[09 Jun 2003|05:36am] |
my journal heroin_lust is finaly made. so i am deleting this one. if you still want me on your friends list, change it to heroin_lust and add me and i'll add you back.
i fucking hate you fucking piss off and die fucking cunt |
[01 Jun 2003|08:37am] |
[ |
mood |
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goth |
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music |
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the cure- love song (on repeat) |
] |
i ant take it here anymore...wanna run far far away...i dont have a brighter day to look for...i dont see anything but grey and shadow....cant see throught tears that fall like the noise i hear everynight begging for you to come back...i acnt get back into place i dont have a place to be....whats the point in having a you without me....painful reflection in the glass i look and see....pain in the eyes filled with tears...a vision of the future..........bleak........too far things slip frpm my grasp........i'm letting myself fall apart.
oh fuck! |
[25 May 2003|10:25am] |
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mood |
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anxious |
] |
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music |
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virgin prunes |
] |
today is my birthday...i am 18! weee. i have already recieved a call notifying me that my friend has gotten me shrooms and a bottle of 151 not to mention lots of pot.so yeah. it's going to be a fun day! and i get to go to applebee's. and i got a job yesterday! woo! and, and....oh god....*smiles thinking of shrooms*
heroin_lust |
[12 May 2003|11:24am] |
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mood |
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sleepy |
] |
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music |
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i wanna a 40...... |
] |
uh, this name of my live journal is real gay, so i'm going to change my thingy and make myself a new journal. i'll put everyone on there that's on my list right now, so don't worry, but, if you wanna update your thingy, i'm prolly going to make it under the name heroin_lust. actually i KNOW i am. so just ......do whatever necessary i guess. goodbye
uh...... |
[09 May 2003|11:35am] |
i thought that a global threat and clit 45 is going to be in CLEVELAND on the 21rts, see, i thought it was the 23rd......oph well
you can dance if you want to |
[09 May 2003|10:00am] |
[ |
mood |
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cold |
] |
[ |
music |
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........... |
] |
i'm in school. |
[05 May 2003|01:24pm] |
[ |
mood |
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tired |
] |
[ |
music |
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school |
] |
god this place is boring. umm, there is nothing to do. and i just got ripped off for a j! $6 (for conveinience) and it wasn't even a full gram. how gay. but whatever. i'll only be mad if it don't ge me high. school sux! i wonder wut damian is doing.......i should go call him. well fuck, goodbye
i like gg ................ |
[04 May 2003|12:26pm] |
[ |
mood |
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amused |
] |
[ |
music |
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cyndi lauper |
] |
well, i am sitting here waiting for my laundry to get done. then i'm going to go to damians. so j.d, if you read this before you guys come here, i'll be at damians so just go there. fuck, there was something, i think a word i coudn't say or something........what was it again, oh yeah, BRANDON. well i downloaded some cyndi lauper so i'm going to go burn me a c.d.
what can't i say? |
[04 May 2003|12:22pm] |
billy badass and the jackoffs (the jackoffs) |
[03 May 2003|08:08pm] |
[ |
mood |
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accomplished |
] |
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music |
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t.v. |
] |
well, went to the show last night with hailey and shirley to hang out with all night. got there and seen karla, she was drunk as fuck and ended up puking in j.d's van.but she cleaned it up so oh well. and plus hailey had an airfreshener. got really really high....drank a little rum and some 40. "the jackoffs" did good! i had to sit behind damian while they were playing and hold him up through the whole thing cuz he was drunk as hell. hahaha! and he didn't fall back so i guess i did a good job. the only gay ass thing about their set is the fact that fucking gay ass chris k kept taking the fucking mic and shit so you couldn't hear brandon "billy badass" fucking singing half the time! i would've punched him and got him away from it, but i couldn't walk out from behind damian or else he would have fallen over.no drama last night. cool! i had fun
fuck you fuck her and fuck him! |
[02 May 2003|09:33am] |
to whom ever it fucking may concern, call me a slut, call me a whore, i don't fucking care because just about half of you fucking want me anyways. so be bitches and be jealous. i could care less. infatc, i'm getting slut tattooed on my hip so say whatever you want. shit DOESN'T effect me! so bite it fukkers. been sick all week. i'm at sachool right now though. which is cool because i've only been her today and monday. going to the fishermans club tonight so any of the bitches who want to fucking fight me or want their say in my life, YOU KNOW WHERE THE FUCK I'LL BE TONIGHT! and further more, if you were ever once a prostitute in your life don't talk A FUCKING DAMN BIT OF SHIT ABOUT ME! fuck you! and you know who you all are that i'm referring to! it's not usually my trhing to put my shit all on here but i know you all read this so i know it'll be seen. ok, recap of this week. monday: went to school. it was boring. then walked from hamilton high to the east side for lack of a place to go. then went to bingo with my gramma because i'm an old woman. the only reason i went is so i could get subway. tuesaday: brandon robbie and damian came and hung out with me at my house. didn't go to school. sat around all day. wednesday: stayed at hime, hailey j.d and damian came over. we all went to my therapist together. then they took me to a doctor....damian bought me a REALLY good salad from wendys cuz i'm sick....then we all went back to my house and hung out. j.d put my hair in a mohawk....omg that was just weird...... thursday: stayed at home, hung out with hailey and j.d and damian. had a picnic on my back porch. then my favorite gay friend chris fedler came over for a bit. then got into a big fight with damian about how it's "my" fault he isn't playing the show tonigth, whatever! today: at school, going to the fishermans club......spending the night with shirley. maybe hailey will too....
well, goodbye
erotic erotic put your hands all over my body |
[30 Apr 2003|02:14pm] |
[ |
mood |
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sick |
] |
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music |
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tv |
] |
hmm...still sick i hate this! argh! hailey and j.d and damian are going to my therapist lady with me today. fun times. and i will leave you with this thought, bondage, domination and submission.
fuck fuck fuck fuck |
[29 Apr 2003|02:11pm] |
[ |
mood |
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sick |
] |
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music |
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tv |
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omg i am sick as fuck. i fucking hate this shit. being sick is fucking gay. i ogt a new purse. it's a giant see-thru strawberry with arms and legs.
ahhhhhhhhhh |
[27 Apr 2003|03:10pm] |
[ |
mood |
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fuck.... |
] |
[ |
music |
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flux of pink indians |
] |
well there could be so much that i could get on here and bitch about, but i'm not. LOTS of drama has been going on, because i fucked up reall really bad. but i'm done with it. and in my mind it's done, and i'm done with it. what happened happened, and no amount of sorrys or anything will change anything. so i'm taking j.d's advice and dropping the entire thing. lots of friends i've lost over this, but, ......i dunno, there's nothing i can say about that so i'm just not going to. it's over.
so anyways, i've been spending like all my days with damian. that kid, he's just real cool. i don't recall ever meeting someone with as much in common with me as him. cool kid that damian guy..... waiting for hailey and j.d right now. they are on their way. don't really know wut were going to do today. we always find something though. and even when we don't, it's always better to be bored with others as apposed to being bored by yourself. well, gotta fix my hair, so goodbye. oh shit, i almost forgot, i went to the subhumans friday! oh my god that show kicked ass!!!!!!!! my entire body is bruised from the pit. i have counted over 33 bruises but decided to stop at 33.....they played my favorite song though! peroxide! it woiuld have been 10 times cooler if they played cancer though. but at least they played one of the two of my favorites. i took my frinds sara nicole and chel;sae. it was nice to just go get away form all the drama for a while. that show was fucking great ! if you didn't go, you truly missed out! well now i'm REALLY done.
dude, wut the fuck!?!?! |
[24 Apr 2003|11:15pm] |
[ |
mood |
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pissed off |
] |
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music |
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nothing |
] |
well, i was going to get on here and post about how cool my day was but now i am VERY pissed off! i went to comment on my friends journal, only to find out that she took me OFF her friends list and made it to where you can only comment if your on her list.....so like i said, WTF!?!?! AMANDA, WHY AREN'T I ON YOUR LIST? SEEING AS HOW YOU TOOK ME OFF, YOU PROBABLY WON'T SEE THIS, SO, CLAY!!! WHY AREN'T I ON HER FRIENDS LIST ANYMORE? WUT THE HELL
well |
[23 Apr 2003|11:33pm] |
[ |
mood |
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distressed |
] |
[ |
music |
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filth |
] |
well, i am royaly fucked. i need $100 by tomorrow aroubd 4 p.m and theres no way i'm getting it. i need to leave....far far away. fuck. i'm pretty fucked. i need help.....lots and lots of help.
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
[22 Apr 2003|10:50pm] |
[ |
mood |
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high |
] |
[ |
music |
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97.7 |
] |
i'm vrey high right now. oh fuck...........................................................................................................i am so fucking high right now........................................................................................................holy fucking shit!!!............................................................................i hate nofx.
[21 Apr 2003|08:34pm] |
[ |
mood |
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relaxed |
] |
[ |
music |
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tv |
] |
well, hello. fuck i'm bored now. i've been staying in middleotwn at my frined brandon's house basicaly all week long. but spring break is over and now i have to go to back to school tomorrow. sittin here eatin gummie bears right now though. robbie and damian just dropped me off about half an hour ago. wonder wut to do now. i need to call my two twin friends to see if they're going to subhumans friday and if they, i wonder how they're gettin there. i am going to go buy my ticket tomorrow. i will be sooo pissed if it's already sold out. i wonder if hailey took my red ahir dye...if she didn't i'm going to go re-do my bangs. fuck madonna is on t.v gotta go
and the list us thousands long |
[15 Apr 2003|01:56pm] |
[ |
mood |
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awake |
] |
[ |
music |
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nothing at all |
] |
hey there.i'm at someone's house right now, but i'm not allowed to say who they are. (don't make any assumptions cuz you DON'T know who they are!!!!!) do anyways, i am pretty bored right now. no, now that i think of it, i'm not really. .i dunno. i want some chinese food. so j.d, if you read this before band practice, all i wanted to say is that i am goin to it today...i got nothing better to do. and my grandparents think i am with you guys so if you haven't already, then DON'T CALL MY HOUSE!!! well, that is all. i am going. goodbye. oh, p.s LIVEJOURNAL WAS A WHORE YESTERDAY! i updated like this big long post, and it didn't even go through. oh god i was so pissed off.