Recent Entries
11/2/04 09:29 am - great!
just great. More people are sitting around me, but we share nothing in common. So, I may as well be sitting alone still.
9/27/04 06:46 pm - Conflict
So, I am glad to announce that Dark Ages: Fae is ready to go.
Now, do we do it second ed or WoD style character gen? The only real biggie is the target number and how combat works. What's everyone say? That and am I holding chargen here or elsewhere, next week what night ?
9/16/04 07:21 am - Harrrrr Me Harrdies!
So, Sept 19th "Talk Like a Pirate day!"
And of all you fellow landlabuers anyone feel like hitting up Long John's for it?
Got a good and clean one near me on Warner and Arizona.
Get a chance hopefully to see some that I haven't seen in a while?
yes, no, walk the plank?
9/14/04 03:54 pm
I Miss the redhead! Dinner we must! Maybe even the four of us?
9/13/04 12:50 pm - Ahhh..yes
Weekend was good. Could have been better, could have been worse.
Got the grocery shopping done, that was fun. For those that have seen me running thru the grocery store cause I want this to cook with or that.. You know what it looked like then.
Woot, and now to learn how to deal and cook with daikon radish, yes I shall serve it with fish at first. Then go from there.
-Got my hair cut, nothing big. But if it was short before, it's shorter now. And it looks good.
We rented Pitch Black, she had never seen it. It was good. She didn't react to jumpy to it. I also bought "Memories" the 3x from Murishito???
"Magnetic Rose" she ended up having some issues with, spooky. "Stink Bomb" was cute. and "Cannon Fodder" she had a bit of a problem with, I think it was the fact she kept conking out with being sleepy.
Then the kid was dropped off after a nice, slow, lazy, cuddling type of day.
He was unrestrained, unresponsive, and once again undisciplined. I so much can anow appreciate when the father's family is in town. They keep him in check, which keeps the small one disciplined.
Sigh, work's slow, sleepy, and tiredness pervaides (sp?) everyone here. I've nodded off, the guy next to me has, and a few of the girls as well.
Ooohh, yea. Almost done with the powers section of DA:Fae. I now also own Vampire:the Requiem and Exalted:Players Guide.. So, who is up for a character session either my place, or someone elses if they care to volunteer as mine is kinda out there for most that I've invited.
So, for those with an opinion. Please, speak up! Time and place????
-Otherwise, I'm thinking Weds the 22nd say 6:00-6:30 and goes till 9 or 10 at the latest. I'll post more later on the specifics. For now, know that I'm setting it in the area of 900-1050 AD. In the Balkin's so, places of interest: Wallachia, Black Forest, Alps, Turkey, Persia, Byzentium Empire...
Why yes you say in my timeline? The Ordo Dracul is in formation. The churches are still at war, (East vs West), the Turks have a good foothold and can range somewhat freely, the Mongols are making inroads. The trods are still open, but hidden even from the Mists, a simple farmer that remembers the old wive's tale, or a peasent that can sing the hymm is just as affective as the Reality warping powers of a Mage. And the 4th Crusade has yet to start.
9/7/04 06:31 pm - sigh, yes it's that time again
time for another round of the depression spirals.
You know the one. where someone in your life gets all spooked and crazy and criing and stuff. The one that lasts shorter each time, but seems to be a little more violent than normal now. Luckily, it seems that this oone is now down to 1-2 days. We shall see, can we say good byes to the spiral all together?
In other news.
The weekend was good.
Sat night, didn't go as big as I was hoping but it was cozy and comfortable and fun. Sunday, was ok. Spent a lot of time showing the girl how to relax so that her relaxing didn't stress her out.
Monday, was good. Spent way to much time at the mall for my tastes, but it was all her. Getting out of the house, getting up and about for longer than a few minutes. All without pain, without pressure. Very good very good. Took her to the Bourne Supremecy(sp?
Sucky ass camera man...
but gonna jet, meet her up now.
Peace love and 42 all
9/3/04 10:24 am - class
Finally we are doing something interesting! and bagels....
so she still isn't doing good, Dr's appointment today so we'll see.
9/1/04 08:40 am - Thoughts and time passes
So, in news recently has been issues with what nots and who's its..
Big deals, money and time. Some things that I don't really have, don't really see a need to care about, and some things that should not have been.
Then again, somethings I do care about, somethings I think should be taught, and other things I wish to see.
For instance, I wish to see my Mi-chan up and about without pain, without the illness, without the depression that has racked her body and mind for the past couple months.
First steps are already taken, it's the recovery of them that she's dealling with right now.
Other things I'm working on. Saving up for the house. It's decorations, things to sit and eat on. It's the car that I'm going to need in moving out that far. The landscaping, even though the front yard was included in the package price, somethings of value are worth putting more money into it.
New stuff of course, is that I'm almost half way thru ght Dark Ages:Fae book in earnestly reading thru it. Good fun stuff. Now to complete the table top game, get the players. I've told N, the bad hindu to get my old, his current roomie to call me as I don't have her number..Wish to personally invite her.
-As a corralary to that, I'm finding that I need a refresher guide to Baltic folktales, Byzentium beliefs and such.
-Right now, I'm thinking of setting it off into the 1000 Lakes region of Europe. Away from the old Irish/French stuff I've written of in the past. New territories, new stories...yay! If I'm right in the region, the folk tales and the history can spread of be influnced by storylines in surrounding areas.. Should be fun.
More stuff later.. gotta jet to class.
8/27/04 08:39 am - And the day goes on
So, what day is today?
It's payday..first one here, so it's a paper check, get to run to the bank and cash it asap.
It's Friday, weekends off. So, Sat Sun is looking good.
It's a day that I had to be told what day it was.
Ya see, outpatient surgery is alright. Yet for some, the aftermath of anything that cuts/pokes/slices/rips them open it is overwhelming to feel muscles, organs, and what not kneading themselves whole again.
That's sorta the case with her. I don't remember being in that much pain at all after the removal of my gall bladder. Yet this is now day two, and she can barely get up from the sofa without tears. I know, high pain tolerance, I have one, she doesn't. At least the pain meds allow her to sleep for a few hours at a time.
I'm thinking it's gonna be a 'rent a movie' type night tonight. Any suggestions for the recent rental section on a feel good, take your mind off things, non-scarey movie for the girl?
Then again, the way she acts sometimes, it may be a "get out of the house and do something while I sit here night."
8/26/04 08:47 am - An update.. I am alive!
Yes, Yes, I am alive. And kicking, and falling asleep, and all that.
So, let's see, Mi- went to in for surgery finally. It went very smooth, no issues in removing her gall bladder. She took forever to come out of recovery, kept falling back asleep. And last night was not fun folks, constantly she was triing to do things, like I don't know..reach to the upper cabinets for tea. Which she should not be doing..
No reaching, no lifting, no twisting....yatta yatta yatta..stuborn she is. So we ended up crashed out on the couch downstairs, with me waking up at every louder than normal whimper. That and she woke up hungry at like 3.30...Great, I had already packed away my laptop..heh.
Otherwise, working my way thru DA:Fae. I've written a few more ideas down, just need to expand them for the lj mage game.
Work is good still. Final week of CS training, then we get a little over a month for tech training.. I've got lots of questions...too much voodoo teching from my current point of view to be comfortable. Let's see..
Ooooo..I made a really good turkey chili last night. It's all funky looking though, the dark kidney beans vs the lighter, brighter red of the diced tomatos vs the white/offwhite of the turkey.. But with the chili powder and the cilantro it is tastey...
I'm glad she doesn't like spicey, this isn't much of a kick but it has one.. So for last night and today it's all soup and noodles for her.
Time for class
8/20/04 04:31 pm - stuff
So, didn't get to the cafe this past weekend. But I did post to the
phx_mage community. I hope to write up some more this weekend.
It sucks, I'm broke, I don't have enough for going to see "Rent". Ugh, oh wells. Next time.
This past week has been interesting to say the least. Training with techno-nots, normals, and other's of more religiously Sales orientations.
Read a bit more on Dark Ages:Fae.. Ooooo..I have ideas, many ideas.
In other news from last night, I cleared out half of the storage shed, so that we could get to the water heater which stopped working yesterday. Had some guy come out today, apparently it's needing to be replaced, as the unit has now gone and is leaking.
-Good news, we shall have hot water tonight!
So, in training, second week. People have started to drop, those that are remaining are forming into cliques and such.
Right on those same lines from high school, partiers (who talk about nothing but cars, drinking, and partiing), the race card is also coming up, the one religious nut is a loner, and then a few geeks. Oh wells.
Hmmm.... taking the kid and a friend to CC's this weekend. Planned it a few weeks ago when I was still at Compass. Should be fun, it's gonna put me really close to zero though, but payday here is next friday, and with the free coffee, I'm all set.
8/10/04 05:46 pm - sweet !
The foundation is down! Yes, we have concrete...
And the new work, is still going good.
8/9/04 05:20 pm - today
was interesting. Some faces I didn't expect to see. Such surprise s were very welcome. The company itself, we will see...
First payday is the 29th. Internet access, aim too in the breakrooms during training... Lj from there.
8/6/04 12:36 pm
phx_mage Is now beginning...
"It's so hot here, to hot. Wandering up and down the streets of downtown, or sipping latte's with the rich, there are a few that know it, know that it's too close, the heat isn't only from the sun, the desert, but from having too many people, too much of the same. Urban Sprawl it's called, it's also called the demise of imagination, the calsifiing touch of patterns that criss cross, and choke individuals down into the lowest common denominator. I know this, but now the marks know I know, and they are coming to silence "
Taken from the journal of an unknown creative works author, and posted annon to several neo-academic, free speech/thought, and to some 'magic' websites or boards for the local area.
So, this is it. Using LJ as one of those boards, we can start up a game premise. Your characters do not need to know each other in person. They may, but they really only know that this is a trusted community, that each one of you were referred and spoken for by a person that is known in real life. As this is the electronic age, please no 100 year olds, no die hard traditionalists (that wouldn't use a peice of the technocracy). Sorcerors or full blown Mages are available, anyone with a reason to be living or studiing in the Greater Phx area.
As for characters, Mage/Sorceror, of a workable mindset and paradgm.
Yes, I cannot stress the importance of having a workable paradgm. As such, in your write ups I would like a few paragraphs for background, one or two for the paradgm, then what ever format of character sheet we decide on. I'm still open for suggestions, larp or TT?
Then for the community info I would like a few lines, something to post publically about your online handle.
This is going to be quite the experiement. Everything but clarification should happen here. Collaboration with other players can happen in email, but needs to be summed up here, either thru ooc or ic setups. I shall setup filters for each player/group of players that forms so that specific IC info is known to them, while others pursue their own agendas and ways of doing things, with their info.
Please feel free to be verbose, elaborative, and most of all creative in your scenes and happenstance. But keep it to the 'real', as in the real of the gothic-punk dredge of Phoenix in the World of Darkness.
7/29/04 05:47 pm
Bet you practice Wicca or Paganism or possibly more liberal Christianity. You probably love Dead Can Dance, anything ethereal, and might be vegetarian. You probably also like to hug people.
What kind of goth are you?
Created by ptocheia
7/16/04 05:33 pm - schedual
Mon,Tues: 9am-6pm
Interview 1:?
Interview 2:?
We, will see... about those last two.
Thus, Fri 9-6 again
Sat: 7-3 ... ugh.
7/16/04 03:14 pm - hmmm, from mikeburns2002
If you and I were alone in a room right now, what would we be doing?
(Now post this in YOUR LJ, and see what people wanna do with you...)
And Just to make it more interesting... I've activated anonymous posting.
7/3/04 11:02 am - Changes
Alright, it seems my horoscope is once again just that little bit off that turns if from interesting insight to humorous comment.
"Whether you're aware of it or not, you're organizing your subconscious thoughts carefully and meticulously. Soon, you'll be ready to make some rapid-fire changes. Prepare yourself."
You see, I saw that while going thru and re-organizing my resume, at the same time, I was once again setting up new screennames for some im protocals.
Anyone wanna say 'hi' or just relist me as wiht all the various computer changes, hdd changes, etc, etc, I can definately say I'm never getting those old lists back.
and at y!or hotmail it's still ngtmagicks...
Yuppers, so I won't be attending summer classes this term I don't even have the money yet to cover finishing my dentures. So in the mean time I can still eat steak at a resturant without butchering it up into little swallow sized cubes. It's a trade off..ugh.
6/29/04 03:55 pm - Testing, 1.2.3
Ok, I know, I know.
I haven't posted anything of thought in like forever.
I now have Logjam on my work computer, one of the few things that seems to work I think.
( So, that's gonna change. )
6/22/04 04:43 pm - more meme's sorry