lord Of The Rings
ac_red_carpet - After Celebrity Welcome Forum
acting_haven - Kaya Davenport
add_me - meet a new friend
addme2 - Add Me!
addmeandrock - add me & rock.
addmeback - Add Me Back - A Friends Community
adotwns - All Days Of The Week Night Slackers
advertise_links - Link Advertisement
after_celebrity - After Celebrity
agesexlocation - Wanna shag?
aim_is_fun - AIM Shenanigans
aim_to_please - AIM_To_Please
aim_whores - AIM Whores
aimcon - Aimless Misconception
aimcons - //Aim For Icons
aimicons - AIM Icons
aimp3 - AOL Instant Messenger MP3 Trade!
aimsay_what - you said what on aim?!
aimswap - Aimswap
alfandria - Alt.Fan.Dragons
allerleiicons - Allerlei Icons
amhs - AMHS
andrewspixie - Aly
angel_whores - angel//whores
animeexpo - Anime Expo
anti_aolers - xAnti AOLersx
anti_sean - anti_sean
anti_whores - Anti-whore
aohell - we fucking hate AOL, but love ripping them off
aol_im - AOL Instant Messenger
aolfriends - AOL Instant Messenger Friends
aowhores - butteRflies
apartment412 - Apartment 412
aprayerforyou - Prayer Warriors
ask_danielle - Danielle
askaway - Ask Away
askben - Ben Knows ALL
assholetothemax - assholetothemax
babblers - The Babblers
babysonspikes - BabysOnSpikes
bad_callers - bad callers anonymous
banner_trade - Livejournal Banner Trade!
bcnj - Bergen County New Jersey
beatlesgraphics - Beatles Graphics
beauty_kills - Beauty Kills
bellevue_people - Residents of East King County
bergencounty - cool bergen county people unite
best_of_skaters - Best of Skater Chat
blackmail_diary - Katie
blendz - Blend challenge
blinkerboi - ~*.::Supa-Dupa::.*~
blinky_blinky - Blinky Blinky
bloody_glitter - Bloody Glitter
bluecrew - bluecrew
boernewhores - Fuck you Boerne Nazis!
bolt_fiends - Bolt Fiend
bootsandbraces - Another Community About Everything!
boredom_strikes - Insanely Bored?
boyz_only_4life - Boyz Only 4 Life
brakchat - Chatters at Brak
breathingdor - Breathing: Daughters of Royalty
bwagagaga - unknown
c2x_ooc - C2X Out of Character
cacklefannery - maruchina + vasthouden + jesus = *cackle*fannery
calischoolgal - Crazy and Evil California School Girls
carlsbadhigh - carlsbadhigh
cartoondollz - Cartoon Dollz
catcup - C A T C U P
ceruleandev - Cerulean Studios -- Trillian Developers
chalupabanana - Chalupa and Banana
charmedp3 - P3 RPG
chas3rs_world - Chase's World
chat_kids - chat kids
chat_party_club - *-Terri's Chat Party Club-*
chatlogs - Chat Logs
chatroomrulz - chatroomrulz
chatterboxes - Chat All Day, Chat All Night
chill_0ut - Pull up a chair, we're all friends here!
chongwa_gurls - chong wa gurls
city_of_angels - .City of Angels.
claim_a_punk - Claim A Punk!
claim_an_oat - claim_an_oat
claims_in_anime - Claims_In_Anime
cleegirls - Cleegirls!
cocoapepper - Sonam & Shagun
computer_help - Ctrl-Alt-Delete
copyrightness - © 'NESS!!
cowtown_redux - cowtown_redux
cult_of_josh - Fanclub For Josh
cvshell - The Anti CVS Community
cw_kellystreet - The Carnivorous Wardrobe : Harry Potter RPG
cw_owlery - Cw_Owlery
cw_valentine - Valentine Ball
da_c0usinz - Cousin Andi
daily_haz - Conversational Insanity
damngirl - The Damn Girl
deathdo_uspart - Rose
degenerate_rpg - Degenerate RPG
deluxedesigns - deluxedesigns
devotchkas - Le Sik
dezire_krew - *.·Ðèsìrè Krëw·.*
difrenticons - DIFRENT ICONS
diggnduch - DIGG n Duch
dojo_of_1337 - Are j00 1337 en0uhg??!?!?!?!/1/1/3/1
dontbuyusfood - Don't Buy Us Food
dorks_inc - Dorks Incorporated
dovecollege - Arthur G. Dove College of Arts & Humanities
dumbassoftheday - Webbitch and Friends Dumbass Post
eaturheart_out - Eat. Your. Heart. Out.
electronic_love - electronic_love
elitechicks - Elite Chick
elohel - elohel
emotaco - emo tacos anonymous
emotionalmusic - emotionalmusic
emu_experience - The Emu Experience
eufun - eufun
everything_ - everything
explaintome - I don't understand!
expose_idiocy - expose_idiocy
fadetoblackslj - Freaks and Geeks
faesisters - Fae - Stargirl - Caterpiller
fandumb - Fandumb
fanfictions - fanfictions
fantards - Annoying Fans
forhirex - Cult o' X
free_ic0ns - Icons & Banners Inc.
freedum_mafia - We Claim whatever we want
frickinawesome - boo hoo hoo
friends - My Friend
fun_aim_quotes - fun_aim_quotes
funnyaimconvos - funny shiot
gayandstraight - Gay And Straight Community For All
gaycams - GayCams
geek_furs - geek_furs
genesisrebirth - Genesis RPG
get_friends - Make friend's here
girl_friends - *Girls of LiveJournal*
girl_vent - you_cant_poop_on_us!
girladvice - Girl Advice
greekorgeek - Dr. Alex Taylor Wolf
grrlskissgrrls - grrlz <3 grrlz <3 grrlz
gryphonguild - The Gryphon Guild
hahayousaidwhat - !
hairygenitalia - Your hairy parts!
heathersfanclub - Fan Club
helenafanclub - The Helena Martin Fan Club
helpmesaveme - Mr. Helper
holy_children - Cornelia Loves You
honey_spider - Twin Sporks of Justice!
hook_it_up - The Dating and Finding New People Place!
hot_elite_geeks - hot_elite_geeks
hoxfordonline - Hoxford Online
i_am_rad - The raddest.
i_hurt - Need someone to talk to?
i_luv_lj - for girls who LOVE livejournal
i_r_idiot - WaNkErS R U
iaannonymous - Internet Addicts Annonymous
ib_slackers - Alvin, Simon, and Theodore
ice_n_fire - ice_n_fire
ichat_av - ichat_av
iconhelpers - live journal icons
iconimate - Animate Your Life
iconsnmore - Iconz~ more
icq_whores - ICQ Whores
icqcommunity - ICQ Community
icqhackers - IcqHackers Team
id_theft - stop impersonating us
ideal_icon - Eye Candy *!
im_addicted - The Addiction community
im_amused - We AIM To Please
im_chats - instant message chats
im_fetish - im_fetish
im_whores - messenger bandits
indiepoetry - here is my heart
individuals_ - An openly excepting community for individual souls
internet_love - Internet Relationship
internet_whores - Internet Whores
internetaddicts - Internet Addicts
internetpirates - Pirates o' tha Internet
intershards - InterShards
it_cannot_brain - it_cannot_brain
its_all_gravy - x. its all gravy .x
ja_elite - Japanese Anime Elite
jabber_im - The Open Instant Messaging System
jabber_whores - Jabber Whores
jackworship - Jack's Faithful Worshippers
jafty - JAFTY
jenandsue - The Adventures of Jen & Sue
jerikavslance - jerika vs lance
john_fest - john_fest
journaltypes - LiveJournal Classifications
justus4 - JustUs4 - a group
kaizersoze125 - Chongo's Adult Links and Pics! READ THE RULES! 18+
keeg - geek
kellystreet_ooc - kellystreet_ooc
kenpeng - Ken Peng Fan Club
kill_aim_bots - Killed_Bots
kisss_the_girl - The Sistas
kiwi_icons - kiiwii
knai - Knai Village Palace Community
knifethrowing - knifethrowing
koolkidkingdom - Kool Kid Kingdon
kornerwhores - whores of korn korner
kurvi_chix - -Because real women have curves
lazyanddistrac - lazy and so, so fucking distracted
lithiumpoptarts - ¡·•×:·.·-×('··LiThIuM«›!¡!‹»PoPtArTs··')×-·.·:ו·¡
ljgeeks - The Geeks and Freaks of LJ
ljrealworld - LJ Real World
lonelykid - emokinkids
los_angeles - Los Angeles Social Club
losers_of_lj - People who love LJ that much...
luffable - .luffiz.
lurkaholics - Lurkaholics' Community
lyricsnquotes - LYRiCSNQUOTES♥
madness_in_mich - Madness In Michigan
madphat_reviews - Phat Mad Wind Ninja REVUES!!!1!
makeafriend_uk - ~ Uk friends ~
makeapenpal_uk - ~ UK Penpals ~
malesaresnails - Dr. Christie & Dr. Lauren
matchmaker - Live Journal's Matchmaker
mbpers - must_be_civilians is too long :'(
mcdonogh_whores - we rule. and we're in the ftc.
mean_kids_blow - mean_kids_blow
meeperites - The Meeperites
messengerrpgs - Roleplayers listing community
mich_oddities - Munk Tae
militarycouples - MilitaryCouples
minigoodness - Mini Goodness
missing_kisses - Sighing Hearts... Lonely Arms...
mklj - M and K
mockfest - Fight Me
moviehighschool - moviehighschool
msn_whores - MSN Whores
musixposed - musixposed
must_be_pop - Must_Be_Pop Community
my_im_convos - Instant Message Conversations
mycollegebuddy - An Another Add Me Community But College Buddies
n3rd_p0w4h - The Nerdiest Community on Livejournal
name_the_tunes - name_the_tunes
nativeamerica - Native America
needhelpask - Need Help Ask
newbieadventure - Newbie Adventures
newfriends - A Place to Meet New Friends
nightcrawlers - I Can't Sleep and theres NOTHING to do.
nomorefatty - No More Fatty
nopretties - No Pretties
not_so_cool - The unique ones
nothin_but_logs - Nothing But Logs
ofp - jemma and sarah
oldschoolers - Oldschoolers
omgkewliez - omgkewliez
online_lover - Online Love
oriflamme - Typo Exposé
our_community - karen is a douche bag
ourfriends - Our Friends
outernet - The Outernet
pacrats - The LHS Playmakers PAC Rats
palacenerds - Your a nerd, get over it...
pam_friends - Friend's Page
peanut__gallery - The Peanut Gallery
pee_of_stream - pee_of_stream
people_are_dumb - You.. IDIOT!
perfection_mode - Perfection
phone_adiction - phone_addiction
pick_yer_poison - Not another claim community
pickupline - pickupline
planet_denis - The Denis/Bramley Friendship Society
pointless_kids - ♥Ťħø§ę Ķịđş♪
poor_emo_kid - poor emo kid
premade_layouts - request your layouts here :)
prithee - as you like it
prudes - prude
ps4l_ - *the porn stars*
psycho_bananas - Bananas
punksdoitbest - punks do it BEST
quitsmokinghelp - Support from your fellow LJsters
quizes - - quizes
quotables - Quotable Quotes
rambo_must_die - Shay and Kimmeh
random_aim - AIM randomness to the MAX
random_ness - 325ter gdfhtrweqgtfddg gfdfssg f
randomboredness - RandomBoredness
rants_ - rants_
ratemyjournal - [ Rate My Journal ]
rawk_ass - *Rawk....Like Whoa*
relashio - Relashio - Harry Potter RPG
remoted - Remoted: AIM Away/Idle Message Archive
rhs_shrink_ward - rhs_shrink_ward
rhymeswithshake - Rhymes With Shake
ridikkulus - Sisters
robbing_molko - Robbing Molko
roleplay - Fantasy Roleplay
rosevillehigh - Roseville High School
salidadelsol - Eileen & Jeff
sarah_kamiya - The Digi-Place Message Board
say_wut - SHE SAID WHAT?!?! *** OMG ***
say_yes - millionth relationship forum
screennamexcore - screennamexcore
seanraines_fan - Sean Raines Fans
send_me_songs - Looking for some new rawkin' songs? Check here!
sexism - _Girls & Boys _ : daTiNg *
sexkittens_rawr - sexkittens_rawr
shardsofarda - Shards Of Arda
shastaroman - Stoopid
shibbyness - shibbyness
shire_pride - The Shirelings
shot_aim - shot fucks
sidekickjunkies - The Community for Sidekick Addicts!
silent_tearz - Liz
sim_icq - Simple Instant Messenger
sinfulfantasies - Sinful fantasies The RPG
skateboard_this - go skate
skin_my_lj - Skin_My_LJ
slow_as_hell - Slow As Hell Writers
smarter_child - SmarterChild
smartererchild - Smarterer Children
smuttysmutsmut - The Online Slumber Party
so_inscrutable - What's in a name?
sockolina - @ $0ck princ3ss
southflcomunity - South Florida Community
soyours - theres your girlfriend
spare - stupid kid
squirrelnutkin - Cute Things
starjunks - !! the four infamous hoez !!
still_chatting - reavers won't get us!
stopthedrama - . . Stop the Drama . .
streetpirates - streetpirates
strippedified - The Justified-Stripped Summer tour RPG
stupidims - Stupid IMs
stupidsurveys - Junk pile!
teeyaattwo - We Love Teeya
tehincessantone - Unrestricted and in Highschool
tempwhores - One Day Assignments
the_airpocket - airpocket crew
the_blue_crayon - The Blue Crayon Brigade
the_claim_game - The Claiming Spot
the_dark - Nocturnal Mammals...
the_hsu_crew - The HSU Crew
the_piss_crew - The Piss Crew
the_swap_meat - we are the unfashionably online.
thebonfireboard - THAT'S YOUTH.. THAT'S ALL!! THAT'S ALL!!
thelindsays - The Lindsays (spelled with an A and not with an E)
themonarchy - Post IM convos!
thepinkflamingo - Sex Friends
thepityparty - The Pity Party
thosedamnims - That Damn IM Club
thousandmiles - 3500 Miles Closer to Home
tklj - t and k
tokani - Sakeolay
tt_aim - Tinsel Town AIM
tunapride - tuna sistahs
two_states - two state(ment)s community
typicalteen - Typical Teen
uberrad - uber rad
uberstupid - Uber Stupid online stupidity awards
ucla - University of California, Los Angeles
un_perfected - un_perfected
under_siege - Under Siege-- Malicious Intent
undies_club - undies_club
urinesecure - urinesecure
usmcgirlfriends - USMC Girlfriends
utterly_random - ☆Utterly Random☆
validreceipt - crumpled up into a pocket
vapidjournal - Like, oh my GAWD
variety_core - Variety Core - vXc - Advice, Friends, Music, etc.
veryverygay - UberBitches
vickyandkara - Vix & Kix
virginsluts - virgin SLUTS // *
vwohp - VWOHP
wacommunity - Post Wh0re Syndrome
washegonians - Washingtonians and Oregonians ages 15-25 unite
we_are_funny - We're Funnier Than You!
we_belong - The Dark Carnival
we_heart_horne - Josh Luvers United!!!
weallliesowellx - I never told you I hate you but I show it so well
weblosers - quips 'n' qualms
whimsically - Whimsically members
whores_r_us - whore
withinadream - Within A Dream Community
wittyrepartee - Witty Repartee
wltownies - if you have nothing better to do
wordofmouth - Word of Mouth.
wyckedbytch - *^*HaMpToN RoAdS pEoPle*^*
xhot_er_notx - xhot_er_notx
xxnazi_haloxx - bruises are back in style
yahoo_whores - Yahoo! Whores
yamatoxmimi - The Mimato/Yami Community
yes_were_hott - yes_were_hott
you_so_want_me - You Want Me. Admit It.
yours_mine_ours - Friends
ysild - :: insert crappy stuff here ::
Interested users
The following users are interested in aim. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches: