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Below is information about the "anime convention goers" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:animecon (44927)  
Name:anime convention goers
Location:United States
About:Anime expos, cons, and all those other things that give you a reason to spend more money, and dress up as your favorite character.

Please post things that relate to anime conventions. If you would like to promote a web-comic, anime series, movie, video-game, etc... you may do so only by providing information about a convention you will be at (the movie will be playing at, or where you saw it, and what you thought). Generic cross-posted-to-every-community type entries will be deleted if not relevant.
Interests:11: anime, anime cons, anime conventions, anime expo, ax, conventions, cosplay, fanime, jpop, jrock, manga. [Modify yours]
Members:187: _asianguy_, acenaspheru, aelfthone, akihikio, akina_tsukana, amethyst_faery, angel_cosmos, angelachibayuy, angelbelial, anime_girl, animeamiee, anjel_kitty, antipeople, arecii, arsichan413, assassingalaxia, astareal, atchan, avail, bakatenshi, battousai, canasian, cassandramorgan, cewong2, cliofish, cmorrigu, colliesux, confidential, cosmicscorpio, costumeplay, cremlian, crimson_misfit, crymsin_kiss, cyberman0, dafny, dahlia_, darkhorse768, darkqueenakasha, death_messiah, deathsayspeachy, dercesthai, dezteny, disturbedchaos, djtouji, dragonacid16, dvlf, eclipso13, eigomangaintern, ekkusu_no_aya, enginoshouzoku, esca_utena24601, faeriepwincess, ferio, fig_the_mighty, finchan, fleurimperatrix, flogg, fluffyferret, forbiddenangel, forrandyent, friday_friday, geckoman, girl4glasgow, gloriajn, godai, goodtimecharlie, gothicangel_grl, greenwoodrosie, gurgie, hatefulsarang, hazelchaz, hikaru_jan, hikaruchan, hotnsexynj, hystericblue42, inagaki_goro, innocentecchi, islandergirlro, izzyb, jackyra, jaddziadax, jadedragoon, jbruskii, jesusfuck, jezeroth, jing, jisatsu_to_hana, jive_magazine, kalidor, kashirakashira, katsuo_onizuka, kawaiitee19, kelliannejapan, kesteral, kikyou, kittylair, konekomimmi, kumoricon, kuroi_kaitou, kyrene, lhia, lost_lissar, lurker, magelet, malterre, megumioaks, meisekiyume, mephron, merry_rogue, midunaito_otaku, missucupcake, mistara, mixmastatiki, moop2000, newerapluto, nikitsuki, orange_symphony, oyamaanza, paperpotamus, pdelahanty, pennywhistle, phattken, plaga, pocketotaku, prettybluemana, proctologiste, proz, rabbitinthemoon, radicalfight, razor_zedge, reiverguedet, ribbon, rinkun, rowenstar, rpg_goddess, rudager, rukabun, sailorpluto247, saiura, sanban, saphyre_blue, sexydynamite, shadowkitty22, shayneko, sheepywonder, shinyachan, shofuzaki, silentreplica, skcosplay, slackersaint, soundsoft_elvy, spoonroo, stacie_chan, starlitexwish, starrbeam, supakhai, taikoubu, talim337, taste_my_blood, tasty_graffiti, technocharm, thelonew0lf, thestonedsaiyan, thetaxman, tidus, trunku, tsukinoisia, tsukiyono_omi, tylertherobot, ub0r_angel, uminomegami, urbanharpy, useless_melody, usslollipop, vanima, vdyingxsoulv, wdaii, whitefox284, willows_weep, wolfwoodglomper, xxvespertinexx, yami_jhoney, yammers, yorimichi, youshou, zane_kun, zonereyrie
Watched by:118: _asianguy_, acenaspheru, akina_tsukana, angel_cosmos, angelachibayuy, angelbelial, animeamiee, anjel_kitty, antipeople, aoshi_sama, arsichan413, assassingalaxia, avail, battousai, canasian, cassandramorgan, cat0dancer, cliofish, cmorrigu, colliesux, confidential, corn_child013, costumeplay, cremlian, crimson_misfit, cyberman0, dafny, darkhorse768, darkqueenakasha, death_messiah, dercesthai, dintch, djtouji, dragonacid16, duelfan, ebontigress, eclipso13, eigomangaintern, enginoshouzoku, faeriepwincess, fig_the_mighty, finchan, friday_friday, geckoman, gloriajn, goodtimecharlie, gothicangel_grl, greenwoodrosie, hatefulsarang, hazelchaz, hentainobaka, hikaru_jan, hikaruchan, hito_battousai, hotnsexynj, innocentecchi, jackyra, jaddziadax, jbruskii, jezeroth, jing, jisatsu_to_hana, jive_magazine, kalidor, katsuo_onizuka, kesteral, konekomimmi, kyrene, lhia, lord_darkseid, lordandrei, lost_lissar, lostghost, lurker, lynchjk, megana, megumioaks, missucupcake, mistara, moop2000, newerapluto, orange_symphony, paperpotamus, pdelahanty, pennywhistle, phattken, pocketotaku, reiverguedet, ribbon, rinkun, rowenstar, sailorpluto247, saphyre_blue, shinyachan, skcosplay, soundsoft_elvy, stacie_chan, starlitexwish, starrbeam, sugesuke_plain, talim337, taste_my_blood, tasty_graffiti, the413x, tohma2004, tsukinoisia, tylertherobot, ub0r_angel, uminomegami, usslollipop, vdyingxsoulv, wolfwoodglomper, xmissxscareallx, xxvespertinexx, yami_jhoney, yammers, youshou, zonereyrie
Member of:1: otakutribe
Account type:Free Account

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