Monday, October 22nd, 2001
8:48 am - oops... correction.
On my Sept. 28th post I said he would be 6 months on oct.16, i meant Oct. 14th, Oct. 16th was just when he went in for his 6 month shots.
(4 comments | comment on this)
8:36 am - Happy B-Day to me
hey hey what to do you say, hey hey what to do you know, its my birthday. The big 2-0. No big plans, other than relaxing. I finally have two days off in a row. Going to Costco tomorrow, gotta get an enormous box of Huggies... those and a big bag of honey bbq buffalo wings, I'm addicted.... I wonder if they have giant sized Ben and Jerry's "cherry garcia" ... Keegan is sitting behind me clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth and watching PB&J; Otter ... He had to go get his 6 month shots the other day, he's 28 inches long now and 18.85 pounds... He's so close to getting some teeth through too. I wish it would hurry, he's being a little grumpy
(2 comments | comment on this)
Friday, September 28th, 2001
9:45 pm - I'm baaaack
I never realized I had a following on here so I'm posting... I had the baby, he's almost 6 months now, he'll be 6 months on Oct. 16 ... He's a good baby, always laughing and smiling. He can roll over now, and he likes to stand on his legs, of course he needs support. He's 19 pounds, and I'm not sure on his length. He was 9 pounds 5 ounces when he was born, and 21 3/4 inch long. I'm got my job back at Blockbuster and got promoted to manager status now. Thats all for now... I'll post again... I gotta go shower, i have to be at work by 8:30 tomorrow.
(3 comments | comment on this)
Tuesday, November 28th, 2000
5:43 pm - hello hello?
Hey, it's been quite some time since I've posted. Imagine that. I got a job, I'm an official video wench. I'm working for Blockbuster (hey you cant beat free movie rentals). The baby is more active than ever, he's constantly somersaulting and kicking, if I lift my shirt up I can watch my stomach move. I have an official name for him now, we've decided on Keegan Alexander. Not too much else other than my job happening... Oh yeah, and I'm cut down majorly on my pickle intake. I havent had a pickle in over 3 weeks... I'm starting to jones for one. Time for rehab.
current mood: bored (3 comments | comment on this)
Sunday, October 8th, 2000
12:55 pm - the one... the only...
I've made it back, I always mean to post but then I get sidetracked doing stuff... like laying down and sleeping. Today I'm sporting a Clay facial mask, I've decided pregnant women need to look good too. I've noticed alot of pregnant women let themselves go, they just toss their hair back tightly, no make-up, dressed in their beau's sweats and baggy t-shirts. I wear sweats at home but when I'm in public I still want to look nice. My beau's best friend said that alot of men find pregnant women still attractive, actually more so than women who arent... Probably because it shows a woman in her ultimate femine ways... I'm running out of books to read so I've joined a book club... well actually two because I found one that had dean koontz and sue grafton, of course most the selections were available to members only *pshaw* I now can no longer put my toes underneath the rim by the bathroom sink... I noticed a big nasty spider and who knows how many more are lurking down there waiting for me... A spider tried darting across my body pillow lastnight but I put an end to that. Daddy long legs are by far one of the creepiest, have you seen how fast they can go on their long lanky legs? They freak me out. Enough spider talk.. I'm getting the heebie geebies.
current mood: awake (comment on this)
Friday, September 29th, 2000
5:04 pm - at your request...
Since I got a request here goes.... No the pregnancy wasn't planned but that doesn't make it better or worse. I have a steady boyfriend of about 7-8 months and we plan on getting married, not right away but probably within a year or so. I decided against abortion because I can't stand the thought of killing the baby I always thought of myself as pro-choice before but I think I have to consider myself pro-life now except in circumstances such as rape, incest. I also decided I had to take responsibility for my actions. It wouldnt be right to abort just because I was being irresponsible and not taking precautions.I get annoyed with girls who get pregnant and abort again and again. While it wasnt planned, I wouldnt consider the baby an accident... more of a suprise! I dont remember if you asked my age but its 18, my boyfriend is 25.
(2 comments | comment on this)
4:59 pm - baby stuff Part 2
I got to go to my first doctors appointment today. I was able to hear the baby's heart beat and the doctor thinks I'm actually 12 weeks along instead of 10. No ultrasound but I will be able to get that done on Oct 27. By then I should be able to determine the sex of my baby, assuming the little tot will show itself off. They took like 4 viles of blood from me, I wasnt enthused.
current mood: excited (comment on this)
Tuesday, September 26th, 2000
11:00 pm - baby stuff
Well I get to go to my first doctors visit on Friday. I hope I get an ultra-sound and some pictures. I think I'm now about 9-10 weeks so as I look into my "the first 9 months booklet" I know that my baby is now officially considered a "Fetus" Everything is now present that will be found in a fully developed adult. The heart has been beating more than a month, the stomach produces digestive juices and the kidneys function. 40 muscle sets begin to operate in conjunction with the nervous system. The fetus' body responds to touch, although I wont feel movement until the 4th or 5th month. At week 9 fingerprints are evident and the fetus will curve its fingers around an object placed in the palm of its hand. Week 10 the fetus can squint, swallow and wrinkle its forehead. Why can I picture my baby squinting it's eyes and scowling? Kind of on the weird side, coming up on week 11 the baby will start to urinate. I think that is kind of rude, you should ask someone before you just go urinating inside them.
current mood: amused current music: the voices singing in my head (1 comment | comment on this)
Thursday, September 21st, 2000
5:42 pm - resurfacing
I almost forgot I had this journal. Not much new with me. I got a due date for my baby... Tax day of all days (april 15th in case some people are rushing to their calendars). I'm disappointed Chickenman George got voted off the Big Brother show, I thought that phoney bitch Jamie should have been banished, she has got to be next. I was pretty happy that Brittany girl went though, she was annoying to me, ever notice she laughed after EVERYTHING she said? It is like... "hi (giggle) I'm brittany (giggle) I think everything I say is funny (giggle) I want everyone to like me (giggle) I'm so obnoxious (giggle)" ... Anyway.. I've moved from Dean Koontz to this Sue Grafton lady she's got a whole P.I. series that corresponds to the alphabet and they are pretty good. Different change from Koontz but all the Koontz was giving me nightmares. I hope it snows this year, that would be pretty cool, I want to go make snowangels and throw snowballs at the neighbors. I just got a new air mattress so its time to start pumping it up
current mood: mellow current music: Esthero (comment on this)
Tuesday, August 29th, 2000
5:23 pm - aah the power of orange juice
Well it seems yesterday went well, although I'm not going to claim it was because of orange juice. I've decided to conduct a 1 week experiment on "The power of orange juice". I couldn't seem to stomach Orange Juice this morning, citric acid wasn't agreeing with me so I opted for Tang instead (out of a Pooh cup which I like to refer to that drink as "Pooh Tang" (har har get it?) ) It seems today went rather well too. Gosh... I would really love some wendy's fries with a frosty... even better the fries dipped in the frosty. I'm really disturbed the graphic drug commercials on TV. They've moved from eggs in a pan, to a photo of a guy tied off and OD'd from heroin. I think they are going a bit far, I think they should just take pictures of the people hanging out on Burnside and that is enough to stray me.
current mood: tired (comment on this)
Monday, August 28th, 2000
9:30 am - I feel like a commercial
Ever wake up and have that hazy "I feel like I'm in a commercial feeling?" I feel that way today. I've been tossing and turning since 7:30 this morning and I just couldnt motivate myself to get out of bed, so I went to the fridge and poured myself a glass of OJ, and to my suprise just moments later I was feeling awake and chipper. All I could think about was that Orange Juice commercial where it talks about "You have only a few minutes to start the day out right" and it implies if you drink orange juice you will have a good day. So far so good. I'll update this amazing discovery later. We will see if the power of OJ is enough to keep me smiling on a bus ride to Oregon City...at least I finally got batteries for my disc-man to block a lot of the weirdo bullshit out.
current mood: chipper current music: the hum of the computer (comment on this)
Saturday, August 26th, 2000
4:35 pm - Yeah Yeah
Okay, I figured I should post *SOMETHING*. I got a little frustrated creating this damned thing, it wouldn't save anything in my profile so I got frustrated the first day and gave up. I'm not promising anything interesting, anything cool, just me... so you should all feel pretty special I'm including you all in my life. I can't keep this post going because well, I have nothing to say and you can only stretch this out so far... Until Next time...
current mood: high current music: Watching the "All in the Family" marathon. (1 comment | comment on this)